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1  Economy / Exchanges / Re: eXch - instant exchange BTC / LN / XMR / LTC / ETH / ERC20 on: October 22, 2023, 07:16:56 AM
There won't be any cost impact at all.
Good to hear that.
btw are you using other third party exchanges for aggregated pool?

You've misread the whole statement. There is no part in the whole paragraph where we guarantee someone won't be able to confiscate your coins. We only guarantee a good risk-score in *our* aggregated pool.
I know you can't guarantee what happens on some other website aka exchange  Wink
Let me clarify what I wanted to say with one real life example I heard from our local board recently.
Guy was doing some trading and he was using centralized exchange for this purpose, he accepted coin from other guy on his exchange account and everything was fine in 2021, other guy received fiat money in this trade.
Centralized exchange was used in this case to avoid getting coins that are connected with some hacks, scams, etc, and nothing was wrong in 2021.
One year later in 2022 he gets a letter from authorities that those coins are coming from scam, and in 2023 (two years later) police confiscate totally different coins from this guy.
They make the rules so they can do whatever they want  Tongue

Had the same thing happen to me. It's vile.
2  Local / Market / Re: [CUMPAR] BITCOIN, ETH, XMR, BCH, etc cu CASH, ofer comision bun on: February 23, 2023, 12:18:22 AM
Astazi 29 septembrie 2023, pot cumpara crypto in orice cantitate. 0753 973 839
3  Local / Market / Re: [CUMPAR] BITCOIN, ETH, XMR, BCH, etc cu CASH, ofer comision bun on: November 01, 2021, 05:14:25 AM
Imi dai semn si rezolvam.  Smiley
4  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Aveti grija cu tranzactiile face 2 face !!!!!!!!!!! on: October 23, 2020, 10:54:42 AM
Bai fratilor aveti grija cu tranzactiile face 2 face, au inceput sa se faca multe praduieli de tip talharie sau escrocherie .
Aveti grija in principiu si cu Jedaite si Alders, sunt 2 veri care isi vand clienti la praduitori sa ii escrocheze sau sa ii talhareasca.
Cei care vor dovezi impotriva astora PM .
Multe cazuri inregistrate la Dristor Bucuresti dar si in alte localitati de asemenea .
In general traderi legit gen Jedaite si Alders te vand la praduitori pe Telegram si isi iau cota parte, asa ca degeaba mergi tu cu incredere ca nu te praduieste el, te praduiesc altii.
In momentul in care nu-ti mai convine sa faci tranzactii cu ei pe comisioane de 8-9 % bitcoinromania, iti propun sa dai la 5-6 % kraken la prieteni de ai lui, iar prietenii respectivi sunt praduitori .

Take Care

Salut, ai grija ce spui. Cine a postat acest text este un tepar sau un individ pus de catre acesta. Daca este cazul, pot vorbi cu avocata mea pentru a proba legal ce se intampla pe aici si apoi, dupa situatie, sa initiez actiuni in instanta impotriva celor ce fac manarii prin Bucuresti si apoi se dau victime.

Din informatiile pe care le am, un anume Silviu sau un individ pus de catre acest tepar a postat minciunile de mai sus. Acest Silviu i-a dat teapa unui amic si in acelasi timp, coleg de breasla, cu 20000 EUR. Personal i-as face acestui tepar multe lucruri pe care nu le pot detalia aici.

Sa o luam pas cu pas.

In primul rand, eu nu il cunosc si nu am avut nici o tangenta cu individul numit "Alders". Observ ca acesta din urma ar fi var cu mine, doar ca singurul var pe care il am este de sex feminin si nici macar nu locuieste in capitala.

Daca individul ce a postat se identifica si apoi merge cu mine la politie sa reclame ce doreste el, merg cu placere. Acesti analfabeti functionali ca domnul ce a postat, dar si ca domnul Silviu deopotriva, nici nu stiu in ce se baga pornind astfel de acuze. Eu vreau sa se ingroase situatia aceasta ca mai apoi sa ajunga acolo unde le este locul, anume la puscarie.

