2014 - 2023
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Wallet Source: https://github.com/AltcoinsBeta/SHACoin-Dead
Projects: SHA-E | Endless Crypto | SHA-Price
What is SHACoin?
- SHA: Secure Hash Algorithms.
- SHACoin is the first pure PoS SHA-256 based coin.
- SHACoin is a pure Proof of Stake coin, except the stage of initial distribution, when it was mixed PoW and PoS coin.
- SHACoin distributes its initial coins through 10 days evenly distributed PoW mining. No halves during the initial distribution phase, thus ensures a fair distribution. After initial distribution, network will not accept PoW.
- SHACoin is SHA-256 based crypto currency.
Launch Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 16:00:00 GMT
- Algorithm: SHA-256
- Protocol: PoS
- Symbol: SHA
- Block target: 60 seconds
- Retarget: Every block
- Current Coin Supply: 377 millions+
- Confirmations: 10, maturity: 300.
- P2P port: 25555
- RPC port: 25556
- Adopts a variable PoS rate with the following annual interest rate: 5%
- Min stake age: 48 hours, no max age.
Top 100: SHACoin Richest Addresses
Full Nodes:
- node1.shacoin2.com
- node2.shacoin2.com
Block Explorers:
- Zimstake (CryptoGir, SiriusCrypto)
- AsiaCoin (Maestro1)
- Cryptocoin Revival Foundation (Jonesd, f0o, Logicoin)
- shacoin, frank123m, Mezon, svebos, Gusaru, bayo, Shurugwi, netvaluator, w8, raskul, Biomech.
- BTC: 1FKyeoXHSPSY66ngRavJbBzUFqVoN7WrCj
- BCH: 15RafRNjQ8M2kC3TbnJWwH8DTcYEZMRhfd
- ETH: 0xe391dbdda13031a6790eef2aba40196223660318
- LTC: LWMxMrzUhC3o6bcjWsPa8Vh4KozB8KepRz
- SHA: SZ6UKHAv1ewR1aP6KEoNgkiuehk6FPPttn
- DOGE: D6r3UuCihpnVqMq8yFrbqRNDPT7oD5KCbA
- USDT: 1HqzMUhkiUQcNDzoVMfjNXeoWsMgyU5X2E