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1  Local / Crittografia e decentralizzazione / NYM - Costruire la prossima generazione di infrastrutture per la privacy on: February 25, 2020, 10:35:59 PM
Telegram chat:
Telegram ann:

Nym è un sistema open-source, decentralizzato, permissionless e con incentivi che offre privacy full-stack, consentendo agli sviluppatori di creare applicazioni che offrono agli utenti forti garanzie contro la sorveglianza dei metadati, sia a livello di traffico di rete, sia a livello di autenticazione e pagamenti. Credo possa essere considerata come un'alternativa a TOR, con ricompense al nodo e offuscamento del traffico.

L'Alfa testnet è stata lanciata il 4 Gennaio 2020, la Beta testnet dovrebbe andare live durante il Q2 2020.

La startup focalizzata sulla privacy ha chiuso il round di vendita privata con 2,5milioni di Dollari a Maggio 2019 con la partecipazione tra gli altri di Binance Labs, NGC, 1kx e Lemniscap.

(Valutare se muovere il thread nella sezione Annunci @HostFat. Il founder ha scritto: "NYM is not a blockchain but a layer that adds privacy on the application layer. It can be used with any existing blockchains  or other applications." però il suo post è nella sezione internazionale Alternate cryptocurrencies > Announcements (Altcoins))

2  Local / Annunci / Ergo Platform, PoW blockchain - classe AAA on: January 18, 2020, 09:04:52 PM
Il lancio della Mainnet di Ergo è avvenuto il 1 ° luglio 2019 (senza premine, includendo gli hash del blocco Bitcoin ed Ethereum e gli ultimi titoli di The Guardian, Vedomosti e Xinhua)

    noPremineProof = [
      "00000000000000000014c2e2e7e33d51ae7e66f6ccb6942c3437127b36c33747", #
      "0xd07a97293468d9132c5a2adab2e52a23009e6798608e47b0d2623c7e3e923463", #
      "Brexit: both Tory sides play down risk of no-deal after business alarm", #
      "述评:平衡、持续、包容——新时代应对全球化挑战的中国之道", #
      "Дивидeнды ЧTПЗ выpacтyт нa 33% нa aкцию" #

Quali sono i punti principali di Ergo?

• Ricerca rigorosa e approccio scientifico: Ergo si basa su ricerche originali, pubblicate in conferenze peer-reviewed note. L'elenco degli articoli scientifici è disponibile su, ma Ergo non è limitato alla ricerca e implementa anche altre nuove idee scientifiche.
• Denaro contrattuale (Contractual Money): un nuovo linguaggio transazionale avanzato creato da zero dal team, con un linguaggio di livello superiore per gli sviluppatori chiamato "ErgoScript". Sono disponibili due tutorial sul sito Web: e È un linguaggio di scripting più avanzato rispetto a Bitcoin pur mantenendo la sicurezza e non introducendo problemi alla blockchain. Il linguaggio di scripting in sé non è Turing Complete ma le applicazioni eseguite sulla piattaforma possono essere Turing Complete come dimostrato in questo documento peer-review
• Nuovo algoritmo di consenso PoW Autolykos, progettato in collaborazione con The Research Institute ( È il primo algoritmo di consenso resistente agli ASIC e alle mining pool (le mining pool non funzionano in Ergo per motivi di decentralizzazione!). Tutti i dettagli tecnici in questo documento:
• Trustless Light Clients con requisiti minimi di risorse: il block header di Ergo supporta NiPoPoW che consente la sincronizzazione della rete scaricando <1 Mb di dati. Questo è reso possibile dal fatto che lo stato di Ergo è autenticato come dettagliato in questo documento del 2017:
• Nuovo modello economico: caratteristica chiave del nuovo modello è che i minatori addebitano agli utenti una commissione per qualsiasi UTXO che rimane immobile per 4 anni ("canone di locazione di archiviazione" o, in inglese "storage rent fee"). In questo modo si ottengono entrate stabili per i miners per proteggere la rete, si evita il “rigonfiamento” e consente un piano di emissione breve: l'emissione di Ergo si completa in soli 8 anni. Dettagli in questo documento:
• Minato da Zero via PoW senza ICO o Pre-mine. Si vuole di ottenere la più equa distribuzione possibile di Ergo per migliorare la decentralizzazione.
• Decentralizzazione prima di tutto: è l'impegno principale del team di sviluppo e della comunità. Articolo principale nella sezione "Ergo Vision" del white paper. Lo scopo principale di molte delle funzioni precedenti è raggiungere questo obiettivo.
• Resilienza e sopravvivenza: decentralizzazione prima di tutto è l'obiettivo da raggiungere. Ergo dovrebbe essere vivo e operativo per un periodo di tempo indefinito e i contratti Contractual Money su Ergo dovrebbero essere in grado di sopravvivere almeno per la durata della vita di una persona nonostante un ambiente esterno in evoluzione.
• 2+ anni di sviluppo full time: sviluppo a tempo pieno da 2+ anni a partire dal 2017. Mainnet lanciata il 1 Luglio 2019 e già funzionante.
• Altro: Ergo offre a chiunque la possibilità di emettere i propri token (token non nativi) sulla piattaforma e sfruttare la sua sicurezza e decentralizzazione. La governance on-chain avanzata è costruita con i minatori, che sono in grado di votare una serie di parametri (tra cui elementi semplici come la dimensione del blocco) e modifiche graduali, solo per garantire stabilità.

Quanto sopra è solo un breve riassunto. Per ulteriori informazioni, visitare il sito Web e porre domande qui.

