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1  Economy / Services / In desperate need of a developer, Well established POS coin on: September 12, 2014, 09:09:10 PM
Hi there,

I am the lead developer of a well established and well running pure POS coin. (UniversityCoin)

We have seen a die off of investor and community interest due to the fact that we don't have the ability to put out upgrades and featuers on a regular basis.

I have many ideas for our coin to implement wonderful features for the community, but I have a background in marketing and not development.

I would like to start with updating our wallet client and then moving on to other features that I can discuss via email, or on IRC.

We have quite a bit of the currency in our posession to divy out to new developers.

Please inquire at

2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Look for experienced Coin Dev on: August 11, 2014, 11:29:55 PM
Hey there,

Our small team is looking for a few experienced devs to help us with ongoing and new projects. We have mobile apps in the works as well as many ideas that need to be translated into coded and developed projects. Shoot us an email if you are interested, we pay out via UVC.
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / [ANN][UVC] UniversityCoin | UniversityCoin.Org - Pure PoS | 9M coins mined on: April 30, 2014, 06:42:13 PM
iOS App in Development!!!

UPDATES: The community has taken over this currency. The original was built on a scam. Those who believe in the cause and can contribute to the project can email the new Devs at We also have launched our new and official website at

UVC Donations funds:
Android App: UfJJuVqsQNa583HL8R1gr2Hst8SczfmFHF
Giveaways: UkiUdR9x9Yi1Kw6JQbSfHpjhkTQBpxeJy5

We just hit almost 10k of User Donations!


Current Community Goal:  Get UVC Listed On MintPal:

Coins Mined From 1 Week PoW: 9.5m UVC
Don't Miss The BONUS PoS Interest: 8.5% Annually


Sample UniversityCoin.Conf file


PoW Stage:(Ended)
Block time: 30 seconds
Difficulty retarget: 20 blocks
Total coins: ~9M
Block reward halving: None
Marketing Fund (Premine): 0.5% (Block 1 - 50)
(Strategic partnerships, bounties & giveaways)
IPO: None
P2P port: 11717, RPC port: 11718

PoS Stage:
Min Stake: 1 day
Max Stake: 180 days
Interest rate: Fixed at 3.8% annually
Bonus Interest Periods: Between June 1st to August 31st & Between December 23rd to January 3rd,
the rate will be 8.5% annually



We are currently in a trading hold period to better enhance the currency

Block Explorer:


Want to join the team?

Please contact, let's bring the future to the present together!
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / [ANN] ☯ UniversityCoin UVC ☯ [PoW+PoS] Only 20m | Launch TODAY + Giveaways! on: April 25, 2014, 07:59:17 PM
ReLaunch Decision:

Where We Went Wrong:
Our difficulty re-adjustment experienced some issues, therefore, instamining occurred. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

What We Have Learned:
Certain pool operators CAN NOT BE TRUSTED.

We will relaunch with our difficulty re-adjustment FIXED and will only be sharing the source with a select few TRUSTED pool operators. Thank you all for your understanding.

We now have idea who was the guy instamining, once we have proof we will show to all of you

And relaunch in 24 hours, exact time will be posted soon

☯ UniversityCoin PoW + PoS ☯
Only 20m UVC produced from 7 days mining!

UniversityCoin Strategy

A global awakening of cryptocurrencies has begun across College and University campuses worldwide. The younger generations are starting to wake up to the global issues that are becoming increasingly evident due to food prices, gas prices, and more generally the cost of living. In addition, the job market has suffered in recent years offering limited opportunities to motivated and intelligent individuals.

UniversityCoin isn't only for University students and instead offers the world the unique opportunity of partnering up with some of the most hardworking and determined undergrad and recent graduates from leading Universities across the world. We have a growing network of computer science, business and marketing students who are determined to form strategic partnerships with all individuals in this community.

College and University classes have just ended for the summer and this team will be working tirelessly to make UVC a success. This will include constant updates and development.

Sign up for UniversityCoin today, classes are in session. Smiley

On Launch Day

You do not want to miss the huge giveaways on April 29th!!
We will be giving away hundreds of UVC as a bonus to supporters.
Miners will be rewarded by the multiple functional pools at the time of launch.
Follow us on social media for more information about the launch!





Launch Giveaway Instructions Can Be Found On Twitter:


Windows Wallet

Mac wallet

Sample.Conf for %appdata%/UniversityCoin/UniversityCoin.conf


PoW Stage:(Starts after launch (29th April, 17:00 EDT), for ONLY SEVEN days)
April 29th-May 6th: PoW Mining Stage

Algorithm: Scrypt PoW + PoS
Coins per block: 1000 UVC
(The first 60 blocks reward was set to 1 UVC to avoid instamining)
Block time: 30 seconds
Difficulty retarget: Every block
Confirmations on Transactions: 4
Confirmations on Mined Blocks: 50
Block reward halving: None
Total Coins for PoW: 20m UVC
Marketing Fund (Premine): 0.5% (1st to 50th block)
(Strategic partnerships, bounties & giveaways)
IPO: None
P2P port: 10707, RPC port: 10708

PoS Stage:
Min Stake: 1 day
Max Stake: 180 days
Interest rate: Fixed at 3.8% annually
Bonus Interest Periods: Between June 1st to August 31st & Between December 23rd to January 3rd,
the rate will be 8.5% annually

Development Plan: May, 2014

5+ Exchanges
20+ College/University Campus Ambassadors
Multipool with UVC payout will be launched
Maximum Exposure Through Blogs & Merchants
Ongoing Giveaways & Bounties

We are constantly looking for strategic partners to join our team.
If you would like to lend a helping hand, please contact us.

UVC Bounties:

● Media Appearances
● ABE Block Explorer
● Android Wallet & Games
● University Ambassadors
● Professional Videos

(Pre-registration starts)

Poolerino (0% fees)
Crypto-Coinz (1% fees)
uPool (1% fees) (1% fees)
Dedicated Pools (2% fees)
Coins4Everyone (1% fees)
Infinitypool (0% fees)
HashHot (?% fees)
HardcoreMiners(Warning from users)


UVC will be listed on Launch


(More merchants to be added daily)

List of UVC University Ambassadors:

UVC Toronto (Canada)
UVC Waterloo (Canada)
UVC McGill (Canada)
UVC Washington (USA)
Arizona State (USA)
Fudan University (China)
Tongji University (China)

Block Explorer:

(Coming soon)


Coming Soon


Want to join the team?

Please contact, let's bring the future to the present together!
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / [ANN] Old thread, please visit the new thread posted below. on: April 23, 2014, 05:09:56 PM
Moved to the new ANN post:
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