Information also available here: Site:
https://www.blakecoin.orgMain Chat:
Telegram Blake_CommunityIntroduction to Blakecoin by Bzyzny: is now Merged Mined with Photon, Other coins due to join the merge in the futureWhat is Merged Mining? Familiarize yourself now: Wallet is on Github is faster than Scrypt, SHA-256D, Keccak, Groestl

The algorithm was written as a candidate for SHA-3, Based on round one candidate code from the Sphlib 2.1 library and reduced the round function to 8 rounds.
• simplicity of the algorithm
• interface for hashing with a salt
• fast in both software and hardware
• parallelism and throughput/area trade-off for hardware implementation
• simple speed/confidence trade-off with the tunable number of rounds
• based on an intensively analyzed component (ChaCha)
• resistant to generic second-preimage attacks
• resistant to side-channel attacks
• resistant to length-extension" Blakecoin beats other coins in the long run:
- The Blake-256 algorithm hash rate is just under 3x faster on the GPU and just over 2x on the FPGA compared with Bitcoin
- Blakecoin uses a custom asymmetrical difficulty re-target algorithm since it was released which has worked well
- The reward for mining Blakecoin does Not decrease over time it only increases with block height and difficulty
- No restriction on any platform as Blakecoin does not include artificial *Security* or *Resistance* that reduce mining hash rate and power efficiency
- Already has planned use for Blakecoin as a currency storage between MMO systems with prototypes in development
- Designed to be Merge Mine Friendly
- Block reward is 25 coin + inflation (square root of (difficulty * block height))
- No reduction of block reward
- Cap in place to reduce the difficulty jumps upwards
- Block target time is 3 minutes and retargets every 20 blocks
- Total of 7 Billion coins
- Block maturity 120 (+20 buffer, 140 total)
Forked from Bitcoin reference wallet 0.8.6
8 round Blake-256 is the fastest!
Asic'sFPGA's- 1.6GH/s on a ZTEX USB-FPGA 1.15y Quad Spartan-6 LX150 Development Board
- 1.5GH/s on a Enterpoint Cairnsmore 1 Quad Spartan-6 LX150 Development Board
- 960MH/s on a Lancelot Dual Spartan-6 LX150 Development Board
- 360MH/s on a ZTEX USB-FPGA 1.15x Spartan-6 LX150 Development Board
GPU's- 8GH/s on a NVIDIA GeForce 1080Ti
- 2.5GH/s on a NVIDIA GeForce 1060
- 4.1GH/s on a NVIDIA GeForce 980ti
- 3.05GH/s on a NVIDIA GeForce 980
- 2.63GH/s on a NVIDIA GeForce 970
- 1.71GH/s on a NVIDIA GeForce 960
- 930MH/s on a NVIDIA GeForce 750ti
- 3.3GH/s - 3.8GH/s on a AMD Radeon R9 390X
- 6.4GH/s - 6.9GH/s on a AMD Radeon R9 295X2
- 3.3GH/s - 3.5GH/s on a AMD Radeon R9 290X
- 2.9GH/s - 3.1GH/s on a AMD Radeon R9 290
- 2.6GH/s - 2.8GH/s on a AMD Radeon R9 280X
- 2.2GH/s - 2.4GH/s on a AMD Radeon R9 280
- 1.2GH/s - 1.5GH/s on a AMD Radeon R9 270
- 4.8GH/s - 5.1GH/s on a AMD ATI Radeon 7990
- 2.2GH/s - 2.8GH/s on a AMD ATI Radeon 7970
- 2.1GH/s - 2.4GH/s on a AMD ATI Radeon 7950
- 2.6GH/s - 2.9GH/s on a AMD ATI Radeon 6990
- 1.4GH/s - 1.5GH/s on a AMD ATI Radeon 6970
- 1.4GH/s on a AMD ATI Radeon 6950
- 900MH/s on a AMD ATI Radeon 6870
- 800MH/s on a AMD ATI Radeon 6850
- 2.0GH/s - 2.3GH/s on a AMD ATI Radeon 5970
- 1.3GH/s on a AMD ATI Radeon 5870
- 1.1GH/s on a AMD ATI Radeon 5850
Wallet Binaries:Windows
Compile from source on Github
MAC *Thanks to MystPhysX
[url=]BlakeCoin-Qt.dmgblakecoin.conf example:
Market ToolsBlakecoin is listed on Crypto-Currency Market Capitalizations
