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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Btc Recover help needed. on: May 19, 2023, 11:05:32 PM
Hi,I swear I'm not a newby here but I am new to Btc Recover and I'm really stuck and you guys have got me fixed up before with my sloppy writing with my private keys from years back,Finder Outer figured them all out,thanks.

I found an old ETH Puzzle in my old computer files and checked and there still is a .1 ETH prize to win so I got Btc Recover installed but I'm stuck.

I have a 20 word word-list that I figured out and 4 of the seed word positions I want to"anchor" as I'm sure there right.

All I can do with Btc Recover is work the default 12 word setting(I put in my info) to check every combo of the 12 words I pick,479M combo's.Then when it finishes I take a word out and put a new word in and try again.

I cant figure out how to do it for a 20 word list with 4 words anchored,I'll just let it run all summer and see how it goes.

Can anyone help me ?

I can make the .txt file but don't know where it goes or the command to run it.

Thanks reply if have time.
2  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Electrum backup question on: April 04, 2023, 01:53:27 PM
I found some electrum wallet backups on a usb stick I found,I loaded them into electrum and it asks for the password,I am sure there is nothing in them there from 7-8 years ago but want to check to be sure.

I just want to see a balance,if there is anything worth while in them then I can worry about finding my old password,I used the same password but with different numbers at the end so it is do-able but I don't want to start this process unless I know there is some btc in there.

Can I do this,see the balance of the backup somehow,I don't know the seed or the wallet number but can figure out the password if there something there,I know with unknown btc wallet backup's you load them into qt and can see the wallet number and balance but I can't seem to figure out how to do this with the electrum backup.
3  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Anyone out there in Canada ? on: January 15, 2021, 09:27:22 PM
Hi,is there anyone out there that can install FinderOuter for me on my new laptop ? Were under Covid restrictions now so I can only bring it in person in the Niagara area but will mail it anywhere in Canada,the guy who installed it on my home computer can't be reached and I got this new laptop just to run it and I just can't seem to get it up and running myself.

Let me know,I'll pay,thanks.
4  Economy / Services / Is there anyone out there in Canada ? on: January 13, 2021, 03:55:25 PM
I need a program installed and I can't do it and need help,will pay of course.With the lockdown I will mail my new mini laptop I just bought to you to install the program for me,PM me and I'll explain thanks.
5  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / How can I tell what version an old bitcoin wallet is ? on: December 30, 2020, 03:16:59 PM
I have an older wallet but it won't load up,"Wallet loading failed error loading" says it's corrupted which it might be but found a few threads where people just loaded the older wallet into an older bitcoin version and everything worked fine.

My question is how to tell what version the wallet it is if it won't load ?
6  Economy / Digital goods / Looking for partial private keys that I can play around with. on: December 22, 2020, 10:26:36 PM
I'm looking for partial private keys but need some proof,a link to the original posting,forum etc.

I don't mean to be rude or anything to you guys but I can waste months of computer time running my program for some guy who want to screw me around,10 or more missing characters is fine,50/50 if I crack it but please if you can prove it's a real key.

There was a few I found right here on bitcointalk years ago but I can't seem to find them now,point me to the posts and the 50/50 is still good,thanks guys.
7  Other / Off-topic / Gitpod problem. on: July 01, 2020, 03:19:51 PM
Hi,back a while ago I needed to run FinderOuter and my friend got it working for me through Gitpod,it's worked well but I have another laptop and my friend is far away so I need help.

I fell stupid asking I'm really not a newby but I seriously think I'm senile.

I can't get it running so I thought I'd ask here,I've been 6 hours for this simple task and I'm ready to smash the laptop.

Can someone out there walk me through it like I'm 2 years old,no joke,I can't figure this out ?

Or can I run it somewhere else,at onlineGDB it say says it's to big a file.
8  Economy / Services / Who would like to brute force a BIP38 for me ? on: June 25, 2020, 05:17:18 PM
Taking a chance here but you are too,I'll explain.