* Website:

* Forum:

* Introduzione breve di alto livello (solo 5 pagine): (Chinese: )

* White Paper I: (Chinese: )

* Twitter: @ergoplatformorg (

* Telegram:

* Youtube:

* Github: (ma è importante notare che molti altri collegamenti al repository Github altamente rilevanti sono disponibili sul sito Web)

* Il team di sviluppo ha già oltre 25 esempi di contratti intelligenti pronti per la distribuzione da parte degli sviluppatori:

* CUDA-based GPU miner

* AMD miner

* Thread Russp:

* Chinese Telegram group:

Come ottenere e conservare Ergo:

 * Exchanges: ProBit, Tidex, HotBit, Waves.Exchange, P2PB2B, Vite,
 * Wallets: Magnum Wallet (Web), inbuilt into node (

Thread principale in Inglese:
3  Local / Altcoins (criptomonedas alternativas) / Ergo Platform, PoW blockchain - clase AAA on: December 13, 2019, 07:42:51 PM
El lanzamiento de la Mainnet de Ergo tuvo lugar el día 1 de julio de 2019 (Demostrable sin importancia al incluir los hashes de bloque de Bitcoin y Ethereum y los últimos titulares de The Guardian, Vedomosti y Xinhua)

¿Cuáles son los puntos principales de Ergo?

    • Investigación rigurosa y enfoque científico: Ergo se basa en una investigación original, publicada en conocidas conferencias. La lista de artículos científicos está disponible en, pero Ergo no está limitado por la investigación y también implementa otras ideas científicas novedosas.
    • Dinero contractual (Contractual Money): un nuevo lenguaje transaccional avanzado creado desde cero por el equipo, con un lenguaje de nivel superior para desarrolladores llamado "ErgoScript". Dos tutoriales disponibles en el sitio web: y Es un lenguaje de comandos más avanzado que Bitcoin, que mantiene la seguridad y no presenta problemas de hinchamiento de blockchain. El lenguaje de comandos en sí mismo no es Turing complete, pero las aplicaciones que se ejecutan en la plataforma pueden ser Turing complete como se demuestra en este artículo arbitrado
    • Nuevo algoritmo de consenso PoW Autolykos, que fue diseñado en colaboración con The Research Institute ( Es el primer algoritmo de consenso resistente a los ASIC y a las pools (¡los pools de minería no funcionarán en Ergo por el bien de la descentralización!). Detalles técnicos en este documento:
    • Clientes ligeros (Trustless Light Clients) con requisitos mínimos de recursos: el block header de Ergo admite NiPoPoW que permiten sincronizar la red descargando <1Mb de datos. Esto es posible gracias al hecho de que el estado de Ergo se autentica como se detalla en este documento de 2017:
    • Nuevo modelo económico: La característica clave del nuevo modelo es que los mineros cobran a los usuarios una tarifa por cualquier UTXO que permanezca inmóvil en el estado durante 4 años, llamada "tarifa de alquiler de almacenamiento". Esto logra ingresos mineros estables para asegurar la red, evita la "estado hinchado" y permite un breve calendario de lanzamiento: la emisión de Ergo se executa por completo en solo 8 años. Detalles en este documento:
    • Minado de Zero a través de PoW sin ICO o Pre-mine. Se trata de la esperanza de lograr una distribución lo más justa posible de Ergo para mejorar la descentralización.
    • Descentralización Primero: compromiso central del equipo de desarrollo y la comunidad. Artículo principal en la sección "Ergo Vision" de white paper. El objetivo principal de muchas de las características anteriores es lograr este objetivo.
    • Resiliencia y supervivencia: la descentralización Primero es lograr este objetivo. Ergo debería estar vivo y operativo durante un período de tiempo indefinido y los contratos de dinero contractual en Ergo deberían poder sobrevivir al menos durante la vida de una persona a pesar de un entorno externo que cambie.
    • Más de 2 años de desarrollo: desarrollo a tiempo completo desde cero durante más de 2 años a partir de 2017. Se lanzará como mainnet, listo para que los desarrolladores, mineros y usuarios comiencen a usar Ergo de inmediato.
    • Otro: Ergo ofrece a cualquiera la posibilidad de emitir sus propios tokens (tokens no nativos) en la plataforma y aprovechar su seguridad y descentralización. La gobernanza avanzada en cadena  (on-chain) se construye con mineros que pueden votar sobre una serie de parámetros, incluidos elementos simples como el tamaño de bloque, solo para garantizar la estabilidad.

Lo anterior es solo un breve resumen. Para obtener más información, visite el sitio web y haga preguntas aquí.

* Sitio web:

* Foro:

* Introducción breve de alto nivel (solo 5 páginas): (chino: % BC% E5% B9% B3% E5% 8F% B0% E7% AE% 80% E4% BB% 8B_% E4% B8% AD% E6% 96% 87% E7% 89% 88.pdf)

* White paper: (chino:

* Twitter: @ergoplatformorg (

* Telegram:

* Youtube:

* Github: (pero es importante tener en cuenta que en el sitio web se pueden encontrar muchos otros enlaces del repositorio de Github muy relevantes)

* El equipo de desarrollo ya tiene más de 25 ejemplos de contratos inteligentes listos para su implementación por parte de los desarrolladores:

* Minero de GPU basado en CUDA

* AMD miner

* Hilo ruso:

* Grupo de Telegram chino:

Cómo obtener y almacenar Ergo:

* Intercambios: ProBit, Tidex, HotBit, Waves.Exchange, Bisq, P2PB2B, Vite,
* Carteras: Magnum Wallet (Web), incorporado en el nodo (

[thread principal:]
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / [ANN - ICO] MineBlocks - Beyond the Miners on: January 30, 2018, 05:36:31 AM

5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / [PRE-ANN][EXCHANGE] Lescovex Digital Asset - Issue contract from exchange on: November 01, 2017, 11:02:37 PM

The entire team is proud to announce Lescovex - Digital Asset, a new, innovative place where you can emit and trade your asset as an alternative to cryptocurrencies and/or fiat-money.

