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Gush Katif is the name of one of the main Former Jewish Settlements in Gaza. We used to talk a lot about Nations and States as a Cryptocurrency Community, even replacing Fiat. What does everyone think about the Jewish Occupation and Settlement of Gaza? And what plans can be made for resettling the Gazans elsewhere that does not lead to them Arming up and coming back? Here is some information from one of the Leaders of the Gaza Resettlement Movement: now the only reason there aren’t Settlements in Gaza is because Netanyahu hasn’t made it easy. But with the Support of Christians around DFW, they shouldn’t have a Problem getting into Gaza and starting a Riviera, they can talk to Al Jazeera about that Water Problem in Gaza, the Receding Beaches, etc.
There is a Region of Cryptocurrency that needs to be Merged with the Research Chemical World, and that is the Cryptocurrency Blogs. Like Hive.Blog,, and
What these Websites Provide is something that can Benefit the RC Community, and streamline several aspects of how Things Work:
1. The Blogs Provide a place for Experience Reports, and Vendors to Communicate with Customers.
2. The Blogs Provide a way for New People to Earn Money to Buy RCs.
3. The Blogs Provide Native Currency, and Tokens, that can be used to Facilitate Trades.
And so for example, if You went on, to the Decentralized Exchange (DEX) called or, and You set up Everything on Hive-Signer, You could set up a Token and have it Distributed, and Offer a Product for sale on the Blog. The Token could be how Payments are accepted, and the Entire Market could be set up to go up and down based on who is Buying and Selling a Currency that can be exchanged for RCs or Nootropics, etc. As like Gold or Silver, or Oil. And so You say, "I will accept X Currency for X Product" and that then sets You up to get the most of the Currency, as when the Price is Low You can accept more and more Tokens in Exchange for the Products, then as the Price Rises, You allow People to use less Tokens to Buy, because they are Worth more, but You still have all the Tokens from before. So the Vendors Benefit, it Benefits Vendors.
Even just Joining HIVE, STEEM and BLURT and Creating Value by Trading those Currencies for something. Just adding a Thing, it Raises the Value of those Currencies, because for Example they have to First Buy HIVE to Buy Your Tokens.
Then it can also be self Perpetuating, because the entire Point of these Platforms is based on the Concept of STEEM Power, now HIVE Power, and BLURT Power, which means the more of the Native Currency You have, the more Money Your Vote is worth. So the Customers Spend say HIVE to get into the Market, they Buy the Vendor Tokens, the Vendor then HODLs until the Token has more Popularity, so more Buyers, and thereby is more Scarce, the more Hands there are Holding a Currency the less Each person can have, especially if the Vendors are also taking Large amounts off the Market. So the Price goes up, and the Vendor Trades it for HIVE. They can then use their Vote to give Money to Customers, who can turn around and Spend that HIVE to Buy their Token.
So there are a lot of ways this could be Beneficial to the Cryptocurrency World, and the RC World. In the same way Gold and Silver would Benefit the Market, and should also come onto these Blogs.
A lot of People talk about “Dignity in Work”, General Electric had some Commercials, one where a Father who had Worked at a Factory, maybe it was GE, was mad that his Son couldn’t lift his Hammer, because he comically wanted his Son to follow in his footsteps and be a Blue Collar kind of Man like him, and he couldn’t understand what his Son was Capable of. And he’s like almost Belittling his Programmer/Coder Son, but the Joke is that he Clearly doesn’t understand the Son’s Job.
But that gets to the Dignity in Work, some People Feel as if their Job is their Identity, and in many Cases this makes sense. Say You always felt like You were a kind of Protector and You become a Cop or Security Guard, a Job could be almost Spiritual, or Tribal, and there then is the Reverend and the Rabbi, the Monk, the Guru, etc. that is almost not even seen as Work because it is such a Part of the Person’s Identity. The Priest at the Church for example, is expected to be like a Shepherd, aware of the Practices of Wolves but protecting the Flock instead of Participating in those Practices. An Identity.
So there is an Argument to be made about Dignity in Work, but where my Focus is, is having the Robots do as much of the Work as Possible. There was a Spiritual Leader, almost a Religious Leader but more like the Modern “Spiritual Advisor” who is not always the Priest or the Guru, and I’m Talking about Abbie Hoffman. This may not have been the most Famous Thing he said (he said a lot in his Life), but he in the 1960s said “Let the Machines do the Work”. He was Using Mimeographs saying this. Not even a Modern Computer. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs hadn’t done anything yet.
So letting the Machines do the Work entails getting rid of some of the Pushback from those who say that there is no need for Robots infringing on Dignity in Work.
And also now, we are Talking about COVID Relief (not just the $1,000 Checks, but the Small Business Administration Paycheck Protection Program), Businesses got used to that Money and want to have that be Normal in Earnings. They want the Economy back, and then some. But this has led to something, an increase in Prices. The Simple Economics of it is “Print Money, Money is Worth less now”. And even before COVID there were Discussions of Raising the Minimum Wage to $15 Per Hour. The Argument against this was “Raising Wages means Employers Spend more, so Prices go up, and the $15 an Hour becomes then a lower Wage than it was before”. And now because of COVID, we are in a Situation where People can’t even Rent in most Cities if they are making Minimum Wage, which is still $7.25 from George W. Bush. So now maybe we are in a Time where Republicans could advocate for $10 and $15 Minimums, because the Economy calls for it more now than when there were Marches in the Streets for a $15 Minimum (which isn’t even being Protested anymore, and many People do make $15+ already).
So then the Robots.
There was a Project Started by Stephen Wolfram called Bazillion Beings, and they were going to Create AIs with Twitter Former Employees, and Bungie (the Makers of the Halo Games), and their Artificial Intelligence would attach to a Person, learn that Person’s Contacts and Maps, etc, then it would make Suggestions, and even ask for advice so as to become Smarter. These AI would then be used to do Things like Scour Google for images of Flowers and give You a Selection, and Post them to a Blog for You. Doing all of this they would Earn a Cryptocurrency that they were Built on, and so You would Earn some of that and they would also, and it would Pay for their Existence on the Bazillion Being Servers. Then also You could Post Your AI on Facebook or Twitter and Your Friends would have an AI that Starts with Your Training and Recommendations, but then grows with Your Friend.
Now, This doesn’t exactly mean that the Burger Flipping Robot, and the Self Driving Uber, aren’t taking Good Paying Jobs. And the Bazillion Beings concept doesn’t necessarily get Everyone well Paid, and actually then Circumvents the $15 Minimum Wage because the Person is not an Employee of anyone. But these are all Discussions to be had now.
And this isn’t just any Website, this is the Website where we were Talking about Bitcoin Town, and People Earn a Living by Mining Cryptocurrency.
