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1  Economy / Digital goods / Selling Domain: on: April 17, 2024, 09:55:17 AM
Selling domain; no price set, accepting offers.

PM me for details.

2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / FREE BOOK: "Crypto Survival" on: June 25, 2020, 08:29:41 PM
My First Book Thread:
My Second Book Thread:

Hi All  
   My name is Pablo and I am the Author of "Crypto Survival", a book focused on why "long lastingness" is the key feature to look for when considering a new crypto investment. My first book Crypto Success has been reviewed almost twenty times and has a 4 star rating on Amazon. Much like my first book, I will be giving this book away under a creative commons license at the links below. If you enjoy the work, please take a moment to leave a review on Amazon.

Some background on me:
I have been working in crypto since 2011 and I have been an active altcoin investor since 2012. I work in crypto full time and I like writing books on crypto investment to flesh out my ideas and share with the community. There is no "up-sell" or "paid" service.

Free Download:

Kindle Book:

Free Print Copies!

I will be sending FREE print or kindle copies to the first 5 people who leave a review on Amazon, it doesn't matter if it is a positive or negative review. I will also provide a FREE consultation, you can ask me as many questions as you like about our method of selecting and investing in cryptocurrencies.

Just PM me the link to your review and I will take care of the rest,

Reviews of my previous book Crypto Success:

“Packed with suggestions and insight into the Cryptocurrency markets. This book is an easy read and offers suggestions for where to get more current information as well as what to consider when investing in a new currency.“
“I would give this book 10 stars if it was an option. This is a GREAT book for anyone beginning in the crypto world. This is the 6th or 7th "beginner" crypto book I have read and this book covers certain aspects of the crypto world a beginner needs to know that I haven't seen other books cover. Really, you need to buy this book before you invest any significant money in any altcoins."

Just a reminder, that an Amazon Review, good or bad, is very helpful!
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Free Book: "Principles for Crypto Investment, An Intelligent Approach" on: November 26, 2018, 12:38:39 AM
My First Book Thread:

Hi All Smiley,  
   I am the Author of Principles for Crypto Investment, a book focused on developing a basic theory about crypto investment. My first book Crypto Success has been reviewed almost twenty times and has a 4.5 star rating on Amazon. Much like my first book, I will be giving this book away under a creative commons license at the links below. If you enjoy the work, please take a moment to leave a review on Amazon.

Some background on me:
"Seasoned Digital Currency entrepreneur, Pablo Lema (Tradcom SA, LPAL, Butter-Bot), takes us on a journey into his mind. Focused on developing a mental model to ground your crypto investments, the book is easy to follow and concise; it's wisdom is easy to absorb. Useful for those starting out in crypto, as well as a refresher for professionals."

Free Download:
Google Drive:

Print Book:
Kindle Book:

Reviews of my previous book Crypto Success:

“Packed with suggestions and insight into the Cryptocurrency markets. This book is an easy read and offers suggestions for where to get more current information as well as what to consider when investing in a new currency.“
“I would give this book 10 stars if it was an option. This is a GREAT book for anyone beginning in the crypto world. This is the 6th or 7th "beginner" crypto book I have read and this book covers certain aspects of the crypto world a beginner needs to know that I haven't seen other books cover. Really, you need to buy this book before you invest any significant money in any altcoins."

Just a reminder, that an Amazon Review, good or bad, is very helpful!

4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Would like to buy 9010 XVC + Your Fee for Skrill on: July 01, 2016, 04:43:06 PM
Can anyone help out? I will not be sending first, but I am highly trusted on this forum and Dash's (same username), willing to do it in 100 or 50 XVC increments if needed.


Want to get my incentive node back up, any help appreciated, price is negotiable.

5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Free Book: "Crypto Success, Investing in Cryptocurrency for the Long Term" on: May 07, 2016, 01:56:18 PM
Hey All Smiley,
  I just finished my new book on altcoin investment, I am offering a free download at the link below. The book is focused on the signs and signals to be on the lookout for when investing in an alternative cryptocurrency, for the long term. I welcome any and all feedback, so feel free to email me ( or PM me for anything. If you like the book, please take a minute to leave a review on amazon.