We see two potential markets where this can be done, in the RAW MATERIALS markets and INVESTMENT FUNDS that have different problems.

For the RAW MATERIALS, currently, the small farmers are struggling to come to different exchanges of goods and often only have one place to sell their production, moreover the producer assumes the costs of insurance due to risks of pests or bad weather. This scenario of non-competition promote the monopoly of big corporations and a large number of intermediaries, that gradually increase the final price of the product.

With we offer a real-time online market of raw materials and futures where anyone can access to the market from all over the world with no intermediaries, allowing to generate competition into the buyers and get credit for your future production.

Adding to the system all local cooperatives in each municipality can control the domestic production of raw materials directly from the source and create a channel of communication between them to promote trade, pacts and alliances. At the same time, traceability is improved and all market information is made publicly available in real time. The security of the system guarantees the non-manipulation of the information.

As the first phase, the entity will be regulated in the National Securities Market Commission CNMV to directly access large market clients such as banks and investment groups. International markets are then studied for the accession of more markets such as London or Chicago.

Partnerships with world-class consultants are essential for the marketing of products with manufacturing entities and other markets. Having these opportunities is a great guarantee for the project to be a success.

Investment groups guarantee the economic strength to Lescovex so it can maintain the market position as a leader for futures and derivatives in the world. All this thanks to the innovative technological approach that bets for the social innovation and the commitment with the local producers.

For the INVESTMENT FUNDS we allow companies and holdings to issue an asset as a part of their property with the best cutting-edge technologies for protection of sensitive data ensuring transparency, robustness and a user-friendly interface. Lescovex is obviously also built for the small businesses, so it can make increase the potential customers by reaching little investors.

For both options, during the emission of an asset, users can define all contract details and parameters then publish it, clearly after a full KYC compliance.

We offer also:
- Fiat currency trading
- More than 15 cryptocurrencies trading
- Issuance of contracts from the exchange
- Modern and safe trading platform
- Fast API for an easy integration
- Two-factor authentication
- Easy deposit/withdraw
- Trade-One-One-Screen
- Anti-DDoS

There will be a distribution share from the exchange, we talk about this, here:

In the next few days we will publish some more details about the beta version where users can sign up and try the platform with NO REAL MONEY, report bugs and recommend improvements.
We will also redesign the entire Bitcointalk post and start the communication campaign. Info about the entire team it will be published soon on our website, check the details here:

Join our telegram chat here:
6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / [ANN] Lescovex Digital Assets - Issue contract from exchange on: November 01, 2017, 11:01:37 PM



Website | Facebook | Twitter | Telegram | Medium | Discord | Linkedin | Github

7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / [ANN] [ICO] ARKER: The Online RPG that rewards you with cryptocurrency on: October 30, 2017, 11:03:32 PM


Juanjo Chust        Founder / CEO
After almost 5 years directing a small development team in a company specialized in online payment methods, he decided to specialize in blockchain technology.

Aaron Martínez        Operations
After almost 5 years directing a development team in a company specialized in online payment methods, he has specialized in blockchain technology.

Nelson Marco        Social / Systems
He has been managing servers that accomplished the strictest security standards such as PCI-DSS and always had passion for online marketing (SEO, Social Networks ...).

Jose Ignacio Rubio    Technologies
With more than 5 years of experience, he is currently in the R&D sector using the most advanced technologies in the world of software.

Carlos Santamaria    Design Architect / Creator of worlds
Copywriter and expert in gamification and advergaming, he has worked for companies such as Pixar and collaborated on various projects in the field of design, mobile applications, video games and e-commerce.

Follow us on the social networks


8  Local / Altcoins (criptomonedas alternativas) / [ANN][ICO] ARKER: El RPG online que te recompensa con criptomonedas on: October 30, 2017, 10:13:17 PM


Juanjo Chust        Foundador / CEO
Casi 5 años dirigiendo un equipo de desarrollo en una compañía especializada en métodos de pago online, se ha especializado en tecnología blockchain.

Aaron Martínez        Operations
Cinco años como director de medios de pago. Ha desarrollado métodos de pago para las empresas más grandes juego online. Actualmente especializado en tecnologías blockchain.

Nelson Marco        Social / Systems
Lleva años administrando servidores que cumplen los más estrictos estándares de seguridad  como PCI-DSS e ISO 27001. Experto en marketing online (SEO, Redes Sociales…).

Jose Ignacio Rubio    Technologies
Experto en big data y machine learning, con más de 5 años de experiencia en el sector tecnológico, a pesar de su temprana edad, ha trabajado con grandes multinacionales.

Carlos Santamaria    Design Architect / Creator of worlds
Creativo publicitario y experto en gamificación y advergaming, ha realizado trabajos para empresas como Pixar, y colaborado en diversos proyectos en el ámbito del diseño, las aplicaciones móviles, los videojuegos y el comercio online.

Síguenos en las redes sociales


9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / [BOUNTY][ICO] Pylon Network - Decentralized energy exchange platform on: September 01, 2017, 04:06:31 AM

We are opening a bounty program, with a bounty pool equal to 1% of the total token sold during the Pylon-token sale. This means that if the hard cap is reached (all tokens are sold), the bounty pool would be equal to 25,000 PYLNT.

