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1  Other / Politics & Society / Pele, the greatest footballer of all time is dead at 82 on: December 29, 2022, 08:17:16 PM
The world of football is in mourning as Edson Arantes do Nascimento, popularly known as Pele, one of the greatest footballers of all time has finally passed on at 82 years of age after a fight with cancer.
That’s a post on his official twitter handle announcing his passing away.

You could also read more here.

Pele won three world cups with his first World Cup at just 17 years old. Being the only and youngest player to win three world cups, he’s definitely a legend.

Brazil president elect pours in his tribute saying there would never be a no.10 like him.

2  Other / Off-topic / Your screen time on: November 16, 2022, 05:33:31 PM
Wikipedia defines screen time as the amount of time spent using a device with a screen such as a smartphone, computer, television or a video game console.

After years of willfully keeping away from the steering wheel, I finally decided to go in and get a license to drive a vehicle.
Time for a vision test and I’m like, this would be real easy. I was so wrong. I had always thought I’ve got perfect eye sight as I could see quite clearly from a distance.

I couldn’t pick out the small figures and alphabets that was displayed as they became blurry as I tried to focus on it. After lots of awkward smiles and pleading with my eyes, I passed the vision test with the minimum score.
I recently went in to get my eyes checked and it’s likely I would need a prescription glasses.

I read quite a lot and have slowly been deviating from paperback to reading on the kindle over the years. Been advised to cut back on my screen time but I had thought as I’m not old, my eyesight would remain hawk eyed. I was wrong.

I would like to advise y’all to cut back on your screen time if you can. Put down your devices and take a walk or something.

Our eyes grow weak with age but they also get weaker at a much faster pace when continuously strained.
There are loads of eye defects that you may just be able to prevent With a healthy diet. These eye defects creep in slowly and would go unnoticed until it blossoms and becomes difficult to cure or manage.

We could try and include fishes like salmon, sardines; nuts and legumes  like walnuts, cashews( fruits like oranges and grapefruits; eggs and a whole lot of water in our diet.
I’ve learnt water does a lot of things in the body apart from regulation of our body temperature.

We all need to take better care of our eyes as well as cutting back on some screen time.
3  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Don’t make any crazy/suicidal moves in this bear market on: November 13, 2022, 03:23:02 PM
It has been reiterated countless times on the need to keep and store your coins off exchanges as it has been proven a couple of times about how unsafe exchanges are, and with the latest drama involving FTX, the point is proven once again.

These are some of the crypto exchanges that has either been hacked, had some sort of a security breach or has downright folded up and when it occurred.
1. Altsbit - Feb 2020
2. Uniswap- April 2020
3. Balancer- June 2020
4. Cashaa- July 2020
5. Hotbit- April 2021
6. Ascend EX- December 2021 and just recently,
7. FTX- November 2022

These breaches are just some as recent as two years.
Exchanges such as those listed above would promise top notch security and encourage people to do business with them and when breached, it’s same people who would be at the receiving end.

These hacks and breaches in these exchanges does not fare well for the crypto market as it could get existing and potential new investors jittery.

So, like the heading says, do not make crazy suicidal moves in this bear market.
The recent FTX drama involving hundreds of millions of dollars stolen has resumed the barraging attacks on bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general by critics and naysayers.

Bitcoin has withstood these attacks and proven all ye naysayers out there wrong and would continue to do so.
So I’m pretty much putting it out there to chill and not make any rash decisions that would be regretted later on. And also to reiterate the fact that exchanges are a no no for keeping your coins.

4  Other / Off-topic / Time management on: November 11, 2022, 04:33:24 PM
Time management, in my opinion is a skill. A skill that comes naturally to some, while others would strive to attain. Time management skills are valued by employers on a recruitment drive and are always on the lookout for such a skill.

There are always things that are needed to get done and with so little time. That is where time management comes in.
Time management could be defined in a variety of ways. We could safely define management as a process of planning, organizing, directing, controlling of human and material resources to enable the objective achieve its aim/goal.

