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1  Economy / Scam Accusations / - (not!) - SCAM SITE - THEY SEEK VICTIMS ON TELEGRAM on: December 14, 2018, 04:21:14 PM
SCAM DETECTED: 1XBIT.ORG (similar name as another Crypto Casino, other TLD)

I was contacted by a guy on Telegram (using the handle Dennis Meel @denismeel) if I wanted to try his casino site. The site looked really shitty and the communication was a bit weird. Out of curiosity I opened an account coz I wanted to see where the scam is. Once you click on deposit, the site shows you a Bitcoin ( or Ethereum ( address. Checking these addresses in a block explorer reveals that there were already multiple transactions towards these. So the lazy bum is not even trying to generate a new address for each user he tries to trick in.

Keep your fingers away of keep the guy busy by asking stupid questions and stay away of such scammers. Be safe.

These are the adresses the scammer is using:
2  Economy / Trading Discussion / MtGox Creditors - Please join the MtGox Creditors Telegram group on: September 27, 2017, 09:55:58 AM
Here it is:

MtGox Creditors Telegram Group

We need to talk if we want to coordinate. All groups and forums I've seen are static or closed. Let's try to join forces. Join the group and spread the invitation.


If you are a MtGox creditor, you might also be interested to join these places:

/r/mtgoxinsolvency on Reddit
Google Group to join forces for legal steps in favor of creditors

3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Discussion (Altcoins) / Follow Cryptsy investigations at /r/cryptsyinsolvency on: February 07, 2017, 01:52:03 PM
Hi there,

are you one of the victims of crooked Big Vern? Then you might be interested in following the officially court appointed reciever and discuss that with other ex-cryptsy users on Reddit:

Come and join.

Alternatively you can read up the recievers reports at the official page:

4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / NameCoin will be used to sell/buy/sign digital art on: May 10, 2014, 12:24:46 AM


5  Economy / Service Discussion / - who knows something about "raid paper wallets"? on: March 21, 2014, 08:54:15 PM
A redditor today launched a discussion about the site (domain owned by Mark Karpeles' Tibanne company). It seems to be a site which generates paper wallets in a way that a single private key can only be reconstructed if you have 2 of 3 paper wallets (or any other number you choose).

The redditors then speculate about if MtGox used these "raid" paper wallets for their cold storage (magicaltux talked about raid wallets) and might have problems to reconstruct the private keys. The algorithm is also investigated by the redditors.

I find that pretty interesting. Does anyone here know anything about that site or raid paper wallets? Who "invented" the raid wallets? Who coded that site (I doubt it was Karpeles)? Has MrTiggr something to do with He mentioned it in #bitcoin-otc in 2012 here and there and was loosely linked to Tibanne through, another domain owned by Karpeles.

ATTN: Do not use wallets from to store bitcoins. The PDFs for the paper wallets are generated server side.
6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Dogecoin, 42coin, Digitalcoin, Mastercoin and other broken? on: January 22, 2014, 10:56:15 PM
There's a bunch of similar pull requests on github proposing fixes to various altcoins including Dogecoin, 42coin, Unobtainium, Digitalcoin, Mastercoin and Lottery Tickets:

Maybe their devs should look into that quickly....

Until now there are pull requests for these coins: Dogecoin, Mooncoin, 42coin, Lottocoin, Diamondcoin, Earthcoin, Stablecoin, Netcoin, Radioactivecoin, Unobtainium, Orbitcoin, Grandcoin, Digitalcoin, Mastercoin, Lottery Tickets
7  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Paypal Boss David Marcus: Rigs ok, BTC not and "We're believers in BTC though" on: January 13, 2014, 08:43:53 AM
Paypal President David Marcus clarifies Paypal policy towards mining rigs and btc trades:



8  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Switzerland: lawmakers ask govt to legalize Bitcoin and seek BTC donations on: December 09, 2013, 03:34:25 PM
The swiss parliamentary lawmaker group "Digitale Nachhaltigkeit - Parldigi" (Digital Sustainability) asked the Swiss government to legalize Bitcoin.

In a postulate (site in german) titled "Establish legal certainty for Bitcoin" delivered to the swiss federal government the group of members of the national council asked the federal council to find answers to the following questions:

1. What chances for the financial centre Switzerland does the federal council see in Bitcoin and similar online currencies?

2. Which arguments speak against treating Bitcoin like a foreign currency?

3. Which regulatory instruments does the federal cuncil have to establish legal certainty for Bitcoin and similar online currencies?

4. If there are any regulatory steps to take, which will these be and what is the roadmap for implementation of these steps?

The group also says that these questions might be answered if the federal council takes the position that Bitcoins should be treated like foreign currencies. Then Bitcoin could be regulated using the existing swiss laws like the Anti-Money Laundering Act (AMLA) the Collective Investment Schemes Act (CISA), the Value Added Tax Act (VAT Act) and similar laws. By doing this, legal certainty for Bitcoin could be reached in Switzerland.

