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1  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Never gamble in front of your kids. on: October 05, 2023, 12:45:40 PM
And when they see their parents gambling, they will come closer and want to know what gambling is like. Moreover, if they have money on the gambling table, they will ask, which may make them even more curious to try it later with their friends. I can't imagine if these underage children were gambling with their friends. And even if it is a small bet, they don't deserve to do it because they can become addicted. After all, they will find that gambling is fun, especially if they can take home some money. You must be careful, especially if they ask their parents for more money. Parents must always pay attention to their children and provide understanding so they do not take the wrong path.

This shows that you dont have kids, or dont pay much attention what they do during free time. You see the situation from adults point of view, but kids (I mean like real kids, not teenagers) dont care much about money. They have parents to solve all that "money moments". So when the kids see money on the table, first they get excited if there is a lot, but often quickly lose interest to it. You know, the kids rarely measure things different than adults. They rarely use "money" to measure things. When they see something, it is big, small, shiny, tasty, red, heavy and etc. They dont measure things as "that cost 9.99", "this is 100 bucks", "wow that cost like 3 my monthly salaries", "this car cost a million".
not everything is like what you describe. More precisely, every human being, even small children, have different interests. A small example of children knowing the value of a currency is when a child prefers to buy two of the same food because the pleasure they get can be enjoyed for longer. From there children get to know the basic value of currency, initially asking for 1 dollar which can only buy one ice cream. Cream then asks for 2 dollars because they know with those two dollars they can get two ice creams at once.

So, from there the children started not wanting to accept less pocket money than usual. especially if the two dollars can be doubled by just playing guessing games.
2  Local / Topik Lainnya / Re: Apakah Anda merasa bahagia on: October 04, 2023, 02:34:41 PM
Jujur saya merasa bahagia karena bisa berinvestasi di crypto karena seperti yang kita ketahui kalau pemerintah kita mengijinkan masyarakatnya untuk berinvestasi di bitcoin dan crypto, dan saya ingin tahu apakah anda juga bahagia karena pemerintah kita mengijinkan masyarakatnya untuk berinvestasi di bitcoin dan crypto?

Saya ingin mendengar komentar anda teman teman?

Jujur saya tidak terlalu paham dengan konsep bahagia yang anda maksudkan. Jika hanya dengan "investasi bitcoin" orang menjadi bahagia, saya belum menemukan kolerasinya, soalnya biasanya orang akan bahagia ketika mendapatkan uang, makan enak, mendapat istri cantik, mendaptakan hadiah, dan lainnya. Jadi kalo hanya berinvestasi di bitcoin, bagi saya tidak membahagiakan tetapi jika saya mendapatkan profit besar dari investasi saya pada bitcoin, itu baru saya pasti bahagia
saya sepakat dengan apa yang anda sampaikan mengenai definisi kebahagiaan yang dimaksud. tapi juga menurut saya pribadi, profit yang anda dapatkan bukan berarti menghasilkan rasa bahagia, tetapi lebih kepada rasa senang.

konteks bahagia yang saya pahami lebih luas dan abstrak, bukan sekedar regulasi pemerintahan yang mengizinkan kita untuk bisa berinvestasi bitcoin atau crypto, juga bukan tentang profit yang dihasilkan daripada berinvestasi. jujur saya awalnya senang ada postingan yang bertanya perihal kebahagiaan, ternyata kebahagiaan disini diartikan lebih sempit dan spesifik pada investasi, bitcoin, crypto, regulasi, legal-ilegal, pemerintah.
3  Economy / Economics / Re: Ideas without action: An overview of a successful entrepreneur and a dreamer. on: October 04, 2023, 02:07:47 PM
👉👉Laziness and procrastination
Laziness and procastination may work together to kill ones dream. Some aren't too lazy to work on their idea but just that they keep delaying things by proponing the development of their ideas till tomorrow. They always say"I will start it tomorrow" but their tomorrow never ends. Always remember someone may has same idea you have in mind. Being early to enter the market before the person can be an added advantage for you.

