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LTC & BTC price charts by cosurgiI just finished a major update of my charting website , I hope you like it  Currently supported currencies: - Currently supported currencies:
- vircurex:LTC/BTC, LTC/USD,
- bitcurex:BTC/PLN, BTC/EUR,
- btcchina:BTC/CNY,
- bitstamp:BTC/USD,
- cavirtex:BTC/CAD,
- okcoin:BTC/CNY, LTC/CNY,
- bitfinex:BTC/USD, LTC/USD, LTC/BTC
- Technical analysis:
- Exponential moving average: EMA(10), EMA(25)
Few of the less popular exchanges are missing history, but that will get filled up pretty quick  Please tell me what features would you most like to see. To make volume comparisons possible I converted all volumes into BTC. Even for trades like LTC/RUR the volume is in BTC. So that you can really compare volume between exchanges.
LTC & BTC price charts by cosurgiI just finished a major update of my charting website , I hope you like it  Currently supported currencies: - Currently supported currencies:
- vircurex:LTC/BTC, LTC/USD,
- bitcurex:BTC/PLN, BTC/EUR,
- btcchina:BTC/CNY,
- bitstamp:BTC/USD,
- cavirtex:BTC/CAD,
- okcoin:BTC/CNY, LTC/CNY,
- bitfinex:BTC/USD, LTC/USD, LTC/BTC
- Technical analysis:
- Exponential moving average: EMA(10), EMA(25)
Few of the less popular exchanges are missing history, but that will get filled up pretty quick  Please tell me what features would you most like to see. To make volume comparisons possible I converted all volumes into BTC. Even for trades like LTC/RUR the volume is in BTC. So that you can really compare volume between exchanges.
Hi, I needed some charts that are actually useful, fast in the browser, and don't display unnecessary things on the website. This is official thread for these charts. I have some plans for adding more currencies and other stuff, I will edit this first post to list all current features on this simple website. LTC & BTC price charts by cosurgi- Currently supported currencies:
- vircurex:LTC/BTC, LTC/USD,
- bitcurex:BTC/PLN, BTC/EUR,
- btcchina:BTC/CNY,
- bitstamp:BTC/USD,
- cavirtex:BTC/CAD,
- okcoin:BTC/CNY, LTC/CNY,
- bitfinex:BTC/USD, LTC/USD, LTC/BTC
- Technical analysis:
- Exponential moving average: EMA(10), EMA(25)
Few of those exchanges unfortunately are missing history, so we will need for the data to fill up. I want to thanks weex for sharing his python script for downloading API data. please give your feedback below
Hi, In 2008 my wife defended a PhD thesis "Architectural problems of a Martian base design as a habitat in extreme conditions", it was however written in polish language. Since then I've been planning to translate it into english. Unfortunately we never had enough time, due to other scientific research we were doing. In 2011 I've discovered bitcoin and later litecoin. This allowed me to collect some extra money so in 2013 I was able to pay a professional translator to do the work. Since I want really hard to give this PhD thesis to the whole world I decided to pay out of my pocket - about 4000 USD. The translation process is now going strong, and I hope that we will have this translation finished by the end of 2014. I just uploaded to my website a 50% translation draft, so you can see where this is going. It's all on my website: version (50% translated so far): in polish language: you like the idea, I would be really grateful if you donated: BTC: 1KNLQbfLoc6xyHExDV19d2qdaCq8ST5ip4 LTC: Legfq6X7DPF9Wy5mF1Gp8JyefeZqcYhYzB target goal is about 4000 USD. best regards Janek Kozicki
Hi, This is constantly evolving, also I don't see any GPG signature to use on so how to I verify this latest bitcoin binary? For example on I see a GPG signature which I can use to verify easily using these commands: wget wget gpg --verify litecoin- litecoin-
How is it done for bitcoin? Maybe it is even simpler for bitcoin, and I'm just blind. If it's not easier, then please could you fix the bitcoin binary download page?
Hi, I just downloaded an update for bitcoin-qt client from The download is redirected from to am worried that might have been hacked, and nobody noticed yet. I did a search for md5sum of bitcoin-0.8.1-linux.tar.gz, but couldn't find it anywhere on the official site. Therefore this binary is not to be trusted. I am afraid that if I launch it, it will steal all my coins. on my side the md5sum is $ md5sum bitcoin-0.8.1-linux.tar.gz 1f6698135cfab8695e0f826ffc428d4c bitcoin-0.8.1-linux.tar.gz
But I prefer that one of developers confirm this (not by redownloading it from aforementioned address, since it might have been compromised). Bitcoin developers: could you implement some method of using digital signatures on your released binaries? Debian for example has pgp keys which authorize a package repository. I could resort to recompiling myself, and first comparing source code between my current version and a new one, to make sure that no malicious code got in. But we are talking about user-friendly bitcoin. So I am not going to do this, because bitcoin should not be only for people who can read and write code. We need some security on released binaries. Better safe than sorry. This is why I posted this question. And I really do not intend to offend developers. I am only asking, because I want to be safe.
