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Qual é o cenário atual sobre investimentos em IEO's para o próximo trimestre e qual a sua visão pessoal sobre isso? Quais os pontos você leva em consideração ao investir nesse tipo de lançamento? Quais são as suas vantagens e desvantagens?
What is your current view on IEO investments for the next quarter? the points you take into consideration when investing in this type of release? What are its perks and benefits?
What is your current view on IEO investments for the next quarter? the points you take into consideration when investing in this type of release? What are its perks and benefits?
From the 9th to the August 9th! Sweepstakes that add up to 1 MILLION DOLLARS in Bitcoin when reaching the proposed goal!!
You probably know about Microcoins - early-stage cryptocurrencies that have very low market value and a high potential for appreciation (altseason). But have you heard about SSMs (Super Structured Microcoins)? Among so many projects under development, we present a very special one: the Kweek Coin. One of the differentials of this currency category is due to a large project that it is linked to, the Kweek Ecosystem, whose philosophy is to be a high-tech company with disruptive businesses. It is worth remembering that with each acquisition of Kweek Coin tokens, the investor gets 10% cashback on the purchase price! So don't miss the opportunity and be part of our history! Kweek Coin, simple as that! Website: Coin Rating:
9-20 Temmuz arası! Önerilen hedefe ulaşıldığında Bitcoin'de 1 MİLYON DOLAR'a varan çekilişler!!
Muhtemelen Microcoin'leri biliyorsunuzdur - çok düşük piyasa değerine ve yüksek değer kazanma potansiyeline (altseason) sahip erken aşama kripto para birimleri. Ama SSM'leri (Süper Yapılandırılmış Mikro Paralar) duydunuz mu? Geliştirilmekte olan pek çok proje arasından çok özel bir tanesini sunuyoruz: Kweek Coin. Bu para birimi kategorisinin farklılıklarından biri, felsefesi yıkıcı işlere sahip bir yüksek teknoloji şirketi olmak olan Kweek Ekosistemi ile bağlantılı olduğu büyük bir projeden kaynaklanmaktadır. Her Kweek Coin token alımında, yatırımcının satın alma fiyatı üzerinden %10 geri ödeme aldığını hatırlamakta fayda var! Bu yüzden fırsatı kaçırmayın ve tarihimizin bir parçası olun! Kweek Coin, bu kadar basit!Web sitesi: Para Değerlendirmesi:
7月9日から20日まで! 提案された目標に到達すると、ビットコインで合計100万ドルになるラッフル!! あなたはおそらくマイクロコインに精通しているでしょう–時価総額が非常に低く、上向きの可能性が高い初期段階の暗号通貨(altseanon)。 しかし、SSM(超構造化マイクロ通貨)について聞いたことがありますか? 開発中の非常に多くのプロジェクトの中で、非常に特別なプロジェクトであるKweekCoinを紹介します。このカテゴリーのコインの違いの1つは、それがリンクされている素晴らしいプロジェクトであるKweekエコシステムによるものです。その哲学は、破壊的なビジネスを持つハイテク企業になることです。 Kweek Coinトークンを購入するたびに、投資家は購入価格の10%のキャッシュバックを受け取ることを覚えておく価値があります。ですから、機会を逃さず、私たちの歴史の一部になりましょう! Kweek通貨、それはとても簡単です!
ウェブサイト: Kweekコインランキング:
De 09 a 09 de agosto! Sorteios que somam 1 MILHÃO de DÓLARES em Bitcoin ao atingir a meta proposta!! Você provavelmente conhece as Microcoins - criptomoedas em fase inicial e que possuem baixíssimo valor no mercado e com alto potencial de valorização (altseason). Mas já ouviu falar sobre as MSE's (Microcoins super estruturadas)? Dentre tantos projetos em desenvolvimento, apresentamos um muito especial: a Kweek Coin. Um dos diferenciais dessa categoria de moeda se deve a um grande projeto que ela está vinculada, o Ecossistema Kweek, que possui como filosofia ser uma empresa de alta tecnologia com negócios disruptivos. Vale lembrar que a cada obtenção dos tokens Kweek Coin, o investidor obtém 10% de cashback sobre o valor da compra! Por isso, não perca a oportunidade e faça parte da nossa história! Kweek Coin, simples assim!
Website:ção Kweek Coin:
Given that Bitcoin is considered a store of value, can you use a cryptocurrency that can guarantee day-to-day usability? How to go to bakeries, fill up the car, travel, etc? Do you know any coins like this?
About new cryptocurrencies what interests you most in an ICO? What strengths and weaknesses in the ICO? And what values do you as an investor observe before acquiring a crypto asset before its launch?
What platforms or websites do you use to track projects before your ICO? And what criteria do you use to invest in them?
