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1  Local / Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia) / [BOUNTY] SOFTBLC PLATFORM 🔥 500,000 SBP POOL on: April 02, 2021, 05:58:47 PM

▶Aturan Campaign ◀
1. Setiap peserta harus mengikuti resmi Softblc [url =] [color = blue] Twitter [/color]
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2. Akun Twitter harus memiliki 1000+ pengikut dan harus asli (85% dalam audit Twitter).
3. Pengguna harus me-Retweet 3 tweet dari Softblc [url =] [color = blue] Twitter [/color] [/ url]
4. Buat banyak tweet unik tentang platform Softblc, menggunakan hashtag berikut [color = blue] #softblc #unicrypt #uniswap #presale #ICO #IDO $ SBP [/color]

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kami memilih 10 pemenang setelah akhir bounty (2 minggu dari hari ini), semakin banyak Anda memposting & retwitt tentang platform softblc semakin banyak peluang untuk memenangkan bounty

setelah mengikuti aturan campain sebelumnya, yang harus kamu lakukan sekarang adalah:

1) posting di twitter Anda THIS POST dan beri tag orang yang Anda anggap sebagai pemberi pengaruh kripto terbaik dan 2 teman. Gunakan hashtag #softblc #unicrypt #uniswap #presale #ICO #IDO $SBP

1) retwitt THE PRESALE POST dengan kutipan termasuk betapa menariknya Anda tentang prapenjualan platform softblc dan beri tag pada orang yang Anda anggap sebagai pemberi pengaruh kripto terbaik & 2 teman dan sematkan dalam keuntungan Anda selama 2 minggu. Gunakan hashtags #softblc #unicrypt #uniswap #presale #ICO #IDO $SBP


2  Local / Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia) / 🔥✅[BOUNTY][DEFI][NFT]✅🚀 VISOR FINANCE - NFT Smart vaults for liquidity mining on: April 02, 2021, 05:46:21 PM

Website | Buy VISR | Listing on Uniswap

Visor Finance Official Bounty Campaign

Kemampuan untuk berinteraksi dengan protokol DeFi melalui NFT untuk meningkatkan penemuan, reputasi, keamanan, dan programabilitas likuiditas on-chain.

Dengan smart vault NFT kami, Anda dapat menambang likuiditas pada beberapa protokol secara bersamaan.

Terms and Conditions

General rules:

1. The Bounty program starts on the 31 March 2021 dan berakhir 30 April 2021.

2.  8,000 USDT  Total akan dialokasikan ke Bounty Pool.

3. Dilarang menggunakan banyak akun, mengirim spam, bot, dll.

4. Hadiah hadiah akan dibayarkan melalui USDT di Jaringan Tron setelah akhir kampanye sesuai dengan tugas yang diselesaikan. Hasil akan diumumkan 2 minggu setelah penutupan Bounty di Bounty Master Spreadsheet.

5. Bounty telegram chat: Semua pertanyaan tentang program bounty harus ditanyakan di sana.

Note: Harap periksa kembali semua entri Anda, terutama alamat USDT Anda di Tron Network karena kami tidak akan bertanggung jawab jika Anda tidak dapat menerima pembayaran Anda karena salah alamat USDT yang Anda kirimkan.

7650 USD dicadangkan untuk kampanye ini.

Setiap peserta akan mendapatkan 5 USDT.

Anda harus menyelesaikan tugas wajib berikut untuk menerima 5 USDT:
 1. Ikuti akun Twitter resmi Visor Finance Pengikut Twitter minimal harus 200 agar memenuhi syarat dalam kampanye.
 2. Retweet dengan tagar #VisorFinance #Visor #DeFi #NFT.
 3. Bergabunglah dengan grup Telegram

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350 USD dicadangkan untuk kampanye ini.

Hadiah untuk kontes Meme:

  • 150 USDT ke meme dengan suka / bagikan / komentar / atau retweet paling banyak
  • 100 USDT untuk favorit komunitas
  • 100 USDT untuk favorit tim Visor Finance (petunjuk: kami suka Pepes!)