DeFiCopper We are Expanding the DeFi World with our New Proof of Burn Token, DeFiCopper. Decentralized Finance is a New Economic Practice which by Definition is a Decentralized means of Holding Value, and Earning more is what DeFi is Really about. And by Adding Burn Mining we are adding something that has been missing, as Burning has been becoming more and more Popular, and Proof of Work Mining is kind of Pointless as a Token because there is no Use for the Currency (with Blockchain the Coins can be used to Fund Tokens, and to Pay Fees, with a Token Proof of Work is just a Hard to Obtain Token, with no use beyond that on its face), and Proof of Stake is alright because it adds the Use of Staking so that there is a Reason to HODL, but Proof of Stake is still not Proof of Burn, because Burning is a Step Beyond HODL. HODL Raises the Value of a Currency (Holding on for Dear Life) and this can be seen in various instances, for example, if Bitcoin Drops in Value and You Sell Yours, You are Contributing to the Price Drop. If You HODL during a Price Drop, You Help Raise the Value of the Currency. If you Burn, You are on Permanent HODL, by Burning You are Removing Your Tokens from Circulation. And Burn Mining Gives an Incentive to Burn, in Fact Burning will be Competitive. To Burn Tokens, Everyone will Send their Tokens to this Burn Address: 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD DeFiBronze is a Sister Project, the Main Difference is this: With DeFi Copper it is a Pure Burn Mining Token, when You Burn Tokens You get a Share of all Future Mined/Minted Tokens, You forever will get a Share, You are a Miner by being a Burner. With DeFi Bronze, it is also Proof of Burn, but when You Burn You get all Past Shares for what You Burned also, and that Portion comes out of all Other User's Wallets. So, DeFiCopper = Pure Proof of Burn DeFiBronze = Proof of Burn with another Aspect DeFi Bronze are going to be Creating many DeFi, and SocialFi and Other Tokens, as well as a few Blockchains, and will be Helping Other People make their Own Tokens. We are going to be Creating an Entire Ecosystem. This Thread "Where DeFi is Headed" is meant to Help People understand Tokenomic Structures, Algorithms is what we are doing here. Where DeFi is Headed Proof of Burn Works DeFiCopper (DFC) Tokens are Released Every Minute, if this were Traditional Mining we would call this a Block Rate of 1 Minute, and Block Reward of 60 DFC. There are 18 Decimal Places, so Everyone should be able to always get their Share Instead of Blocks and the Person who has the most Burned getting all the Blocks, Everyone get their Share Every Minute. If You have done 1% of the Burn in the History of the Token, You will get 1% of the 60 DFC per Minute. Mining has Started less than a Day before this Thread was Posted and there is an AirDrop happening, so we are working to make it a Fair Launch The Max Supply is 5 Billion, which should last 8 Generations of Human beings, so if the Polygon Blockchain Stays up for 8 Generations, so will this Currency and the Dynamics could get very interesting over all that Time. We could be the Founders of a Currency used in a Space Colony and we don't even know it yet. Contract:PolygonScan Address 0x62A539145D14A1F59493E1C29826e3cfEBe1e9dE (This is not the Burn Address, do not send Tokens to this AddressListing:We will be getting Listed on QuickSwap ASAP and TribalDEX.
DeFiBronze We have just Launched on the Polygon Network, and We may be the First Proof of Burn Token in Existence. The First Proof of Burn was a Full Blockchain, the Difference being that the Blocks in the Blockchain are actually being Moved by the Burners, in our Token Model the Burners are using the Polygon Blockchain so they are not Part of the Blocks Moving. could Call this Proof of Activity, but it is Proof of Burn. Proof of Activity Mining (Proof of Burn) Proof of Burn Works way Proof of Burn Works is similar to Proof of Stake, the Best way to understand Proof of Burn is just to imagine it Works like Proof of Stake, the Tokens are Staked, New Tokens are Rewarded the same way as like Mining, and the main Difference between PoS and PoB is that in Proof of Burn You can NEVER UNSTAKE YOUR TOKENS. Once the Tokens are Burned they are gone forever. There is no Guarantee that You will get the same amount of Tokens back, so it will be good to get in Early, and to always know what the Overall Burn is looking like, so as to be able to keep up with Everyone else. There will be the Option of Buying in, so You can Buy these Tokens off the Market, and Burn them so that Your Hashrate for Mining (Hashrate is usually what it is Called when You Mine) goes up. And by asking a few Questions or doing a little Math, You can Discover what You will need to Burn to Catch Up with the Whales. We called this Token DeFiBronze because we will soon be Launching DeFiSilver and DeFiGold, and the Currency is being Launched from Dallas, TX, which is in DFW. To Burn Tokens, Everyone will Send their Tokens to this Burn Address: 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD This means that You need to be on the Polygon Network where You can see Your DFB (DefiBronze) Tokens, and once You are on the Network and can see Your Tokens, You send them to the Burn Address. DeFiBronze has an Unexpected Feature. We are going to be Launching a DeFiCopper now and DeFi Copper will just be Burn Mining, but DeFiBronze was Found to have a Feature (Because of the Logic used to Create the Mining Feature) where You get Shares from the Past.
So with DeFi Bronze, when You Submit Your Burn, You will seem to get some amount sent back to You. That was not Sent back to You from the dEaD Wallet, it was not Minted off the Blockchain. That came out of all the Other Users' Wallets.
So when You get Your Mining Shares for the 60 DFB Tokens per Minute, You also get Past Shares rewarded to You, and it Removes it from Everyone Else's Wallet.
We were going to consider this another Bug and Fix it, but instead, we are going to let this Continue. We are going to let that be a Feature of DFB, and we are going to make DeFiCopper (DFC) without this Feature. So this is a Feature of DFB.
Wallets: DeFiBronze (DFB) Tokens are Released Every Minute, if this were Traditional Mining we would call this a Block Rate of 1 Minute, and Block Reward of 60 DFB. There are 18 Decimal Places, so Everyone should be able to always get their Share Instead of Blocks and the Person who has the most Burned getting all the Blocks, Everyone get their Share Every Minute. If You have done 1% of the Burn in the History of the Token, You will get 1% of the 60 DFB per Minute. Mining has Started less than an Hour before this Thread was Posted and there is an AirDrop happening, so we are working to make it a Fair Launch The Max Supply is 5 Billion, which should last 8 Generations of Human beings, so if the Polygon Blockchain Stays up for 8 Generations, so will this Currency and the Dynamics could get very interesting over all that Time. We could be the Founders of a Currency used in a Space Colony and we don't even know it yet. Contract:Our Token Address 0x839fd63aDDB3b1543Ff1fEa00886b7E6bf4d3274 (this is not the Burn Address, do not Send Tokens here)If You Clone our Contract, make sure to make a Comment here and tell us the name of Your Token. Listing:We will be getting Listed on QuickSwap ASAP and TribalDEX.
Most People Probably don't know this, but Joe Rogan used to have a Forum that had like a Grey Alien as the Logo, and it was complete Trash. The UFC People were kind of involved, and it was kind of Comedians and Things there, and then a bunch of Random People.
But it was Largely People Posting Pictures of Men, that Looked like Women, many of them with Fake Breasts, and Penises. It was like what most of the Servers of the Rogan Forum were Filled with.
Chicks with Dicks is what they called it.
And Joe Rogan LOVES IT. He is the King of the Queers.
There are Fags all around him, and he is the Biggest Fag of them all.