http://coinmarketcap.comBlakecoin is listed on CoinGecko
www.coingecko.comBlakecoin is listed on WorldCoinIndex
www.worldcoinindex.comBlakecoin is listed on Bitscreener
https://bitscreener.comExchangesXeggex allows trading of Blakecoin *Thanks to The Team the Whole Blake ecosystem of coins is supported allows trading of Blakecoin *Thanks to The Team the Whole Blake ecosystem of coins is supported to everyone who has waited or helped, Blakecoin official pools Mining Pools *Currently BLC+PHO+Ƀ+ELT+UMO+LIT
Blakecoin EU3 Merged Pool (run by BlueDragon747) *Located in Frankfurt Blakecoin NY2/AT1 Merged Pool (run by BlueDragon747) *Located in Atlanta or Blakecoin LA1 Merged Pool (run by BlueDragon747) *Located in Los Angeles
http://la1.blakecoin.comBlock ExplorerFull Featured Explorer 1 BLC ExplorerThanks to the efforts of knorrly, Blakecoin has been successfully ported to Abe Recommended Mining Softwarecgminer for pools or use one of kramble's miners for FPGA's (Mint x64): Nvidia Cuda: (tested working Gtx 1060: algo blakecoin) to the pool "Getting Started" page for specific information
Thanks to the efforts of kr105, Blakecoin has been successfully ported to eloipool Thanks to Ignatius a private merged pool setup guide is
Here FPGA:Thanks to the efforts of kramble, Blakecoin has been successfully ported to the FPGA (early development)
FPGA-Blakecoin-Miner by kramble information an FPGA is
not a SHA-256D Asic it is a
re-programmable hardware device used for hardware development and high speed custom logic.
GPU:Thanks to the efforts of sp_/sp-hash we have a new better hashrate ccminer
Free gpu miner for NVIDIA cards:
release 77++ (git)
980ti: 4.1GHASH
980: 3.05GHASH
970: 2,63MHASH
960: 1,71MHASH
750ti: 930MHASH
ccminer -a blakecoin
1.5.79(sp-MOD) is available here: sourcecode is available here: to the efforts of alexis78, Blakecoin has an optimized port of ccMiner for use with Nvidia based GPU cards to the efforts of Epsylon3/tpruvot, Blakecoin has been ported to ccMiner for use with Nvidia based GPU cards Thanks to the efforts of cbuchner1, Blakecoin has been ported to cudaMiner for use with Nvidia based GPU cards info here for Cudaminer to the efforts of kr105, Blakecoin has been ported to cgminer 3.1.1 and 3.7 with fixes for stratum on Blakecoin
3.1.1 to Calhil a build guide to cgminer on ubuntu is
Here Windows: *This is the default version for use solo or on pools (GPU only) (Mint x64): to the efforts of Vorksholk and smolen, Blakecoin has been successfully ported to Reaper with OpenCL on the GPU
http://blakecoinmining.com to the efforts of melnikalex, Blakecoin has been successfully ported to cgminer with OpenCL on the GPU
cgminer for Blakecoin *Please use the kr105 version above for Blakecoin source code Ubuntu 12.04 dependencies used for the wallet on Linux build machine
git-core build-essential libssl-dev libboost-all-dev libdb5.1-dev libdb5.1++-dev libgtk2.0-dev libminiupnpc-dev qt4-qmake mingw32 synaptic qt-sdk qt4-dev-tools libqt4-dev libqt4-core libqt4-gui libdb++-dev
GamesHere is a sneak peek at a zone 1 boss and mob of the official MMO FPS

Thanks to the efforts of Ignatius Blakecoin has a couple of Games to play while the work is done on the official MMO FPS and RPG

Blakecoin based Counter-Strike 1.6 server ("The traditional CS currency system has been replaced" with Blakecoin)
Main Thread Here: Server:
Renting Rigs *3rd Party Hosting *use their sgminer version