Pemenang akan diumumkan melalui obrolan telegram Bounty:

  1. Buat meme yang terkait dengan tema Visor Finance dan kirimkan ke akun Twitter Anda dengan pegangan telegram dan tagar #VisorFinance. Pastikan untuk memberi tag dan mengikuti halaman kami.
Contoh: @YourUserName #VisorFinance
 2. Bisa dalam format apapun yang Anda inginkan - 2D, Video, Gifs - jadilah kreatif!

Contoh Laporan Kontes Meme:

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Twitter posting tautan dengan meme Anda
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USDT (trc20) Alamat dompet:

How to Apply:
To participate in the Twitter & Telegram Campaign fill the form available: REGISTRATION FORM
To check your participation, click: MASTER SPREEDSHEET

3  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Bitcoin-qt always reindexes blocks on startup [SOLVED] on: September 20, 2016, 08:58:52 PM
I have upgraded to Bitcoin Core version v0.13.0.0-ga402396 (64-bit) on Ubuntu 15.10

Everytime I start it, it will do a Reindexing of blocks on disk from the start. It takes about a day to do so and consumes a lot of CPU.

I patiently wait for it to finish before closing it down. But the next time I start it, it will again do the reindexing from start.

What could be the issue here?

4  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Another Bigger Stress Test planned for Sept 10 on: September 05, 2015, 03:22:35 AM

For whatever reason this stress test is launched, I think this is good to see just how resilient the bitcoin network is right now.

Miners seem to be already taking steps to counter the transaction backlog, by (ignoring for a while at least) what look like stress test transactions even though they supposedly pay higher fees (0.0005 instead of 0.0001). For the stress test to be more efffective I think the testers need to create real looking transactions to begin with.

It is a highly strategic battle. The stress test might come after or before (most likely). Regardless, I think it is very important and good in the end for bitcoin. It will shed some light for example on how to determine the max block size.

5  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Proposal: dynamic max blocksize according to difficulty on: August 31, 2015, 08:57:45 PM
I propose a very simple solution to determine the new maximum blocksize:

Increase or decrease to the maximum blocksize at the same rate as how difficulty is increased or decreased. This can be set at every 2016 blocks or a multiple of such.

For example currently the blocksize is 1,000,000B and the difficulty rate of the last 20160 blocks has increased by 9.72%  (from 49,446,390,688 to 54,256,630,328) then the new block size = 1,097,277B

We could do an initial jump to 2MB, since I believe there is consensus that this is what is needed to begin with.

Rationale: Even though hardware advances do not exactly match in different computing areas, for example network vs computation speed, it is roughly similar (perhaps some research can be made) to the degree that it gives us at least some guidance as to what the network can support in terms of block relaying latency.

A very big advantage is that implementation would be trivial.

6  Local / Español (Spanish) / Propuesta para imprimir bitcoin en billetes. on: March 25, 2014, 06:02:30 AM
Una Propuesta para imprimir bitcoin en billetes.
(originalmente posteado en inglés aqui:

Tengo la siguiente idea para integrar bitcoins en billetes: tomas el folio del cualquier billete de cualquier país y creas una cartera multisig con el. Envias fondos a esta direccion, marcas el billete con la cantidad de bitcoins que contiene y (opcionalmente) mutilas el billete.

Los bitcoins depositados en la dirección multisig no se pueden gastar porque este multisig esta compuesto por varias llaves públicas de diversas personas y organizaciones que nada les importa y no se van a reunir para firmar la P2SH. Esto significa que quien tenga en su poder el billete puede estar seguro que es dueño de bitcoins unicos que no nadie puede gastar electronicamente.

Es importante que el billete a marcar sea muy dificil de falsificar y que tenga un folio único. Es por eso que los billetes expedidos por los gobiernos son perfectos para hacer esto. Claro, esta idea se puede aplicar a cualquier objeto que cumpla con estas dos caracteristicas (folio unico y dificil de falsificar) incluyendo la expedición de tus propios billetes o monedas con numeros de serie.

Sería bueno si pudieramos ponernos de acuerdo para especificar un estandar de llaves públicas para facilitar la verificación de los saldos en las direcciones multisig. De lo contrario la persona que este bitcoineando sus billetes tiene publicar el set de llaves públicas que utilizó para que el público que use sus billetes pueda verificarlos.