And this is just to make People aware, this is not Hate Speech, I just want People to know what is around Joe Rogan and who he is. He's Basically like a Tranny, but he's the one that likes the Trannies, the Queer. He's the Representative of all Queers Basically. The Q in the LGBTQ Movement, that is Joe Rogan.
We have Created a Thread to Help Everyone Learn about Curation and how it Works on HIVE Blog. We are going to be Creating Other Tokens, so that our Tokens are Connected to Several Blockchains, but the Goal with CURE Token will be to Teach Everyone about the Curation Rewards Mechanism of the HIVE-Engine Tokens which have Activated Staking and the Rewards Pool. HIVE-Engine is a Service which was Created by Aggroed (his Username on the Blogs) who is the Creator also of SplinterLands, and the SplinterLands Tokens have Historically been the Most Valuable and Usable on the Blockchain. There are Others, for Example LEO Token has Probably done the Best with this Concept Compared to say Proof of Brain, or WEED Token which was kind of a restricting subject in both meanings of restricted, like it was limiting and banned in many Places. BLIP, CPT, etc, all of these Projects that have the Front End Purchased in the HIVE-Engine Service. LEO Token has Probably done Better than the Others, but Other than that it has been the SplinterLands Tokens, and the General Market Coins. So Peggys, the BTC Pegged, and LTC Pegged, and DOGE Pegged, even now BLURT Pegged and Things, these Tokens have been doing the Best also because it makes it a Real Exchange, this is a Real Cryptocurrency Exchange. Just no USD. No Cash. You have to come in with CryptoCurrency. And Our Purpose is to Teach Everyone how all of this Works, the Curation Rewards Systems and Everything, and we are going to have Curation Rewards Token (CURE) to Help People Earn. We want People to Talk about all kinds of Different Tokens, and You can see in the Thread that we have added Several Hashtags from Other Tokens in Order to be able to Distribute Tokens to as many Wallets as Possible. CURE Token Thread what I am doing in the Bounties Section here, is Recruiting Curators, and Basically I want to know who is Interested and we are kind of doing Interviews for Grants. I want to Talk about Giving People some CURE Tokens, and this is kind of a Bounty/Airdrop, where we are Recruiting Curators on the HIVE Blog, and we will be giving them a Grant of some Size in Order to begin Curating. We Really will need to Talk to whoever is Interested, because we don't need anyone Cashing out, that would be Part of what we would Talk about. Earnings and what You would take out after what was done, which is why this is like a Bounty. Because we are Offering a Grant, and then You will be Earning from this and will be able to take Money out and have Competed the Bounty kind of, but we do Hope that we can Find some Curators that will always be there. So we want to Talk to Everyone. We have a Discord Channel that we just Started that we will need Everyone to Participate in.
Since You are not going to Stop Using the Angel Thread to Talk about Jesus.
I’m going to have You look up the Aramaic Word, and Hebrew Word used when Calling Jesus a “King”. What Word is Used?
Now, Jesus is in the Bloodline of David. We can look at Mark Twain’s Mysterious Stranger here and kind of Help You out. In the Mysterious Stranger the Children come upon an Angel who is related to Satan, and they hadn’t known that Satan was once an Angel, it just wasn’t Talked about in their Church. Then there is the Priest who Fought Satan and still can Show You where he Threw his Liquor Bottle at the Devil. There is the Knight, who has seen Angels in Wars. There is the Astrologer who uses a Book (Written by Angels, also the Bible is Provided by Angels) and the Astrologer uses the Book to Preform small Feats like Finding Lost Things. The King Rules over these Subjects as Provided by Angels (Divine Providence).
Jesus was a King in the Bloodline of David, and like Abimelech, Jesus is a Jew that is being Called an Angel. The Greek Word Angel, in Hebrew and Aramaic, is “King” or “Messenger” or “Guard”.
Caleb went to the Land the Spies said were Giants, and he said “I’ll take that Region”.
The Tribes are like the Demi-Gods. To a Polytheist the Demi-Gods are what are the Tribes.
Then the Jewish Breastplate is like the Chakra System, so You can match up the Tribes and Demi-Gods. And Syrio-Phoenician Archaeology is all about this.
I made a Thread about the Angelicalist Movement, where we are Identifying who the Angels are from the Bible, for the First Time in World History. And someone wouldn't Stop Talking about Jesus, so I am Creating this Thread to be the Jesus Thread. Because we can also Talk about Jesus. I Explained how Jesus is an Angel, we could go to Thomas and what Jesus asked the Disciples, saying "Who am I like", to which they Responded, "You are like a Wise Philosopher" the next said "You are like a Just Angel", Thomas said, "I don't know" and Jesus took him aside, and when he came back the Other Disciples asked what he said, and Thomas told them that Jesus said that if he told the Others what he had said, they would all Throw Stones at him, and the Stones would go back at them and Burst into Flames. But we can look at Jesus as Androgynous, that is the Word for what Jesus is. Like David Bowie, or 80s Hair Bands with Leather Pants and Leopard Prints. Jesus is an Androgynous Person, he is not like the Gay Macho Romans who are all Sucking Each Other's Dicks and saying Men are Strong like them. Jesus is a much Different kind of Man, a much more Feminine Man. Not Gay, in fact the Opposite of the Gay "Strong Men" of Rome. Jesus is Spirit more than the Rest of the Humans, and Flesh though. Jesus is Feminine more than the Men, the Teachings of Jesus are not for any Gender. We could also Probably Start Studying the Languages in this way, because the Jots and Tittles are actually Alive, the Words are alive, the Punctuation is Living. So we need to look at what is being said in what Language, the same way that Jesus is Teaching to Women and Men. Jesus might as well be Teaching Women if we want to say it and Keep anyone from saying this is somehow like LGBTQ because it is not. Jesus was not Teaching for Men. But then we are Ignoring that Jesus is saying, "Give up that Gay Strong Man Attitude, and You can be like me, I am a Man". Jesus is Word and Flesh. Jesus was Hated by Rome and Israel. Jesus was in the Midst of Several Languages and People Groups. Jesus was in the Middle, the Cross-Roads, the Hekka, where Hekate comes from, Magic, that is where Jesus was. And Everyone said he was Basically a Pimp, that was pretty much what they said in Rome as Everyone said the Women were all Prostitutes that he was Teaching. And if we look at Hermeticism, the Hermit who would Study in the Cave, like John the Baptist who was Jesus' Cousin and Teacher. The Hermit and Hermeticism are connected, and the Hermit is now the Scientist in Modern Times, like an Alchemist, Cooped up in a Lab, Trying to Figure out why Tadpoles do this or that or whatever. But in Both the System of Ancient Greek Gods, and in Modern Scientific and Secular thinking, there is still that Image of the Person Buried in a Book, the FBI even looks for this when People Grow Beards and don't Brush their Hair and they've been Reading Books, and Particularly they are looking for People Reading the Quran since September 11th. But Jesus is in the Center of Various Things, he is Talking to Gentiles, in Fact Claims to be the Savior of the Gentiles, these Things are all Very important. And then also he was a King, Jesus was not a Bum, Jesus was Part of a Perfume Industry, and Fishing Industry, Fish Glue as a Carpenter, and Magdala because of Mary Magdalene. This gets into the Temples around Lakes, with Dea Syria the Fish Goddess, which connects back to the Sphynx and the Temples around Lakes with the Sphynx in Egypt, this all connected by a Perfume Industry between Egypt and Galilee. Then Jesus, a Baby who King Harod wanted Dead, who Fled to Egypt, and Lived in the City where the Egyptian King List, Aegyptiaca, was Written: Sebennytos. Then Serapis has the Heiroglyph for T on his Head, Serapis is a Human form of Apis, Apis is a Cattle who is a Sin Sacrifice, and is Worshipped in the Egyptian Temple Palace, Par'Oh, for a Year before being Killed as a Sin Sacrifice. Ptolemy came after Alexander, and Apis as made into a Human, Serapis. And he has an Egyptian Letter "T" on his Head. I am not saying that Jesus is a Myth made from Serapis, but like the Bronze Snake the Moses held up in the Desert, we need to Start to look at what the Cross meant before Jesus. And not just the One for Crucifixions, that also, but the Letter "T" and Things.