The distribution of the budget allocated for the Bounty Program will be as follows:

15% Twitter Campaign.
15% Facebook Campaign.
20% Bitcointalk Campaign.
25% Online Content.
25% Code Check Campaign.

One month after the ICO, we will check all the collaborations (bounty claims) registered on our database and we will make the bounties distribution in Pylon-tokens, based on the number of Pylon Points gathered during the whole period of token sale, on each section (bounty pool category).

The Code Check bounty is the first to close. This will happen before the beginning of the ICO. So you need to be fast to contribute if you want to raise some PYLNT.
The following sections explain in more detail how to participate in the Pylon Network Bounty Program and how to register/claim your rewards.

How to participate on the Bounty Program?

Go to

Also we have opened two telegram channels for questions regarding the bounty program in English and Spanish:


1.   Step 1 : Register

Fill in the form as many fields as you can. NOTE: Required fields: Email and Ethereum wallet address - (only Ethereum Wallet or MyEtherWallet).

Note: You only need to register the first time. The data will be stored in our database, and for future interactions you only need to refer to your email or Ethereum address (directly in the last step ìConfirmationî). This way we are able to recognize who has made the contribution.

2.   Step 2 : Bounties

2.1   Twitter Campaign


From the total bounty pool gathered, 15% of it is reserved for Twitter bounty which will be distributed among participants according to the number of their followers, as follows:

ï     200 -   500 Followers:    1 Pylon Point per week.
ï     500 - 1500 Followers:    3 Pylon Points per week.
ï   1500 - 3000 Followers:    6 Pylon Points per week.
ï   3000 - 5000 Followers:    8 Pylon Points per week.
ï   5000 +         Followers:  10 Pylon Points per week.

Steps to follow:

ï   You must follow @KlenergyTech account:
ï   You must retweet and like all tweets by @KlenergyTech (minimum 3 every week).
ï   Your account must be at least 6 months old.
ï   You must tweet at least one tweet about Pylon-Network Channels (Telegram, BitcoinTalk, Twitter, Facebook, LinkdIn)
ï   You must tweet at least 1 of your original tweet about Pylon-Network and use the next hashtags in it. 
#pylon  #tokensale  #ico  #pylonnetwork  #klenergy  #blockchain  #energy  #p2p #hydrogen #metron #helios 
ï   Participants are required to retweet and share posts throughout many days of the week and not all retweets or shares in just 1 day and in one go.


Every week, you would have to post on  (Confirmation Step) with your profile information ñemail address - and the links that prove your contributions, in the following format:

ï   Your Twitter Username and Profile Link:
ï   Number of Followers/Friends:
ï   Your Ethereum Address (EthereumWallet , MyEtherWallet) :
ï   Week Date:
ï   Retweet Link 1:   
ï   Retweet Link 2:
ï   Retweet Link 3:
ï   Tweet Link: 
2.2   Facebook Campaign

15% of the total bounty pool is reserved for Facebook bounty, which will be distributed among participants, on a weekly basis, according to the number of their followers/friends, as follows:

ï     100 -   500 Followers/Friends:    1 Pylon Point per week.
ï     500 - 1500 Followers/Friends:    3 Pylon Points per week.
ï   1500 - 3000 Followers/Friends:    6 Pylon Points per week.
ï   3000 - 5000 Followers/Friends:    8 Pylon Points per week.
ï   5000 +         Followers/Friends:  10 Pylon Points per week.

Steps to follow:

ï   Participant must like and share KlenergyTechOfficial official Facebook page. 
ï   Must like and share every post published by KlenergyTechOfficial.
ï   Participant profile must be public.
ï   You must at least do one original post about Pylon Network (introductory), including the link to Pylon website:
ï   You must at least do one post about Pylon-Network Channels (Telegram, BitcoinTalk, Twitter, Facebook, LinkdIn)
ï   You must Post constructive comment on at least one KlenergyTechOfficial post.
ï   Facebook account must be at least 6 months old.

Every week, you would have to post on  (Confirmation Step) with your profile information ñemail or ETH address - and the links that proving your posts, with the format below:
ï   Your Facebook Username and Profile Link:
ï   Number of Followers/Friends:
ï   Your Ethereum Address (EthereumWallet , MyEtherWallet): 
ï   Week Date
ï   Shared Posts/Likes Link 1:
ï   Shared Posts/Likes Link 2:
ï   Shared Posts/Likes Link 3:
ï   Shared Posts/Likes Link 4:
ï   Shared Posts/Likes Link 5:
ï   Comments Link:

2.3   Bitcointalk Campaign


20% of Bounty pool is reserved for Bitcointalk campaign which will be distributed depending on their activity class and for posting the Pylon signature.

ï   Hero/Legendary :  10 Pylon Points
ï   Senior Member:       8 Pylon Points
ï   Full Member :           4 Pylon Points
ï   Member:                     2 Pylon Points
ï   Junior Member:        1 Pylon Point

#Signature Code before the Token Sale (ICO):

#Signature Code during the Token Sale (ICO):

Steps to follow:

The Pylon Points will be counted from the moment each user submits the participation form. Participants have to change their signatures during the bounty period (before and during token sale).
Note that random checks will be performed during the whole bounty period and those found not complying with the rule, will get immediately disqualified. Pay special attention to the fact that the campaign ends exactly when the Token Sale finishes - even if that happens before schedule in case of reaching the full cap.

Each bounty campaign participant should make at least 10 publications per week on Bitcointalk outside Pylon Network topic page during their participation in campaign. All posts must be made in ìAlternate cryptocurrenciesî or ìTrading Discussionî sections of the forum. Posts in the off-topic threads will not get counted and spamming and trolling of all kinds will get the participant disqualified, without further notice.