The biggest ICO of all time Kweek Coin, release: July 9th to August 09th Upon reaching the proposed target, Kweek Coin will raffle prizes totaling $1,000,000.00 in BITCOIN to investors who purchased tokens during the launch period!! One of Kweek Coin's differentials is in its category: SSM's ( super structured microcoins) for being a large ecosystem of innovative projects that apply advanced technologies in their operations to the blockchain system. Kweek Coin will function as a financial tool and currency of exchange on all satellites that make up the Kweek group. Therefore, we understand that the crypto asset will have great potential for appreciation! To learn more about the project and purchase KWK tokens (Kweek Coin) Visit: Coin, simple as that!
Website and whitepaper:
De grootste ICO ooit Kweek Coin lancering: Dal 9 luglio al 9 agosto
Bij het bereiken van het voorgestelde doel, zal Kweek Coin in totaal $ 1.000.000,00 aan BITCOIN-prijzen weggeven aan investeerders die tokens hebben gekocht tijdens de introductieperiode!! Een van de verschillen tussen Kweek-munten zit in de categorie genaamd SSM ( Superstructured Microcoins). Dit komt omdat het een groot ecosysteem is van innovatieve projecten die geavanceerde technologieën toepassen op de werking van blockchain-systemen. De Kweek Coin dient als financieel instrument en wisselvaluta op alle satellieten die deel uitmaken van de Kweek-groep. Daarom begrijpen we dat crypto-activa een groot opwaarts potentieel zullen hebben! Ga voor meer informatie over het project en om KWK-tokens (Kweek Coin) te kopen naar Kweek Coin, het is simpel!
Website en witboek:
ICO Kweek Coin 09 a 20 de julho (ou enquanto durar o estoque)Conheça a Kweek Coin: De acordo com a Confederação Nacional do Comércio, estima-se que em 2021 as compras digitais atingiram mais de 161 bilhões de reais em vendas, sendo que mais de 90% dessas vendas ocorrem por meio dos Markeplaces. A Kweek Place pretende se tornar referência e um dos principais players desse gigantesco mercado nos próximos 3 anos! A Kweek irá se consolidar no mercado como uma empresa de tecnologia, concentrando os seus investimentos nas áreas de Inteligência Artificial, Metaverso e Blockchain, desenvolvendo soluções inovadoras e essenciais para os clientes e para a sociedade! A Kweek pretende contribuir para a sociedade com a criação da Kweek Fundation, entidade filantrópica que irá atuar em questões sociais e ambientais, promovendo maior inclusão social, apoio as classes mais necessitadas e iniciativas essenciais relacionadas ao meio ambiente. A Kweek Coin será uma peça fundamental dentro do grande ecossistema do grupo Kweek , funcionando como uma ferramenta financeira e moeda de troca em todos os satélites que compõem o grupo Kweek. Sendo assim, a medida que os projetos avancem, entendemos que a Kweek Coin terá um grande potencial de valorização! Para saber mais e ficar por dentro do nosso ICO, acesse: Kweek Coin, simples assim!
Website and whitepaper: oficial Kweek Coin no Telegram:
ICO Kweek Coin July 09th to August 09th
Meet the Kweek coin:According to the National Confederation of Commerce, it is estimated that in 2021 digital purchases reached more than 161 billion reais in sales, with more than 90% of sales occurring through Markplaces. Kweek Place intends to become a reference and one of the main players in this gigantic market in the next 3 years! Kweek will consolidate itself in the market as a technology company, focusing its investments in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Metaverse and Blockchain, developing innovative and essential solutions for customers and society! Kweek intends to contribute to society with the creation of the Kweek Foundation, a philanthropic entity that will work on social and environmental issues, promoting greater social inclusion, supporting the neediest classes and essential initiatives related to the environment. Kweek Coin will be a fundamental part of the great ecosystem of the Kweek group, functioning as a financial tool and currency of exchange in all the satellites that make up the Kweek group. Therefore, as projects progress, we understand that Kweek Coin will have great upside potential! To learn more and stay on top of our ICO, visit: Kweek Coin, simple as that!
Website and whitepaper:
ICO Kweek Coin July 09th to August 09th (or while supplies last)Meet the Kweek coin:
According to the National Confederation of Commerce, it is estimated that in 2021 digital purchases reached more than 161 billion reais in sales, with more than 90% of sales occurring through Markplaces. Kweek Place intends to become a reference and one of the main players in this gigantic market in the next 3 years! Kweek will consolidate itself in the market as a technology company, focusing its investments in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Metaverse and Blockchain, developing innovative and essential solutions for customers and society! Kweek intends to contribute to society with the creation of the Kweek Foundation, a philanthropic entity that will work on social and environmental issues, promoting greater social inclusion, supporting the neediest classes and essential initiatives related to the environment. Kweek Coin will be a fundamental part of the great ecosystem of the Kweek group, functioning as a financial tool and currency of exchange in all the satellites that make up the Kweek group. Therefore, as projects progress, we understand that Kweek Coin will have great upside potential! To learn more and stay on top of our ICO, visit: Kweek Coin, simple as that!
Website and whitepaper: Kweek Coin Group on Telegram: