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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Posts about Bounties are STUPID on: November 18, 2018, 10:33:13 PM
All we ever see nowadays are the sames stupid questions over and over:
"Can I quit my job to do bounty hunting?"
"Is bounty hunting profitable?"
"Where can I find good bounties?"

And, of course, all the posts complaining about bounty hunting.
About how they work so hard but no one respects them and they get treated poorly.
Or how they get scammed all the time.
You also have people coming up with an "Awesome!" solution to fix bounty hunter's "problems".

I miss the days where people could have real conversations here about certain alts, developments, and trading strategies.
bitcointalk used to be my #1 source for learning about crypto but now it has become mostly useless because it is flooded with bounty hunter spamming.
And, yes, I guess I'm a hypocrite because I too am wearing a signature.
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / The reason why people hate Bounty Hunters on: July 12, 2018, 04:12:32 PM
Do you know why so many people hate bounty hunters?

Because they are demanding, over value themselves, filled with scammers, and hurt the value of the project and coin after it goes to market.

Let me lay it out for you:

Demanding: Screaming "When are we getting paid!!!!!!" in the telegram chat is annoying and makes you look like a selfish child.

Over Valuation: I hear a lot of bounty hunters say, "We worked hard for you! Where is our reward?" The marketing penetration bounty hunters provide is laughable and the amount of actual paying clients they bring in is even more of a big joke.  Where is the data that shows your "marketing" brings in money? There isn't any because there aren't any.  So why do ICOs utilize a very cost-negative way to market? (because a lot of startups don't know wtf their doing)

Scammers: Copy and pasters, plagiarism, dummy accounts, multiple name it, bounty hunters do it.

Hurting the project: This is by far the worst.  Bounty hunters are the first to cry SCAM! and spread fud on the very project they had invested time in.  Once they get paid, they are gone with no continued support of the project.  Worse yet, they dump their coins and devalue the project.

Of course, not everyone is like this, but there are enough that a lot of us say, "ugh...bounty hunters *rolls eyes*"
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Why you should be Crowdholding, not Bounty Hunting on: July 02, 2018, 04:59:26 PM
I have been using the platform for four months now and they have started to implement the feature to withdraw the altcoins you were rewarded with.
I was pretty surprised and delighted with what I have earned so far.

In four months I have earned:

YUP    8104
RDC     100.0    
IMV      250.0    
TAT     8.33    
TYD     10.87    
PCL      770.89    
ECOM 7.32    
TMT     2.48    
BBK    2.11    
WBT    25.13    
CAER    0.5    
ETNY    11.32    
iLT      27.09    
YTN      27.27    
IQO      15.62    
MRP      2.14    
BRETT    9.38    
XRR         2.5    
VReS     13.33    
DTEX     888.89    
GRAY    161.32    
ITT   356.43    
YSN  87.33    
WEL     22.73    
BTF     4.72

As you can see, that is a crazy variety of alts.  Since Crowdholding focuses more on startups, a lot of these are still in ICO and haven't been listed on exchanges yet.
There are some totally insignifcant rewards (0.5 CAER wtf!?) and some significant ones.

All total, I would say I spent about 5 to 10 minutes on a task with new tasks being added twice to three times a week.  Basically, about 20 to 30 minutes spent each week.
Even though the current value of a lot of these are very low at the moment, I see that Crowdholding is way more worth my time than Bounty Hunting.

On top of that, Crowdholding itself (the YUP) is crazy undervalued right now.  Due to low trading volume it isn't listed on CMC yet (it's on some low volume exchanges but the highest volume place its on is idex), but they have a working product, growing client and user base, and will implement a token cycle in Q4 (complete with yup buybacks).

Check it out:
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Quick self evaluation quiz to test your basic crypto knowledge on: June 08, 2018, 03:48:32 PM
Here are some basic questions about crypto and investing, do you have a basic knowledge of crypto?

True or False:

#1 There is no big difference between a token and a coin.

#2 Everything besides Bitcoin and Ethereum are considered altcoins.

#3 Cryptocurrencies are stored inside wallets.

Short answer (answer in your own words):

#4 Explain what blockchain technology is:

#5 What is a smart contract?

#6 Where does the value of crypto come from?

What do these terms mean/stand for?