Time management involves planning, organizing of your tasks, activities and objectives.
Time management is critical and needed to safely achieve the goal set by either an individual or an organization. In an organization, it has been confirmed and proven that being able to effectively manage time has led to an increase in productivity and it’s general output.

Here are some strategies for the effective management of your valuable time.
1. Set a goal: Personally, I like to write down my goals(either short or long term goals). Having a goal would set and prepare your mind and helps an individual to focus on the tasks ahead

2. Plan: Planning is vital when doing literally anything. More important when you want to limit or prevent time wastages. With a plan, you could set and follow a well defined course.

3. Have a scale of preference: Having a scale of preference shows your wants, needs and tasks. It  lets you arrange your tasks in order of importance and highlights your priorities. Having a scale of preference also helps keep you organized.

3. Break larger tasks into smaller ones: Breaking larger tasks into smaller ones helps make the tasks more achievable and easier. It also helps keeps you organized and focused on the tasks

4: Delegate: Delegation is very important in an organization and it helps keep things moving smoothly and quickly. It also helps eliminate time wastage in the workplace.

5. End procrastination: With procrastination, you’re never going to get anything done. You would keep pushing things to do at a later date until they pile up and become a huge problem later on.

6. Do away with distractions: Whatever that doesn’t contribute to the attainment of a set goal is a distraction and should be dropped. All unnecessary things that doesn’t help you achieve your goal is a distraction and distractions greatly help waste time.

Time is a valuable resource that when lost, can never be recovered anymore.
5  Economy / Economics / Planning on: October 30, 2022, 05:34:13 PM
Planning is a very important tool and a very essential managerial function. It’s no wonder it’s there amongst the managerial functions and the first function at that.
Planning as an activity never ends and is very important in the management circles as well as in our everyday lives.

Wikipedia defines planning as “the process of thinking regarding the activities required to achieve a desired goal”.

I would define planning as the process in which goals are set, thoughts and actions on how best to achieve the set goals are deliberated upon, the best course of action is chosen and then comes how best to implement the chosen course of action effectively and efficiently.

Planning cannot be said to be overrated as planning is essential in both the workplace and the home. Also very essential in the running and management of a business organization.

Here are some of the benefits of planning in the workplace.
1. Planning facilitates control: Control, also being a management function is essential and very important in an organization and a good plan helps keep everything and everyone running optimally

2. Planning helps solve foreseeable problems: With planning, problems that would be likely to arise during the course of the business year would be prepared for, easily avoided or solved with ease

3. Planning facilitates creativity and innovation in employees: With planning, thoughts and ideas are brought forward and the best is chosen. This would awaken creativity and innovation in employees that are tasked with bringing up ideas

4. Efficient use of resources: Planning helps ensure that scarce valuable resources(both human and material) are efficiently and optimally, thus eliminating waste.

5. Planning brings about commitment: Employees following a good and well structured plan would be committed to the job in order to help achieve the organizational goal.

As with benefits, there are also some cons to planning.
1. Rigidity: A plan can be said not to be flexible but rigid and this could be disastrous as employees in the workplace might feel bound to follow the laid down plan even if they know it might not work

2. Unforeseen problems: Unforeseen problems that may arise may very well not be handled effectively cause these problems weren’t foreseen and weren’t planned for.

3. Control: Control can also be said to be a disadvantage of planning. While a certain level of control is needed in the workplace, some employees may frown at being controlled and some perform better unsupervised or in a less controlled environment.

4. An effective and efficient plan can very well be time and cost consuming.

On a personal note; planning is more advantageous as it’s an essential process that we must all indulge in for if we fail to plan, we’ve already planned to fail.
6  Economy / Economics / MNCs and it’s impact on developing countries. on: October 15, 2022, 05:19:36 PM
MNC: Multinational corporations.

Multinational corporations can be said to be a business organization that deals and operate in two or more countries; having its headquarters mainly in its home country.
Simply put, it’s a business that operates and has offices in more than one country.