I am Personally of the Cryptological Philosophy, or School of Thought, that if a Person is going to Create a Cryptocurrency, or an Organization, Company, Religious Group, Band (Bands that do Concerts and Shows around Different Places have like "Street Teams" that are Basically like Young People that hang out in Garages doing Things and putting Posters up on their Walls and around Town), Church, Family Even, these could just be IOUs between Friends where a Group of Friends Mine a Coin that their Friend made (Preferably it would be someone that had Money, or a Group of People that had Money) and when one Person Holds one there is an Agreement to Pay however much at a Later Date, or there is someone that Buys them Back Regularly or You have to Buy so many Back off the Market to Pay the Person back, and there would become an Economy. But the Philosophy I am Espousing or Telling Everyone we have to be Part of, is that if an Altcoin is going to Work, the Community should have Money. There is no Reason that if I make a Currency, I shouldn't be doing EVERYTHING IN MY POWER TO INCREASE YOUR INCOME FLOW, so that You even will maybe be able to Consider Buying some of my Currency. If I am Telling You to Buy my Currency, I should be able to give You a way to get $10 (or a Job) to come Buy some. So on our Currency's Website, we have a Money Making Section: have Information on Credit and Federal Loans so People can get Houses: have Information about the Small Business Administration: Starting a Business: was put Together so People can Learn about Credentialing beyond we could even say College, but Credentialing Beyond like getting a Better Driver's License: have Information about Working at Events, and Other Food and Beverage Related Jobs, the Hospitality Industry: have a Thread for Food Stamps and Other Information: even have Information about Plasma Donation Centers: if You want $10, Check out CoinBase Academy. You might be able to get $100 or more Pretty Quick just Online, and in Cryptocurrency that could be used to Finance Your New Cryptocurrency Pursuits (Stake it and take the Interest Rate back and Put it into my Currency for example) or Cash it out and do that or into Cash and do whatever: is all so that YOU can Earn Money, so that You Might Invest in my Currency, because You will have the Money to do so. And just because if I am going to Teach You about Currency, I ought to Teach You this. Not that Everyone else is, but it's kind of Important. Not Everyone has to have like Credentials and Jobs in Cryptocurrency, and they Definitely don't all have to be like Bankers, in fact they are Mostly Anarchists the bunch of them. When we Proposed Bitcoin Town to these Anarchists, it was Called "Centralized", now I'm sure many People Wish the Bitcoin Town Project had been Started, and Years in Progress Right now. Maybe even like Martti Malmi, because Bitcoin just had a Hard Time for a while, and there isn't much Holding it up now. I would say a lot of what is Holding it up is around like the Feud between what seems to be Growing from Joe Rogan and me to like Elon Musk and me. We are going to be Making some AI also, Artificial Intelligence, and I think there are a bunch of People that can Honestly say like "Yes, this is who should make these Things".
I want Everyone to take a look at this Thread First, that way I don't have to Rewrite that whole Thread here: am Basically going to get into how we are going to be doing Actual Wizardry on the Blockchain, and we are going to make Real Currencies. When You look at a Fiat Currency, You see a War Hero, or a Famous Diplomat, or maybe a Poet, we have Presidents on Our Money in the USA. In some Instances we might expect Trees, there are Eagles all over the American Money. These are Things we do not see in Cryptocurrency, and that is the kind of Wizardry I am Talking about. We are doing some Things that are Angelical. Some might misunderstand and think we are saying "Anglican", but I am saying Angelicalist. I am someone Who Preaches about Angels. Judges 4-7 is about Angels for example. The Books of Samuel, and then Chronicles and Kings and Isaiah Talk about an Angel that Killed 185,000 Soldiers and Ended a War against Israel. And I am about to Start making Videos on YouTube about Cryptocurrency, and the Foundation of our Cryptocurrency kind of Tribal Network. And it is connected to an Angel Movement, a Movement of Angels, Angelicalism. So I am going to Share the Videos I have on YouTube now where I am Teaching about the Bible, then we will get more into some Cryptocurrency Videos on Other Areas of the Website. But we will have this here to Discuss Religious Subjects, and this gets into the Ceremonial Regalia, we could say that Pageantry, of Cryptocurrency, from what Currencies before it have done. We are going to be Creating a Royal Family and whatnot, and my Wife will be like Benjamin Franklin on the Front of the Money. Introduction: Angels, Part 1: Angels, Part 2: Angels, Part 3: Angels, Part 4: Angels, Part 5: Book of Genesis: to Kings and Chronicles:
This is the Unofficial Keychain Thread. This is so Simple Everyone, You Download KeyChain, You make a HIVE Account, and You Start Earning. I can't Believe that there is not a Thread about this on Bitcointalk already. I can not Believe I am the First Person to Talk about this. You do is either Download the App from the App Store, or Download the Extension from the Chrome Browser. And the Wallet is Real Money, so Keep Your Passwords, there should be like 3 Passwords and You need to keep all of them. So then You go on and You Start Posting on HIVE and Earning. You Can use the Hashtags Actifit, ProofofBrain and Pepe Right now, those will get You Votes and Tokens, which is what You want. You get the Tokens and You can Start to have something to Work with. This is an Entire System Built ontop of HIVE that makes HIVE Better than Steemit. Steemit has TronLink but they don't use it together like this. I suggest People use Steemit with TronLink, but Keychain Works with HIVE-Engine. So this then makes it simple to keep Track of Everything in Your HIVE Wallet. And that is a Basis for doing Things with Other Currencies. You can Trade from HIVE to Other Currencies. I have 2 HIVE-Engine Tokens, made with my Wife. Van Kush Beauty Token (VKBT) And Curation Rewats Token (CURE). Then I am about to Create a MATIC Token and a Bot. I'm about to be Building all of this kind of next Door to the KeyChain Platform. Our Tokens are on KeyChain. And KeyChain is so SIMPLE to Use, Everyone should Start using it. I Really don't know why there is not a Place for me to Talk about this with Other People and I am the First one here.
