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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / [PoW - TreeGraph] Conflux - First China's public blockchain (min. 6GB Ncard) on: October 29, 2020, 10:16:49 AM

Conflux Network is an open protocol for a new world of DApps, finance, and Web 3.0. As a fast and secure public blockchain, Conflux Network combines Proof of Work and a Tree-Graph structure to power a new generation of decentralized commerce.
Conflux will complete upgrading their mainnet Tethys today at 22:00 (UTC+8), but we can start mining now.

Economic paper:
Exchange: <- their own DEX, FC is token mined on testnet phase, will be swapped to CFX after mainnet with 1:1 ratio, so we can consider this is CFX's price now.
Mining Tutorial:



Network: Conflux Tethys
Version: v1.0.0
Graphics Card Type: NVIDIA GPU
Graphics Memory: 6G or more
NVIDIA Drivers: Use the latest driver version.
OS: Windows 10 version 1903 and above or Linux

Mining Instruction

Run Files

Prepare to Run conflux

  • Create a directory: conflux
  • Unzip the download package to the directory respectively

The directory structure is:

└── run
    └── conflux.exe
    └── tethys.toml
└── cfxmine.exe

Configuration Instructions

Open the run/tethys.toml file with a text editor and configure mining related parameters:
mining_author="Personal wallet address (without 0x prefix)"
for example, your CFX wallet is: 0x18AbC7131c51640a8921dbd0eA4461CF2C73e853, then you config it to:

Run GPU Mining Program

Conflux GPU Mining Program cfxmine needs to run with the Conflux node program. Follow the steps below to start:

  • Open the directory of the run executable file in cmd, and start the fullnode:
cd conflux\run
conflux --config tethys.toml --full 2>stderr.txt
  • For Linux, In bash(or any POSIX compliant Shell), start the fullnode:
cd conflux/run
./conflux --config tethys.toml --full 2>stderr.txt

After the fullnode synchronization is completed (catch-up mode: false), then you can start mining:

  • Open the cfxmine executable file in cmd, and start the Conflux GPU Mining Program:
cd conflux
cfxmine --gpu 1
  • For Linux, open the directory of the cfxmine executable file in bash(or any POSIX compliant Shell), and start the Conflux GPU miningprogram:
cd conflux
./cfxmine --gpu 1

Note: The GPU command line is executed after the fullnode synchronization is completed.

#Tips for runing Node and cfxmine on different computers

If the Conflux node program and cfxmine are not on the same computer, you can specify the IP address and the port (the default is 32525) of the remote Conflux node program when starting cfxmine.
./cfxmine --gpu --addr A.B.C.D
./cfxmine --gpu --addr A.B.C.D --port xxxx

If you want to designate remote node, you need to change the configuration of the node into:
stratum_listen_address=“”, and delete #

You can use many miners remote to a node to increase your hashrate.

How to mining with multiple graphics

We can select a PC with a stable network connection as the central node program (Master), and running with the conflux.exe node synchronization program.

The other mining machines equipped with multiple graphic cards need to connect to the central node program to provide the computing power for it.

In general, a Master can provide synchronization services for multiple Slaves, and the Slaves can just perform graphics calculations.

Modify the configuration file of the Node program (Master)

Open the tethys.toml, remove the # before the mining_type, stratum_listen_address, stratum_port, set the stratum_listen_address=0, and the stratum_port need specify the port related with the graphic miner. The example shown as follow:

The start command of the mining program (Slave)

Examples are as follows:
./cfxmine --gpu -d 0,1,2,3 --addr -p 11526
The -d refers to your graphics card, if you have 1 graphics card, enter -d 0, and if you have 2 graphics cards, enter -d 0, 1

Node program’s address

Port number, the value of stratum_port in the configuration file

Disclaimer: I'm just a miner and create this thread to introduce and discuss about Conflux mining.
2  Economy / Trading Discussion / Who bought pumping coins? on: January 23, 2018, 12:15:18 PM
I entered Crypto market for 2 months and usually see the term "pump and dump", and some P&D groups. But i wonder they pump by selling and buying themself, so when price go up, who will buy it for them and they sell that for who???
With Blue-chip coins, someone could buy when it've pumped already because of good news. So with trash coins, who'll buy this pumped coin and why many PP&D group still live until now Cheesy
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Trending market and how to identify it? on: January 20, 2018, 08:09:03 AM
I researched about crypto currencies about a month before entered the market in November last year and had some results. But i think it's my lucky because i entered when market was in uptrend: ICO and Alt coins rised in that time and i relized that you could win just by following the trend.
In early of this year, the market seem unstable and difficult to predict. And anyone can share your opinion about how to identify trends in the market: by analysis or experiences. There are tons of information in the internet and really hard to find the right thing i need.
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