What makes a corporation multinational?
It must have operations and should maintain offices and assets in countries other than it’s home country.

These are some features of a multinational corporations;
1. They operate and conduct business internationally and keeps branches in other countries
2. They have and keep huge and large assets; both physical and financial
3. It must have a coordinated network of branches
4. The parent company should have indirect control on the activities of the branches
5. Being a large corporation, they’ve got access to new and top notch technology
6. They employ the best trained managers with the right skill best suited for the job

It’s impact on developing countries.

Multinational corporation would argue that with their presence in developing countries, they’re actively enabling investment opportunities and economic development in these countries hereby greatly creating employment opportunities.
There are merits and demerits of MNCs opening shop in a developing country. Here are some;

1. Employment opportunities: This is an undeniable fact that MNCs bring with them job employment for the host country, employing about 70% of its workforce from the local populace

2. New tech, ideas and innovation: Being a large and already established corporation, thy would have the best of technology and new innovations that they would bring and ultimately pass down to smaller local businesses

3. Growth: With its massive investments that would include infrastructure development among others, the host country would grow economically.

1. Exploitation of cheap labor: MNCs, being attracted by the cheap labor they could get at the developing country make sure to exploit the Human Resources and pay little wages.

2. Pollution to the environment: MNCs discard their waste materials improperly, polluting the environment. Without the regulations and/enforcement on proper waste management, MNCs mostly get a pass or the government turns a blind eye to the pollution and improper waste management practices employed by the MNCs.

3. Threat to local small businesses: MNCs, being large and already established is a viable threat to small businesses as they’ve got the capital and assets. And if unchecked, they could monopolize the economy and ruin other small and upcoming businesses.

4. Exploitation of natural resources: These large corporations massively exploit both human and natural resources as most of the profit generated from doing business in the host country goes directly back to the parent country

5. It can get difficult for a healthy competition as small business obviously can’t compete and overtime, dependency on the goods produced and services rendered by the  MNCs would grow leaving no room for small local businesses.

Whatever perks multinational corporations bring to its host country, we shouldn’t forget in a hurry that these corporations aren’t a charitable organization, with its primary aim is profit making and returns to its shareholders.
With grants and/low tax rates given by the host government to attract these corporations, coupled with the idea of low wages and a higher profit motive, these corporations wouldn’t be there if they thought they couldn’t make profit.
7  Economy / Economics / Competition in business on: October 13, 2022, 01:41:24 PM
Competition can be said to be a sequence of events in which companies, organizations or firms(small and big alike) that produce similar goods and or services try to outsmart, outwit each other to ultimately come out on top of the bunch.
A healthy competition in a free market is essential to a growing functioning economy and without a healthy competition, there is bound to be a monopoly in the production of goods and rendering of services.

These are some characteristics of competition;
1. A healthy competition should always be neutral and un-biased.
2. Competition is constant and ceaseless as it goes on all the time. We all indulge in competition whether knowingly or unknowingly
3. Competition is universal, common and all embracing as it goes on all over the world.

In my view, there are more advantages than disadvantages with competition in a free market.
Here are some pros;
1. It definitely fuels innovation, growth and progress
2. It brings about creativity and also increases productivity
3. A healthy competition definitely favors the consumers as it helps lower prices and increases the quality of goods
4. It fuels innovation which in turns brings about varieties and new ideas
5. It brings about decent pricing in the production of goods

As with pros, there are also cons.
1. As a small and growing business, you’re bound to lose business to bigger and stronger firms when there’s a strong competition
2. Competition pose a threat to a small business as they could pack up and close up shop
3. A competition could very well turn into a conflict especially if it’s an unfair competition with undue advantage to one side.

Generally, competition is very essential in a free market and without competition, there would be monopoly in the production of goods and rendering of services. And when there’s a monopoly, small business and start ups are destined to fail.
8  Other / Meta / MODs, where art thou? on: October 09, 2022, 01:17:28 PM

The said user is copy-pasting sports articles without giving credits to the sources used. Intentionally changing/paraphrasing a few words to avoid detection which doesn't make it less of an abuse. Posts are partially or fully plagiarized, in most cases, his posts consist of material stolen from multiple articles.

