Please continue. What is the connection between time and crypto?
This would
take time to explain (in addition to both
giving time as other minds strive to interpret). The etymology of crypt- is 'hidden' or 'vault.' The suffix, graphia, means 'writing.' Cryptography is literally the writing, and thus the creative mapping, of the hidden. Time is the quintessential hidden element. Even as something is elucidated and brought to light via description or sheer experience, still other things are obscured and pro-grammatically hidden by virtue of not being coded or experienced. Reality is non-simultaneously apprehended [Bucky Fuller].
This thread [pun intended] may ultimately lead to strings of semantics, as much of the quantum literature has. The bulk of quantum physics reads like excerpts from Joyce or Lewis Carroll ('quark' was
coined from Joyce's Finnegan's Wake, itself a cryptographic time-web). Our "turtles all the way down" tom foolery eventually leads to concepts like charm quarks, particle flavours, up quarks and down quarks (more binary), the Eightfold Way in physics (itself borrowed from Buddhism), and other endless arrangement of self-referential language and symbols. It's living code; its essence is language mapping smudged with the fingerprints of editors.
meaning of any of this is superimposed and collectively created. Inherently there is nothing in A-Z or 1-9, but from the patterns of arrangement and interaction with our beliefs it begets form. There is no reason why squiggles on a two-dimensional surface should "mean" anything, but collectively it does. Korzybski called this
Consider even that mining rewards are arranged such that processing power + time creates spendable value outputs, thus organizing human (and planetary, by extension) activity.
What do you mean by "mapping" how can time be "mapped"?
Just as "space" is mapped. We know that a map of Ireland is not literally Ireland. Similarly, crypto mathematics (like Borromean rings, etc. Take your pick) are not literally time, but rather refer to / signify time. From the plethora of enigmatic ciphertexts (e.g. Shugborough Inscription) to the http:host of holy scriptures on vellum, we are going about our social hive task of living/communicating/dreaming/sharing/trading, and all the while spooling
bits of history. In the mean while, it's a process of perpetual flowing through modes of novelty and obsolescence in meaning and "memescapes." Take a look at Poloniex and its near endless list of ideological and mythical constructs masquerading as money. They're more akin to social ideas and time variables. That's why so many alt coins are seen as dispensable as yesterday's newspaper.
Speaking of papers: Bob and Alice are eternal characters in crypto whitepapers. The first "law" of cryptography (and time) is that yesterday is not tomorrow. Bob is not Alice. 1 is not 0. These binary modifiers of "is" and "is not" string chromosomes + molecules that build matter and form boundaries of physical and non-physical forms. In the beginning was
the Word differentiation.
"Money" is just the ever-elusive carrot that hangs tenaciously in the future to allure our pattern-mapping minds to spring towards it, leaving in our wake eddies of temporal fossils.
Also, did you recently take any hallucinogenic compounds?
Not recently.
But they've played their role in the history of silicon valley.