To gain experience with Bitcoin, the parliamentary group posted a Bitcoin donation address on their website (see bottom of the postulate). The original german text of the postulate can also be found there:
9  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Bank of America covers Bitcoin - 1300$ fair price, potential for growth on: December 05, 2013, 02:10:19 PM
“We believe Bitcoin can become a major means of payment for e-commerce and may emerge as a serious competitor to traditional money transfer providers,” wrote Bank of America currency strategist David Woo in a 14-page note to clients this morning. “As a medium of exchange, Bitcoin has clear potential for growth, in our view.”

10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Buy Domain Names with Freicoins (FRC) on: December 04, 2013, 10:40:14 AM
If you are speaking spanish, you can buy domain names in Freicoin (FRC):
11  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Exchanges accepting Freicoin (FRC) on: November 29, 2013, 12:35:22 PM
Let's collect the exchanges that accept Freicoin (FRC)

Trading open:

To come: (announced for January 2014)

If you know about other exchanges that accept FRC, please post em here
12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Two Super Cheap Cryptos – Freicoin (FRC) and Feathercoin (FTC) on: November 28, 2013, 11:33:47 AM
See the charts here:

Why is that? Reasons?
13  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Welcome to Satoshis' Cryptocoin Continuum on: July 26, 2013, 12:42:24 AM
Attention, this post has a bit of a explorative philosophical nature. If you are not up to it, don't read further. But if you are interested, read it and spare your "but", "no" and "never!" until the end of this text.

Last night I had a little chat, over at the #freicoin chat and it evolved quite interesting. I talked to a user named "funky". He told me that he was making some quick cash with altcoins, which he sold early, as long as there was profit in (quite a well known schema in the altcoin sector) and before that altcoin falls into irrelevancy.

We talked about demurrage experiments in the US during the depression and about the theory of social credit. We also evolved thoughts about a new fictitious cryptocurrency named "speed money", basically money with an incentive to spend, but not a negative interest like Freicoin, but a positive bonus if you spend the money (Maybe technically not that easy to achieve). We came then to the point that if you get a bonus for every transaction, the amount of coins in that currency could rise constantly and infinitely, which he considered not being a problem, as services and goods would either way be infinitely produced (basically that opinion is behind the theory of social credit).

We talked a bit more about altcoins, as funky suddenly said "And here comes Satoshi, he combines social credit and difficulty derived value". We evolved that thought further and the conlusion was:

Satoshi, in inventing the bitcoin protocol (not only Bitcoin, but the protocol used by all the altcoins), created some sort of a social credit system as people can get free money while producing infinite new altcoins and creating new types of altcoins. New altcoins evolve, some vanish early, some hold a certain market value longer, some loose it faster. As Altcoins can be used to buy goods, but also are constantly threatened to vanish and loose value, the concept of speed money or demurrage lies within the infinite creation and decay of new altcoins - if you hold the coins too long, you are threatened to loose the value that once lied within.

That's Satoshis' Cryptocoin Continuum - Social credit combined with demurrage - we are already in it. Not with a single coin, but with all the cryptocoins.

Feel free to share your thoughts...
14  Other / Politics & Society / Welcome to Satoshis' Cryptocoin Continuum on: July 26, 2013, 12:14:45 AM
Attention, this post has a bit of a explorative philosophical nature. If you are not up to it, don't read further. But if you are interested, read it and spare your "but", "no" and "never!" until the end of this text.

Last night I had a little chat, over at the #freicoin chat and it evolved quite interesting. I talked to a user named "funky". He told me that he was making some quick cash with altcoins, which he sold early, as long as there was profit in (quite a well known schema in the altcoin sector) and before that altcoin falls into irrelevancy.

We talked about demurrage experiments in the US during the depression and about the theory of social credit. We also evolved thoughts about a new fictitious cryptocurrency named "speed money", basically money with an incentive to spend, but not a negative interest like Freicoin, but a positive bonus if you spend the money (Maybe technically not that easy to achieve). We came then to the point that if you get a bonus for every transaction, the amount of coins in that currency could rise constantly and infinitely, which he considered not being a problem, as services and goods would either way be infinitely produced (basically that opinion is behind the theory of social credit).

We talked a bit more about altcoins, as funky suddenly said "And here comes Satoshi, he combines social credit and difficulty derived value". We evolved that thought further and the conlusion was:

Satoshi, in inventing the bitcoin protocol (not only Bitcoin, but the protocol used by all the altcoins), created some sort of a social credit system as people can get free money while producing infinite new altcoins and creating new types of altcoins. New altcoins evolve, some vanish early, some hold a certain market value longer, some loose it faster. As Altcoins can be used to buy goods, but also are constantly threatened to vanish and loose value, the concept of speed money or demurrage lies within the infinite creation and decay of new altcoins - if you hold the coins too long, you are threatened to loose the value that once lied within.

That's Satoshis' Cryptocoin Continuum - Social credit combined with demurrage - we are already in it. Not with a single coin, but with all the cryptocoins.