If the member acquires a new rank, they should change the signature accordingly.

After Token Sale is finished, the whole bounty pool will be redistributed among all campaign members considering the number of Pylon Points each member has.
Multiple accounts registration is forbidden. Checks will be made along the process and every multiple account will be delisted.


Every week, you would have to post on  (Confirmation Step) with your profile information ñemail or ETH address - and the links that proving your collaborations, with the format below:

ï   Your Bitcointalk Username :
ï   Your Bitcointalk Profile link :
ï   Type of member:
ï   Your Ethereum Address (EthereumWallet , MyEtherWallet) :
ï   Week Date:
ï   Post Link 1:
ï   Post Link 2:
ï   Post Link 3:
ï   Post Link 4:
ï   Post Link 5:
ï   Post Link 6:
ï   Post Link 7:
ï   Post Link 8:
ï   Post Link 9:
ï   Post Link 10:

2.4   Online Content Campaign


25% of the bounty pool is reserved for the online content campaign, which will be distributed depending the quality of the content. All publications should be original and will be measured by their quality, length, audience and creativity and will get from 1 to 16 Pylon Points accordingly.

Steps to follow:

We are interested in quality articles, blog posts, videos and other publications in English & Spanish ó preferably these languages, however we will also consider other languages. All written materials must be above 1000 characters while videos must be more than 2 minutes ñ ideally around 3 minutes of duration ñ and the quality, above 480p.
For example, you can write articles or make videos about our products (or you can conduct an analysis of the Whitepaper, etc.)
Each member should go through registration and wait for the content approval.
Kindly note that the audience of participant (namely, size and quality) is the major factor for approval or disapproval.


You would have to post on  (Confirmation Step) with your online content and adding the ñemail or ETH address. We will check the content as soon as possible and give you the approval to post it. When you have post the online content then you would have to send us the link to prove your collaboration - same as before.

2.5   Code Check


25% of Bounty pool is reserved for Code Check campaign which will be distributed depending the type of bug found. The Code Check bounty is the first to be finalized. It will close before the beginning of the ICO, so be ready to contribute soon if you want to raise some PYLNT.

Types of bug and bounty:

-   Minor Bug:   50 PYLNT
-   Major Bug: 150 PYLNT

Please note that we keep the right of ending the code check at any moment before the ICO start ñ if we find it suitable.

Steps to follow:

Accessing on the GitHub account, download the code and look for bugs.
ï   Pylon-Token Code:


You would have to post the Bug you have found on  (Confirmation Step) and add your personal identification - email or ETH address. We will check the Bugs as soon as possible and give you the validation.

Contact Info & Communication Channels

Web & Documentation

WhitePaper (English):
WhitePaper (Spanish):
Pylon Network Press Releases: 
Social Media
Telegram Official Channel (English):
Telegram Spanish Channel (EspaÒol):
Telegram Bounty English Channel:
Telegram Bounty Spanish Channel:[/size]

Bitcointalk channel (English):
Bitcointalk Channel (EspaÒol) :
Klenergy Metron:
10  Local / Altcoins (criptomonedas alternativas) / [ANN][ICO] Pylon-Network -Plataforma descentralizada de intercambio de energía on: July 30, 2017, 09:43:41 PM

“La primera plataforma descentralizada de intercambio de energia impulsada por energias renovables”

(Más información sobre el proyecto a continuación)

 _  _  _  _    _  _  _  _  

11  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / [ANN][ICO] Pylon Network - Decentralized energy exchange platform on: July 30, 2017, 08:30:10 AM

“The first decentralized energy exchange platform powered by renewable energy”


 _  _  _  _    _  _  _  _  

12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / [ANN][ICO] TEIOS - The Mill of Blood on: June 22, 2017, 02:39:04 PM

The Mill of Blood

This project expands Antonio Vega Macotela’s long-term research into exhaustion as an operation of scarcity and wealth, as well as it sets out an inquiry into the way value is produced within the complex set of interdependent relations that make up our global economy.

The existence of “mills of blood” can be traced back to IV A .c in Grece This kind of machine was an apparatus used in places where neither wind nor water were available as means of production, and only labor could be used as source of energy. There were three of these kind of mills in Latin America, all three were used to make silver coins during the Spanish colony. There was one in Mexico, one in Peru and one in Bolivia. The MoB presented at dOCUMENTA 14 in Kassel is a reproduction of the Bolivian MoB.

During the 100 days that dOCUMENTA 14 will run in Kassel the MoB will produce as many teios as the audience manages, out of a limited of 30,000 planchets. Each of this teios will in turn mine a crypto-teio. At the closing of dOCUMENTA 14 the production of these coins will stop and there will be no possibility to produce more teios, nor crypto-teios. The MoB will be destroyed. All of the teios produced will be collected, certified and deposited in a safe.


ICO Distribution

During the 100 days that dOCUMENTA 14 will run in Kassel the MoB will produce as many teios as the audience manages, out of a limited of 30,000 planchets.
30,000 more teos will be created by mining in order to maintain the Teios network.

Visitors to Documenta art exhibition or this website will be able to buy the tokens generated each week.

The number of existing tokens will be distributed in proportion to the invested value in BTC each week from July 1st, 2017.

The mill will be the only miner of the network until the end of the ICO and it will be destroyed at the end of the art exhibition as well as the mold used for the physical coins.

The reward for block resolution will always be 1 coin and there will be a 2 minutes space between blocks starting at the end of the ICO.30,000 more teos will be created by mining in order to maintain the Teios network.