If you read my other posts you'll see that I got out my old computer and found tons of old wallets I had a a paper file folder full of stuff,I cleared up them all except a few,1 is running on finderouter,1 is lost forever but I have a few more things I found.

I created this wallet back in 2012-14,I have the private key for it but have no idea what the BIP38 is,back then I would have bought 20-50 bucks of BTC.

Here's the thing,I am on a data plan,I don't have unlimited data,with finderouter running I can't run another search right now,I need someone to do it if they want,the BIP38 would not be really long,8-10 probably but I have no idea what it is ?  So if anyone wants to try it I'll split 50/50 but I will tell you that it might be 0 BTC.

So if you want to take a chance let me know,I'm taking a chance by passing it off as once you have the key it is your and I'm hoping your honest.

I do not know the wallet because bitaddress doesn't tell me,just that the key is right and asks for the BIP38.
One more time though,it could be 0.
9  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / wallet.dat is stuck in a .rar file. on: June 15, 2020, 04:03:03 PM
Remember back in the day when you could buy bitcoin on ebay,I used too and one guy actually mailed the Bitaddress paper to you,another guy I bought of of sent a .rar file containing the wallet.dat which needed a password to open which he sent in a second email,it worked and I had no problems.

Fast forward to 2020 and I found an old .rar file with a wallet.dat in it BUT the password for it is long gone,I don't know what is in it(balance) but am curious to find out,so I figured I would run a brute force program on it and see what happens as it should be a 6-7 character password,this is where my problem is.

I can't get this wallet.dat out of the .rar file,it's asks for the password,I can't brute force the .rar as it's not encrypted,I need to get the wallet.dat out so I run the brute force program on it,I tried 5 hours yesterday with no luck,I'm embarrassed to ask but how can I do this ?
10  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Wallet.dat question. on: June 10, 2020, 01:34:00 PM
Hi,thanks to everyone who has helped me out with my questions these last months,all my balances were at 0 except a few and they are gone except one which finderouter is running on.

I would like to learn about wallet.dats a little more but don't have one and don't want to really buy one without the password.

Do any of you have a real wallet.dat I can take a look at that I could download and open up ? Balance of 0 of course.
11  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Bitcoin Core question. on: June 05, 2020, 03:00:22 PM
I'm not a newby but not an expert either LOL so sorry for the question.

I've been posting lately about old wallets I have found in my files,most are all at 0 and figured out,I have found a wallet with BTC in it but I only have the wallet address and the bitcoin core passphrase,the wallet.dat is long gone,it's from 2013.

Do I need to download bitcoin core ? This takes a longtime and wondering if there is another way,if it even can be done without the wallet.dat.
12  Economy / Goods / Want to buy laptop with program installed for me. on: June 02, 2020, 07:31:54 PM
Hi Guys,I am running Finder Outer on my home computer but I want get a laptop to run it on,I'm trying to break some old keys I have and just need a machine that has the program pre-loaded for me and ready to go,I don't care what type of machine it is as long as the program is installed.

I don't need internet access or anything as I'll be running it offline so I think it's pretty easy install,I didn't install it my friend did which he said was hard but you guys are whiz's with this stuff.

Please read up about the Finder Outer here on Bitcointalk,everything you guys need to know is here or you are told where to go by the links,I would like it as an Icon so I can run 3-4 at a time.

Thanks Guys,I will pay with paypal,I'm in Canada please add on probably 25 bucks for the shipping.

Give me a private email and a price,thanks.

13  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / 2.9 BTC I found but think it's untouchable.please give advice. on: May 03, 2020, 01:23:04 AM
Hi,thanks to everyone here in the last month helping me out,on my last post I never did recover the .000001 BTC with the seed words but that's OK it was just a curious experiment.