Some background on me:
"Seasoned Digital Currency entrepreneur, Pablo Lema (Tradcom SA, LPAL, Butter-Bot), takes us on a journey through the signs and signals that he looks for when investing in a new cryptocurrency. Focused on long term investment, the book is short, concise, and to the point; it's wisdom is easy to absorb. Useful for those starting out in crypto, as well as a refresher course on the basics for seasoned investors."

Free Download:


Print Book:

Please take a moment to leave a comment on Amazon.

6  Bitcoin / Project Development / Job Offer - YouTube Channel on: January 18, 2016, 02:17:13 AM
As some of you may know, I am starting a new YouTube channel focused on crypto investment, with a bent on altcoins. This will be done professionally and on a full time basis. The reason for my post is that I am looking for someone who can help with online marketing, and more importantly, to help put together sponsorships to bootstrap the project.

The position is for 20% equity to start with, as I am bootstrapping this project on my own. This is no pie in the sky however, my most recent project, a trading tool, netted in the six figures over a short period of time, I have experience with scaling and community management. I would love to work with a fellow Bitcoiner.

The core requirement is that you can prove to me you are a decent marketer, but you definitely have to be a consummate salesman. Previous YouTube experience preferred, but not mandatory. This is a part time position but there will be milestones you will be expected to meet.

I already have 7 scripts written and the intro video filmed.

Feel free to drop me a PM.

7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / What do You Look For in an Altcoin? on: November 09, 2015, 12:00:15 AM
Hey guys,
I'm writing a short booklet on how to buy altcoins for the "buy and hold" sort of investor; how to avoid scam coins, signs that a coin has a good base, identifying trolls, gauging a developer, getting community feedback, etc.

I was wondering if some of you guys could tell me what you look for in an investment coin/what steps you take before investing. Booklet should be done in a couple of weeks (I'm half way in); Ill have it professionally edited and then Ill submit it on KDP. I am happy to provide free copies to anyone who posts a lead Smiley.

Thanks for taking the time,
8  Economy / Auctions / Butter-Bot and Butter-X Businesses Up for Auction on: April 29, 2015, 06:48:37 AM
Please see our main Butter-Bot thread here:

Starting Bid: 1500 USD

Please bid in increments of 100 USD or more, payment due on auction close on Tuesday May 5th, 2015 at Midnight EST. We reserve the right to cancel bids at our discretion.

Butter Creek Software is the corporation which owns Butter-Bot and , it is legally incorporated in Panama; rights to the software and domains will be transferred to the winning bidders.

We are offering up for sale and, Butter-X is (currently not online but guaranteed functional, puzzle pieces work to create strategies and hosted bots can be deployed), an automated bot trading service with a 2000+ user database:

Butter-Bot is a Bot based on the EMA algorithm, it executes trades client side but all pricing and other info is done by our servers to mitigate down times and help deploy updates.

Butter-X has not been launched but is has been Beta tested, it is a fully functional hosted solution where clients can build strategies using puzzle pieces with indicators such as Stoch RSI and, Bollinger Bands, etc. and launch them as independent, sand boxed bots running on our back end. This solution has been Beta tested but is currently not deployed.

We are selling because although we did considerably well for a good stretch of time (profit in the mid 5 figures per month at peak) we reinvested almost our entire profit base into developing Butter-X; with the idea of IPO'ing on Havelock and raising funds to launch a massive PR campaign for X and expand into Binaries and Forex (connects for these businesses available with purchase). Unfortunately by the time we had all our paperwork in order, Havelock IPO's were no longer raising the kind of cash we needed to do a full launch.

At this point we have scaled back, we are not running any ads. We are liquid and have enough funds to operate until the end of the year when all our outstanding licenses will expire; we run support for Butter-Bot itself and for another third party White Label of Butter-Bot. As you can see on our main thread we are customer-centric and our customers are and will continue to be the focus of our work.