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Predis\CommunicationException' with message 'Connection refused' in /var/www/predis.php:1365 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/predis.php(1330): Predis\Connection->onCommunicationException('Connection refu...', 111) #1 /var/www/predis.php(1443): Predis\Connection->connect() #2 /var/www/predis.php(1396): Predis\Connection->getSocket() #3 /var/www/predis.php(1370): Predis\Connection->writeBytes('*3??$7??HEXISTS...') #4 /var/www/predis.php(1379): Predis\Connection->writeCommand(Object(Predis\Commands\HashExists)) #5 /var/www/predis.php(202): Predis\Connection->executeCommand(Object(Predis\Commands\HashExists)) #6 /var/www/index.php(72): Predis\Client->__call('hexists', Array) #7 /var/www/index.php(72): Predis\Client->hexists('46a99f781d4faa0...', 'df9273e5db0fca4...') #8 {main} thrown in /var/www/predis.php on line 1365 maybe they are updating the website or something.
does anybody know some bitcoin charts website that actually works? the either dispalys 502 or pretends to display charts, buts shows everything except the charts itself....
maybe someone might mirror this website?
I've read previous posts but still couldn't find the answer.
So I am starting this topic: did Avalon start giving out tracking numbers? Anybody got a tracking number from them?
besides - did they start shipping out batch 2 ?
I see some problem with - It asks some password for "prepping for batch #3". Seems like batch#3 is supposed to be invite only.
Hi, I did some analysis of pool efficiency for: Tycho, BTCGuild, slush and luke-jr, and I have found a problem with BTCGuild. I think I need your help to verify this, to be sure that I make no mistake here. Here is what I did: download all rounds history for each pool: 5 0 * * * /root/bin/getTycho 2>&1 > /dev/null , where getTycho script is wget -O /backup/btc/deepbit-`date +"%Y-%m-%d"`.log '' I did setup cron about half a year ago, to be able to verify pool stats some day. And I didn't setup it for BTCGuild because they provide all_blocks.php webpage with full history. Now it's only them that appear to be problematic in those calculations. I suppose that other pool owners could also provide their history to verify my crontab downloading. Next thing, the calculations for each pool are following: i - round number, j - difficulty index (all rounds with the same difficulty have the same j) ): 1. calculate average pool's luck as sum_by_i(round_i_shares)/sum_by_i(round_i_difficulty), expected number is 1.02. calculate standard deviation as sqrt( sum_by_i(difficulty_i*difficulty_i) ) / sum_by_i(difficulty_i)= sqrt(sum_by_j(number_of_rounds_with_difficulty_j * difficulty_j*difficulty_j))/sum_by_j(number_of_rounds_with_difficulty_j * difficulty_j), value depends on number of rounds You can verify all my calculations by downloading this openoffice spreadsheet: summarize here are all results: - Tycho: 0.9949 +/- 0.011, which gives 0.51% pool luck with 1.1% error
- BTCGuild: 1.0442 +/- 0.018, which gives 4.4% pool problems with 1.8% error
- slush: 0.9999 +/- 0.016, which gives 0.01% pool luck with 1.6% error
- luke-jr: 0.9602 +/- 0.040 which gives 4% pool luck with 4% error
luke has biggest error uncertainty because he has only 770 rounds. But his luck still fits in standard deviation.
Heh, I just had this funny idea, which maybe could work (??) let's say that block chain can contain media content like music, videos and books. Of course it will grow insanely big. But let me continue. - to upload media content you pay some relatively big tx fee, which goes to the miners. The uploaded content is encrypted with some private pgp key, contains an address where people can pay to access it, a thumbnail and a description. - each person can chose to skip storing this content on his harddrive (save HDD space), and instead just store a short control sum - therefore the main "provider" of this content will be the guy who uploaded it, plus some other people who bought it - the GUI will be extended with a content browser similar to STEAM, even divided to categories, etc. You could browse there, see a thumbnail a short description and a price. - when you decided to buy this content, you pay to the address specified and you get a key to decrypt this content. But this key is only for you because it is generated using your mediaDRMcoin public pgp key. - "providers" can change the price if they chose to, this is another mediaDRMcoin transaction - p2p deamons can query each other to find out who really HAS this provided content, and who has just its control sum. If nobody is hosting it anymore it is removed from the chain, this transaction is free and done automatically. Re-adding such deleted content later is like adding a new one. - if somebody uploads someone's else creation (breaking legal laws) he has to give the private wallet address that is used for receiving payment to the rightful owner of this content. And he has to give the pgp key for decrypting content. The rightful owner can then set another price on his content, or make a transaction that requires all p2p to delete this content. This is another allowed transaction. Regular people will just store a short version of the block chain, "providers" and people who bought it will host the content they provide. Now imagine people forcing Holywood to start using it  For example uploading tons of movies, then sending to rightful owners their private wallet keys for receiving payments. lol. ok. that's it. discuss 