User: Mr.right85

Copy: #1

As Monaco have confirmed that midfielder Cesc Fabregas will leave the club at the end of th is month.

The former Arsenal, Barcelona and Chelsea star has been had though time battling injuries during the 2021-22 season, playing just two times in a Ligue 1 campaign in which Monaco finished third behind Marseille and champions Paris Saint-Germain.

A statement from Monaco on Saturday confirmed the former Spanish midfielder's  departure via their official Twitter account
The 35year old having played 830 career games has represented the likes of Spain.. Arsenal..Chelsea.. Barcelona and Monaco ...He is one of the all time too assisters in the premier League history
 Won the uefa champions League and LaLiga with Barcelona...the premier League with Chelsea..the world cup and European championship with Spain and his one of the youngest captains in arsenal's history

Monaco have confirmed that midfielder Cesc Fabregas will leave the club at the end of this month.

The former Arsenal, Barcelona and Chelsea star has been troubled by injuries during the 2021-22 season, playing just twice in a Ligue 1 campaign in which Monaco finished third behind Marseille and champions Paris Saint-Germain.

A statement from Monaco on Saturday confirmed the 35-year-old's imminent departure.

"The midfielder with more than 830 career games, whose contract is coming to an end, leaves the principality club three and a half years after his arrival," the statement read.


Copy: #2

Everton have picked out Watford Nigerian forward Emmanuel Dennis as their possible replacement  should Brazilian forward Richarlison leave the club this summer.

Brazilian striker Richarlison, 25, has been heavily involved with move to Tottenham leaving the Toffees searching for a ready-made replacement. Tottenham who are in for a total reinforcement next season have already signed three players.

The Nigerian forward, 24, scored 10 goals and provided six assists in the Hornets’ doomed Premier League campaign in which the Hertfordshire club finished 19th and was relegated to the English second division championship..
He most recently scored in the African cup of Nations qualifying match against Sao Tome where Nigeria won the game by a dominant 10:0 display scoring the last goal of the game from the spot kick

Everton have identified Watford forward Emmanuel Dennis as their primary transfer target should Richarlison leave the club this summer.

Brazilian striker Richarlison, 25, has been heavily linked with a move to Tottenham leaving the Toffees searching for a ready-made replacement.

Dennis, 24, scored 10 goals and provided six assists in the Hornets’ doomed Premier League campaign in which the Hertfordshire club finished 19th last term.


Copy: #3

Spanish LaLiga chief Javier Tebas continued his displeasure with Paris Saint-Germain and Manchester City, stressing the complaint to UEFA over financial fair play was to protect the competition.

Manchester City were the of the first LaLiga complaint back in April, while the league made another against PSG on Wednesday regarding breaching financial fair play rulings.
The LaLiga chief is not happy about the way Manchester city and Paris Saint Germain have been allowed to go unpunished due to their role in breaching financial fair play in recent years ... This could be traced to Manchester city's acquisition of Top and expensive players such as John stones, Bernardo silva, jack Grealish and recently Erling Haaland.while Paris Saint Germain's acquisition of Neymar and kyrrian Mbappe is also put into consideration

LaLiga chief Javier Tebas continued his feud with Paris Saint-Germain and Manchester City, explaining the complaint to UEFA over financial fair play was to defend competition.

City were the subject of the first LaLiga complaint back in April, while the league lodged another against PSG on Wednesday regarding breaching financial fair play rulings.

The latter complaint continued Tebas' most recent conflict with the Ligue 1 side, who managed to keep World Cup winner Kylian Mbappe in Paris despite persistent interest from Real Madrid.