The price of each coin will be determined by the number of coins generated each week (max 300 days), proportionally according to the amount invested.

During the Documenta 14 Art Exhibition, the “Mill of blood” will be generating metallic coins that will end up in an armored box placed in the underground of the mill. This box will be kept at Deutsche Bank at the end of the ICO and the physical coins will be used to support the value of the cryptocurrency that is generated each time a visitor spins around the mill making a coin fall into the box.


Look at what our goals are, and how is the progress of production



Save your TEIOS coins in your favorite plattform, MAC, Android, Windows, Linux.



The best partners for our project are already with us.





"The firsy teio was made by the presidents of Germany and Greece",macotela-102.html
13  Economy / Service Announcements / CHIP-CHAP allows to buy Bitcoin in U.S.A. in all MONEY GRAM network with CASH! on: June 02, 2017, 09:55:15 AM
CHIP-CHAP allows to buy Bitcoin in U.S.A. in all MONEY GRAM network with CASH!

Click HERE then go to "Teleingreso" and click "Continue".
Select a country: "USA", and follow the instruction.
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / [CREA] CREATIVECHAIN - Bounty Program Thread on: March 22, 2017, 04:21:59 AM


We are a collaborative project that is creating the change in the paradigm that the multimedia content sector needs.
We are creating the community that will make this change possible.
We call on the collaboration of the Bitcointalk community. Will you help us?

ICO End: May 1, 2017


Signature/Avatar Campaign

Bounties for Creativechain signature are ready to be distributed. From March 20th until the end of ICO (May 1st) there are exactly 6 weeks to spread Creativechain’s message in Bitcointalk.

To help us, we are proposing the possibility of your being an ambassador to our project.

All you need to do is add our official signatures and avatar to your Bitcointalk profile.

Total reserved for campaign: 60.000 CREA (Ampliables)
Period: 03/20/2017 – 05/01/2017 (6 weeks)
Campaign structure: Weekly basis (Being one week the minimal participation period).

- Signature for Full member: 70 stakes per week.
- Signature for Sr. Member, Hero or Legendary. 100 stakes per week.
- Without an avatar, you will receive 20 less stakes.


Minimum range of membership must be Full Members
Users must have published 12 accepted posts per week
Spamming posts won’t be accepted
We will randomly check user activity of those who joined this campaign in order to ensure that our message is being spread in an effective and positive way.
If you’d like to join this campaign please fill in the form available in: Form Signature/Avatar Campaign

If you need further information about this campaign, do not hesitate contacting us HERE.

All CREA will be distributed once the ICO is finished.
Confirmed participants in this campaign will be published in: Registration Signature/Avatar Campaign

At the end of ICO, you could find in this section the information about how to get your CREAs.


Signature for Full member

[center][b][color=black][size=12pt] [/size][/color] [url=][color=#0073ff]Join a new era of content distribution without intermediaries[/color] [/url][/b] | [url=][b][color=#dd5765]ICO[/color][/b][/url] | [b][url=][color=#dd5765]BITCOINTALK THREAD[/color][/url][/b] | [b][url=][color=#dd5765]GITHUB[/color][/url][/b] | [b][url=][color=#dd5765]TWITTER[/color][/url][/b][/center]

Signature for Sr. Member, Hero or Legendary


[color=#0073ff][url=][color=#0073ff]BITCOINTALK THREAD[/color][/url] ║ [url=][color=#0073ff]GITHUB[/color][/url] ║ [url=][color=#0073ff]WALLETS[/color][/url] ║ [url=][color=#0073ff]GOOGLE PLAY[/color][/url] ║ [url=][color=#0073ff]BLOG[/color][/url] ║ [url=][color=#0073ff]MEDIUM[/color][/url] ║ [url=][color=#0073ff]TWITTER[/color][/url] ║  [url=][color=#0073ff]FACEBOOK[/color][/url] ║ [url=][color=#0073ff]INSTAGRAM[/color][/url] ║ [url=][color=#0073ff]TELEGRAM[/color][/url][/color]
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬[url=]║[color=#ff5766] [b]JOIN A NEW ERA OF CONTENT DISTRIBUTION WITHOUT INTERMEDIARIES[/b][/color]║[/url]▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬[/center]

IMPORTANT: For any referance about the bounty program, please contact Ridjal
15  Local / Annunci / [ANN] [CREA] CREATIVECOIN - La cryptomoneta del mondo creativo on: March 03, 2017, 04:42:20 PM
16  Local / Altcoins (criptomonedas alternativas) / [ANN] [CREA] CREATIVECOIN - La cryptomoneda de las comunidades creativas on: March 03, 2017, 02:48:32 AM
17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / ANN [CREA] Decentralized Communities that reward creators of digital arts on: March 01, 2017, 10:07:35 PM
18  Local / Español (Spanish) / Guía para el hard fork de Bitcoin (en caso de que se realice) on: October 13, 2016, 01:23:12 AM
Escritura en curso / actualización!

En el caso de que se realice un fork de Bitcoin (aquí una discusión dedicada, en Inglés), se entiende, de la Blockchain, lo que sucederá es que desde un punto, nacerá una nueva cadena (o más de una).

Esta cadena tendrá el “mismo” histórico hasta ese punto/momento.

Cómo bien sabéis, o deberíais saber, en la Blockchain de Bitcoin se guardan todas las transacciones, desde el 2009 hasta hoy.

Si se realica un fork en el bloque X (por ejemplo; el bloque 453758), entonces toda la historia de Bitcoin, del nuevo fork, será “igual” hasta ese punto (bloque).