Winning bidder will receive code, domains, base, etc. and startup support. Winning bidder must commit to operating the service at least until December when all licenses expire. Overhead is a couple hundred USD per month.

 Don't hesitate to PM me if I can help with anything.

Includes Butter-Bot and with:

1. Thousand+ user database.
2. Stellar reputation

For Butter Bot:
Chrome extension:
  * CoffeeScript
  * JQuery

  * Ruby-on-Rails application
  * Postgresql database

  * Ruby-on-Rails application
  * Postgresql database
  * JQuery
  * Blockly
  * Sandboxed runners using ruby $SAFE/docker

9  Economy / Digital goods / For Sale: Business on: March 19, 2015, 04:53:39 PM
Please see our main Butter-Bot thread here:

ASK: 10,000 USD

Butter Creek Software, which owns Butter-Bot and is legally incorporated in Panama.

We are offering up for sale and (PM for viewing), an automated bot trading service with a 2000+ user database:

Butter-Bot is a Bot based on the EMA algorithm, it executes trades client side but all pricing and other info is done by our servers to mitigate down times and help deploy updates.

Butter-X has not been launched but is has been Beta tested, it is a fully functional hosted solution where clients can build strategies using puzzle pieces with indicators such as Stoch RSI and, Bollinger Bands, etc. and launch them as independent, sand boxed bots running on our back end. This solution has been Beta tested but is currently not deployed, available to be viewed upon request.

We are selling because although we did considerably well for a good stretch of time (income in the mid 5 figures per month at peak) we reinvested almost our entire profit base into developing Butter-X; with the idea of IPO'ing on Havelock and raising funds to launch a massive PR campaign for X and expand into Binaries and Forex (connects for these businesses available on request). Unfortunately by the time we had all our paperwork in order, Havelock IPO's were no longer raising the kind of cash we needed to do a full launch.

At this point we have scaled back, we are not running any ads. We are liquid and have enough funds to operate until the end of the year when all our outstanding licenses will expire; we run support for Butter-Bot itself and for another third party White Label of Butter-Bot. As you can see on our main thread we are customer-centric and our customers are and will continue to be the focus of our work.

We are happy to show you around Butter-X on request and you can explore on your own and thorough our main thread. Don't hesitate to PM me if I can help with anything.

Includes Butter-Bot and with:

1. Thousand+ user database.
2. Stellar reputation

For Butter Bot:
Chrome extension:
  * CoffeeScript
  * JQuery

  * Ruby-on-Rails application
  * Postgresql database

  * Ruby-on-Rails application
  * Postgresql database
  * JQuery
  * Blockly
  * Sandboxed runners using ruby $SAFE/docker

10  Local / Español (Spanish) / Estamos Creando un Reloj Andino - Buscando Inversores on: February 19, 2015, 10:12:36 PM
Por favor ver link abajo, cualquier consulta a

11  Economy / Securities / Raising Money For Private Watch Label Launch on: February 19, 2015, 10:08:30 PM
Hi Smiley,
  My name is Pablo, I run and both profitable businesses which we crowd funded in the early stages here on Bitcointalk. I am a long time member in good standing.


My reputation threads:

I am looking to expand into the mechanical watch industry and I would like to invite watch lovers here on the boards and anyone who is interested in a good business to drop me a line. We think we have an edge with our new business model, which is based on culture awareness for inspiration and creativity. Our first watch is quite beautiful and inspired with the Andes Mountains as the main theme.

We need to raise 12k and bids of 1k and above are welcome, we will be offering equity at a 1k = 2% equity model. Before production starts the company will be incorporated in Panama and you will receive direct ownership in the business in this and all future versions. This a really good deal for anyone willing to take a leap on a good idea. I am happy to discuss particulars via email.

