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1  Economy / Speculation / Bitcoins' contradiction - the scissor in your head on: January 14, 2015, 03:22:34 PM
Two positions maintained by the bitcoin supporters:

1) the high bitcoin inflation is good for the fair distribution of the coins
2) it's going to the moon

You can't have an inflationary period for decades and at the same time go to the moon.
Think about it. Distribution/inflation and mooning at the same time - It's a contradiction.

The coin is going to stagnate at rockbottom in distribution-modes until at least 2018.
We learn this from how altmarkets behaved in the past.

Pumping something up that's inflationary is really utter monkeybusiness. Yes, you are the monkeys with fear of missing out.

There are enough coins for everybody! Every day more!  
2  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Campaign to BOYCOTT BITCOIN! on: January 12, 2015, 02:33:04 PM
The recent discussion about the hardfork ( and this long bearmarket has brought several things to light:

-Bitcoin suffers from high inflation and is unable to maintain its value. This makes it unfit for use in daily business, slows adoption and makes it very volatile and a psychological terror for many people

-The bitcoiners (especially the bigger bagholders) in large parts suffer delusion of grandeur thinking it would take over the world or at least pretending to think it in order to draw in noobs and rob them of their money (transfer their wealth to miners and early investors)

- Bitcoin is wasteful. The high inflation leads to a too large and centralised mining industry consuming huge amounts of electricity and money.

- Bitcoin actively holds down alternative currencies and with this slows down progress and real innovation (bitcoins only concern in regards of innovation seems to be to keep the upper hand over alts and with this behaviour ensure the latecomers not get a thing from joining the cryptomovement and are forced to use btc instead to make the large bagholders rich while preventing everyone who joined later to make profit at all. So bitcoin is anti fair distribution and an elitist shitcoin)

- The fork-issue has shown large parts of btc bagholders have become so arrogant they want to get rid of the consensus and don't care anymore about decentralisation

- Bitcoin does not care about the little man, it's all about that small cabale that was around at launch.

Bitcoin has become the cancer of cryptocurrency and holds back progress and surpresses the entire altcoin industry. It is a scam for early adopters and miners to get rich of YOUR money by hyping  it up to the point of telling people 10million$ for a coin would be realistic. This is a get rich quick mentality and often times misleading marketing (comparison to gold while it is inflationary more than fiat) and bitcoin looks very, very much like a ponzi right now.

If you feel the same or agree with some of these points or have other fundamental critique on btc i would invite you to join the campaign for boycott. Feel free to put a statement of protest/boycott into your signature and stop using it. Use altcoins instead and demand from exchanges tradingpairs with other coins as basecurrency.

Bitcoin needs to be canceled. It has nothing to do anymore with the original idea of cryptocurrency.

Thank you for your attention and time.
3  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Does Bitcoin have AIDS? on: January 08, 2015, 04:40:19 PM
High hash needs to be paid for.
Bitcoin has good hash but keeps going down because that hash needs to be paid.
When you buy gold you do not pay a constant tax to the miners after initial purchase.
Bitcoin is different. Here you pay after purchase a tax to miners of 10% of its value this year.

Can it be cured with speeding up blocktimes or does it need to fork to faster rewarddecrease?
Obviously satoshi was afraid of attackers. He did not think of a whole army of altcoins which could jump in and back it up.
He did not think of the possibility to share hash with other coins.
What sense does a mega-high hashrate make when it is this expensive and makes the coin useless to store value?
Are the fears which would make such high and expensive hashrate necessary still justified in 2015?

Here is my question:
Does Bitcoin have aids? Can it be cured? How?
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / what is no.2 Sha256-network after Bitcoin? on: January 04, 2015, 01:56:07 PM
Unobtanium is second Sha-network after BTC

In case you wonder what a good alternative could be.