¿Esto qué significa? Que si antes del bloque X teníais 100 bitcoin, entonces después tendréis 100 bitcoin en la blockchain “antigua”, y 100 bitcoinX (por darle un nombre imaginario), en la blockchain “nueva”.

El valor de éstas dos monedas será distinto, obviamente. Serán dos monedas distintas a partir de ahora.

El aspecto positivo, es que, como inversores, sin hacer prácticamente nada, tendréis una inversión igual (misma cantidad) en las dos.
Repito, si teníais una cantidad determinada de bitcoin hasta ahora, entonces también los tendréis después, en las dos blockchain.

Entonces podréis decidir vender una parte, o simplemente tenerlos parados y esperar más a largo plazo.
La cosa más segura digamos, sería la de no hacer nada, y ver cómo el mercado (es decir, otros usuarios/compradores/vendedores más confiados de sus decisiones) decidan que hacer, a raíz de los cambios en los diferentes mercados.

Cualquier fork será anunciado por nosotros o por otros, posiblemente con meses de antelación.
En el foro, en facebook y en el chat.

Si no hacéis nada y os encontráis con vuestros bitcoin en clientes / exchange / situaciones inapropiadas para tener los dos tokens (Bitcoin y BitcoinX), lo que sucederá es que simplemente tendréis los bitcoin, sólo en la cadena actual, es decir, la gestionada por el actual equipo que está trabajando en Bitcoin Core.

La elección de querer estar en los distintos forks, y no en solo uno, puede ser porqué:
- No confiáis en el equipo actual de Bitcoin Core ni en el futuro que proponen.
- Sí que confiáis, pero ¿por qué no tener otra moneda para vender (y ganar algo) si es possible?
- Sí que confiáis, pero no del todo, por lo tanto mejor tomar precauciones, ya que cuesta tan poco (tiempo para adaptarse)


- Tener el control de vuestros bitcoin, significa tener el control más completo, total y absoluto de las claves privadas. Me refiero a todas las claves ya sean únicas o múltiples (cliente multisig).
Es muy importante, hay que estar seguro de tener un control completo de vuestros bitcoin, para estar seguro, de poder utilizarlos/tenerlos/controlarlos, también en el nuevo fork.

- Poder exportar las llaves privadas
Otra cosa que servirá es que los clientes que utilizáis os permitan exportar con certeza, todas las llaves privadas, todas!
Esto es para poder, fácilmente, importar estas llaves en los nuevos clientes/wallet, que soportarán el nuevo fork.

Es importante que los Bitcoin se encuentren en los clientes adecuados, ANTES del fork.
Una vez realizado el fork, aquellos quiénes estéis presentes, en el fork “antigua”, podréis llevarlos a vuestro cliente/servicio preferido (si a lo mejor antes no respetaba las dos normas indicadas arriba)

Aquí debajo añado una lista de clientes los cuales consideramos válidos para garantizar la posibilidad de tener tus bitcoin presentes en la nueva blockchain.
Si falta algún cliente en la lista, por favor, pregunten, y miraremos de añadirlo, indicando si es adecuado o no.

ACTUALIZACION (01/06/2017)

Entre algunos de los clients aqui abajo, algunos pueden haber decidido activar UASF, aquí hay una lista:
Mi consejo es no dejar ninguno de su Bitcoin en carteras donde no tienes control de llaves privada, antes del 1 agosto, 2017.
Posiblemente no hacer transacciones inmediatamente después, y esperar a ver el resultado del fork.

Clientes / lugares adecuados a escoger, 6 o más confirmaciones/bloques antes de que se realice el fork:
- Electrum
- Jaxx
- Copay/Bitpay - ( /
- Mycelium ( / - "Mycelium" )
- Multibit HD ( / - "Hive Wallet" )
- Breadwallet ( / - "Hive Wallet" )
- Coinomi - ( /
- Ledger ( - / )
- Bitcoin Unlimited -
- Bitcoin Classic -
- Bitcoin XT  -
- Bitcoin Core - (fino a v0.14.1, per ora) -
- Bitcoin Wallet - (
- Paper wallet (única dirección bitcoin y una clave privada, o la frase de contraseña / semilla de wallet compatible con BIP39/BIP32/BIP44)
- - Igualmente desaconsejado como wallet ( /
- Greenaddress / Greenbits - Tienes que estar seguro antes de que ya tiene nLocktime "que trabaje" para cualquier cantidad de Bitcoin que recibió en la cartera. Situación potencialmente más complicada que los otros.

Con reservas, aún no hemos tenido oportunidad de probar directamente:
- Trezor ( - - )
- Ledger ( - / )

Para el uso de, se aconseja descargar de la fuente y apertura en local:

Clientes / lugares NO adecuados a escoger si se quiere estar seguro de tener los bitcoin en ambas (o mas) blockchains
Si dejàis vuestros Bitcoin en los exchange: no hay ninguna seguridad de que os permitan tener tus tokens en todas las blockchains. Tenéis que retirarlos, y depositarlos en clientes adecuados antes del fork como los indicados anteriormente.
- Coinbase
- Circle
- Uphold
- Bitgo
- Xapo
- Todos los webwallet online (igualmente son inseguros)
- ...


Esta es la traducción en español de este post en la sección Italiana:
Traducción en Inglés:

Si alguien tiene algo que añadir o mejorar, que no dude en ponerse en contacto (HostFat:;u=203 en Inglés o conmigo filippounits:;u=345140) para que podemos mejorar esta guía y coordinar la traducción. Gracias.