#7 FUD

#8 DEX


#10 ICO

If you struggled to answer any of these questions, then stop everything immediately and do basic research.  It is never a good idea to buy and sell something you don't know the basics about.
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Crowdholding - A great alternative for bounty hunters on: May 25, 2018, 05:10:02 PM
Crowdholding is a co-creation platform that allows you to give feedback to icos and startups in exchange for crypto.
You earn YUPs (crowdholdings token) and also some of the coins of the company you gave feedback to.

Tasks are simple, an ICO will typically introduce their concept and ask what you think about it and what challenges they face.
You leave your comments, people vote for quality feedback, and you earn crypto!
The company is rather new, and they are steadily reaching the goals on their roadmap.
Currently, they just enabled withdrawal of YUPs from your account to your wallet and will implement withdrawal of all coins/tokens you earn in the next upcoming weeks.

There are some unique benefits to crowdholding:

It is much more rewarding than a typical bounty program (mindless twitter/facebook/telegram posts gets old really fast).

You get to know ICOs very well and find out really quickly which ones are legitimate and which ones are not (I've invested in some after interacting with them).

It isn't overcrowded! Since it's new, there are only a couple thousand registered users with only a couple hundred active users.  Very little competition at the moment to earn crypto.

They just started a telegram airdrop campaign to pick up their user base.

Check it out:
6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / The Most Undervalued Coin of All Time Will Absolutely Explode This Year! on: May 08, 2018, 04:31:08 PM
Let me introduce you to crowdholding and their token: YUP

Haven't heard about it? Can't find it on CMC?
Well that's because the marketcap and volume is so low that it hasn't even been listed on coinmarketcap yet!

but it still:

- Has a solid working platform with thousands of users
- New clients and tasks added on a regular basis (a new company every week, a new task 2 to 3 times a week)
- Exponential growth in the user base
- Active development with continuous features and implementation of protocols.
- A roadmap that has a clear plan for how YUPs will be rewarded and used and a timetable that is efficient
- Active crypto community with meetups and focus groups every other month.

YUP is only listed on some very low volume exchanges (coinhub and dexs) and is below .01 cents in price with around 100 million tokens in circulation!

It meets every single requirement for undervalued coin and then some!
The reason why it will moon is because they are in active development of the platform to set up their YUP marketplace in the fall when they will do a massive marketing campaign timed along with it.

Check it out yourself:

It is a platform where companies let you try out their alpha or betas, ask for feedback on their product etc. and you are rewarded with YUPs and the companies token for giving feedback.
7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / HODLing will get you nowhere on: May 04, 2018, 02:56:56 PM
The past week, as I've been looking to invest in recently finished ICOs since most of their prices are way below ICO price, I noticed the same thing mentioned over and over in their telegram channels.

People screaming: HODL!!!  It will moon someday!!!!

Another one that is common: When BINANCE!?!?! If only we were on Binance!!!

This makes me laugh inside.  Crypto is not a magical place where all coins will eventually rise in value if you just hold on to them.

Most ICOs did very poorly the last 3 months.  The ones that did the worst were the ones that started in January
Now, a lot of these startups are underfunded and could only list in low volume exchanges and seeing their prices crash to ridiculously low prices.
And everyone is crying on their Telegram.

Listen very closely yo: The price will never rise if everyone HODls!

Prices are boosted through supply and demand and if a vast majority of people who own the coin are not trading it, than you are severely cutting in to that chain.

Instead of Hodling, you should be buying and making strategic trade choices.
8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Alts you had believed in but have given up on now. on: April 19, 2018, 04:18:51 PM
Have you invested in an alt that you really believed in and then ended up getting rid of?

There are two big ones for me:


I imagine there will be some people who will tell me that I am stupid and that I just need to hold them, but I am glad that I sold them off for other things.
For OMG, it was so popular with a huge following last year.  I had tracked it's ico (I didn't participate) and it's huge price increase.  I researched all about it and was confident that they had something amazing.

...and then...nothing.  No development for ages, just nothing.  Now, there are so many crypto payment projects that actually work that I believe omg has been left behind and can't catch up, even if it is still technically a top coin.

For IOTA, I was 100% sure it would be the absolute evolution of crypto and become a new standard.  Instant, feeless, and scalable.
I ignored all the fud surrounding it and poured a substantial amount of my portfolio into it.
I was a firm believer that in 2 years, IOTA would be IT.

