#Metamask sequrity#
It is very important to save myetherwallet from hack. Using metamask is an solution of it . after using metamask it is littile risk to hack myetherwallet. There are various causes for hack. To prevent hack must follow some instruction may halpful one.
1. All time loogin with metamask or your myetherwallet file.
2. Try to Do not loogin with your originally myetherwallet private kye in any exchange.
3. Do not open all link via email
4. Do not open link via pm as you are see something wrong
5. Add bookmark myetherwallet on your pc
6. Try to logout from exchange site as fast as possible after withdraw you assets.
You can add some cryptonier extrention to crome on your pc.
Here a link how to add chrome extrantion that procted you from fishing side.
Video 1 show how to add and delet extraction.
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RqqQXZ8KXtM
In this link 2 in last minute show how to add cryptonier extraction that protect you from fishing side
2. hindi...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vwd5jHpIxP4
This video also may help you
For those who don't no how add metamask to crome for safety of myetherwallet
Hope this can help one to protect myetherwallet