Cual es el propósito de esto? Permite que cualquiera pueda tener bitcoins sin tener que accesar una computadora o connexión de internet. Los billetes solo se tiene que verificar una vez por el poseedor del billete consultando el blockchain y ya. El blockchain no tiene que mantenerse actualizado ya que es virtualmente imposible "sacar" los bitcoins del billete con una futura transaccion.

Pasos para crear un multisig para un billete específico.

1. Determina la nacionalidad y denominación del billete.
2. Agrega el numero de serie del billete (folio).
3. Crea un cartera cerebro (brain wallet) con estos datos usando un método estandard, separando con un espacio la nacionalidad, denominación y folio del billete.
4. Escoge 4 o mas llaves públicas de direcciones regulares muy conocidas.
5. Crea la dirección multisig combinando las llaves públicas empezando por el que se generó con la cartera cerebro del billete.
6. Envia los fondos a esta dirección. Sugiero usar la denominación del billete como guía: 0.0005 BTC for $5.00 USD, 0.001 BTC for $10 USD, etc
7. Escribe con tinta indeleble en el billete la nacionalidad y denominación a lado del folio de como se determino la dirección y la cantidad depositada de bitcoins.
Opcionalmente mutila el billete para que sea facil de distinguir de otro billeto no bitcoineado para evitar que se pierda por error. Sugiero doblarlo dos veces a la mitad y luego cortar con guillotina en el tercer doblez.

1. US. 5 dollar bill.
2. US 5 IF84621533C
3. Genera el "Brain Wallet"
4. Genera la direccion P2SH. Vamos a utilizar las siguientes llaves públicas que escogí arbitrariamente de transacciones que encontre en el blockchain:
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5. Le agregamos la llave publica generada por el passphrase del brain wallet de los USD 5 y folio.

6. Enviamos fondos por 0.0005 BTC a la dirección Multisig ( 3FScohu2zS57323xt58LBc3if9r2juLCTw ) usando cualquier software de monedero. Se le agrega 0.00001 comisión de transacción.
7. Escribimos en el billete el monto enviado y lo mutilamos.

8. Se publica el redeem script para que otros lo puedan verificar:
Repito, este paso podría ser evitado si podemos ponernos de acuerdo a un estandar de llaves públicas para usar universalmente en esto.

Tambien se puede imprimir el redeem script base64 encoded  con un código QR en el reverso del billete. Utilize la herramienta localizado aqui: Por conveniencia le agregue el código QR code de la direccion P2SH address y mas detalles. Utilize el generador de códigos QR de

Otro ejemplo con un billete Mexicano de 20 pesos:
1. Genera el Brain wallet con los siguientes palabras clave: MEX 20 T6944908
2. Genera la direccion P2SH, copia y pega la llave pública del brain wallet y agrega las otras 6 llaves públicas. Usaremos las mismas 6 del billete anterior.
3. Envia .0002 BTC a la direccion P2SH address ( 3JgyBtcQ7Sp9R17jSRdhi9TCWqbz2vQUed ) Asegurate de agregar 0.0001 de comisión.
4. Escribe en el billete la cantidad de bitcoins depositados y como se derivaron las palabras clave:

5. Publica el redeem script para que otros lo puedan verificar:
6. De otra forma, imprime el redeem script base64 encoded con info adicional en el billete.

Notese como escribir la info en la parte inferior a diferencia del billete de $5 USD. La razón de hacerlo así es para que el que sostiene el billete le sea mas facil verificar que es el mismo numero de serie utilizado al doblar el billete para ver la info pertinente de ambos lados.

Yo utilizé etiquetas ordinarias (2"x4") y los pegué a los billetes. Lo ideal seria haber imprimido directo en el billete pero desafortunadamene las imagenes de fondo causan demasiado ruido para que los códigos QR sean legibles. Lo importante a notar es que en teoria toda esa info se puede imprimir en el espacio de cualquier billete ordinario.

Como determinar si cierto billeto tiene una direccion multisig válida y tiene los supuestos bitcoins:

1. Primero vas a y pegas el redeem script (decodifica base64 antes si fue escaneado desde un código QR). Deberá mostrar la dirección multisig
que comienza con 3 y la lista de llaves públicas que se requieren para cobrar los fondos de la transacción. Tambien verificar que todas las firmas son requeridas. Notese que si usaramos un estandard set de llaves públicas este redeem script se podria regenerar unicamente con el folio y no sería necesario imprimirlo en cada billete.