Nu este totusi si foarte ciudat ca doar in PM acest individ se deschide spre a dezvalui detalii? Sunt sanse mari ca in PM sa convinga pe cei care ii dau mesaj sa ii vanda BTC si apoi, evident, sa le dea teapa. De fapt, am si un print screen in care acest tepar pe care il banuiesc eu, anume Silviu, imi cerea sa ii trimit BTC sa mi-l schimbe dumnealui cu 4.5%, iar eu sa fac 1.5% profit (link mai jos)... dar asta ar fi insemnat totusi, ca ar ar fi trebuit sa am incredere intr-un tepar si totodata, sa imi maresc comisionul la 6% (comision fals pe care domnul stie el cu certitudine ca il practic). Momentan comisionul meu este mai mic de atat.

Si mai ciudat este acel Silviu despre care am vorbit mai sus, m-a intrebat pe Telegram acum ceva luni, daca am avut probleme cu nu-stiu-ce tranzactie la Dristor Budapesta. Voi posta un prinscreen in acest sens.

Ciudat este ca i-am spus ca nu, deoarece de vreun an incoace, am clienti vechi cu care ma intalnesc si in apropierea domiciliului personal, dar si in zone preferate de acestia (nu Dristor kebab, etc). Surprinzator, vad ca raspunsul meu negativ la intrebarea sa l-a luat ca pe o idee.

Hai sa facem un rezumat:

"Aveti grija in principiu si cu Jedaite si Alders, sunt 2 veri" - Singurul meu var este de fapt o verisoara, care nu locuieste in Bucuresti.

"Multe cazuri inregistrate la Dristor Bucuresti, dar si in alte localitati" - Multe cazuri, dar din acele multe cazuri nu exista nici unul care sa arate concret ceva sau orice care sa iti sustina textul. Eu fac trade-uri doar in Bucuresti.

"In general traderi legit gen Jedaite" Ori sunt tepar ori sunt legitim? Iti inteleg aluzia precedata de lipsa efortului de gandire si delasarea catre o interpretare "comuna" si nu din punct de vedere al semanticii cuvantului, ci dintr-un punct de vedere pe care il poate avea doar un individ bobinat pentru activitati infractionale. Avand astfel de exprimari denota niste registri de functionare lacunari si o interpretare eronata a lumii, lasand la o parte situatia penibila pe care vrei sa ne-o prezinti cu spranceana unui om vertical.

"In momentul in care nu-ti mai convine sa faci tranzactii cu ei pe comisioane de 8-9 % bitcoinromania". Daca as fi avut acest comision, m-as fi bucurat foarte tare. Asta pentru ca as fi facut cam dublu fata de cat castig momentan. Din nou, spui o minciuna care poate fi probata imediat de catre toti cei care au schimbat BTC cu mine. Clientii mei stiu ce comision am, iar tu, cel care vrea sa faca un exercitiu de probatoriu, ai dat gres cu absolut tot ce ai spus despre mine. Doar un SMS sau mesaj pe Whatsapp si aflai in cateva minute exact ce comision am. Am numarul de telefon sub fiecare postare si este acolo cu un motiv.

Personal cred ca ai vrut sa imi denigrezi numele si in acelasi timp reputatia, avand scopul meschin de a acapara cativa oameni carora apoi sa le tragi teapa. Pana la urma, acesta este modus operandi pe care il folosesti in activitatea ta infractionala si nu ma mira strategia ta. Incercarea ta de a face asta reprezinta totusi suma tuturor capacitatilor tale intelectuale care este de fapt un numar si acela este subunitar.