Copy: #4

Yves Bissouma is gearing up to fulfilling a childhood dream by playing in the UEFA Champions League next season, after landing a four-year contract with Tottenham.The Mali international spent spent four seasons with Brighton after sealing a deal from french side Lille in 2017...and has now becos the third spurs signing of the summer transfer window after the signing of Ivan Perisic from inter Milan...and Fraser Forster from Southampton.. having one year left on his contract with the south coast club.. Bissouma will have to fight for a starting spot in the Tottenham start line up next season with spurs challenging in the premier League...the champions League and the FA cup and league cup.. Tottenham Hotspur are still in the transfer market looking to make some additions to their defence and attacking ranks... Antonio Conte is expected to do a major rebuild to this Tottenham side

Yves Bissouma is looking forward to fulfilling a childhood dream by playing in the Champions League next season, after agreeing a four-year contract with Tottenham.

Spurs have signed the midfielder from Brighton for a reported initial fee of £25million, becoming the North Londoners' third acquisition of the summer transfer window alongside Ivan Perisic and Fraser Forster.

The Mali international spent four seasons on the South Coast after joining the Seagulls from Lille in 2017, making 124 appearances.


Copy: #5

Mattia De Sciglio has signed a new contract to keep him at Juventus until June 2025.... The AC Milan academy graduate has extended his stay in Turin till at least 2025..he joined the old ladies in 2017 on a five year deal..
He has been restricted to the bench with wingbacks Alex Sandra and Juan Cuadrado preferred in that position
..he some sent for a loan spell at Lyon in 2020 before his impressive season with the French club earned him a call back to the Italian giants.
The 29year old who can play both left and right wing back has made 91 appearances for Juventus scoring twice...

An ex player of Juventus have pleaded with the Turin club to sign former player Paul pogba.. the Frenchman who his contract with Manchester United is set to expire at the end of this month has been released my Manchester United and the ex Juventus player feels the Frenchman will be a Ideal recruitment for the old ladies of Turin..

Mattia De Sciglio has signed a new contract to keep him at Juventus until June 2025.

The Italy international came through the Milan academy before joining Juve for €12million on a five-year contract in 2017.

De Sciglio has had to settle for a rotational role with the Bianconeri, with wing-back options Alex Sandro and Juan Cuadrado preferred on either flank.

The 29-year-old was sent to Lyon for the 2020-21 season and impressed before returning to Juve, who finished fourth in Serie A the following campaign with Massimiliano Allegri back at the helm.

De Sciglio has made 91 appearances for the Bianconeri, scoring twice and providing four assists, while also contributing to 30 clean sheets.

The versatile full-back was set to see his contract at the Allianz Stadium expire at the end of this month, but has agreed a three-year extension.


Copy: #6

Chelsea have confirmed that  Andreas Christensen will leave the club at the end of this month amid Barcelona links... Christensen 26 made a total of 161 appearances lifting the Europa League...the champions League the super cup and the world club cup...
The Danish defender is been linked with Barcelona and he's expecting to join them as soon as possible...

Chelsea already without the services of Antonio Rudiga with the German joining Real Madrid will have to go all out in the transfer market to get possible replacements  to partner Thiago silver.
The new owners have alot of work to do and must build on the foundations of the previous owners in order to keep the club competing at the highest level. It will be a first somehow difficult season for them ..but I see them finish at least in the top three of next season's league table..

Chelsea have confirmed Andreas Christensen will leave the club when his contract expires later this month.

The Danish defender, 26, is widely expected to join Barcelona on a free transfer.

Christensen made 161 appearances during a decade with the Blues, lifting the Champions League, Europa League, Club World Cup and Super Cup along the way.


Copy: #7

Chile's appeal to disqualify Ecaudor from next year's world cup has been rejected by FIFA  an appeal made on the basis that Ecaudor fielded and ineligible player during the qualifying round...

A disciplinary proceedings was opened earlier when the football association of chile told FIFA that right back Byron Castillo was  Colombian and not From Ecuador... latest report now says football governing body FIFA has rejected the appeal..

During the world cup qualification round Byron Castillo made 8 appearances as Ecuador booked Thier place in the world cup in Qatar later this year...