- no more bleeding - real store of value - fine commodity - fair - no premine - very low inflation - bitcoin on steroids - established since 2013 -

5  Economy / Speculation / I TOLD YOU SO! on: December 18, 2014, 04:25:28 AM
correctly predicted.

if bitcoin doesn't bounce HARDCORE VERY SOON just forget it and move to the  next coin. Problem is maybe in parts not even identified and could be with the wrong people holding the coins - possible large amounts of stolen coins sold and so on.

Just do the switch to the other coin if bitcoin has problems which can't be solved or even fully identified.

It's too volatile anyways. Next time choose a coin with less inflation (look at the nice ripple-pump as an example)

Bitcoin suffers from an array of identified problems which need a solution (mining rewards are shit, inflation sucks)
And then there are likely unidentified problems. So why all this shit? Because you are obsessed with the idea of bitcoin being the first try which works out perfect first time and taking over the world?
So because you are obsessed and narrow minded people need to use that? NO! There are alternatives!
6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Ripple has no inflation, right? Will it replace bitcoin? on: December 17, 2014, 03:43:01 PM
So bitcoin sucks due to inflation. Everyone knows it. Nobody wants to buy it. It has a bad image already and this forum is scammers protecting scammers basically.
So along comes ripple with some other crooks attached but the part they got right is the inflation-part.

So bitcoin done - ripple hello?

After all it should be investement vehicle and store of  wealth but neither ripple nor bitcoin is that.

So what we do? Nothing?

7  Other / Meta / Why is ico/ipo/ito/presale not banned from altcoin section? on: December 10, 2014, 04:43:16 PM
Ico/ipo/ito/presale in crypto is huge scam.

The one launching his coin this way can go on exchange and buy his own product.
The effects are: fake volume (fake impression of demand)
AND getting free premine of any size because the one launching it gets the coins he buys from his own ico-shit and the bitcoin back in the end he put in.

So selfbuying your own presale is killing two birds with one stone. One would be stupid not doing it.

Evidence is later zero about this. So there will never be clear evidence it happened.

So my question is why these scams are still allowed? Do you not care about protecting a) the image of the board and crypto and b) the investors ?

I think there is an absolute reason to ban all of that stuff because there is huge possibility of large scale fraud going on on regular basis.

Selling of premines before coinlaunches needs to be banned because it's scammy as fuck. Not hard to do and nobody will cry a tear except the scammers.
8  Economy / Speculation / Bitcoin - Shitcoin on: December 09, 2014, 05:00:54 AM
I did tell you it is best case stagnation and worst case total fail.

Switch to lower inflation coins which are less volatile before these dipshits introduce elastic supply and hype nagation of free market trade.

#just sayin'

call me what you want. I tell you to diversify.

bitcoin is bleeding like a pig for the next 6 years.

you are all emotional wrecks from the last bubble and think it'll be going on like that. It won't. Now is stagnation due to demand/supply. (best case)

Litecoin trades contrary to bitcoin. The market is out of tune. Panic around the corner. Low inflation altcoins win.

#end of message, pussies
9  Economy / Speculation / permabulls not only lost the control over this section-in fact they are extinct on: December 06, 2014, 05:47:00 AM
permabulls either disappeared into the night or changed their talk. You can notice it.
The more intelligent forum members seem to have gone from "of course it rises" to "we might have a problem here"
now ban everyone until bitcoin actually rises? Other solutions?
Close down the forum? Ban only smartasses like smalltimer who point it out and pretend everything was normal once these smartasses are gone?
What we do? Just stand by and watch the home of permabulls burn down?
We have to take action or permabulltards could be extinct! Raising awareness here for a dying species.

Maybe this image helps too? It's how i feel sometimes reading through here

Reminder: We are only one selloff away from total failure becoming a possibility and being discussed out in the open and two selloffs from turning this place into hell for everyone.

Have you previously been made aware of the bigger picture about the miserable circumstances of bitcoin markets, this forum and the mental state of most of its participants are in? Now imagine for a second: it could become worse!