2. Una vez obtenido la dirección multisig checa en un explorador de blockchain (eg y checa que si contiene los supuestos bitcoins.


Pienso que este sistema puede ser muy útil en paises donde se sufre severa inflación (Venezuela, Argentina, etc). Los ciudadanos pueden tomar sus propia moneda y comenzar a imprimirle los bitcoins para evitar que se devaluen aun mas, y utilazarlos en lugar de billetes no bitcoineados para las transacciones diarias. Podrian funcionar como propinas y pequeños obsequios en lugares donde ya se utiliza bitcoin en monedores digitales o en cualquier lado. Puede tambien ayudar a difundir la idea de bitcoin particularmente en paises subdesarollados.

Se podría desarollar una app movil que escanea el billete, determina el tipo de moneda y lee el folio. Desglozaria las llaves públicas utilizadas y el importe de bitcoins. El usuario podria mantener una base de datos de llaves publicas que confia y si una de esa llaves publicas estan encodificados en el billete puede tener la tranquilidad que su billete se mantendrá bitcoineado. bitcoins will not be withdrawn. La app intentaria guardar todo el blockchain para que pueda verificar billetes sin tener que estar conectado al internet.

Se podría tambien desarollar una página web usando javascript, donde el usuario ingresa la moneda, denominacion y numero de serie y este regresa la multisig con sus llaves públicas correspondientes y el importe de bitcoins contenidos ahí. Tambien esta misma página podría hacer la operación inversa: generar una direccion multisig, incluyendo códigos QR, sugeriendo un set de llaves públicas reconocidas de los cuales el puede escoger para que así enviar los bitcoins y sellar el billete.

Los invito a que bitcoineen sus propios billetes y posteen fotos aqui.
7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Human mine-able cryptocurrency that works indexing projects? on: March 20, 2014, 12:58:15 AM
I think it would be a great idea to make a human mine-able crypto currency that rewards people who work on indexing genealogical records.

This is a tedious thankless job that requires several steps that no computer can automate.

It would be great if all these volunteers could be rewarded like this.

For more info on how indexing works:
8  Bitcoin / Project Development / Proposal to imprint bitcoin unto paper currency on: March 15, 2014, 04:34:11 AM
Proposal to imprint bitcoin unto paper currency

I have the following idea to put bitcoin unto paper currency: you take the serial number of any government issued paper bill and create a multisig wallet with it. You then send funds to this address. Mutilate and mark the bill with the amount of bitcoins.

The bitcoins deposited in the multisig P2SH address cannot be redeemed because the multisig will be composed by several keys owned by diverse people and organizations who wouldn't care less to actually come together to sign the P2SH. This means that whoever is holding the paper bill can be assured he is holding unique bitcoins that are not spendable by anyone else.

It is important that the bill to be marked is very hard to counterfeit and that it holds a unique serial number. That is why government issued paper bills are perfect. Of course, this idea can be applied to anything that fulfills these two characteristics (unique serial number and hard to counterfeit) including issuing your own paper bills or coins with serial numbers.

It would be good if we can come up with a standard set of public keys, to make the generation and verification of multisig address conforming predictable, otherwise the one bitcoining the bills will have to publish his own set.

What is the purpose of this? It allows anyone to actually have bitcoins in their possession without access to any computer device or internet connection. Bills only have to be verified once by the possessor of the bill by consulting the blockhchain and thats it. This blockchain doesn't have to be up to date since it is virtually impossible for the bitcoins to be extracted from the multisig address so there will be no future transactions showing any redeeming of these bitcoins.

Step by step way to create the multisig address for a specific bill.