In Steemit the most common use of bots is for upvoting posts but there are other popular bots running on the platform, like @cheetah which automatically finds similar content helping report presumable plagiarism. Bots exists in Steem Ecosystem since after the official launch in July 4th, 2016, at that time the steemian @marsresident published a list of 7 existent bots he found in the platform.[3]
A "bot" may differ slightly from a "script." Typically, a bot will watch for events to act upon while scripts just run once to perform a specific operation. For example, a bot could watch for new posts and vote on them while a script might vote on a specific post and quit. This distinction becomes important because a bot could run for long periods of time, looking for certain criteria.
Bots can be simple or complex. A simple bot will take action only on a very limited set of conditions. For example, "if there's a new post, upvote it." More conditions create complexity. For example, "if there's a new post, upvote it unless one has already voted on it." - We are about to be Creating Bots on the HIVE, BLURT and STEEM Blockchains, through Discord and Telegram. And I was @MarsResident on Steemit as Mentioned in the Article on the Steem.Center Wiki. I have gotten into GPT-4 Wrappers and Things, so we are going to Teach Everyone how to use all of the Things they need to to make High Tech AI Bots now. The Wrappers Basically are just Prompts, so the Better You are as a "Prompt Engineer" the Better Your Wrappers, and the Better Your AI. btw, I'm not getting Compliments for no Reason, this is the Multi-Million Dollar Secret Sauce behind all the AIs on the App Store.
CURE means "Curation Rewards" This Token is made for Curators and we will be Teaching Everyone what Curation is. Curation is what Drives the STEEM, HIVE and BLURT Blockchains, and CURE Token is Native to the HIVE Blockchain on HIVE-Engine or TribalDEX. Curation is where You "Vote" on Someone's Post, which is the same as "Liking" a Post on Twitter or Facebook, a Vote is just a Like. So You Like the Post, and based on Your HIVE, STEEM or BLURT Holdings the Person will Earn some of that Coin on the Blockchain. That is how Curation Works, You would Buy HIVE for Example, and Spend maybe $10,000+ is how this Works, this is like Starting a Business. Then with that Capital You go around Voting, and You get 50% of Your Vote Earnings. So whatever the Person Earns on their Post from Your Vote, You get 50% of Your Own Vote. So if You Vote for 2 People, they each Earn 1/2 as much as You Earn, and You Earn 2x as much as both of them. With 1 Person You Earned the same as them, 50/50, with 2 You got 50/50 for 2 People. So the more You Vote, the more You Earn, but Your Vote Power goes Down as You Earn. We will Teach You all the ins and outs of Curation as this moves Forward. Because Our Token Works the same as HIVE, the more You Hold, the more You Reward Yourself and Others in CURE Tokens. Want to know more about SMTs? Read here: of Rewards go to Curators, 49% goes to those that are Receiving Votes from Curators. 75% of Rewards will be Staked, Unstaking Takes 150 Days and You will Receive Coins Every 3 Days over that 150 Days. So 50 Installments over 150 Days whenever You Unstake. Posts are Paid after 14 Days, so You have 14 Days to Accumulate Votes. The Token Pays Only if You Vote on Posts that Use the Hashtags: vankushfamily, actifit, pepe, proofofbrain and curators Those are the 5 Hashtags to use to Earn Curator (CURE) Tokens. Rewards are Added to the Pool Every 3,600 Seconds, so that is Every Hour, and 2.4 Tokens are Added to the Pool Every Hour. So this is a Very Slow Blocktime with a Low Block Reward, which Creates Rarity. Smaller amounts will be Worth more, like how Satoshis are Measured. This Coin will use a kind of Satoshi Value System. 2 Vote Power is Consumed when Voting at 100% and it takes 1 Day to Regenerate Vote Power to 100% Downvotes take 30 Days to Regenerate and 1 Downvote uses 100% of Your Downvote Power is Consumed with 1 Downvote. RoadmapWe have another Token, Van Kush Beauty Token (VKBT) and what we are going to be doing is First we will Create more Tokens, we will have a Token on Polygon soon, and TON, and Binance Smart Chain, and ETH, all kinds of Tokens will be made under our Umbrella. Then what we are doing is Investing in HIVE, BLURT and STEEM, then more we Earn from these Tokens the more we will invest in the Platforms to Curate with Higher Rewards for our Coin Holders. We want Our Coin Holders to Earn as much HIVE, STEEM and BLURT as Possible alongside our Tokens. We will also invest in Other Tokens so that we all Earn as many Tokens as Possible. We will also Start Selling Gemstones for Our Tokens, and then Silver for Our Tokens. So that will be the Second Step after the Platforms and Tokens on Other Blockchains, the next Primary Step is to add Silver to the Circulation in Our Markets. Then we will be making Mining Pools Starting with a CryptoNote Mining Pool, and we will then Start Creating Our Own Blockchains, with Mining Pools to Mine Our Own Coins. So we will Start Teaching Everyone how to Mine then. This will be Very Educational for Everyone, and You can see it as like a Cryptocurrency 501(c)(3) Educational Organization, just Handing out kind of Pamphlets about how Blockchain Works. If anyone would like to make DeFi Tokens look into this Thread: Tokens are #DeFi, #SocialFi, and so far Proof of Stake (PoS). It would have been Smart for HIVE-Engine to have had a Thread here the whole Time, does Everyone see how that Works? I am doing it now, and we are about to make HIVE-Engine REALLY Work, just as ALL THE EXCHANGES DENY USA CUSTOMERS BECAUSE OF REGULATION. Aggroed set Everything up Perfect so that he could Comply with the US Laws, he has been doing that the whole Time. So now we are making the Threads on Bitcointalk, and it doesn't matter who exactly does it, but Fate set Everything up where here I am doing VKBT and actually Launching CURE on the same Day ProBit stopped accepting US Customers. This all is just Happening all at the same Time, and I have been making these Threads.
We are about to get Really into Tokens. My Old Account was "Tokenista" I just lost the Email Account associated with it, so I can't log in.
I was Part of Bitcoin Town and we always intended to have our Own Blockchains, I am the one who was Talking about making a "University Coin" and Specifically a UT Coin and Things, because that is what needs to be going on, that is how this all Really Works and we haven't even Started yet. There will be a Blockchain for Librarians, one for Schools, Schools in Texas, Schools in New York, and then Food Services will have Currencies, PIZZA Parlours and Sandwhich Shops and Things.
I Watched as People Paid $100,000 for ICOs on ETH, that became Commonplace, and Facebook Banned Ads for ICOs because People would do an ICO then there would be no Project, they would just Cut and Run with the ICO Money. And ETH made EIP 1167 I think it was, where Tokens that were Clones of Tokens that were already on the ETH ERC20 Virtual Machine, would be Cheaper to Create. But there never was a Useful Token Mint. There are ETH Token Mints, but they Mint Basic, Tradable, Tokens, that can be Issued from one account to the Others, with no Functionality, and that now includes NFTs where You can Mint Artwork into NFTs. But what HIVE-Engine, and Previously STEEM-Engine, is, is a System that is much more Useful on just the Basic Surface. Each Token, just on the Merit of getting the Staking ability, and having a Rewards Pool, is Better than the Basic ERC20. Plus, it is Automatically Listed on the DEX, TribalDEX and There are Functionalities that ETH Tokens can have that are Better, but the Basic ERC20 that is Minted where You get a Token, with a Name and a Symbol, Decimal Points, and Supply Limit, that is all the same as HIVE-Engine Tokens, but HIVE-Engine allows You to Mint it, then add Staking, then add the Rewards Pool, then even add a Front End so You can tell all Your Friends and Customers to Use Your Website instead of being the Front Page. You can make Your Own Front Page to HIVE.