Tinere, eu cred ca este cazul sa iti vezi de tepele tale si sa cauti a visa alegorii prin alte medii, nu cel de oameni cu un minim de intelect si care din fericire, sunt in numar mare pe acest forum.
5  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Guvernul vine! ANAF si DIICOT ii urmaresc pe traderi on: February 27, 2020, 08:16:52 PM
Salut, cei care ati rulat sume din crypto prin conturi, ar fi bine sa va platiti impozitul. Daca nu, dupa 25 mai va baga la evaziune. Si e nasol.

6  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: [LIST] Free EU bank accounts that you can be opened directly online on: November 06, 2019, 06:20:35 AM
Anybody have tried their services?

It looks that they have a pretty attractive offer for a crypto-friendly dedicated IBAN account and SEPA transfers.

Sent my docs like 2 days ago, but got nothing from them yet. Website looks dead. But who knows, maybe they are legit. So far, they don't inspire any trust.
7  Economy / Services / Re: FREE/PAY BITCOIN TRANSACTION ACCELERATOR on: June 20, 2019, 06:40:05 PM
Hi, can you help me with this one?

8  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: [ANN] Mistertango - Bitcoin friendly European Bank Account + free MasterCard on: February 21, 2019, 06:11:45 AM
On January the 31st Mistertango informed me I received a SEPA transfer and asked for documents. The transfer was not processed and visible in my account. I gave them said documents and for the past 8 days I got no replies from them.

I feel very uncomfortable since it's a lot of money and I would just want to have it processed or returned to source. This is no way to play with people's money.

Idk what happened to them, but they used to be much better in the past.

I just want to get my money back. I don't care if they close my account.

Mistertango, please answer my ticket.

UPDATE: Just got my money credited to my account. All good, thanks!
9  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: [ANN] Mistertango - Bitcoin friendly European Bank Account + free MasterCard on: February 13, 2019, 06:05:15 AM
On January the 31st Mistertango informed me I received a SEPA transfer and asked for documents. The transfer was not processed and visible in my account. I gave them said documents and for the past 8 days I got no replies from them.

I feel very uncomfortable since it's a lot of money and I would just want to have it processed or returned to source. This is no way to play with people's money.

Idk what happened to them, but they used to be much better in the past.

I just want to get my money back. I don't care if they close my account.

Mistertango, please answer my ticket.
10  Local / Market / Re: [VAND] BITCOIN, ETH, XMR, BCH, LTC, etc pentru CASH, comision 1% on: February 23, 2018, 04:10:32 PM
Azi 23 februarie, pot vinde crypto monede in volum de 16700 EUR.

Telefon: 0753 973 839.

Comision: 1%.
11  Local / Market / Re: [VAND] BITCOIN, ETH, XMR, BCH, LTC, etc pentru CASH, comision 1% on: February 21, 2018, 08:55:52 AM
Azi 21 februarie, pot vinde crypto monede in volum de 24000 EUR.

Telefon: 0753 973 839.

Comision: 1%.
12  Local / Market / Re: [VAND] BITCOIN, ETH, XMR, BCH, LTC, etc pentru CASH, comision 1% on: February 19, 2018, 08:12:39 AM
Azi 19 februarie, pot vinde crypto monede in volum de 29500 EUR.

Telefon: 0753 973 839.

Comision: 1%.
13  Local / Market / [VAND] BITCOIN, ETH, XMR, BCH, LTC, etc pentru CASH, comision 1% on: February 17, 2018, 10:41:32 AM
Azi 17 februarie pot vinde crypto monede in volum de 48000 EUR.

Telefon: 0753 973 839.