Chile on the other hand didnt qualify for the world cup in Qatar as they finished in 7th place..while Ecaudor finished in fourth place...
Ecaudor is in group A with host country Qatar, African champions Senegal and 2010 world cup finalists the Netherlands...

Chile's appeal to have Ecuador disqualified from the World Cup in Qatar has been rejected by FIFA.

The appeal was made on the basis of Ecuador selecting an ineligible player during their qualifying campaign.

Football's world governing body opened disciplinary proceedings last month following allegations that right-back Byron Castillo is Colombian and not eligible to represent Ecuador.

Castillo made eight appearances for Ecuador in their South American qualifying campaign.

Chile, who failed to qualify for the World Cup, lodged a complaint, but FIFA confirmed on Friday that Ecuador will keep their place at the World Cup, which starts in November.

FIFA have opened disciplinary proceedings against Ecuador over the potential use of an ineligible player in their successful World Cup qualifying campaign.

Chile last week asked the world football governing body to investigate allegations that right-back Byron Castillo is actually Colombian and not eligible to represent Ecuador.

Castillo played eight times for Ecuador in South American qualifying, including a goalless draw with Chile in September and a 2-0 victory in November.

La Roja finished seventh, meaning they just missed out on a play-off spot, but believe Ecuador should be expelled from the quadrennial competition.

And FIFA have confirmed they are looking into the recent complaint made by the Federacion de Futbol de Chile.

An official statement said: "FIFA decided to open disciplinary proceedings in relation to Byron David Castillo Segura's possible breach of the call criteria for the indicated matches.

"In this context, the FEF and the Peruvian Football Federation have been invited to present their positions before the FIFA disciplinary committee."

Ecuador have already been drawn in Group A at the World Cup, alongside hosts Qatar, as well as Senegal and the Netherlands.


One would think this is a clear, open and shut case of plagiarism but I guess the moderators would beg to differ. With the fierce stand against plagiarism on the forum, one would think there would certainly have been a repercussion of some sort  when someone commits the heinous crime of taking credit for someone else work.

Perhaps the mods are selective in who gets punished; I do not know. The post has been long deleted so I can safely assume that not all users on the forum gets the same treatment when found out for plagiarism

I’m not advocating for this user to get banned. I’m just curious if a low ranking member also does the same, would the user be given a pass as well?

Perhaps the pig in George Orwell’s Animal farm was right when he said; All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than the others.
9  Other / Politics & Society / Burkina Faso’s second coup in 8 months on: October 01, 2022, 04:51:31 PM
As Nigerians celebrate another year of independence and a freely democratic process, Burkina Faso just experienced its second coup d’état in 8 months.

The interim leader Paul Henri Sandago Damiba who himself came to power in a coup 8 months ago was just ousted by a coup on 30th September of 2022 supposedly over his inability to deal with an Islamist insurgency.
Captain Ibrahim Traore has now assumed leadership of the west African nation.
10  Other / Politics & Society / Putin grants citizenship on Edward Snowden on: September 27, 2022, 05:13:35 PM
The Russian president has granted citizenship to former NSA contractor turned whistleblower Edward Snowden along with other foreign nationals. Snowden has been living in Russia where he was granted asylum and later permanent residency as he flees persecution in the United States for the theft of government property.
11  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / What amount of fiat and/bitcoin would you consider safe holding in a bear market on: September 21, 2022, 04:01:08 PM
A bear market could be said to be when the share price of a commodity continue to decline over a period of time. Unstable prices and a gradual decline in prices gets a large portion of bitcoin holders scared enough to sell off a large chunk of their assets.
In these so called “trying times”, selling off assets are encouraged and people are inclined to sell because of the unstable and/or decline in prices.

    I’m curious on your thoughts and opinions on how much bitcoin and/or fiat currency would be considered safe to hold in a bear market like the one we’re currently in.(eg:70% fiat and 30% bitcoin).
Understandably, people would have different thoughts and opinions on how much is safe to hold cause income level varies among individuals.
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