👉👉Sharing ideas with Idea Killers
Idea Killers can be anyone. It can be your close friend, family or neighbour. Telling them your ideas may easily kill your dream. They easily give you hundreds of reasons why the idea may not work and this may therefore kill the idea in you.
Laziness is a habit, this can be said to be a bad disease for warriors. this makes a fighter turn into a dreamer. What's more, if you add the habit of procrastinating, this is a very suitable combination for a fighter to become a loser who only talks big and empty.

talking big by telling stories or sharing your thoughts and ideas with your colleagues will make your ideas die, regardless of the reasons given to you, so that you will become pessimistic and just hoard your dreams. There is also an old saying that explains about sharing ideas with other people which says "if you have a wish, don't tell it to anyone. The more you tell it, the greater the chance of failure."
Procrastination is deadly, it's one to avoid as a serious person, if that masters your body system, to do even a simple task will be like a load of laundry you want to do with hands, you will miss many of opportunities because you refuse to take them and those that are successful today never give procrastination a welcome hug in their life.
Yes, that's the danger of procrastinating, even trivial things will become big and confusing. like the words "little by little, over time it becomes a hill" is not a positive thing if it has the connotation of the habit of procrastinating, the longer you put off ideas, the greater your ideas and opportunities will be used by other people or even stolen because you tell them more often. your idea rather than implementing it
4  Local / Topik Lainnya / Re: Pecandu kopi mencari inpirasi on: October 02, 2023, 05:57:59 PM
Jika bicara kopi, pasti kita langsung teringat dengan kata "senja" dan kawanannya. ini juga penting sekali untuk dibahas, kenapa harus senja? padahal kopi ini nikmat untuk diminum kapanpun dan diamanapun. bahkan ada di satu postingan dalam media sosial saya melihat ada yang sedang ngopi di dalam wc sambil hajatan. mungkin bagi kita tampak menjijikan, namun bagi beberapa orang itu adalah suatu kenikmatan tersendiri.

Senja senji yang pernah trend pada masanya begitu melekat dengan kopi hari ini. saya pernah tidak ingin ngopi lagi untuk beberapa menit atau jam, karena saya sudah muak dengan stigma kopi, senja, gondrong adalah sebuah keniscayaan. padahal, tidak semua gondrong dan kopi itu pasti senja. ada yang dangdut, metal, kpop, atau bahkan jpop.

Ngomong-ngomong apakah saya ada kawan disini, gondrong wota?
5  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Too much pressure on the male child on: October 02, 2023, 05:36:57 PM

The male child without money is not useless, they also deserve to live without being pressured!
about the pressure you talk about, maybe not all pressure has a bad effect, but very often men grow up tough through heavy pressure. this happens in every family, boys who grow up with enough will be mentally weaker than those who are full of struggles in life.

not that it weakens, but this is enough to make me concerned. the article today is quite a lot of talk about equality which in my opinion will weaken the nature of a man. it's okay for a boy not to think too much and put too much pressure on himself just because of the talk and stigmas of his environment, but that doesn't mean that men should be pampered or reduced pressure, because in this case I understand that the pressure given by the environment is a responsibility. so it's only natural that boys are always required to be able to do this and that.
6  Local / Topik Lainnya / Re: [Diskusi] - Semua Tentang Ibu Kota Negara (IKN) Indonesia on: September 30, 2023, 05:31:51 PM
Apa yang bisa didiskusikan di Thread Ini?