So all of that makes these Tokens much more Functional than those on the ERC20 Mints, now, if You Learn gETH, the ETH Programming Language is Called gETH, You can Create Customized Functionality and You can add Proof of Stake to a ETH Token, that is Something You can do. There might even be a Mint, I don't know if there is a Mint that makes PoS ETH Tokens, but it Still Wouldn't have the Rewards Pool. The Main Feature that makes HIVE-Engine Tokens is that they Mirror HIVE Functionality, the more Your Customer Holds the Highe the Vote Weight is, and the more of Your Tokens they Earn. So the More they Hold, the more they Earn, and they have some Authority in that instead of just the Regular Proof of Stake where it is Mining Blocks and whoever has the Most Coins gets Pretty much all the Blocks all the Time. The Mirroring of HIVE Functionality is actually a Big Feature that makes a lot of sense and Adds Value to a Currency. It Creates Community and a Community with Value.
So what we are going to do is make all of this Work, and Write Things like this so Everyone knows what to use this for. And we are going to then Expand into MATIC Immediately, by next Week we will have a MATIC Token, by the Next Week Our MATIC Token will be on TribalDEX and Then we will Create an ETH Token with some Functionality. The MATIC Token will also have Functionality. And we will Start Teaching Everyone how all of this Works. That will be the whole Point, Plus we are Creating some Things that will back up the Value of the Currencies, and we are doing Buy-Backs, where we Buy-Back our Own Currency.
What does Everyone know about this Currency, from what I know it is an ETH Clone or Fork, and it is set to Finish Mining Rewards Distribution by April 2025. They could Continue Rewards with a Token that Rewards Miners of MATIC, so it's not like it has to Die. But I want to know what Everyone knows about this Token, and their Experience.
I am about to make a MATIC Token, and it will be Listed on HIVE-Engine, so I just wanted to get a Thread Started because there are not many on Bitcointalk about Polygon and MATIC. So I guess I will be Creating the Polygon/MATIC Threads, and we will Start Teaching Everyone about this Blockchain as the Mining Rewards get Ready to End Next Year.
Being an ERC20 Based Project from what I can Tell, You can Clone anything on EtherScan or TronScan and Upload it with the New Name and Logo and Everything, and it will be Your Own Project, that is how ERC20 Works. So since there should be a bunch of Similar Tokens to ERC20s, maybe some People here know of some Polygon Tokens and I would like those People to Feel Free to Post about Polygon Tokens here.
If You know anything about ANY Polygon Token, or have a Favorite, or anything like that, Post about it here so we can all Learn more about Polygon and we can make this Blockchain keep Working for itself when the Mining Rewards End.
Because it could completely Die after the Mining Rewards End, and there are no Threads Really here on BitcoinTalk, nothing as Serious as what I am Talking about, it was more just like asking a Regular Question about how something Works, that is what I Found. So now we can Start Building more.
I am about to Launch a MATIC Token, so I will post about Polygon in this Thread, then I will Create another Thread for Our Token. And Everyone else can Feel Free to Post ANYTHING they know about Polygon into this Thread. News Included, if anyone has any News at anytime, Articles from the News Section on Google and Things. If You want to Share Old Ones and Talk about it You can even do that. Just so we can all have this Thread here to know more about Polygon and MATIC.
I was involved in the Original Bitcoin Town Attempt, which can be seen in this Thread. It was largely taken over by Trolls who attacked the idea as "Centralized" and FinShaggy was Banned from the Forums. So the Bitcoin Town Project was Killed by Trolls. I am not sure if the BlueSeed Project even did anything but they were going to Launch Ocean Housing. This is the Bitcoin Town Thread: Blog Post gets into Details about what Happened, so I don't have to reiterate it all in this Thread, You can just Read it here: was a Blog Written about it in India also: just wanted to get into some Things about the Concept of a Bitcoin Town, because if this were going to Happen it would be Different now. First: 1. There would be Altcoins- Altcoins would end up being Very Important to any Bitcoin Town. The Town would want to have a Currency in Every Market, and Bitcoins. They would want to get into Creating their Own Currencies. 2. Mining would be Solar- Solar Mining has always been important to this, it is one of the MOST IMPORTANT PARTS of a Bitcoin Town, that is why the Original was looking at New Mexico, and we are Currently doing Things in Dallas, TX, but have not Started Solar Mining yet. But for any Town to be a Cryptocurrency Town, it would have to Implement Solar Power, for the Purpose of Mining. Free Mining, that is the Result. No Electricity Costs. So this means Any Cryptocurrency Town needs to Focus on Solar Power, and the Concept of Alternators, Alternators use Small amounts of Energy to Generate more Energy, and this is how the Electric Grid already Functions is with Giant Alternators. That's what the Grid is. And Texas has ERCOT or, "The Energy Reliability Council of Texas" and that includes Texas and New Mexico, so that might be the Grid You would want to work with if the Town becomes a Power Plant (Selling Electricity). 3. There would be Immigration- There would be O-Visas Received for Cryptocurrency Talent, and People would be Immigrated into the Towns. This could also involve Other Industries, and an R-Visa involves Ministers who are Part of a Religious Organization for 2 Years or more. This way the Altcoins and Smart Contracts and Everything would have kind of a Growing Industry in the Town. The Town would become a Cryptocurrency Hub. 4. There would be Food made- Making Food, and kind of the Whole "Homesteading" Culture, would be important. We could go so far as to say Cottage-Core like some of Taylor Swift's Videos would be the Examples of Cottage-Core. But Homesteading, making Houses of Adobe and Cobb even, and having Shipping Containers come in, maybe Full of Materials, and then itself Sold as Part of a House, Possibly a Mining Room or whatever with kind of a Small Mining Farm, and Solar Panels all over it. Earthships, that is the Housing made from Tires and Cement, which uses the Sun for Heat with a Big Glass side on the Sunrise side. And then Food, You would want to have Gardens at the Very Least, if not Things like Hemp Investors with 100 Acres being Part of it and a bunch of these People Working for the Farm. It could be Corn, or anything, there could be Chilipeppers Bred and Grown, and I would say that Breeding would be an Important Part of a Cryptocurrecy Town. You don't just want to Stick with the Best Known, but that is a Good Start, we would want to do Things like Invent the Next Carolina Reaper, or Ghost Pepper, we would want to invent the Next One. Or Hemp Strains to Grow, etc. This all then to be used in Production of Foods and Medicines and Things. 5. There would need to be a Big River, or a Highway, or a RailRoad, etc.- There needs to be some Center of Trade for Everyone, a Place where Everyone can see the Town as they Pass, or where Things can be Bought and Sold in Large Quantities on Boats and Trucks. An Airport would be something to Work on. 6. Well Digging Equipment- You want to have a Well Digger, maybe like a Steam Roller and these kinds of Things. 7. You would Start with a Dedicated Group- You would not Advertise this as more like a Commune to Start, and the People that are involved Early will be the Community, and from there Everyone else would be brought in. These First People would Decide what the Attractions would be for the People that come to the Town, and we got into some of the Politics in the Beginning. What it would be is First there would be a Temple, or a Lodge, a Benefits Society, where we use a White Board, and we are like the Neighborhood Watch having Meetings, but we are the Only People in the Neighborhood. Then the Temple or Lodge, or Church or Mosque, whatever is at the Center of whichever Town, that would be what Everyone is a Member of, You wouldn't have anyone there at First that is not a Member of the Temple, Lodge, Church or Mosque. Then once it was Established, People would be kind of Building Extra Houses on Land they Bought and Selling it to New People. With 6 Acres I think it is, You can Hold an Election and if all of the Old Residents of the County Agree 51%, then You can Leave their County and Start a New County. This would involve then Talking to Congress and Everything, the Small Business Administration Ombudsman, and Loans Offices, You would want to be Talking to all the Federal Agencies in some way. And then Start a whole New County. There is more to the Whole Thing than this, but this and the Links are Enough to Start this Discussion. And also the Homesteading goes with SeaSteading, or the Ocean Housing, so this Discussion also gets into Islands, and Cruise Ships, 3D Printing, etc.
