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1  Economy / Computer hardware / Antminers on Alibaba/Aliexpress on: December 16, 2017, 09:48:35 AM
So the Antminer S9 i see on Alibaba and Aliexpress, are they genuine or are they fakes?

How do I go about pre-ordering the Bitmain antminers as their website doesn't seem to allow pre-orders for the Jan/Feb batches?

Where else can I get say 50Thash of mining hardware??
2  Economy / Service Discussion / question about Genesis Mining on: December 03, 2017, 08:47:55 AM
so I bought 1.5 T/has of Bitcoin mining contracts on Genesis mining last week when they had them available again.  I also have 5mh of Eth mining.

The Eth payouts occur daily and I get like 0.0008 eth.

My Bitcoin payouts haven't happened for like a week now, the first 3 days i got about 5000 satoshis or something each day and now I get nothing?

what's the deal?

3  Economy / Investor-based games / Slow confirmations... on: November 11, 2017, 09:03:44 AM
So i withdrew some money from a not-to-be-named high interest investment platform today as I do every couple of days.

It's been about 6 hours now and the transaction is still pending in my wallet. 

The transaction fee used was 0.0004 which should be OK?

Why is it taking so long?  Usually all my transactions are confirmed within say 30 minutes max?
4  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Transaction from CoinJar account not showing up in the blockchain on: October 13, 2017, 11:34:35 AM
Hey all, so i sent some BTC from my CoinJar ( account to Poloniex like i have done many times before but the transaction isn't showing up in the blockchain.

The BTC has left my wallet but no transaction exists.

Any idea how/why this has happened?  I've logged a support ticket with Coinjar but they are not back til Monday now.
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Help LTC transaction stuck...not sure what to do? on: April 06, 2017, 11:06:13 AM
hey all, i sent a few LTC to Poloniex from my wallet this morning and the transaction is still showing 0 confirmations about 10 hours later.

I sent LTC from the same wallet to Poloniex 2 days ago and it went through in miunutes.

I cant even find the transaction ID on the blockchain explorer, it's like the transaction doesnt exist however my LTC have gone from my wallet.

Any ideas?
6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Ethereum wallet not showing balance on: November 13, 2016, 11:27:37 PM
Hey all, so i had to re-install my ethereum wallet on a new pc as the old hard drive ran out of space.

I copied my Keystore file and have copied it into the newly downloaded wallet.

The wallet is taking days to fully sync, it's still about 1000 blocks away and never quite reaches 100%.

My wallet however is showing 0 ETH balance when i've checked the blockchain and it should hold approx 25 ETH.

Any idea why the wallet is not showing my balance and why it's taking so freaking long to sync?
7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Help with XRP Ripple and Computing for Good stats on: January 12, 2014, 03:49:32 AM
Hey, i signed up for the Ripple Labs World Comminty Grid team and started accumlating points about 5 days ago.

I still havenet had any XRP paid to my account even though it says payouts are daily.

When i try to check my stats at it just shows a blank screen.

Any idea what i'm doing wrong?  I linked my XRP wallet to my user account as per instructions etc
8  Other / Beginners & Help / How long for wire transfer to Mt Gox? on: April 22, 2013, 01:04:39 AM
Hey all, just a quick question.  I wired some money to Mt Gox Wednesday last week (17th Apri) and it still hasnt shown up in my account.

Any idea how long it takes for wire transfers to go through?  I'm still waiting to be verified so I couldnt do a domestic transfer and had to do an International one instead ( from Australia).

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