...then, I ran accross Nano, and after using it just once I moved all of my iota to nano.  Here was a crypto that was instant, feeless, and (admittedly theoritically) scalable that was already up and running and working like a charm

Any big changes to your portfolios since you started?
9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / ICOs failing in this bearish market screwing over Bounty Hunters and Investors on: April 11, 2018, 03:46:11 PM
I see a lot of ICOs deciding to suddenly change terms because they didn't raise as much money as they thought.
I also see failed ICOs doing a Round 2 or V2 or something like that.
Bounty hunters aren't getting paid or having bounties drastically reduced.
Early investors end up paying a higher price then late investors.

I'll give you some real life examples:

Fastinvest is doing a Round 2 for their ico with insane discounts and prices.
Early investors are essentially paying more even though they supported the project earlier.

Belugapay extended their ICO to a whopping 5 months and didn't raise that much money.
Early investors ended up paying more than late investors and nothing is being done to support early investors.
Bounty hunters are having their rewards locked along with team's tokens, that means that bounty rewards will be distributed 50% in 6 months and 50% in a year.

I believe that a clear indication on how strong a company is and it's long term potential shines brightly with how they adapt and change to the market conditions.

Check out TEND or the almighty Crowdhodling and the measures they took to adapt to the market, listen to their promoters and investors, and make changes.

It's not all about price, but which companies will emerge strong out of this bearish market to moon in the next bull run.
10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / #CraefulGang on: March 13, 2018, 04:06:08 AM
Check it out.  John Oliver did a segment on crypto.

He blasts eos, makes fun of deep onion, and shows just how ridiculous the whole bitconnect thing was.

He even manages to give some pretty good advice.

11  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Crowdholding token (YUP) will finally be listed on coinhub on Monday! on: March 09, 2018, 04:25:48 PM
I've made a couple comments and posts about crowdholding before because I really like the platform.
The major issue right now is that it is so under the radar that it's hard for it to gain momentum.

Crowdholding is a platform where startups can post tasks for anyone to do.
Sometimes it's just feedback on a feature and sometimes you can try a product out.
You are then rewarded with the crowdholding token (YUP) or the startups own token.
I like it because it is way more rewarding than the typical bounty program.
Being able to communicate directly with startups is much more worthwhile than randomly posting stuff on this forum or twitter bot tweeting.
The highest profile project so far on crowdholding has been deep onion, which is a good sign in my opinion.

Now finally, the YUP will be listed on coinhub on exchange with tremendously low volume...
but you have to start somewhere yeah?

Here's the platform:
12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / The Curious Case of Titanium Blockchain Services on: February 26, 2018, 08:35:26 PM
Titanium was a very successful ICO that sold out half way into its sale period and developed a rabid fan base.

Last week, 16 million BARs were stolen from company addresses that were supposed to be locked up.
The ironic thing is that Titanium is a startup that will specialize in internet security and cloud based services like internet as a service and company as a service.
To deal with the issue, they asked exchanges to delist BARs (all but one of them did, the one that didn't is, of course, the evil dark lord of the sith Hitbtc).
They are going to fork bars to create a new token, tbar, from which you can get a 1 to 1 trade in.
Just when they announced that distribution had begun, they then announced that due to advice from "forensic analysts" that they should suspend distribution for the time being.

Now, there are wars all over telegram about whether this is a scam or if Michael Stollaire (the ceo) can cure cancer and solve world hunger and make us all rich or not.

Look, scam scam scam are written all over it or at the very least: utter incompetency.

Here is my actual point of the post though:

I did THOROUGH research into the ico.  I had concerns.  Things like there was no MVP yet and the promises of the future of the company seemed really hyped up.
However, the CEO himself took the time to talk to me personally on various occasions and even offered network contacts to verify his claims.
Because of this, I had a lot of confidence going through with investing in it.
when I look back, I really think I had done more than enough due dilligence, yet, here I am in a situation where my investment has gone to shit or at the very least, will take an incredibly long time to recover.

Moral of the story?

You never know, in the world of crypto.
13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Deep Onion is going to be on Crowdholding on: February 16, 2018, 08:53:24 PM
Just saw that Deep Onion is going to be on Crowdholding

I've read both sides of the argument, those saying that deep onion is a scam and those who believe in it.
I can see that those getting in later will feel like the odds are stacked against them and would want to cry scam.
But I see Deep Onion joining crowdholding as a strong sign that it's a serious project.