The reason I'm finding these old wallets is it's 7 years ago now which is the time I can destroy old records that in case of an audit I no longer need and I'm finding my old bitcoin stuff from back in 2012-13,I'm running Finderouter on 1 address key all others I found,at 0BTC most of them,.4 BTC recovered so far but I found one written on a paper with the address and it has 2.9 BTC in it.

Problem is that all I have is the email which is the same so I'm OK there,the wallet number and the wallet I.D number,it's not a one because the "send wallet I.D" option sent nothing to my email.

That's all I got for you guys,I think it's gone but maybe I'm missing something,the email address will receive the info I need but don't know where to get the info ? There's no wallet services that sign-in by email I think and the wallet number would need a password,I'm done but thought I'd ask as you guys are wicked smart.
Any ideas ?
14  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Wallet was restored fine but "unspendable". on: April 24, 2020, 04:34:56 PM
I found my 15(yes 15 not 12)mnemonic words and went to where I'm sure I made the address,typed in the words and the wallet was successfully restored but as a Watch Only address.

There is a small amount in it and I really don't care about the bitcoin but care more about how this happened and what I can do.

I do not have the private key,just the 15 words and it restored it,if it's lost forever no big deal but I read this wallet can be imported to another wallet service like Tresor and I'll have access to the funds,10 cents or so LOL.

Any advice ?
15  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Where's the Bitcoin address directory gone ? on: April 08, 2020, 04:17:23 PM
I found some old picture files on my computer,I used to take pictures with my camera of my bitcoin accounts back in the day,I found all the addresses except one picture is glared by light when I took it years ago,I have most of the address and all but the last 8 characters of the private key,I will try to find the correct key or have someone here do it for me for a price if there is anything in it still,it had 5000+ at one time many many years ago but my other addresses did too and they all had less than 2 BTC in them combined now but I'd still like to know what this has in it but I can't find the old bitcoin directory or how to search a partial key.

The one I'm looking for is 13mi8nN36wEjR279pvwMYyPaVi that's all I can make out.

The "mi" is fuzzy and might not be correct,mJ mt nJ I don't know,the "8" I'm 99% sure is a 8 and not a 3.

nN36wEjR279pvwMYyPaVi should be enough to find it but I don't know where to look.

All other characters are correct,100% clear to read.

Any advice ?

16  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / 42 character Sigscript. on: March 17, 2020, 12:52:03 AM
Hi Guys thanks for all your answers over the years,I have a question that's not really important but I can't find the answer.

Every so often when I check my transactions I run across a small Sigscript,it's short at only 42 characters long instead of the usual long ones,what is this ? I don't see how any public key info or any thing else can be in there.

Thanks for probably a stupid question but I'm trying to learn,please explain if you can,thanks.
17  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Bitaddress says I have .1 bitcoin but after importing to it is 0 on: March 12, 2020, 01:58:04 AM
I found my old paper wallet with the Public key and Private key,I checked the balance at Bitaddress and it's .1 bitcoin,so I imported it to and was all happy,when it got there it has a balance of 0 but it still reads .1 BTC at

Is this a glitch or is it 0 ?

Any info for me would be great,thanks.
18  Other / Off-topic / Help with a c program. on: March 11, 2020, 09:05:30 PM
Hi guys,sorry this is not a bitcoin question but I've been a member on here for years and know there's a lot of knowledge here at the site and hope you can help.   

I have some old c programs I found,it's now 2020 and I can't really find where to upload and run them,there neat old games and it be a kool thing for me to play them again,we made them "back in the day",I have forgotten most my programming stuff from back as I havn't done it in 20 years then so I need some help.

So I tried the online c sites and quite honestly I'm older and just can't seem to do it,is there one out there for a old guy like me ? If not I'll pay someone to come to the house to do it,I'm not completely incompetent and can follow basic step by step stuff LOL.

Is there a simple site I can use to upload the program and run it,thanks,any help would be great,please talk to me like I'm 5 years old LOL.                                     
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