Gracias también a L. - I. - A. por ayudarme en la traducción!
19  Economy / Scam Accusations / -RESOLVED- YOBIT scammed me -and not only- during DCR withdraw on: June 06, 2016, 10:45:13 AM
What happened::

I've made a trade of some DCR during 03 June 16 and tryed to withdraw it imediatly, without results.
That 3 tx are still in pending at 0 conf, and there's also now way to cancel it (but I don't won't, just back my DCR)
Here a screen of the trade and the withdraw, look at the timing (still in that status after 3 days).

I've opened a ticket support, tryed to contact him via BCT and trollbox, obv without any response.

The frustrating thing is that the wallet seems (!!!) working well, but withdrawals are not processed

I'm in contact with other yobit users that report the same problem:

massimodamassa 152 DCR
sangthuy115 30 DCR
And other 3 users that don't want to be mentioned for about 45 DCR.

stugor: 52 DCR
ibiza: 202 DCR

Here, in the BCT DCR official thread, again, other user report problem with yobit DCR withdraw

BCT user @scrawl report a DCR issue in the yobit profile trust summary and other users also report various issues.;u=406594

Scammers Profile Link:;u=406594

Amount Scammed:
me: 150 DCR
massimodamassa: 152 DCR
sangthuy115: 30 DCR
3 other users: 45 DCR

stugor: 52 DCR
ibiza: 202 DCR

I'm sure that there's someone that have the same problem.

Payment Method:

Additional Notes:

Here, a list of some broken wallet inside yobit:

It would be nice if some admin from the theymos trusted user list gives a bad trust to the yobit profile. They need to have a nice -9999 in order to prevent other issues and inform if you trade on that exchange you can lose your coins.

EDIT: I'm going to remove this thread if I've back my DCR.
20  Local / Annunci / [ANN] PlatinumBAR - XPTX - Rare Cryptocurrency ibrida PoW / PoS on: May 11, 2016, 03:35:21 AM

PlatinumBAR è una cryptocurrency basata sull'algoritmo Quark per la PoW, è anche PoS, e long term support (LTS). PlatinumBAR usa il solidissimo algoritmo con 9 rounds di hash Quark per la Proof of Work e Novacoin per la Proof of Stake.

Platinum è un elemento chimico, il suo simbolo è Pt e il numero atomico è 78. E' denso e malleabile, duttile, altamente non reattivo, prezioso e fa parte dei metalli di transizione (detti anche "del blocco d").

Stiker:  XPTX




Stiker:  XPTX
Tempo di Blocco:  2 Minutes
Rettifica della Difficoltà:  5 Blocks
Conferme mining:  90 Blocks
Conferme invio:  6 Blocks

Block Explorer

Codice Sorgente

Windows Wallet
MD5SUM: (PlatinumBar-Qt.exe) = 300a4bb4a33c45c4ab1ba623c7fe0e45
VirusTotal: 0/55 (Ikarus not-a-virus.BitCoinMiner excluded):
32/64bit built on Windows 10.

MAC Wallet
MD5SUM: (PlatinumBar.dmg) = 78c8f1faf491a5334ea66a60fc026c3b
VirusTotal:  0/56:
64bit built on El Capitan using Homebrew.

Linux Wallet
MD5SUM: 8522b3f608b7295dd42638115f196da9 Platinumbar-Qt
VirusTotal: 0/56:
64bit GUI Wallet built on UbuntuMATE 15.04

Paper Wallet


Silicon Valley, California, USA

Francoforte, Germany

Sydney, Australia

Tokyo, Japan

Londra, United Kingdom

Nodo Addizionale

Blocco 1
Premine di 10,000 XPTX per lo sviluppo e per il marketing.
I Developers non faranno staking del premine.
I Premine verrà aggiustato in base al numero totale finale delle coin minate durante la fase di PoW, equivalenti a 54,054 XPTX.
Premine finale:  5,350 XPTX

Blocco 2 - 501
Rewards di .01 per blocco, per un total di 5 coins create.

Blocco 502 - 18000
Rewards di 5 coins per blocco per un totale di 100.000 Proof of Work coins.

Blocco 18001+
Rewards di .001 per ~265 coins per anno o lo 2% di inflazione.

Blocco 501+
Proof of Stake con il 23% di Interessi.

2 Ore di Età per Stake e 10 ore per il ReStake.

Indirizzo per bruciare le coins

2 Maggio 2016
2500 XPTX

2 Maggio 2016

2 Maggio 2016
499 XPTX

9 Maggio 2016
1650 XPTX

Totale delle Coins bruciate
4,650 XPTX

RPC PORT:  18994
P2P PORT:  18993




Decentralized Bitcoin Exchange
Version 0.4.7+

OTC Thread


Indonesian ANN

Russian ANN

Philippines ANN

Spanish ANN

Romanian ANN

Polish ANN

Greek ANN

Non metteremo un sacco di cose che gli altri vogliono vedere e che non verranno mai realizzate. Quando avremo qualcosa al 99% realizzato e pronto per il lancio, lo aggiungeremo qui.
Fino ad allora preferiamo mettere questo piuttosto che riempirlo con "cose"

In ogni caso abbiamo un sacco di progetti per il futuro.

Block Explorer
Nodi Addizionali
Premine Burn 2500 XPTX
Premine Burn 500 XPTX
Premine Burn finale 1650 XPTX


Policy di moderazione
Se hai commenti sulla coin, nessun problema, sei libero di avre la tua opinione. Quando qualcuno inizierà ad postare insulti personali, questi verranno cancellati.
Anche postare il proprio indirizzo XPTX in un post è proibito e verrà cancellato, così questo thread non violerà le regole del forum.

Grazie per aver letto questo annuncio.
Non vediamo l'ora di averti come parte della comunità PlatinumBAR XPTX.

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