We have Created a Thread to Help Everyone Learn about Curation and how it Works on HIVE Blog. We are going to be Creating Other Tokens, so that our Tokens are Connected to Several Blockchains, but the Goal with CURE Token will be to Teach Everyone about the Curation Rewards Mechanism of the HIVE-Engine Tokens which have Activated Staking and the Rewards Pool. HIVE-Engine is a Service which was Created by Aggroed (his Username on the Blogs) who is the Creator also of SplinterLands, and the SplinterLands Tokens have Historically been the Most Valuable and Usable on the Blockchain. There are Others, for Example LEO Token has Probably done the Best with this Concept Compared to say Proof of Brain, or WEED Token which was kind of a restricting subject in both meanings of restricted, like it was limiting and banned in many Places. BLIP, CPT, etc, all of these Projects that have the Front End Purchased in the HIVE-Engine Service. LEO Token has Probably done Better than the Others, but Other than that it has been the SplinterLands Tokens, and the General Market Coins. So Peggys, the BTC Pegged, and LTC Pegged, and DOGE Pegged, even now BLURT Pegged and Things, these Tokens have been doing the Best also because it makes it a Real Exchange, this is a Real Cryptocurrency Exchange. Just no USD. No Cash. You have to come in with CryptoCurrency.
And Our Purpose is to Teach Everyone how all of this Works, the Curation Rewards Systems and Everything, and we are going to have Curation Rewards Token (CURE) to Help People Earn. We want People to Talk about all kinds of Different Tokens, and You can see in the Thread that we have added Several Hashtags from Other Tokens in Order to be able to Distribute Tokens to as many Wallets as Possible.
CURE Token Thread
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5495069.0So what I am doing in the Bounties Section here, is Recruiting Curators, and Basically I want to know who is Interested and we are kind of doing Interviews for Grants. I want to Talk about Giving People some CURE Tokens, and this is kind of a Bounty/Airdrop, where we are Recruiting Curators on the HIVE Blog, and we will be giving them a Grant of some Size in Order to begin Curating.
We Really will need to Talk to whoever is Interested, because we don't need anyone Cashing out, that would be Part of what we would Talk about. Earnings and what You would take out after what was done, which is why this is like a Bounty. Because we are Offering a Grant, and then You will be Earning from this and will be able to take Money out and have Competed the Bounty kind of, but we do Hope that we can Find some Curators that will always be there. So we want to Talk to Everyone. We have a Discord Channel that we just Started that we will need Everyone to Participate in.