Crowdholding is a platform that allows businesses to interact directly with people and crowdsource ideas on how to better their product.
To me that's a sign of transparency and openness to improving the product.

I guess the extreme naysayers will cry scam no matter what they do, but I believe it's a strong indicator of deep onion being legitimate.

Any thoughts on this?
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / The Trading Strategies Thread on: February 09, 2018, 01:53:56 PM
Aloha! Feel free to post any trading strategies that have worked for you.

I often employ the "newly listed" strategy. (will that phrase catch on? I just came up with it.  A little uninspiring...)

Since I started doing ICOs a long time ago, I noticed that the first day a coin is listed, it has crazy volatility and volume.  It bounces up and down like a funky monkey.
So I wondered if I could take the "buy low sell high" thing and just speed it up 10x.
After testing it out a bit, well, to make a semi-long story short, YES! It works!

You keep track of high profile ICOs and when and where their coins will be listed.
It's important that they are high profile or there won't be enough trading volume to pull this off.
On that day, typically, the moment they are listed the price is insanely high, then will crash to an absolute low (sometimes within 15 minutes!).
After that, it bounces up and down for at least a day, sometimes two or three.

Set the price bar to only look at the last hour, you can more specifically see the ups and downs.
Then, just buy when it's low, and immediately list for a higher price.
It is important to only buy and sell within the median range, that means your sell orders shouldn't be that much higher than your buy orders
Last, just rinse and repeat all day long.
You can even do this while you have a full time job! I did this recently with bluezelle and I just checked in throughout the day and managed to do around 11 buy/sell trades throughout the day and made about $900.
Something hilarious, is that if I calculate my salary from my full time job to a daily wage, I make only about $160 a day haha.
15  Other / Off-topic / Come on people, start giving out your merit! on: January 30, 2018, 12:58:25 AM

Please start giving out your merit like the title says.

Mahalo nui loa,

16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / I will be a millionare by the end of the year on: January 23, 2018, 01:41:13 PM
I've calculated out where I started, how long it took to get to where I am, the percent increase in my assets, and realized that if I follow this trajectory, I will have around a million dollars worth in assets by Q4 of this year.

I've previously posted my experiences dabbling in day trading and ICOs, and I am proud to have made a lot of progress.
On top of that, I am just a teacher, an English teacher at that so I started out knowing absolutely nothing about market economics, crypto tech, and investment strategies.
I am proof, that knowledge really is power and anyone can "catch up" if they are willing to put in their due dilligence.

The two avenues that have been the most profitable for me have been day trading during bull runs in the market and icos.

This last Christmas holiday when things were crazy and money was being thrown around like a funky  monkey, I was able to make around $800 usd a day by watching for trends and pumps and making short term buys and sells.  I was able to quadruple the amount of btc I own in no time.  Things like this are only possible when there is a high amount of volume and large amount of new money coming in.

For ICOs, I hunkered down and researched the crap out of hundreds of icos and had a string of successes.  I put in only 2 eth in ETN and earned around $7800 dollars.  I took that $7800 and put it into Appcoins and ended up with a whopping 2.5 btc.  Then I took that and put it into Titanium, which has just recently sold out.  Now, with the profits I will put it all into Arcblock and so on and so on.

Anyways, I figured an "inspirational" story like this would be good for the forum so here it is.
Happy trading everyone!

17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Appcoins listed on Binance today! on: January 05, 2018, 05:36:09 PM
Appcoins is listed on Binance today with appc/btc, appc/eth, and appc/bnb pairs.

The ICO reached it's hardcap three weeks before the close date, with clear and transparent communication from the devs right after.
Now, just two and a half weeks after the ico closed, it is on binance at 4x the value of the ico price.
Even factoring in dump, this is a huge success.  Of course, those who hold for even just a couple more weeks will make larger gains, and those who hold longer much more.
this goes to show that ICOs are still very profitable if the project, team, and tech is right.
Also, since the market is flooded with so many icos, bounties, and airdrops, the trend of coins falling below ico prices has become much less since money and effort is distributed more.
You just need to do your research and due dilligence.

Appcoins is an erc20 token.  The platform can be utilized by any existing appstore for developers, advertisers, and the store itself to minimize costs, allow p2p transactions, increase visibility, and maximize profits.