1. Determine the nationality and denomination of a bill.
2. Add the serial number imprinted on the bill
3. Create a brain wallet with this data as the seed using a standard method, separating with a space the nationality, denomination and serial number
4. Select 4 or more regular (starting with 1) address from known addresses.
5. Create a multisig P2SH address combining all the bitcoin address starting with the one generated from the serial number of the bill.
6. Send funds to this address. I suggest using the denomination of the bill as guide. 0.0005 BTC for $5.00 USD, 0.001 BTC for $10 USD, etc
7. Write on the bill the nationality and denomination beside the serial number so the original address can be determined, and the amount of bitcoins it is holding.
8. Mutilate the bill so that it becomes easily distinguishable from another non bitcoined bill to avoid losing it by mistake. I suggest a standard double fold in half then a vertical cut on the third crease.

1. US. 5 dollar bill.
2. US 5 IF84621533C
3. Generate Brain Wallet
4. Generate P2SH Address. We will use the following arbitrarily chosen public keys which I took from transactions I found on the blockchain:
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5. We also add the public key generated by the brain wallet with the USD 5 and serial number passphrase

6. We send 0.0005 BTC funds to the Multisig addrress ( 3FScohu2zS57323xt58LBc3if9r2juLCTw ) using any wallet software. Add 0.00001 transaction fee.
7. We write on the bill the amount sent and mutilate the bill.

8. Publish the redeem script so others can verify it:
Again this step could be avoided if we can come up with a standard set of public keys to be used universally.
Alternately print the redeem script base64 encoded with a QR code on the other side of the bill. I used the handy conversion tool at I also added for convenience sake QR code of P2SH address and info. I used the Bitcoin QR Code generator at

Another example using Mexican 20 peso bill:
1. Generate Brain wallet with the following pass phrase: MEX 20 T6944908
2. Generate P2SH Address, copy and paste the public key from the brain wallet and add the other 6 public keys. We will use the same 6 from the previous bill.
3. Send .0002 BTC to the P2SH address ( 3JgyBtcQ7Sp9R17jSRdhi9TCWqbz2vQUed ) Be sure to add 0.0001 transaction fee.
4. Write on bill the amount of bitcoins it holds and how the passphrase was derived:

5. Publish redeem script so others can verify it:
6. Alternately print redeem script base64 encoded with additional info on the bill.

Notice how I put the writted info on the bottom unlike the 5 USD bill. THe reason for this is for the holder of the bill to be able to more easily verify that the same serial number is being used by slightly bending the bill to view the pertinent info from both sides and compare.

I used ordinary labels (2"x4") and stuck it on the bill. Ideally would be to print directly on the bill. Unfortunately the background image creates too much noise for QR codes to be readable. The important issue is that all the data can be theoretically printed on an area of an ordinary currency bill. Best would be if we could set a standard stating the list of well known public keys and use for all bills so the redeem script does not have to be printed on each bill.

How to determine if the bill has a valid multisig address with the funds:

1. First goto and paste the redeem script (decode base64 if it was scanned from the QR code. It should show you the multisig address beginning with 3 and a list of public keys requiered for releasing the transaction. Also check that all of them are required. Note that if we use a standard set of public keys, the redeem script can be regenerated using the passphrase composed with the serial number and it would not be be necessary to print it on each bill.

2. Next go to a block explorer (eg and see that the multisig address contains the purported bitcoins.

I believe this system could be very useful in countries that suffer from severe inflation (Venezuela, Argentina, etc). Citizens there can take their own currency and start to imprint bitcoins on them to prevent them from getting further devalued and use these bills instead of non bitcoined bills for day to day transactions. It can also serve for tips and small gifts and just regular small transactions anywhere. It might also help spread the use of bitcoin, particularly in less developed countries.

A mobile application could be develop that scans a bill, determines the type of currency and reads the serial number. Then it lists the public keys of the multisig addresses and the amount of bitcoin it has in store. The user could maintain a white list of public keys he can trust and if the multisig address contains any of these public keys he can be more reassured the bitcoins will not be withdrawn. This app could try to store the whole blockchain in order to be able to check a bill without having to be connected to the internet.

A webpage using javascript could also be developed where the user types in the currency type, denomination and serial number, and it returns the multisig addresses with its corresponding public key and the amount of bitcoins it has. It can also do the reverse: generate a multisig address, including QR codes, suggesting different well known public keys he can choose from so the user knows where to send bitcoins to fund the desired bill.

This is of course an open idea and I hope suggestions come up if it is worthwhile.