Feel free to share your thoughts...
15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / PLEASE VOTE! Which altcoins do you consider having a real future value? [OPEN] on: July 23, 2013, 10:28:03 AM
Poll runs for 20 days.
16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / 10 x 10 FRC (Freicoins) Giveaway [CLOSED] on: July 22, 2013, 08:05:25 PM
Again, here comes a 10 x 10 FRC giveaway. Just post a valid FRC adress into this post. The client is obtainable at Download it, generate an adress, post it here and recieve 10 Freicoins.
17  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Just cant sync the blockchain (bitcoin v0.8.3.0-g40809ae-beta) on Ubuntu 13.04 on: July 18, 2013, 11:21:21 AM
I just can't get my bitcoin client (v0.8.3.0-g40809ae-beta) to download the whole blockchain.

I tried everything

1. bitcoin-qt -reindex
2. only left wallet.dat in the user directory and -reindex
3. started with an empty user directory and -reindex
4. got bootstrap.dat and -reindex

I always waited for hours/days but at some point it always got stuck... best was 50 weeks

My machine shouldn't be the problem:AMD Phenom X1090 6x3.2 Ghz, 16GB RAM, SSDs.

What else could I try (besides of using an online wallet)?

Thanks for any hints...
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / [BFGMINER] "Longpoll from pool 0 requested work update" - what does that mean? on: July 18, 2013, 07:29:21 AM
Hi there,

I am mining some FRC with bfgminer and a little USB miner on a p2pool. Bfgminer reports the following:

[2013-07-18 07:25:24] Longpoll from pool 0 requested work update
 [2013-07-18 07:25:36] Accepted b704c0e2 ICA 0  Diff 1/1
 [2013-07-18 07:25:47] Longpoll from pool 0 requested work update
 [2013-07-18 07:25:49] Longpoll from pool 0 requested work update
 [2013-07-18 07:26:00] Accepted 54fde90f ICA 0  Diff 3/1
 [2013-07-18 07:26:12] Longpoll from pool 0 requested work update
 [2013-07-18 07:26:20] Longpoll from pool 0 requested work update
 [2013-07-18 07:26:22] Accepted 0da414ce ICA 0  Diff 18/1
 [2013-07-18 07:26:23] Longpoll from pool 0 requested work update
 [2013-07-18 07:26:32] Longpoll from pool 0 requested work update
 [2013-07-18 07:26:34] Longpoll from pool 0 requested work update
 [2013-07-18 07:26:36] Longpoll from pool 0 requested work update
 [2013-07-18 07:26:39] Longpoll from pool 0 requested work update
 [2013-07-18 07:26:40] Longpoll from pool 0 requested work update
 [2013-07-18 07:26:59] Longpoll from pool 0 requested work update
 [2013-07-18 07:27:03] Accepted 420e2feb ICA 0  Diff 3/1
 [2013-07-18 07:27:06] Longpoll from pool 0 requested work update
 [2013-07-18 07:27:13] Accepted af4bfe2e ICA 0  Diff 1/1
 [2013-07-18 07:27:20] Longpoll from pool 0 requested work update
 [2013-07-18 07:27:28] Longpoll from pool 0 requested work update
 [2013-07-18 07:27:53] Longpoll from pool 0 requested work update
 [2013-07-18 07:27:58] Accepted c47f63ab ICA 0  Diff 1/1
 [2013-07-18 07:27:59] Longpoll from pool 0 requested work update
 [2013-07-18 07:28:01] Longpoll from pool 0 requested work update
 [2013-07-18 07:28:01] Rejected e5006553 ICA 0  Diff 1/1
 [2013-07-18 07:28:02] Longpoll from pool 0 requested work update
 [2013-07-18 07:28:11] Longpoll from pool 0 requested work update

What does the message "Longpoll from pool 0 requested work update" exactly mean? And what does it mean that there are more of these msg than the "accepted" msg? Everything ok or would it mine more efficient if less of the "work update" msg would be visible?
19  Bitcoin / Hardware / BFL Orders per date - BFL workload diagram - How many units until mine? on: July 17, 2013, 09:21:10 AM
I wondered how many Jalapenos BFL will have to deliver before my unit (ordered on January 2, 2013) will be processed. I scraped some data from pivoted it, and tried to make a diagramm you see below. If you don't see anything, log into your google account or look at this album on imgur: The diagrams are made with google spreadsheet and somehow are onyl visible when logged in.

Jalapeno orders:

An here are the Little Single orders:

These are the Single orders:

And these are the Mini Rig Orders:

Note that the numbers from are not complete and may contain errors... but still I think the diagram contains some info... at least the info that there where not so many orders between October 2012 (which they are processing now) and my order in January 2013. But remember, there might be many more orders...

If you think these diagrams helped you in any way, feel free to spare some satoshis (BTC): 1DEEGch7eG4mSbkpCiGcnCLPWC4m1pGYeu
20  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / [FRC] [GIVEAWAY] 10 x 10 Freicoins (FRC) to give away for free [CLOSED] on: July 15, 2013, 09:03:26 AM
I give a way 10 Freicoins (FRC) for the first 10 users who post a valid Freicoin adress into this thread.

Get the client at, generate an adress and post it here.
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