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1  Local / Other languages/locations / Re: Српски (Serbian) on: April 30, 2015, 09:02:41 AM
Da, vidim da je tako nesto po sredi . . .

Zato sam i ulozio jako malo.

2  Local / Other languages/locations / Re: Српски (Serbian) on: April 29, 2015, 08:55:31 PM
Ma, jasno je to meni da se moze to desiti . . .
- a, kamata?

Mozda ja ne razumem najbolje kako taj sajt funkcionise . . .
3  Local / Other languages/locations / Re: Српски (Serbian) on: April 29, 2015, 07:45:48 PM
Drustvo, danas sam primio prvu uplatu sa BTCjam, gde sam investirao.

Investirao sam 0.06BTC, a dobio 0.059BTC . . .

Jesam li ja nesto pogresio?
Valjda bi trebalo da mi se vrati vise zbog kamate?

Ima li ko iskustva s nacinom na koji funkcionise ovaj sajt?
4  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: INVEST BITCOIN!!! on: April 26, 2015, 10:57:11 PM
I invested some small amounts of BTC in BTCjam . . .
Hopefully, It'll work out . . .
5  Local / Other languages/locations / Re: Српски (Serbian) on: April 26, 2015, 10:46:52 PM
Koristi, ili jos bolje vanitygen program.

točno to; koristiš vanitygen
pokreneš ga na kompjuteru bez pristupa internetu, dobiješ adresu i private ključ,
to spremiš, zakopaš ili zapamtiš Smiley

i onda si pošalješ sredstva na taj račun

i imaš pravi cold storage Smiley

Tako sam i uradio.
Hvala svima!
6  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: INVEST BITCOIN!!! on: April 21, 2015, 09:06:02 PM
Wow, 5 to 10 years seems like a long time . . .
I would earn a lot more than just to sit and wait for 10y to pass . . .

What is your advise for some short term investing?
7  Local / Other languages/locations / Re: Српски (Serbian) on: April 21, 2015, 05:28:59 PM
Nikako ne mogu da pokrenem sa Linuxa butovanog sa flash-a . . .

Pokusao sam da snimim .html, pa da pokrenem - nece.
Pokusao sam da otvorim adresu konektovan, pa posle da iskljucim konekciju - nece . . .

Sta da radim?
8  Local / Other languages/locations / Re: Српски (Serbian) on: April 21, 2015, 03:54:41 PM
Ovaj Tails deluje zanimljivo . . .

9  Local / Other languages/locations / Re: Српски (Serbian) on: April 20, 2015, 02:56:49 PM
Aha . . .
Sad je jasnije . . .

Znaci, bilo 1 ili 1000 adresa, sve su pojedinacne . . .

10  Local / Other languages/locations / Re: Српски (Serbian) on: April 20, 2015, 02:03:16 PM
Hvala ti druze.

Reci mi samo, kako ga koristim offline?
Samo snimim stranicu negde, pa posle otvaram?

Drugo, kakva je razlika izmedju 1, 10, 100 i 1000 adresa?
11  Local / Other languages/locations / Re: Српски (Serbian) on: April 20, 2015, 01:00:06 PM
Aha, znaci mene su stalno upucivali na light novcanike . . .
Znaci, koliko sam ja shvatio, moze se uraditi ovako:

1. Napravim butabilni flash sa Linux-om.
2. Butujem Linux sa njega.
3. Napravim novcanik pomocu Electrum-a, recimo . . .
4. Odstampam adrese eventualno na papir i bekapujem na jos koji medij.
5. Cuvam . . .

Onda, kada zelim da saljem, samo butujem ponovo, udjem u novcanik i posaljem?
12  Local / Other languages/locations / Re: Српски (Serbian) on: April 20, 2015, 11:29:42 AM
Stvari su opet postale gore od kvantne fizike . . .

Ne znam da li smo se razumeli, ali ideja je sledeca:
1. Napravim butabilni flash sa Linux-om.
2. Butujem Linux sa njega.
3. Generisem adrese u Linux okruzenju, bez internet konekcije.
4. Odstampam adrese eventualno na papir i bekapujem na jos koji medij.
5. Cuvam . . .

Kako posle placam sa toga i kako da izbegnem ove silne gigabajte sto ste mi naveli?
To mi jos niko nije pomenuo, pa sam se malo izbezumio. Toliko stvari se ovde podrazumeva, a mi pocetnici nismo upuceni u vecinu . . .

13  Local / Other languages/locations / Re: Српски (Serbian) on: April 20, 2015, 10:42:05 AM
Prociotao sam gomile tekstova i tutorijala i samo mi se jedna stvar malo ne uklapa . . .

Recimo, ako napravim butabilni flash disk sa Linuxom i na njega stavim novcanik, sve to je zamisljeno bez internet konekcije. Ali, sta kada hocu da posaljem moje BTC nekome?
Kako onda to funkcionise?
U nekom trenutku cu svakako morati da se konektujem na net i posaljem ih . . .

14  Local / Other languages/locations / Re: Српски (Serbian) on: April 20, 2015, 12:12:29 AM
koristi li ko od vas ovaj Ledger wallet?

Kako se pokazao po pitanju sigurnosti?

Nov sam, pa jos nisam odlucio kakav novcanik da napravim, jer ima dvesta hiljada opcija, a vecina ih je prekomplikovana, makar za mene kao pocetnika . . .

Pozdrav svima.
15  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: BTC investment on: April 19, 2015, 09:50:07 PM
I found Ledger wallet really easy to use, according to the online videos, at least . . .
But, do you guys find it safe?
It comes at about 50EUR, with shipping for Serbia.
That is reasonable for me to invest in a wallet . . .
16  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: BTC investment on: April 19, 2015, 05:01:28 PM
Hm . . .
Hardware wallets sound nice and simple . . .

Has anyone tried HW.1?

Trezor seems a bit pricey . . .

If you are going for hardware wallet I would not let price be the main concern.  

If you don't like trezor look at btc wallets that can use YubiKey.

The things just started being complicated again . . .

I really cannot understand the system of random generated passwords . . .
How does that thing works, when the password is random every time?!

I don't know anymore . . .

I think, I'll just go with regular Unix bootable flash disk . . .

17  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: BTC investment on: April 18, 2015, 11:03:50 PM
Hm . . .
Hardware wallets sound nice and simple . . .

Has anyone tried HW.1?

Trezor seems a bit pricey . . .
18  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: BTC investment on: April 18, 2015, 05:35:41 PM
Yes, I meant the private key . . .
Sorry. I don't know why I called it a "master" . . .

Aha, so it works like this:
I go to Bitstamp, I buy some BTC, send it to my wallet and than, when I want to sell it, I open my wallet, send my BTCs to my Bitstamp account, and than sell it over there?

Am I being correct?
19  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: BTC investment on: April 18, 2015, 05:05:29 PM
This is much clearer now.
But, I still have some concerns:
1. My public address is for receiving the BTC, but what is the master for? I presume that it's for sending/spending money. That means that if I were to sell some BTC online, I need to write it on some website somewhere . . .
Isn't that a safety issue?
2. So, I have a address. If I understood correctly, it acts as a reference to my wallet. So, physically, there is no money on my cold stored wallet? It is just connected with that address? But, the master and the wallet file that I store somewhere is like a claim for my money?

Sorry for boring you guy, but it's all very abstract to me . . .
Which is really weird since I do abstract for living . . .
20  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: BTC investment on: April 18, 2015, 10:20:56 AM
Just to be clear,
what do you mean by bigger amounts?
Depending on the market, for someone even a 1btc can be a lot of money . . .
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