Tidak ada batasan apa yang akan didisuksikan bisa mencakup:
- Pengerjaan IKN
- Pemerintahan di IKN
- Potensi ekonomi pasca pemindahan ke IKN
- Potensi keberhasilan pemindahan ke IKN
- Lowongan kerja di IKN
- Dan apapun yang ada di IKN, mungkin member sini ada yang akan menjadi penduduk di IKN, atau yang sudah pasti akan pindah ke IKN. Bebas saja, jadi kita bisa memantau perkembangan kawasan IKN di thread ini. Siapa tahu bisa menjadi thread jangka panjang dan menjadi one stop thread untuk IKN hingga kapan pun.  Wink
- Yang penting tidak OOT

entah pernah terlintas dibenak kita atau belum. perihal IKN ini yang saya hawatirkan itu perihal pertumbuhan koruptor proyek yang besar besaran. salah satu penyebab kegelisahan ini ialah pada saat ramai ramainya pendemo medemokan harga minyak sawit dan PPN naik 1%, para dewan perwakilan kita semua malah sedang menolak habis habisan RUU-KPK tentang perampasan aset koruptor. mungkin saat itu saya pribadi sebagai orang yang ikut terjun kejalan untuk demonstrasi tidak bisa melakukan apapun selain mengikuti arahan dan narasi awal yang sudah di sesuaikan dengan isu nasional, yaitu tentang minyak dan PPN.

sempat saya berdebat pada malam hari sebelum turun kejalan dengan para orator demonstrasi besok hari. mereka juga terus menolak untuk mengganti narasi dari minyak ke RUU-KPK ini dengan alasan tidak sesuai isu nasional. padal pandangan saya pribadi, ketika RUU ini berhasil disahkan, nanti ketika IKN sudah mulai pembangunannya (saat itu belum mulai) maka para koruptor akan lebih hati hati dalam bermain anggaran. ini juga akan berdampak positif untuk para mafia migas dan perpajakan, kenapa? ya karena dalam RUU itu disebutkan bahwasannya para koruptor akan di miskinkan, bukan hanya sekedar harta hasil korupsinya saja, tetapi harta hasil kerja kerasnya yang halal (mungkin) pun akan di kuras.

sangat disayangkan memang para demonstran pada saat itu lebih membela "rakyat" ketimbang negaranya sendiri. atau mungkin mereka saat itu sedang mendukung para pengusaha agar PPN tidak di naikan, karena 1% bagi pengusaha yang penghasilannya lebih dari 1M akan tercekik ketimbang "rakyat" yang membeli minum di online atau caffe dengan harga 10.000 menjadi 11.000. entahlah
7  Economy / Economics / Re: Early Retirement [Pros and Cons] on: September 30, 2023, 04:51:38 PM
.. he retired early (at the age of around 35 years) now he is around 45 years old but there is an illness he is suffering from and he has to get proper treatment which quite expensive, so he sold some of his valuables and also withdrew his investment in shares.

as long as you can still make money, don't even think about retiring early, I know early retirement is everyone's dream but who knows what will happen next, you have to maintain your grades and productivity so that you stay healthy and respected by people.

Retirement is never in my mind with the current economic woes in our country and inflation and the value of our currency going down pensioners are losing their pensions worth and besides the body will become weaker when it stops doing what it used to do for so many years, it's ok to take a short vacation or rest but we should always find ways to make money and get the body to work.
The mind and the body will suffer from boredom due to inactivity and it happens when you retire from work I've seen senior citizens still working because they don't want to procrastinate, which will harm their well-being.
Our time to retire will come when it's time for us to go into this world.
Maybe this will provide a little enlightenment regarding finances in retirement and when you become a worker. In the case of workers, very few employees are able to reach a stable standard of living, not because salaries are inadequate but because wages are stagnant. Indeed, in some cases these employees are able to metamorphose in the world of work, namely being promoted, but there are also quite a few employees who are stagnant in their positions in their offices. This is something you can think about again when you want to make the decision to retire early.

From the little experience I got, some employees set aside their salaries to save and invest in property or as capital to build a business. All of them that I met had the reason that if they had an investment or a business that was starting to run well, they would take early retirement to be able to focus more on developing their business. in this way they will not continue to be employees, but will turn into bosses. Yes, although quite a few also experience ups and downs along the way, this is a normal thing in the business world.
8  Other / Off-topic / Re: Is sex education bad on a child? on: September 29, 2023, 05:49:25 PM
So we are in a modern world where things are fast changing. What do you think? Is good to teach your children sex education or thy should be allow to grow on their terms? Is sex education good for a child?
a little confusing indeed. On the one hand, sex education at an early age is considered important, but on the other hand, sex education can also form a bad personality. Maybe these children who are being taught about sex education can take it seriously and there are also jokes, but what is feared is that these children are caught actually having perverted brains by hiding it with their funny and cute faces.

