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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / exchange - on: August 29, 2018, 06:13:48 PM
I would like to see more volume on So far from what I can tell, it is a decent exchange, the trollbox can be entertaining as well. Anyone feel free to discuss your experience on this exchange here.
2  Economy / Economics / Resource based economy? on: April 08, 2018, 10:07:13 AM
Resource based economy with profit removed from the equation.

I'd like to see this happen. Anyone know of anything in the works that might make this possible?

3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / High change in ERA on: March 24, 2018, 07:17:08 AM
Does anyone else notice this happening lately?
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / [AUDIT] -> ⚡ Electroneum ⚡ Token Sale Sept 14th Mobile Mining Crypto Coin on: March 15, 2018, 11:12:54 AM
Is this coin/token confirmed to be an exit scam? Any updates on the team? I noticed the thread doesn't allow for replies and would like to have a definitive confirmation that this is the case.

Original  thread link:
5  Economy / Trading Discussion / Bisq - P2P Decentralized exchange - NOT using ETH as backbone on: February 08, 2018, 08:27:00 AM
I've stumbled upon an interesting article:

I'm going to try it out with some alt trades. So far this blockchain enforced exchange is everything I could ever ask for in an exchange. I really hope this gains more traction with mainstream traders. So far I've not encountered any issues and will post my experiences here. 


GitHub source:
Windows/Mac/Linux binaries and PGP signiatures:
PGP Public Key:

Disclaimer: I'm not affiliated in any way to Bisq, and am not responsible if there are any issues. I'm merely sharing what I've found on it and am going to do my best to share my experiences using it.
6  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / China FUD + bitcoin takeover? on: February 07, 2018, 05:41:31 AM
Anyone else see this? Mining is essentially banned in China, except for Bitmain? My first thought: WTF?!?!?

Am I understanding this correctly?
7  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Idea - maximum hashpower per node? on: January 19, 2018, 09:29:55 PM
I've been seeing all kinds of centralization with POW mining all over due to big mining corporations. What if there was a hard limit to the hashing power per node? I know there were other attempts to battle the centralization problem through POS and other means. If there was a hard limit to hash power acceptable through a node, the hash power would be more distributed and there wouldn't be as much of a financial barrier for those who aren't as high up in the economic food chain. I hope this idea gets heard and possibly considered among the coding community.
8  Other / Serious discussion / generation of cryptographic private keys from personal biometrics on: January 11, 2018, 10:20:49 AM
I just thought of an idea that I would like to see come to life. First off, I believe that a perfect economy would have a freely and evenly distributed currency where everyone starts off with the same amount. All parties in an balanced economy should have a product or service they can trade, and once they trade through buying and selling, they should all have the same amount of currency they started with if they all participated in both a buy and sell operation using the currency. Obviously this idea would work in theory, in practice it's a different story. What if this could be made a reality with an anonymous bitcoin-style crypto currency that starts every individual with the same amount? This could be made possible using biometrics based cryptographic private keys where the keys could be re-generated using biometrics. I found an article on the successful regeneration of biometrics based cryptographic keys, it can be reviewed here:

I believe that biometric based cryptographic private keys could ensure that every individual could have their own private key unique to themselves and allows for every individual to have only one key so they can join the economy with a fixed and fair amount. I did find something similar to this idea here:

but I dislike it's seemingly centralized distribution as well as it's anti-anonymous nature. Two important features of Bitcoin that make Bitcoin so great. I also believe that the currency should be inherited on an individual basis for free, to eliminate all "taxes" on trades. This coin should be evenly distributed without any central authority "selling" the coin.

9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Idea: Moon Coin (remake) with a purpose on: December 21, 2017, 09:00:39 PM
I am interested in seeing a coin designed with a premine as an investment platform for doing something like colonizing the moon. I know a crazy idea, but it might just work! For those who invest in any other coin, why not invest in something like an actual project? I know there are other coins out there that pose real tangible ideas like this but I'm very curious to see what people think of this. I am going to start this project with the help of others and try to make it happen if there is a real interest.

Colonize the moon coin, Literally? Smiley
10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Selling PMC wallet private key containing 1333.35900807 PMC on: March 13, 2015, 09:27:43 PM
Anyone want to buy my PMC? I've got 1333.35900807 in my wallet. I'm selling the private key. Please PM offers.
11  Bitcoin / Hardware / BE Cube blew it's own fuse on: March 02, 2015, 12:25:57 AM
So I've been mining for 2 days and I discovered my Block Erupter Cube blew it's own fuse. Picture attached. Good thing they shipped it with a spare. I am mining in high speed mode. Ambient temperature in my house is ~25C. I've gone out and purchased a small fan just for the fuse.