Feel free to share opinions on the coming stagnation (best case) or the possibility of total failure (worst case) and the obvious extinction of the permabulltard-kind on the board.
10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Ryan Kennedy aka Moolah scammer can be met in London tomorrow on: November 28, 2014, 08:57:08 AM

please ask him where my Coins are and what the fuck is wrong with him if you're going.

11  Economy / Speculation / What do bitcoin supremacists have to say about the recent P'nD of BTC? on: November 21, 2014, 06:15:32 AM
I thought that would only and exclusively happen in worthless shitcoins and never ever, not even once in bitcoin. Now it is official: Bitcoin is a pump and dump vehicle like every other pennystock. What's your thoughts on the okcoin-whale being sick of it and pump and dump it on the bubble-nutcases? I am particularly interested in the opinion of cultist hodlers of the inner circle.

Feel free to share
12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / wolong pandacoin - what about it? on: November 10, 2014, 05:51:13 PM
Thread was locked. Why is that?
Where is community of bagholders now? I still hold some of those. Someone knows what's the deal with it? Do we get a revival going? Coin is good if you don't look at that history but only technicals.

Talking about this one:

if someone knows something about it please comment. Thanks.
13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Blocknet admits to buy into their own ito - censored content inside on: November 01, 2014, 09:23:20 AM


The one issuing it can have outlandish premine for free. They can buy all the coins they want from themselves for free.

people buying that stuff without asking any questions seem to be pretty naive.
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / simple, easy, possibly gamechanging idea for decentralised exchange for sale on: November 01, 2014, 06:03:10 AM
Idea for sale. Pretty easy. Most components are there already. Can be assembled 90% of the stuff we have already.

Not selling for less than 20 btc

not a coder myself so selling the virgin idea.

No clue how to deal with trust-issue and all that but i don't care. Not my problem. I don't even expect to sell it. Just to let you know the virgin idea could be bought right now. If nobody makes it easy for me and just takes it from me for a good price i'll have to go headhunt for professional devs and launch it myself or patent it and sell that. Just sayin'
First come, first serve

15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Lottoshares? You mad, bro? on: November 01, 2014, 02:40:28 AM
I have no idea, but the other day there suddenly was this multimillion-dollar-cap-coin i haven't seen before. 'Lottoshares'
I saw it weeks ago at 8 million usd cap
That was end of august to be exact.

Today i was watching the lowest end of coinmarketcap for entertainment and what do i see? Lottoshares at 4000$ total marketcap. So this coin won and lost like 200.000% in a matter of days.

Guys, this shit isn't healthy.  Cheesy

Someone got more info on this odd case? I am too lazy to read that thread. Tell me the hard truth about those lottoshares. How did they rise and fall like THIS?
16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Need good dev for creating profits on: October 31, 2014, 09:34:59 PM
Got some plans for some beaten down coins. Potentially good profits with a good dev, who knows his stuff.

You, dev, want good profit for just fix some issues with coins?
We handle the rest (promo, public relations, brand, etc). You code good code and profit, we take care of the rest.

Many projects waiting.
Honest work, honest money. No scam for investors. Bring back some value and dignity to altcoins.

Please private message.
17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / smalltimers' coinanalytic-service for investors-protection, also tutoring noobs on: August 27, 2014, 05:47:27 PM
Hey folks.  
Some people seem to have a real problem differing between a solid coin with positive longterm outlooks and a scamcoin/shitcoin that dies off within weeks. People cry for authority to step in and regualte it (gov). Or they cry for exchanges to handle it for them or for the moderators of btc-talk.
But none of them can and/or wants to help you.
It is ultimately up to you to make the right judgement and analysis of the coin. Many people seem to fail with that since it isn't a task everyone is good at.
Well, here comes smalltimers' investors-protection-service.