(Note about mutilating currency: the idea is to avoid the bills getting confused with normal currency. I am aware it is technically illegal in most if not all countries but then again its your own money and there are freedom of speech issues to consider. In brief I am not going to get into the legality of mutilating or defacing currency.)
9  Economy / Service Discussion / Missing $64000 USD from Bitstamp withdrwal.[RESOLVED] on: December 10, 2013, 11:05:43 PM
I made my first ever large fiat withdrawal from Bitstamp and the experience has been a nightmare.

On November 15 I requested a $64000 withdrawal and it finally was processed and confirmed November 20.

However the funds never arrived to my Mexican bank (Santander).

After waiting patiently a few days I opened a support ticket requesting some sort of documentation that shows that they have sent the wire transfer.

ZERO response on their part. Its as if no human being is working there. Its been 20 days and somewhere, someone has MY $64,000 USD and short of asking how to proceed with my lawyer I don't know else what to do.

If there is someone at Bitstamp that looks into the forum (hazek?) please PLEASE have someone take a look at ticket ##28362 or ticket #30569 as I had asked in this thread before:

UPDATE 12-12: I finally got a response today.
UPDATE 12-18: A transfer trace (cost: 25 Euros) was requested.
UPDATE 12-31: No results yet from the transfer trace.
UPDATE 01-14 The withdrawal request was badly formed on my part. The funds were sent to an account that was not mine. The money has finally been recovered.
10  Economy / Speculation / Please someone explain why the disparity in this image on: November 09, 2013, 06:08:39 AM
11  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / A way paper and coin bitcoin currency could work on: April 27, 2013, 05:32:51 AM
Perhaps a group of trustworthy individuals (say the Bitcoin Foundation) could start a bitcoin bank. This bank would receive bitcoin deposits into a single jointly owned BTC address. The only way BTC can be released from this address is if several people from the group signed them out with their own individual keys. This way fractional reserve is prevented.

For every BTC deposited and locked up and for all to see (since the address is public), the group issues a fixed amount of paper and coin currency for any to acquire with digital BTC (minus a set percentage to cover for the administrative and production cost and interest). These bills can then be used as ordinary money for sheer convenience.

The physical currency could have a fixed expiration date printed on it. This money must be returned and converted back into digital BTC before the expiration date. This could be necessay in order to periodically account for lost bills. Physical BTC not claimed back this way would go into paying interest for those who deposited.

The bills would have to be comissioned to be made from a very reputable printer, or the printing machinery itself bought and customized, in order to prevent counterfeiting. Paper money printing has progressed a lot and there can be many ways to prevent counterfeiting now.

I am sure people would feel a lot more comfortable holding and exchanging physical BTC cash and can be the road for universal adoption.
12  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / If I lose wallet.dat can I recover it with the passphrase? on: October 03, 2012, 01:00:24 AM
My apologies if this has been asked before.

This regarding the standard bitcoin-qt client.

I havent lost my wallet file but I am curious to know just how important is it to back it up. I am thinking it might not even be necessary if I can restore it by just remembering the passphrase.

So, is it possible to recreate the private keys with just the passphrase?

13  Economy / Speculation / Mt Gox Insider trading? on: March 14, 2012, 03:29:44 AM
It is obvious MtGox has a virtual monopoly on bitcoin vs fiat currency trading.

I am not saying this must be a bad thing, but I think people who trade in MtGox should be aware of some obvious facts.

MtGox can see how much money is floating in their client accounts, even if this money is not put to order. So say if they see a lot of their customers with dollars ready to buy but not actually putting any orders, they can see that the price will probably rise. Likewise in the reverse, if there are a lot of bitcoins ready to be sold, even if not placed in order, they can see the price is likely to go down.

They can take advantage of this inside knowledge in basically two opposing ways:

1. Stabilize the price of bitcoin. This is the best scenario if they are really interested in the long term future of bitcoin. I am very hopeful this is their objective.
2. Rip naive investors off, in a gradual way. The worst scenario and likely very bad for the future of bitcoin.

Ways to combat this insider trade information in MtGox:

1. Do not put much money, fiat or bitcoin, in MtGox. Withdraw bitcoins if you want the pressure for prices rise. Withdraw cash if you want the pressure to fall.
2. Play and pledge much more capital in competing exchanges.