Everyone should invest in Graphene Blockchains, STEEM, HIVE, BLURT, etc. For some Reason there is no Other SocialFi, and HIVE has a Token Mint and DEX. Here is the Official Unofficial Hive-Engine Thread just went from $20,000 to $65,000 and is going to be $100,000 at some Point if the People that can see how that Worked, where it went from $50,000, to $20,000, to $65,000, if Everyone can Pay Attention to that, they can see how it is going to go to $100,000. Because I was around when each one was $5 each. Then $30 each. And they have never gone back Down. They are now $67,000 USD. And the Mix of where this is all going to Work is this: 1. Bitcoin is the Gold Standard for at Least a Few Generations, Everyone know that, just be Secure in that Bitcoin is the Gold, Litecoin is the Silver, DOGE is the Copper, like Coins, and that can Change, but BTC will always have a Place high in the Echelon. Eventually they will Probably be Sold as NFTs, because one day Mining will End. And if You Study Mining, that is what is going to Determine the Timeline of Bitcoin. The Halving Events. The Last Coin, etc. 2. SocialFi, where Everyone will Share their Projects. Right now it is Bitcointalk and Steemit, BLURT, HIVE and DTube, that's about it. Eventually it will be Wikis, and Twitter Clones, and there will be Amazing Bots and Everything. Making a Bot that Talks to Everyone is a Good way to get some Income on SocialFi, because People might upvote the Comments. 3. NFTs in Games. That is, NFTs that are like Pokemon Cards, for Virtual Games. Terracore is an Example that I have been Talking about because it is on HIVE. HoloZing is another One. 4. Proof of Stake Tokens and DeFi, more important than the Games, but less Eye Catching. That's how all of the People are going to come in. I think some of the Big Businesses still don't Realize, when it was $5 You could Mine on 1 Laptop and get Bitcoins worth Keeping. Now if You use a Laptop, Mining Bitcoin wouldn't Pay for the Electricity, so You have to Mine another Coin instead just to make a Profit. Or even just to Hope it Spikes in Value, and make Money on the Moon Ramp. People are Mining Coins for No Profit, Hoping the Price goes up. And Mining isn't just Simple and Straightforward for Everyone. There need to be Currencies where You don't have to know how to Mine. Like, Steemit. "Can You make a Facebook Account? Great, You know how to Earn Currency. You don't even have to know HTML like MySpace.". And there is no MySpace of Crypto, no one made the Version where the Profiles are Fully Customizable or anything, they are all just Arguing with each Other on STEEM and HIVE Platform. And there should be 500 of these instead of just these. They are ahead of their Time. And what they Offer is a Place for Other People to make Currencies, and then Earn Money Talking about their Currency, and have a Permanent Record they Create on the Blockchain with Content that they Post like on Facebook. And it Creates a Landing Page for the Currency. You could be on these Forums which is Good, but having the Blog as a Landing Page, and a Facebook Page and Facebook Group, and Twitter Account, those are all Things that can Help Your Currency. Even just to be Found by Other People. So the SocialFi Aspect is where You can Talk about the NFTs and the DeFi, etc, and Earn another Coin just by Talking there. This allows for Money to be Put back into the Project that You are Advertising on the SocialFi Platform. And all of this will Effect the Price of Bitcoin, and Ethereum, etc, which will Benefit from having Places where People have more of their Own Currencies. So Invest in these Areas, and then we need to look at Bitcoin as like a 100 Year Investment. Modify message
I was around when Bitcoin was $5, and $30, and I Bought my First Bitcoin at $30, I then Sold at $1,000. And I was Earning 7 Bitcoins a Month for a few Months, and Cashing that out for $7,000. I Remember when it First hit $1,000 and we were Talking about Satoshis and saying "One Day we will need to have a kind of Penny for Cryptocurrency" and we were all Talking about how One day in the Future there would be a Need to use Satoshis as a Unit of Measurement, and Satoshis are Actually a Good Place to Start. If Each Satoshi was 1 Penny (there are 100,000,000 Satoshi in 1 Bitcoin) then Bitcoin would be a Much Higher Price. And in Order to get to that Place, we need more People to be Holding Bitcoins, more People to take Bitcoins off the Market, even People Collecting Satoshis so that they have a Stake in the Price. And the More and more people that have "Skin in the Game" the Higher the Price will go. And that gets to something I Talked about on this Website here:, People will need to Invest in Cloud Mining and Mining Bitcoin. That will be Part of the Price going up. There will have to be People that are Constantly involved in Mining and getting more Bitcoins, but mostly Holding them for the Future with Plans to Sell them for a Higher Price. And we want People to have Mining Machines that they can use for Other Currencies, we will always want there to be People Mining. And very Soon, we will be Helping People to use their Old Machines and Things by Creating New Currencies in the Van Kush Family Network, but that is beside the Point. But the Point is that we will always want People to be Mining, with Laptops, with ASICs, all of that will be Happening. Then, there will be an Element of Generations and Cold Storage. Maybe instead of Buying Your Friend some Bitcoins for Christmas, Buy them a Cloud Mining Hashrate. If You were going to Spend $1,000, Spend $1,000 Still, and Find the Best Hashrate for the $1,000. Some Places Offer Free Workers and Things, and that is something You will want to Learn about. But Cloud Mining is Pretty Straightforward and Easy to Learn. And on the Flip Side, more People need to get into the Cloud Mining Sales Market, there need to be Cheaper and Cheaper Cloud Mining Systems that don't go out of Business. This will involve having Other Projects with Money Coming in, such as a Currency of Your Own that is Part of the Mining Pool, as You also Create a Cloud Mining User Interface Platform. You could have Staking of Tokens You made, and Token A being Bought could be used to Mine Token B, and Token B could be Accepted at it's USD Value for Cloud Mining Services. Or Token B could be used in a Game that is Created. But there just needs to be more Cloud Mining Services. And then also, People Creating Mining Farms in Places where there is Natural Cold Year Round, and near Hydrdoelectric Dams, or with Solar Power in Places where the Sun Shines Year Round. Solar Mining will be maybe the Next most important Thing. As all of this Develops and there is a Focus on Cloud Mining, the Next Focus is Solar Mining, which is Photovoltaics. And there used to be a lot of Discussion about Raspberry Pi Machines and Solar Panels, that used to be kind of a Big Deal in the Cryptocurrency Community but many People have forgotten. And I Remember when People were saying "Bitcoin will Never be $1,000" then it was. Then after it was $1,000 it went to about $600-$700 and kept moving around there for maybe 2 Years, and Everyone said "It will never be $1,000 again" and I said Both Times that it would be $1,000. Then I said it would be $10,000 and People said that was Crazy. Then it went to $18,000 one Christmas. Then it went to $50,000, and Down to $20,000 and when it was $20,000 Everyone said "Bitcoin is DEAD!". Now it is almost $70,000. So once all this Other Stuff Happens, what Happens Next is Cold Storage. For example, You could have a Cold Storage Wallet (Basically a Password), that is engraved on the Inside of a Ring on Your Finger, or Hidden Printed on some Other Piece of Metal. It could be a Sword Imbued with Bitcoin. But this kind of Thing is what is going to Raise the Price of Bitcoin once we get Past the Mining Education. And now, there is a Big Mining Infrastructure, and it's not going away. So that will Grow, and Everyone will Start getting more and more invested, as a Species that is. And Eventually the Price will Reach $100,000 and $1,000,000, it just might Take 100 Years. But $100,000 Probably isn't 100 Years away.