Your experiences as a child must have varied regarding things related to sex. there are those who receive it with disgust and there are also those who receive it with extraordinary curiosity. and feared it would be brutal on their heads.
9  Economy / Economics / Re: Is academic pursues enough to get incomes? on: September 29, 2023, 05:26:42 PM

Most people who go for more degrees believe they can get better job at the end of the day. People that only go for more degrees in a stare with high unemployment rate are they doing right thing by putting all their focus on academic because this is the only thing they can do best.
In this case, it is true that you will not be able to achieve a decent or high income just by having a diploma and degree. However, in terms of relationships in the academic field, it can always produce networks or acquaintances which can later be used as capital to enter various sectors. It's not just the diploma or title that is promising, but the social access.

Apart from that, experience in the academic field can train your mentality, communication techniques and approach, which is the main capital in finding a job that might later produce a decent salary. because it is not just a title or diploma, but skills that are possessed or honed while carrying out that education. It is not impossible that high school graduates can get maximum wages provided that the skills they have are commensurate with the work they do.

From all that, there is something promised by the campus, namely the formation of a mindset that results in the development of skills that can be used as capital.
10  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is politics everyone's business? on: September 28, 2023, 04:38:00 PM
Politics should be everyone's business.
People who tend to stay away from politics have no idea what they're doing to themselves and their country. It is through politics that every law and policy in the country is passed.
No matter how you are, the outcome of politics affects you.
During elections, some people say they're not interested in any the elections but they don't know that it is through that election that the people who will rule them be selected. Whatever that person does affects everybody in the country. The policies won't only affect people that voted.
Because I don't want to wasting my time.

Everyone will pick the best from the best, right? so whoever the winner, people already pick the best person. Since majority of people already know the best candidate, I don't have to think about it anymore and even there are some policies that make me comfortable, I will find the way to get rid from it, not trust to the president/centralization.
You can't not care at all, if your argument is about a policy that might later be born by an elected political leader but is not your choice and that policy is detrimental to you, you can't change anything other than implementing that policy. because these regulations are binding and coercive, if they are violated they will be subject to sanctions.

I'm also a little pessimistic, even if the political leader who wins is your personal choice, if he makes policies that will harm you too, then that will be difficult to oppose or even change. but there is a bit of fresh air if you are on the winning team, namely your access to policy can be easier but it also depends on when you choose that time whether you have the right relationship or not.

In looking for relationships to achieve good political relationships, you have to be political too, right? So it explains a little that politics in general is important, let alone choosing leaders.
11  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is politics everyone's business? on: September 28, 2023, 04:13:13 PM
Politics is for everyone and everyone should partake in politics because it is part of our human right. It is the duty for citizens to use elections to remove bad government and if everyone feels unconcern about partaking in politics, this means that their will be no good government and the corrupt ones will see politics as their birthright and they will oppress the ignorant. If the economy gets worst everyone will complain,why do you have to complain when you didn't stand up for your right. Politics is in human nature so we don't need to pretend as if we can do without politics.
At a glance during this discussion I was slightly reminded of what I once heard from my colleague in a light political conversation in the afternoon, he said as you described above but with another touch, namely if our country is safe without conflict and criticism while our country is democratic country, then there is something wrong with the government system. whether it is a system that has been changed a lot so that officials cannot be criticized and evaluated and has given birth to a country that is anti-criticism, or maybe it is also a case that should be the target of criticism for changes in a country that is tightly closed without being able to be sniffed at in the slightest.

