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1  Economy / Collectibles / New 3d silver physical coin of Satoshi on: September 27, 2017, 12:00:27 AM
I just released a new physical collector coin. It depicts the best 3d version of Satoshi ever created ;-). I'd love to get your feedback on it.
Check it out on amazon.

2  Economy / Goods / Self-made cover of Time showing Satoshi as the "Man of the year" on: December 20, 2015, 06:31:13 AM
Folks, I've release a new product to help promote Bitcoin. It's a cover of Time showing Satoshi as the "Man of the year". I'd love to get your feedback?
3  Economy / Goods / solar motion toy on: December 01, 2015, 05:56:21 AM
We are going to manufacturer a bitcoin themed solar motion toy. We'd like to get ideas from you all about what the toy should look like and what the movement should be?

If you are not familiar with these toys, check out this video:

What do you think? What bitcoin themed solar toy would be cool?

4  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Which region of the world has the highest "interest" in bitcoin?... on: July 09, 2013, 06:48:31 AM
...Utah! Surprised?

According to google trends The United States has the highest "regional interest" in the world. Inside the U.S., Utah has the highest "regional interest".

Utah is home to the following:

Am I missing any other notable Bitcoin operations taking place in Utah?

...And, all three of these Utah bitcoin operations are within 20 miles of the NSA evesdropping data centerShocked

What's up with Utah?
5  Economy / Marketplace / Business proposition for bitcoin conference next month - selling physical coins on: April 25, 2013, 05:49:20 AM
I'm looking for someone who is going to the bitcoin conference next month who would be interested in selling my physical bitcoin novelty coins,

Contact me if you are interested.

6  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Bitcoin client is a resource hog and slow on: March 13, 2012, 05:46:00 AM
If any one is looking for ways to help out or a place to start...
  • The 5.2 beta version is taking up 215MB of RAM
  • I run the client once a week, and it takes a couple hours to load the 1.5GB block chain and bring it up to date.
7  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / User Group Meetings on: December 04, 2011, 08:13:52 AM
Is there a movement to get user groups going?
Would someone be willing to create a web page to keep track of all the user group meetings around the world?

I think if we started meeting in local groups we could accomplish a lot.
8  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / chief security strategist, Hugh Thompson talks highly of Bitcoin at GTAC on: November 05, 2011, 06:59:28 AM
Hugh Thompson (, a world-renowned expert in application security gave a keynote at GTAC (Google Test Automation Conference). An attendee asked him about Bitcoin. He not only gave a good recommendation, but said he would use bitcoin.

The entire keynote address is entertaining and informative. If you just want to hear his comments on bitcoin go to 1:03:00 into the keynote.
9  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Bitcoin is a magnet for hackers and crooks on: August 01, 2011, 06:43:38 AM
I know various forms of this topic and have been discussed at length, but I thought it would be beneficial to hear another first hand account. After looking through 256 recent SQL injection attempts at my site I thought I'd share my experience thus far as a new bitcoin etailer.

I've been running various online retail websites for over 10 years. As many of you know, I recently started I've been the receiver of more hack attempts in the last month at than the previous 10 years on all my other sites.

This is increasing the barrier to entry & risk for new merchants and bitcoin services, and making it harder to gain the trust of users.

This is more than a bitcoin maturity issue, the security & trust problems are larger than we want to admit. We need evolutionary security & trust changes around bitcoin to make this thing happen.

Thanks for listening.
10  Economy / Goods / new real tangible physical bitcoin coin on: July 01, 2011, 06:42:34 AM
I've created a real tangible physical bitcoin.
Ok, so it has no real bitcoin value, but it's a cool novelty coin.

It's a high quality 18k gold plated brass coin, measuring 1.5" in diameter.

Each coin has a unique code on the back that allows you to track where the coin has been using our website.

Best of all... you can buy them with bitcoins! The price is very reasonable.
I'd appreciate some constructive feedback on the coin, website, and service.

11  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Wikipedia wants to delete Satoshi Nakamoto page on: June 24, 2011, 03:50:58 PM
Satoshi Nakamoto currently has a page on Wikipedia, however it looks like the page will go away. the page was originally marked for deletion, a discussion ensued, and they abruptly closed the discussion and concluded that it should be merged with the Bitcoin article. Despite the majority of those involved expressing interest in keeping the page.

If you are familiar with the wikipedia processes I would encourage you to participate in helping Satoshi keep his rightful place at Wikipedia.
12  Other / Beginners & Help / Wikipedia wants to delete Satoshi Nakamoto page. HELP!! on: June 23, 2011, 07:26:08 AM
Satoshi Nakamoto currently has a page on Wikipedia, however the page has been marked for deletion. The votes to delete the page outnumber the votes to keep it.

Please go to the following page and add a "Strong Keep" entry to the ongoing debate.
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