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1  Local / Nederlands (Dutch) / Betaalrekening wordt opgeheven vanwege cryptos, advies voor nieuwe bank. on: July 28, 2018, 11:41:47 AM
Sinds afgelopen december ben ik, op mijn initiatief, met mijn bank (Triodos) in de weer geweest om duidelijkheid te verschaffen m.b.t. verkoop van mijn bitcoins en altcoins. Dit resulteerde in maart tot een tijdelijke blokkade van mijn rekening (zonder waarschuwing), maar sindsdien heb ik alle gegevens m.b.t. aan- en verkoop van de coins, sinds 2010, en belastingaangiftes e.d. verstrekt aan hun. Dus dat zat wel goed dacht ik.

Nu valt net een brief in de bus dat ze over twee maanden mij rekening opheffen vanwege dat zij niet kunnen achterhalen waar de bitcoin transacties vandaan komen (in het verleden aangekocht, nu gedeeltelijk verkocht; aangegeven met aankoop waarde en huidige verkoopwaarden). Dus, over twee maanden is mijn betaalrekening weg.

Naar een hoop gevloek en getier (ik wilde alleen eerlijk en duidelijk zijn, om problemen te voorkomen), sta ik dus voor een dilemma. Wat moet ik hiermee? En zijn er banken waar ik beter bij terecht kan? Is er ook iemand die iets vergelijkends meegemaakt heeft?

2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / [NLG] The great Gulden thread on: March 13, 2018, 09:02:14 AM
Follow up from thread:

I have decided I am going to get this thread locked or deleted because of the false information and accusations against Rijk and the Gulden development team. I originally created this thread to talk about gulden as a investment but it has degenerated into something rather ugly. Please refrain from replying to this thread.

As messy as it looks, I don't agree with you. This thread just shows nicely the psychology around Gulden, which is key in answering the question you set in the first post. I'm not sure to what things you point to about false information, because that's not the same as what some people don't want to hear, Accusations against Rijk and the Gulden team... well, they are grown up enough to defend themselves, no need to nanny them. Did they ask you to intervene, because their egos couldn't stand the free discussion we're having here?

If they would come here and answer questions that people have, we could maybe have a nice conversation here (I think we are all interested in some more in-depth information here). Yet the team decides to hide in their ivory tower because it seems to be afraid for critique.

If this thread closes, another one will start. I'm sure of that.

<edit>I just did that.</edit>
3  Local / Off-topic (Nederlands) / Vogeltjes kijken: beleef de lente! on: February 27, 2018, 10:01:59 AM
Zelf heb ik vorig jaar genoten van het af en toe kijken naar de vogeltjes op de webcams van Beleef de Lente (Vogelbescherming). Mijn favoriet toen was de ijsvogel, maar die cam is momenteel nog niet actief. Momenteel ben ik voornamelijk naar de cams van de slechtvalk aan het kijken, daar gebeurt momenteel het meest.

Zijn er hier nog anderen die deze cams volgen?

4  Local / Nederlands (Dutch) / NOS artikel mbt fouten in core code on: July 23, 2017, 08:38:53 PM
Ik las het volgende op de NOS site (


Bitcoin-investeerder Mark van der Chijs is net als Hofstra voorstander van een software-update. Hij benadrukt dat modernisering nodig is om hacks te voorkomen en fouten uit de broncode te halen. Want de techniek van de bitcoin, de blockchain, is in het verleden een zwakke plek gebleken. Eerder zijn met hacks bitcoins gestolen ter waarde van tientallen miljoenen dollar omdat de broncode niet deugde.

Eh... welke zwakke plekken in de broncode heeft deze investeerder het over? Welke hacks zijn ermee uitgevoerd?
Naar mijn weten is dit niet correct... hacks zijn voornamelijk gepleegd via overgenomen systemen of bugs in exchanges... niet in de blockchain direct.

5  Local / Off-topic (Nederlands) / [Ruilen] AH Dinoplaatjes on: June 25, 2016, 01:09:12 PM
Normaal vind in de acties van de AH wel leuk, maar de dinoplaatjes actie doen me niet zoveel. Toch al een hoop kaartjes bij elkaar verzameld (heb ze net eens allemaal opengemaakt en gesorteerd).

Zijn er nog mensen hier die hun verzameling compleet willen maken (of voor familie/vrienden)? Laat dan even hier de nummers achter die je mist, dan kan ik die cross-checken met wat ik zelf heb.

In persoon ruilen kan voor mij in omgeving Den Haag/Voorburg, Leiden en Valkenburg aan de Geul (af en toe). Opsturen wil ik ook wel doen, maar dan wil ik de verzendkosten  wel vergoed hebben (betalen in AUR, NLG en eventueel in BTC mogelijk).

6  Bitcoin / Electrum / Questions regarding Electrum on a server on: September 28, 2014, 09:49:28 AM
In the past I've used bitcoind on a server to run a web service and used bitcoind to arrange the payments. The problem was that the whole blockchain was too heavy in disc usage. For a different project I have to interface with the bitcoin network again, but bitcoind is out of the question. I'm looking into Electrum instead.

Things that I need for my project:
- query for a new address.
- periodically, check the balance of that address.
- sometimes send funds from the server to an other address.