I can be completely wrong and I wish to discuss this frankly.
14  Economy / Economics / The positive effect of news of stolen bitcoins on: March 03, 2012, 04:56:17 AM
I was just thinking that ironically maybe big news of bitcoins getting stolen isn't so bad for bitcoin in general.

It shows that bitcoins have value, that they are actually worth stealing. At the very least it raises curiosity as to how hacking can yield real cash gains without law enforcement being able to look into it.
15  Economy / Economics / Fiat Dollar cause of rising gas prices in the U.S? on: March 01, 2012, 08:05:25 PM

Of course I don't like fiat currency, and I am glad the video raises awareness of the fallacy of the fiat dollar.

But I find this guy's explanation unconvincing.
16  Economy / Economics / India to pay gold for Iran oil, China may follow on: February 21, 2012, 12:38:55 AM

Both India and China, two major buyers of Iranian oil accounting for 22 and 13 percent of its total export respectively, have refused to join such sanctions. This means they have to establish a reliable way of paying for crude, independently of the parts of the global financial system controlled by New York and London.

Carrying all that gold around... what a nuisance.

Only a matter of time when bitcoin is used instead.
17  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / LOL sublimal bitcoin dialogue in Technobase.FM on: July 23, 2011, 02:35:23 AM
Just absolutely freaking awesome
18  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Pokerstars missing on a great opportunity on: July 23, 2011, 12:12:45 AM
Pokerstars is missing on a great opportunity to use bitcoins as a stakes medium.

1. Since it isn't technically cash or any "valid" currency per US standards US players could play with BTC without any legal consequences whatsoever.

2. They can incorporate a micro mining component to their pokerstars client which can give players some microbitcoins and a chance to start playing with minimal stakes sort of like giving away play money. Alternately they could produce the bitcoins themselves and give them away in micro quantities to their new players much like they already do with their own play money (which has actual cash value too about 1 million PS playmoney per $5 USD).

3. they can offer introductory games and tournaments with extremely low stakes given bitcoins divisibility nature. They can easily hold the customers bitcoins in their super secure servers and super easily accept and payout bitcoins.

I am just wondering wtf are they waiting for? Are they planning on making their own virtual currency just for pokerstars? That would be dumb IMO.
19  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Concerned on libdb dependency for the wallet.dat file on: July 15, 2011, 06:06:00 AM
I am an archlinux user and my bitcoin client doesn´t run anymore, because Arch automatically upgraded libdb to 5.1 but bitcoin needs to have 4.7

For more info on this see this discussion;

My concern here is portability of the wallet.dat. For maximum portability the client really shouldn´t rely on any library. I can understand that you will want to use a database for the block chain data but not for the wallet. It is simply not necessary. Correct me if I am wrong but the wallet is a series of private keys and be saved in a simple text file for maximum portability (even printable for paper backup).

I strongly suggest in the next release to remove the wallet from a database file and store it a simple text file.
20  Local / Mercado y Economía / Compro Bitcoins en Mexico on: July 13, 2011, 12:08:48 PM
Hola Mexicanos,

Compro bitcoins en Mexico. Tengo una cadena de tiendas fisicas (Comicastle/Fantastico) y las puedo usar para pagos en efectivo de bitcoins. Las tiendas se encuentran en: Mexico DF (Col, Del Valle, Coapa), Satelite, Guadalajara, Monterrey y Queretaro.

Puedo pagar en efectivo, Paypal y transferencia bancaria. Con pago de Paypal y transferencia bancaria no es necesario obviamente acudir a las tiendas.

Tambien pienso vender Bitcoins, pero solo si he comprado por este medio antes (por cuestiones de contabilitad) y solo en efectivo o transferencia bancaria (No Paypal).

Pago precio de MtGox x USD x pesos cotizado en x 0.95 (5% de comision). Ejemplo si tienes 100 BTC que quieres vender:

$B100 x (14.05) x (11.75) x (0.95) = $15,684 pesos.

Si quieres comprar $B 100:

$B100 x (14.05) x (11.75)  / (0.95) = $17,377 pesos.

Interesados contactarme con mensaje privado. Si tienes preguntas o dudas ponlas directamente  en este tema por favor.
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