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1  Other / Meta / Old post about cloud mining tens of thousands btc through Company. on: August 22, 2024, 10:27:07 PM
I vaguely remember reading this old thread from 2011-2012 probably(it could have been even earlier and i just read it then)
Where some guy talked about how he through his company early on mined a ridic amount of coins, I remember it as several hundred thousands but could have been tens of thousands.

He then said the company gave up on it and let him buy it for scraps, and then later when btc shot up they had a dispute. If my memory is right he had receipts in the form of screenshots.

I've unsuccessfully searched for that thread a few times but I'am sure someone on here remembers, just curious if there ever was an update or if it was true at all. And why I've never seen it mentioned since

2  Other / CPU/GPU Bitcoin mining hardware / 3x 7950 rig check. on: April 03, 2013, 12:11:17 PM
So my local shops dont have the selection as newegg etc has i had to go with what parts i could find.

Gigabyte 990FXA-UD5   Only card i could see with spacing to fit 3 cards in a 7slot slot case without risers, other beeing asus formula cards but they were twice the price

3x Gigabyte HD 7950 3GB GDDR5  seems to have better cooling than the other cards and should fit fine? my other options are
       HIS HD 7950 IceQ Turbo 3GD5(100$ more)
       HIS HD 7950 Fan 3GD5(50$less)
       SAPPHIRE HD 7950 VAPOR-X 3GB GDDR5 (same price)
       SAPPHIRE HD 7950 3GB OC GDDR5 (50$less)

AMD FX-4100 Black Edition 3.6G cheapest am3 cpu i could find

2x Kingston DDR3 4GB 1600 8gb optimal for ltc mining?

case Tempest 210 120x2front/2x120side/2x140top should be enough?

XFX ProSeries 850W 850 should be enough? if not i have a corsair ax1200w i could use.

16gb flash stick

3  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / ubuntu miner stops respondig when i start mining? on: June 21, 2011, 05:11:49 AM
so i built 6 identical miners, 6990+5870, new to linux so followed;all

5 of them work fine, but one just stops responding to ssh/rdp/pings when i start pocldm mining on any of the cores(after like aminute of mining), it wont even reply to pings, wierd thing is it responds again after afew minutes then blacks out again with  no access, it dosnt reboot and keeps on mining again. temps and everthing have seemed fine and it also gets the right the megahashes when it mines, only problem is it just goes on and off with 5-10 min intervals.

how do i troubleshoot this, preferably try to fix it over ssh first before i try to reinstall everything.
4  Bitcoin / Mining / Check my rig on: May 20, 2011, 09:06:44 AM
setting up a new rig and just wanna double check that its gonna work!

biggest concern is if the 1200w psu is gonna be enough to run the 3x69900 or if i should go with 1500w, gonna  oc the cards and hopefully get close to 400mhash per gpu
and the motherboard only has 2pci 16x slots so last card will have to go in a 1x slot does that matter? or do i need to get an more expensive 3 16xslot mb?

will i run into any other problems with 6gpus?

3x HIS HD 6990 Fan 4GB DDR5 HIS 6990 Fan 4GB                      
RaidmaxX1200AE 1200W         
Athlon ll X2 250                     
Gigabyte MA-880GA-UD3H   or ASUS Crosshair IV Fomula                              
Nox Coolbay Devil Edition                                        
G.SKILL DDR3 2GB NQ 1333(2GBx1)                           
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