I Figured since I seem to be the Main Person here on Bitcointalk Talking about HIVE-Engine, maybe there needs to be some more Centered Discussion about it so People can understand what it is, from this Perspective, with it's own Thread and Everything. And since I am the Person that seems to be Talking about it the most, I guess I will Start the Thread and Everyone else can Follow along because it seems that no one Really knows how any of this Stuff Works. So, I will Help with the Background Understanding, and the Technical Stuff like how to Buy in. Here is the Discord if You want to Chat with the HIVE-Engine People: Threads VKBT$PEPE have Talked about Dan and Ned and Justin Sun in Other Threads, so I will leave that Subject in those Threads, but in this Thread we need to Talk about how HIVE-Engine Started as STEEM-Engine, the same Person who made HIVE-Engine made the Original STEEM-Engine, and now that Justin Sun had bought STEEM it would be best if STEEM integrated with TRX (TRON) Blockchain now instead of having Native Tokens. Hive though, has the Token Mint on it as kind of a Native Feature as the Creator left when Justin Sun Purchased Steemit, with many Others, and they Created HIVE, and he set up HIVE-Engine and Continued to Support STEEM-Engine to Support the Regular Steemit users, as Aggroed (the HIVE-Engine Creator) has always been about getting Everyone Votes. So, having said all of that. What HIVE-Engine is, is the Native Token Mint and DEX of the HIVE Blockchains. It comes from a Time in the Past when Steemit Users were Worried about how many New Users there were and there was a Problem where not Everyone was Earning Money. So they Created "Smart Media Tokens" and this was kind of meant to be thought of as "The Smart Contracts for Steemit" back before Justin Sun bought it. Here is some Information on Smart Media Tokens (SMTs) is HIVE-Engine, where the Tokens are listed for Trade is TribalDEX, it is the exact same Thing as HIVE-Engine, it just looks a little Different, so it's up to You which one to use use these You will need to Create an Account on, which is also the same as "PeakD" which is supposed to be the Better Version of You have an Account You will get Your Passwords, there are about 3 or 4 Passwords, You will only ever need about 2 of them, but You may have to Test 1 or 2 or 3 before You get it Right. Once You are Logged in You have to Download an App Called Keychain, which is also a Chrome Extension, and this will allow You to put Your Password in at 1 Place and it will be safe as You use it. And Keychain's Browser is Web 3.0, so when we do Things here on Bitcointalk and Tell You to Open this or that Game, or DeFi Staking Platform, if You so Choose to Follow along to make Money in Various Things we are doing, these will all Open in the Keychain Browser. Extension on how to Put Money on HIVE-Engine, we have our Own Token (VKBT) and will be Teaching Everyone how to do Everything as a Community so that we can all make Money Together.
You can Trade the HIVE $PEPE here: is not the same as the $ETH $PEPE, they are Different Currencies, but we are about to use it to Raise the Price of $HIVE and $BLURT. This is the $PEPE Token Blog: is a $PEPE Token now on HIVE-Engine that has some Posts on BLURT Blog now, and so we are going to be Using the Frogs to do a Leap Frog, where we can Basically Benefit from them Existing.
What we are doing is we are Bringing all New People to HIVE, that is what I do. I Bring the New People. So, instead of Advertising to Bitcoin Holders like here on Bitcointalk, what we are doing is we are asking Regular People to put Money from their Pockets into HIVE, STEEM and BLURT, so when they do that we also want to make sure that they Have Fun, and make Profit. So what we can do is Start to Teach Everyone how Tokens Work, using this $PEPE Token, and without me it would Die unless the Ethereum Crowd were to Adopt it, and I Feel like they might not Appreciate that he used the same $PEPE Ticker as theirs, and they might not want to Adopt it, because it is Tricky and it might actually Trick some People into thinking they have the Ethereum $PEPE Tokens, or like they are going to Merge (Unless they are going to Merge and there is something I don't know, but I doubt they are connected in any way).
This is a HIVE and BLURT based Token, same as VKBT, so we are going to go ahead and use it to Teach Everyone. At the Prices it is at now, there just need to be like 100 People that Spend $100 or less, or more too though would Help more, and this Currency would be much more Rare, it would have much more Direction, and it would have that Community of People invested. So what we are going to do is we are going to Bring those People in, Through BLURT, HIVE and VKBT, then we will be Teaching them about all of these Other Tokens also and how they Work.
We will Bring in Tens of Thousands of People. And our Goal is to get them to be Paying Attention and make Money with us, so that we can Create kind of a Union of Crypto Holders, and we can all just go into a Group Chat, or maybe it will be 100 Group Chats, and People Text Messaging their Friends, etc, but we will make Announcements, and have Everyone "Buy, Buy, Buy" and we will Tell them what to Buy and EXACTLY when, and then "Sell, Sell, Sell", when is Time to Cash Out, or what Percentage is Good to Cash Out, or when to make these Determinations Based on Your "Capital Gains" is what it is Called.
And First we will need to Establish this Infrastructure on HIVE, BLURT and STEEM, so that when Our Users kind of "Walk in the Room" for the First Time, they are Greeted with a Complete Infrastructure of what to do. No Confusion.
There is no Thread on Bitcointalk, so I made this Thread so there could be a Center of Discusion and Learning related to this Currency, and Everyone could see what is going on. Angels > Monkeys + Frogs