Comision: 1%
14  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Coin Buddy - CryptoCurrency Alerts & Arbitrage on: January 28, 2018, 01:29:35 PM
I'd like to see an option where I can select how much money I would like to make per arbitrage opportunity. Let's say I'd like to sell BTC on Kraken for 9000 EUR and then buy on Bitstamp for 8900 EUR. I'd like to be alerted once this price gap exists between the 2 exchanges. Is that possible?
15  Economy / Exchanges / Re: [ANN] KRAKEN.COM - Exchange with USD EUR GBP JPY CAD BTC LTC XRP NMC XDG STR ETH on: January 14, 2018, 12:09:13 AM
The engine is mega fast compared to the old one. Made several orders, it's super fast. Really impressed.
16  Economy / Exchanges / Re: [ANN] KRAKEN.COM - Exchange with USD EUR GBP JPY CAD BTC LTC XRP NMC XDG STR ETH on: January 12, 2018, 06:00:10 PM
My coins have NOT moved. I trust Kraken, but yes, like most of you guys, I'm not comfortable until I can log into my account. I will wait though. Let's hope for the best and when I say this, I mean having Kraken come back online soon and have a stellar trading engine as well.
17  Economy / Exchanges / Re: [ANN] KRAKEN.COM - Exchange with USD EUR GBP JPY CAD BTC LTC XRP NMC XDG STR ETH on: January 03, 2018, 10:58:21 PM
ethereum have disappeared from my account

I am trying to make an ethereum transfer, I had been in an "initialized" state for an hour, I have canceled the order, and now I do not have any euros or ethereum. The money is not in the address I was sending.

what should I do?


PD: I sent a ticket with the same text several hours ago, I'm worried about my money

ticket issue 1242497

It will be in your account in about 30 minutes. If not, contact support. Relax, I had this happen to me before with both crypto and fiat. Rest assured, the ETH will be credited to your account soon.
18  Economy / Exchanges / Re: [ANN] KRAKEN.COM - Exchange with USD EUR GBP JPY CAD BTC LTC XRP NMC XDG STR ETH on: January 01, 2018, 10:12:14 AM
The XMR deposit addressess which disappeared, came back, but still there is no sign on the xmr I deposited. No any status, no any incoming transaction, nothing.

It is relieving anyway, that those addresses came back. It could mean, that Kraken also have seeds of the adressess, so they have not lost my xmr.

My request are #1207464 and #1211453.

Hi, ticket number 1215117.

LTC deposit not credited since yesterday. It's urgent, please help.

Do you see that the transaction has arrived and it has some status like pending. Or is it like on my account that there is no sign of the transaction?

I see the LTC deposit in the Deposit section (it says "Success" btw), including amount, transaction ID and all other info you normally see when you deposit crypto.  However, it's not yet credited to my account. It happened before with XRP and got fixed fast. Now with LTC I'm still waiting. Let's hope it gets fixed fast.
19  Economy / Exchanges / Re: [ANN] KRAKEN.COM - Exchange with USD EUR GBP JPY CAD BTC LTC XRP NMC XDG STR ETH on: January 01, 2018, 07:47:25 AM
Hi, ticket number 1215117.

LTC deposit not credited since yesterday. It's urgent, please help.
20  Economy / Exchanges / Re: [ANN] KRAKEN.COM - Exchange with USD EUR GBP JPY CAD BTC LTC XRP NMC XDG STR ETH on: December 31, 2017, 08:55:41 PM
Hello Kraken

I made two xmr deposits on Kraken 30.12.2017 and one 31.12.2017.
They have not been credited.

Here I can see that transaction have been succesful and confirmed hunreds of times.

That what makes me nervous, is that XMR deposit addresses on Kraken have disappeared, without any kind of expering period. They just disappeared. I anyway deposited on valid addresses. I have even a screencapture of them with current time.

Even more strange is, that when I now click Funding, Deposit and XMR, appears not a xmr addresses page, but a message.

This action is not available for tier level 3

Yuor current funding tier level (3) is insufficient for this functionality. Please further verify your account to increase your tier level and funding limits.

Increase funding limits

Tier 3 has no crypto deposit limits.

I am a little worried and confused of this. I have two support requests. #1207464 and #1211453

Please solve this as soon as you can.

I'm getting this as well. I also have some LTC appearing as "Success" but not yet credited to my account. I'm sure it will get fixed eventually, but waiting is not pleasant. Happy New Year!
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