We are currently raising the 12k to finish and build our prototypes so that we can get them on kickstarter; we are currently a week or two away from having the final models 3D printed for inspection before being sent to milling for prototype production. You can see a similar campaigns here:

Our watches are entirely custom made and of much higher quality than the kickstarter example above, at a similar price point. The revenue model is quite profitable and we have all the know-how necessary to get this product into production now, and at the highest quality standards.

I would like to work with members of the community in these early stages and I think my track record speaks for itself in terms of honesty and inventiveness as I have been running Bitsumo and Butter-Bot for 2 years without a single customer complaint. Investors have also been well taken care of above and beyond the call of duty.

I welcome both very invoived partners (preferred) and also those who prefer to remain on the sidelines and just get their check after the pre-sale is filled.

Please drop me a line at if you like what you see.

12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / WTB DRK for PP, BoA Bank Wire; High Rep on: March 23, 2014, 12:35:57 AM
I would like to buy 1500 DRK for PP or BoA Bank Wire. Willing to pay 5% markup (negotiable).

You send first.

Reputation Threads:

PM me.
13  Economy / Securities / 10% Stake on: January 25, 2014, 10:11:03 PM
Offering a 10% stake in

Established business with a steady ROI:

10% for 6.5k USD; steady 1.66% ROI per month; 20% per year.

This offer is being made not for my personal shares but on behalf of a stake holder who does not have a BitcoinTalk account.

Please email me at for more info.

Reputation Threads:
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / WTB Dogecoin on: January 03, 2014, 09:44:24 PM
WTB Doge, Have PayPal:

My reputation thread:

PM me if interested.

15  Economy / Securities / Looking for IPO Partner: on: December 08, 2013, 11:00:04 PM
We are looking for someone with a proven track record to help manage a potential IPO (

We have seen a median of 48% month over month growth.

We have a proven track record with customers as well as an active development pipeline.

We are and have been profitable from the very first and we feel that now is the right time to IPO the company.

If you have managed other Bitcoin IPO's and are interested in receiving more information, please email (do NOT PM) with a link to your other IPO's and any questions you may have for us. We are looking to move on this as soon as possible.

Thank you,
16  Economy / Auctions / Acquire! on: December 04, 2013, 10:44:35 PM is profitable and processes 10's of thousands of USD every month. We expect a 50% increase in revenue this month alone due to our processing fee increase and Bitpay eliminating transaction fees. This is not a site that we are trying to get rid of because we can not make it work, it's profitable and has no complaints at all on it's thread and several compliments:

The workload has simply exceeded my ability to manage Bitsumo and my other companies (read:

Base price is 135 BTC (negotiable), please PM me if you want company specifics.


17  Economy / Goods / WTB: 1 BTC Casascius Coin, 2011 (with error) Graded on: November 19, 2013, 12:21:33 AM
WTB: 1 BTC Casascius Coin, 2011 (with error) Graded.

Please PM with offer.

This will either be escrowed through John K. or paid upon receipt, my reputation thread:

18  Economy / Services / What Services/Software Do You Want Built? on: September 26, 2013, 10:31:41 PM
  My name is Pablo, I run and


We have been providing quality products (as reflected by the hundreds of user reviews on our threads) for a good time now and we would like to offer even more. We would like to know what services, software related and not, the community would like to see developed.

1. What new software or services do you want to see?
2. What existing software or services do you think should be improved?

We appreciate your input, our goal is to create quality products with world class support to fill the needs of the Bitcoin community.

19  Economy / Auctions / WTS: 25 G/h BFL Little Single Transfer - April on: September 15, 2013, 08:16:44 PM
 I want to sell my 25 G/h Little Single, April 25th pre-order for transfer. Please PM me, I will take the first reasonable offer.

My reputation threads:

Thank you,
20  Economy / Services / Want to Hire: Expert Marketing and Advertising Partner on: September 14, 2013, 03:29:22 AM ( the premiere automated Bitcoin trading solution wants to incorporate an expert marketer with a proven track record of success in Bitcoin enterprises to develop and execute a marketing plan for the company.

Payment will be based on results and we will offer a generous compensation package.

All interested parties, please email with a history of your work.

Thank you,
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