What i can't offer:
-direct advice on trading
-reading code of all coins
-being right all the time

that being said,

What i can offer:
-over a year of experience of fulltime trading and researching
-basic analysis of new coins
-i can categorize your coins risk pretty reliably short/mid/longterm
-i'll be able to tell you with high accuracy which coins will fail
-i can identify scams many times before they are exposed as such
-i'll be able to analyse markets aswell and give a good assessment of the current market for a coin, Technical mid/longterm-Analysis
-analyzing overall situations of coins

Offered deals:

1) very basic surface-analysis of a coin: 1 to 5 LTC depending on complexity
2) more in-depth analysis of a coin you wish: 3 to 20 LTC depending on complexity
3) flatrate for you - get an email once a week or every 10 days with some short summaries about the reseach i made in the week (no personal follow-up included - only newsletter): around 2 to 5 LTC a week (have still to decide on this also depending on demand)
4) personal coin-analytics to the best of my knowledge to all your inquiries (i'll be there for you): 0.3 to 3 btc a week depending on several factors
5)tutoring: i can mentor noob-traders or bad traders that loose a lot of bucks often/ can't get a consistent edge. Passing on some experience and practical knowledge. Two different workshops:

a) coinanalysis (what to pay attention to, valuable info on stuff people overlook frequently) 3 to 5 mumble-sessions one-on-one: starting at 1.2 btc
b) trading (how to trade better). I'll be profiling you and teach you a style that fits your personality. Teaching you what a professional trader needs to know. 5 to 10 sessions one-on-one : starting at 2 btc

one mumble-session going to be approx. 1h to 90minutes.

i reserve the right to cancel tutoring at any time and partially refund if i have the impression you are not suitable for trading highly volatile high-risk cryptocoins. Additional psychotherapy and think-positive-stuff/winner-mentality only in exceptional cases and for higher fees. (yes, i can beef you up alround including tips for diet for better health and concentration, if i see it makes sense. Expect to pay for it though and expect mild bootcamp Wink not going to tell you lies.) If you are a generally positive person that can also win in life sometimes, there shouldn't be a need for that though.

after having done a workshop you going to perform noticeably better than before. If you don't after having 5 a) and b) full workshop i'll follow up with you for free, until you perform to stay in the black and make consistent profit. Most of the stuff i offer will be made to fit your needs.

This is new. More stuff to be announced.
Ultimately this service was created to battle scams, to help some honest people out who could be victim to scammers otherwise, to give noobs a head-start, because there seems to be real demand for this and to bring me a little extra-coins of course (i am honest and up-front about it). So it should be a mutual gain. Time to team up.

About me: free individual trader. More than one year fulltime-experience. Trading everything, every coin, every situation. Trendtrading, swings, daytrading, spreads, arbitrage, longterm-investing. Can teach principles of pump and dump and the methods of the whales aswell if you wish that. I am not part of any pump-group, not in the same boat with the scam-devs or any exchanges. Not selling my clients out in any way, shape or form (i aim at providing the service longterm and building a reputation). I do independant and honest analysis and tutoring to the best of my knowledge and abilities. I am an independant individual with above average skills and experience. I am trading profitable myself most of the time. Sometimes very profitable. I know to minimze risks and maximize gains. I know i am trading better than most.

Shoot me a message for inquiries or express some interest here in the thread if you would sign up for a newsletter if that was launched. Or just send your mail-adress for the free trial. (probably free for the first few weeks)
This is not a quick buck for me. I see it as real work and know to deliver a product you desire (info, knowledge, dedicated analysis, skills, training) so you will know how to spot and circumvent scams and shitcoins or even trade them for profit.
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / delete on: August 27, 2014, 05:32:00 PM
19  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / random rant about btsx [formally "where is btsx-ann?"] on: August 27, 2014, 06:05:27 AM
i wasn't able to find the ann. Please someone point me to it.

20  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Which coin is the greatest pain to use? on: August 10, 2014, 01:12:13 PM
Which of the coins you are holding or have been holding was/is the greatest pain in the ass for you and why?

Love to hear what you have to share on that Smiley
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