So perhaps from this we can see that not only as citizens but also as an entity in a political state it is obligatory. to determine the direction of the nation and to achieve it. then from a societal perspective, it is politics in daily life, starting from dealing with commodity prices which are starting to rise through political management and so on.
12  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The role of political and religious leaders in the society. on: September 27, 2023, 07:15:34 PM

I will try to dissect the role of political and religious leaders in this matter a little according to my capacity. Firstly, I consider the role of political leadership in this case to be state officials. they have extraordinary influence in influencing the society they lead, with their policies and power they are able to create anything through their political movements with adequate access and funds. such as creating an issue that makes an epidemic worse, which causes people to be more wary of what they buy and consume, which results in increased or even decreased public health conditions due to excessive anxiety.

Another thing is the influence of religion in society, religion can be stronger than political movements in terms of group solidarity. There are many cases in this regard, some produce movements and others produce lifestyles in society.

Furthermore, everything I am trying to explain goes back to the aims and objectives that are used as a basis for politics and religion.
13  Local / Ekonomi, Politik, dan Budaya / Re: Mengapa anak muda millenial kurang menjaga budaya on: September 27, 2023, 06:48:10 PM
Anak muda millenial banyak yang tidak tau budaya disekitar, kurang perhatian yang serius terhadap kegiatan budaya. Anak muda sekarang menggap kegiatan tersebut merupakan tindakan orang tua.
Padaha sangat diharapkan kehadiran anak muda demi melestarikan kegiatan sosial.
Sebagai ujung tombak masyarakat anak muda harus ikut berpartisipasi terhadap kegiatan kebudaayaan supaya ada yang meneruskan nantinya.
Perlu kita berdiskusi untuk jangka panjang dalam melestarikna kebudayaan.
Bagaimana pendapat kawan-kawan.
Budaya yang bagaimana dulu nih?, setahu ane rata-rata anak muda sekarang, khususnya di sekitar kampung ane cukup giat berbudaya, misal ikut kesenian keroncong dan wayang kulit. Malah ada temen ane yang memang cukup familiar dengan crypto membuat wayang yang dimodifikasi dengan pakai logo bitcoin di dada bima, tidak bisa tampil sih karena tidak sesuai dengan karakter tokoh perwayangan tersebut, tapi ya menurut ane cukup unik sebagai promosi secara tidak langsung.

Budaya yang mana? kan semua budaya secara universal. satu hal yang ingin saya coba perjelas, dalam hal ini pandangan yang mungkin seharusnya kita ambil lebih luas dengan menggali suatu hal mengenai kata "mengapa", bukan berarti semua anak muda sama rata mengenai pandangannya terhadap budaya 'kan?

Saya mencoba memposisikan diri sebagai anak muda yang kebetulan juga usia millenial bahwasannya anak muda merasa sedikit malu akan budayanya sendiri karenakan di sangkut pautkan dengan hal-hal ndeso atau ketinggalan jaman. di sisi lain, apa yang di lakukan oleh kawan anda memang luar biasa keren dan patut di apresiasi karena telah membawa salah satu budaya wayang kedalam dunia cryto. tapi kembali saya tanyakan. esensi dari pada budaya yang coba kawan anda kembangkan itu apa? maaf-maaf, boleh saya katakan untuk wayang ini mungkin bisa di promosikan dengan cara modern seperti itu, namun di sisi lain, budaya juga bukan sekedar gambar, kata, atau perhiasan. tetapi, budaya itu berupa suatu hal yang dilakukan, wayang mungkin akan dikelan oleh orang lain dengan promosi digital. tapi apakah mereka tahu wayang itu apa, seperti apa, dan bagaimana?

Maka perihal budaya ini mungkin saya rasa anak muda malu akan melakukannya, bukan malu akan mempromosikannya. jika seperti ini terus kemungkinan budaya-budaya kita yang kaya ini akan selalu di klaim oleh sebrang dan menghilang perlahan.
14  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: Apa saja peraturan dan standar yang harus diikuti oleh pemula? on: September 27, 2023, 05:08:17 PM
hallo.. saya baru disini, saya ingin sekali belajar tentang forum dan bitcoin dan juga pengetahuan umum lainnya... mohon bimbingan atau arahannya.
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