12  Bitcoin / Mining support / [Solved] Please help me get my Avalon Nano mining in linux on: February 18, 2015, 09:29:47 AM
I have an Avalon Nano USB. I wish to use my Odroid U2 running Arch linux to mine. I've got cgminer version 4.9.0 installed (I followed compile instructions here to get it installed). I'm getting the following errors when running it:

FAIL: USB get_lock not found (1:10)
ICA 0 usb transfer err:(-9) LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE
FAIL: USB get_lock not found (1:10)
AU3 0 usb transfer err:(-9) LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE
Write voltage Comms error (werr=-4 amount=0)
AU3 0: Write freq Comms error (werr=-4 amount=0)
AU3 0: Failed to set frequency, too much overclock?

The command I am running is: (pool related info has been truncated)
./cgminer --icarus-options 115200:1:1 --icarus-timing 0.22

I noticed the device is being detected as:
Bus 1 Device 10 ID: 1fc9:0083 NXP VCOM Port inactive

Can someone please help me? Smiley

[edit Feb 28, 2015]
I've managed to update the arch system, I was having difficulty with that before. I am still running into the problem of both cgminer and bfgminer not being able to use the device. If anyone could help, it would be very much appreciated.

[another edit, same day]
I've managed to get the device working. It appears the Odroid doesn't supply enough power to the USB to properly power the Avalon Nano. I used a powered usb hub and I am up and mining now.
13  Economy / Currency exchange / (WTS) 1333 PMC for BTC on: February 16, 2015, 07:29:57 AM
I have 1333.35900807 in wallet. Please make your offers.
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Revive PMC - [PMC] Premine Coin | Rare | Mining Transaction Fee Proof of Concept on: December 28, 2014, 09:43:33 PM
First, I would like to make clear that I am not the creator of this coin. I am merely a stakeholder that was basically told I am shit out of luck for the PMC to PMP swap. The devs of PMP have created their coin to be like a PMC 2.0. The problem I and I am sure many others have with this is the stake that is being held in PMC can no longer be swapped for PMP.

In the interest of reviving PMC I am posting this poll to see if there is interest. If there is a lot of interest I will personally work with others interested in helping out to revive this coin. So what say ye?
15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / [FOR SALE] 3 MH/s Litecoin 4x 280x Video Card Mining Rig - 800 KH/s Vertcoin on: June 03, 2014, 07:41:12 AM
Hello fellow miners and crypto-buffs,

I am looking to sell my miner:

The current hashrate is on average 3 Mh/s. It consumes about 1280 watts of power. It has 2x Asus 280x CUII and 2x Saphire 280x video cards. It comes with both power supplies and custom metal frame as pictured. It also comes with the motherboard, CPU, 4 GB RAM. I can include a usb stick if needed. Everything was purchased brand new and nothing was second-hand. It's only a month old. All it needs is a usb stick configured with whatever miner you wish to use. Pretty much ready to use. I can help with learning how to use and get configured just right for optimal hashrate.

Asking $2800, will accept bitcoin. SOLD
16  Economy / Service Discussion / Cryptsy wants me to cover the cost of their service failing on: March 24, 2014, 07:31:41 PM

Anyone else think that Cryptsy is being ridiculous?
17  Economy / Service Discussion / Question: Is a scam? on: March 24, 2014, 10:04:21 AM
I just found through a few advertisement points and I am wondering if or not they are a scam. Is there anyone out there that has used them successfully?

Places that I found their site on:

Bitplastic smells very fishy to me.
18  Other / Archival / [remove topic please] on: February 19, 2014, 07:43:29 PM
Removed topic
19  Economy / Reputation / so142001's Reputation thread on: January 27, 2014, 06:17:17 PM
so142001's Reputation thread
20  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Let's get PremineCoin accepted on Cryptsy! on: January 25, 2014, 06:43:14 PM
--Updated Feb 2, 2014
First off, PremineCoin's official post can be found here:

500,000 total coins in existence. 100% premined. Freely distributed. Mining only for TX fees. Interesting experiment.

Secondly to those who have more than a thousand coins, please try to spread the word by distributing them! Now that that's out of the way, I have an idea: Everyone interested should lobby into accepting the PremineCoin. Once the coin is accepted there it will go viral!

Also, I've created a new wallet address for the purpose of donating to Cryptsy for this cause. Please send all donations to here:
For those who are interested, my ticket for cryptsy can be found here:

Alright, I've decided to give away the 5 PMC that I've accumulated. The next 5 posts that make me laugh will be given 1 PMC each!

The reason for this giveaway is that I don't think the donation will help get the coin on cryptsy I will list the wallet addresses that I've sent the PMC to below.

Wallet addresses that win 1 PMC:


For an updated wallet balance please follow this link:

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