Hi there. Big newb here. I've done a lot of tinkering and have been using the multipoolminer power shell script I downloaded. I got it to go through all of the benchmarks and have it going through the multialgorythm. What I'm wondering is why it has never chosen to mine Ethereum or Ethereum Classic. I have results from those benchmarks and some. The claymoreDual40, 30 and 20 are listed under type amd,nvidia but are never used to mine. Based on the profitbility cals on the front page and my limited experience mining Eth before I would expect there to be some mining time on them. I have GTX 970 on one machine and a 1070 on another machine and the same things seems to occur.
I'm wondering what I might need to tweak to really get through all the best algos.
It shows all the info on the main screen. Is the hash rate shown correct?
Maybe not?
Miner Algorithm Speed BTC/Day BTC/GH/Day Pool
----- --------- ----- ------- ---------- ----
CcminerSp Skein 284.27 MH/s 0.00099 0.00349 MiningPoolHub-DigibyteSkein
CcminerKlaust MyriadGroestl 44.01 MH/s 0.00095 0.02165 MiningPoolHub-DigibyteGroestl
EWBF0 Equihash 274.36 H/s 0.00089 3,227.26285 MiningPoolHub-Zcash
CcminerTpruvot MyriadGroestl 40.24 MH/s 0.00087 0.02165 MiningPoolHub-DigibyteGroestl
CcminerTpruvot Skein 246.40 MH/s 0.00086 0.00349 MiningPoolHub-DigibyteSkein
CcminerKlaust NeoScrypt 633.26 KH/s 0.00085 1.34859 MiningPoolHub-Feathercoin
NheqminerNvidia Equihash 256.85 H/s 0.00083 3,227.26285 MiningPoolHub-Zcash
CcminerNanashi Lyra2RE2 22.54 MH/s 0.00082 0.03620 MiningPoolHub-Vertcoin
EWBF1 Equihash 247.00 H/s 0.00080 3,227.26285 MiningPoolHub-Zcash
EWBF2 Equihash 240.00 H/s 0.00077 3,227.26285 MiningPoolHub-Zcash
CcminerTpruvot Lyra2RE2 20.79 MH/s 0.00075 0.03620 MiningPoolHub-Vertcoin
CcminerTpruvot NeoScrypt 526.73 KH/s 0.00071 1.34859 MiningPoolHub-Feathercoin
CcminerKlaust Groestl 23.44 MH/s 0.00065 0.02778 MiningPoolHub-Groestlcoin
CcminerTpruvot Groestl 22.28 MH/s 0.00062 0.02778 MiningPoolHub-Groestlcoin
CcminerTpruvot Qubit 12.06 MH/s 0.00017 0.01419 MiningPoolHub-DigibyteQubit
CcminerTpruvot X11 8.13 MH/s 0.00013 0.01594 MiningPoolHub-Dash
Miner Algorithm Speed BTC/Day BTC/GH/Day Pool
----- --------- ----- ------- ---------- ----
ClaymoreDual40 {Ethash, Sia} {3.60 MH/s, 48.01 MH/s} {0.00013, 0.00001} {0.03626, 0.00026} {MiningPoolHub-EthereumClassic, MiningPoolHub-Siacoin}
ClaymoreDual30 {Ethash, Sia} {3.60 MH/s, 36.01 MH/s} {0.00013, 0.00001} {0.03626, 0.00026} {MiningPoolHub-EthereumClassic, MiningPoolHub-Siacoin}
ClaymoreDual20 {Ethash, Sia} {3.61 MH/s, 24.06 MH/s} {0.00013, 0.00001} {0.03626, 0.00026} {MiningPoolHub-EthereumClassic, MiningPoolHub-Siacoin}
Claymore Ethash 3.61 MH/s 0.00013 0.03626 MiningPoolHub-EthereumClassic
Status: Running
Speed Active Launched Command
----- ------ -------- -------
42.52 MH/s 00 Days 00 Hours 23 Minutes Once Bin\NVIDIA-KlausT\ccminer.exe -a myr-gr -o stratum+tcp://hub.miningpoolhub.com:17005 -u xx -p x