It will first be applied to the Aptoide app store, an appstore popular in Europe among millenials that has 200million users.
Later this year, a foundation for decentralized app platforms will be founded to bring other stores into the community.

here is the ann thread with links to the website, whitepaper etc
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / You should NOT be buying altcoins now! on: January 05, 2018, 04:54:53 PM
I'm about to give you some hardcore advice, for FREE! Waoooo! (I promise, I won't shill a coin or promote anything, aren't those posts annoying?)
Take it seriously:

I see a lot of posts lately about what is the next big altcoin or what altcoin should I invest in? etc. etc.
About two months ago, the altcoin board was flooded with "what ICO should I invest in?" and now it's flooded with altcoin inquiries.
This matches the movement of the market as tons of money is being pumped into alts, particularly lower priced ones or coins that have been artificially pumped by youtubers, pump and dump groups, or Mr. Mcafee.

I understand the desire to find "the next big thing".  I understand the feeling that you have "missed the chance" on bitcoin or other alts.  I went through these myself.
But if you join the herd, you will either lose money or gain very little return on your investments.
Here is the advice:

When others sell, you buy.  When others buy, you sell.

Those who made tons of money the last 2 weeks are those who bought alts 2 months ago when btc was pumping like crazy because of the forks.
While everyone was scrambling to get more btc so they could get a shitcoin (btc gold) then segwit (which got canceled but looks like might go through anyways?) the price of almost all where at bargain prices.  Now, btc has been stable around 14 to 16k, while other alts have pumped like crazy.  It is the absolute worst time to buy alts, especially the overinflated ones like ripple, cardano, and tron.  Now is the time to buy btc.

Thinking that btc has reached is peak don't realize that other bubble economies have reached trillion dollar marketcaps, crypto still has more bull runs ahead of it and btc leads the way.

So why am I taking the time to post this? Because a good friend of mine put 10k usd into ripple this morning . . .
yeah, please don't do that, what a horrible price to buy xrp at.
19  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / I made a lot of money off of noobs on: January 02, 2018, 06:29:41 PM
The last three weeks have been really interesting in crypto, and I managed to make a large sum of money.  I think my experience is pretty interesting so here it is:

Over here in America, it was like bitcoin was almost a viral phenomenon.  I was seeing the most random people buying up btc and posting about it and asking me if I had heard about it.  We're talking all age ranges and backgrounds.  Even some of my students!

So, I saw an opportunity.  I combined my own experiences starting off trading, knowledge I've gained about market economics, and straight up psychology.
I guessed that a lot of this new money would gravitate towards alts as people start to think that btc is too expensive and they missed their chance.
I figured they would start buying in to other "cheaper" coins that were readily available, like eth, bch and ripple.
Then, I started noticing that really cheap coins were being pumped pretty hard.

Then I saw the crazy Verge pump and realized a huge amount of new money was desperately gravitating towards "the next big thing" regardless of whether or not that coin or token was even good.

I made an extended series of short term trades over a two week period and managed to quadrupal the amount of btc I own.
I then quickly sold it using local bitcoins for cash, then reinvested it back into btc when it went under 14k usd.
all total and taking into account the current price of btc, I was able to make a around a whopping 18000usd in two weeks.
I have NEVER been that successful before haha.  Also, this was a unique case where timing was key.

But it goes to show, that hardcore research, experience, and intelligent educated predictions do go a long way.

On a final note, I have this weird sad feeling that the world of crypto has become just a huge get rich quick mentality world.
Does anyone care about a decentralized monetary future anymore?
20  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Satoshi wins! on: November 12, 2017, 07:29:13 PM
I've only been in crypto for about 6 months, and I gotta say, this weekends' insanity with btc vs. bch was pretty intense.

In the end, was it a chinese conspiracy theory designed to be a hostile takeover of btc?
Or was it just an elaborate pump and dump scheme?

Well, it looks like satoshi nakamoto wins in the end.  The idea of a decentralized currency that is controlled by us and not the powers that be has won over.
Despite bitcoins high transaction fees and long wait times, we have all essentially chosen btc as our king.
And I wonder, if bch was reall trying to takeover btc, is that even possible?
How many users of btc are there that has no idea about this crazy pump or even that bch exists?
Has btc gotten to the point where it has become so integrated in things that even if a different, better coin comes along, will that new coin even make a sound?
What about projects like iota, same decentralized idea but a radically different technology, will they be able to someday replace btc?
Kind of a crude analogy, but even though VHS was KING it was eventually replaced by dvd.
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