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1  Other / Beginners & Help / Question: Bitcoin purchase in Serbia on: August 21, 2011, 03:05:46 AM
Hi folks,

I have a business in Australia I am keen to start accepting Bitcoin with. I had a recent enquiry from a potential customer in Serbia to buy an item from our webstore - but Serbia does not have Paypal. I was keen for this to be our first trial Bitcoin transaction, but after some research, the potential customer has told me he cannot purchase Bitcoins with his Serbian credit card.

Can anyone confirm if this is likely to be true across the board for Serbia, and if so, is there some other way to purchase Bitcoins from Serbia?

I was thinking this would be a perfect use case to highlight how Bitcoin can be useful for businesses, but this has thrown a bit of a spanner in the works!

Cheers for any info/leads to solutions.

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