I think I can manage do those things with Electrum (been playing a bit with it for now).

My question is how to interface with Electrum programmatically. I was thinking to use Python, but can't seem to find what to import and if there is a general class available that allows me to call the methods I need for the 3 things mentioned above.

I guess I can import Electrum from Python by using:

from Electrum import *

Right? And then? How would I continue then?

The server has no x/qt/gtk libraries, so everything has not to depend on those.
7  Local / Other languages/locations / Nederlands: Te koop Anonieme OV-chipkaart met saldo on: June 17, 2011, 07:24:07 PM
De OV bedrijven willen ons maar wat graag de OV chipkaart door de strot duwen met alle privacy issues van dien.
Nu bieden TLS (het bedrijf achter de OV-chipkaart) ook anonieme kaarten aan... zonder saldo. Om deze op te laden
moet je deze via je bankpas de kaart opladen.. gevolg, weg anonimiteit!

Ik had recentelijk een OV chipkaart nodig (kon geen strippenkaart meer krijgen) en is 2 keer gebruikt (bus tussen Ede en Wageningen).
Aangezien ik er voorlopig niets meer aan heb (en eigenlijk ook niet wens te hergebruiken i.v.m. privacy), wil ik dit gebruiken voor een klein experiment.

Ik verkoop deze chipkaart (aankoopwaarde EUR 7,50; met waardevermindering bied ik deze aan voor EUR 7,38) met saldo (EUR 6,41) voor 1,5 BTC. Verloopdatum van de kaart is 1-8-2016. Eventueel kan ik het saldo ophogen, natuurlijk tegen een aangepast prijskaartje.
Verkoop alleen binnen Nederland, verzending via de post of indien mogelijk langs brengen.

Doordat ik hem met saldo verkoop kan de koper ECHT anoniem reizen.
8  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / The real bitcoin value on: May 02, 2011, 08:24:10 PM
With the markets being volatile as hell, it is a nightmare for people actually selling goods.

I came up with the following idea, but would like to know how other people think of this.

Some merchants already provide goods against a fixed price, some adjust against the markets quickly.
My focus is on the ones that provide against the fixed price. One could value their goods in USD and see
how many bitcoins they want for that. From that you can calculate a price per bitcoin. If you would average
all these rates (from the different merchants) out, you would IMHO get a more realistic price of how much
a bitcoin would be worth.

If more and more merchants would stick to that calculated price it would reduce its volatility even more and the
exchange markets might move towards that same value.

Every month the price would be recalculated depending on the trades that took place during that last month.

Is this doable and would this work?
9  Bitcoin / Project Development / Python bindings to MyBitcoin SCI on: April 24, 2011, 10:10:19 PM
I've spend today hacking a python version for the MyBitcoin SCI together.
It should work more or less the same as the PHP version.

GPG is not optional and uses the GnuPGInterface module. The anonymous
transports (TOR and I2P) are not supported.

Readme and downloads on:

Donations can go to 1C7Z6MsaEsjs3No2ZqgNAp2cWgf28rXn6n
10  Economy / Marketplace / Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) seeds for sale on: April 23, 2011, 09:55:36 AM
I have a few grams of Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) seeds left from last years harvest. I've germinated a bit from this batch and the plants are already growing on my balcony. Having a few grams left I decided to offer them for sale.

I send about 1 gram of seeds through mail (I'll put them in a padded envelope, but I can't give a guarantee that they will arrive undamaged).

Costs 3BTC for the seeds + postage costs (depending on where they have to go, but at current price max. 2BTC).
Seeds are send from The Netherlands.
11  Economy / Marketplace / [Job] 30 btc for a Gentoo Linux ebuild on: February 01, 2011, 06:47:41 PM
I've posted this bug on the Gentoo bugzilla a week ago:

It is to request an ebuild (or better, multiple ebuilds) for the fonts of the website:

I'm offering 30 btc to the first person to provide an ebuild to install these fonts on my Gentoo system and follows the rules below:
- Fonts are functional from within most programs (Inkscape/GIMP/Openoffice/etc.)
- Ebuild should follow Gentoo QA guide lines as good as possible (I'll give feedback, if needed, you need to fix it then).
- Ebuild has to be uploaded to the Gentoo bugzilla, comment with your btc address to send the bitcoins to (when I'm satisfied with the result).
12  Bitcoin / Project Development / Operation Fabulous: Next level advertising on: January 22, 2011, 11:27:16 AM
There are now multiple features requested for Operation Fabulous. To get an idea of what people find more important I've set up this poll.
The poll runs 4 days, which gives some time to discuss the way it will be implemented and hopefully allows me to start implementing it next weekend. Depending on the feature that wins it may take more or less time to implement.

Details of every option:
Advertiser refund
Now only advertisers can send money to their account, but not withdraw it. This option is to add this possibility.

Search function for advertisers
The amount of sites to choose from are limited at the moment, but might be a lot more in the future. This option will give advertisers a search box when placing an advertisement instead of the current list of all active sites. This option is a basic implementation that will be extended later (for this option will only search on basis of site owner, free advertising, URL and site name).

Animated/XXX block
Currently everybody can place all ads on every site. Publishers might want to restrict what ads are displayed on their site. This option adds these restrictions. It notifies advertisers that a site prefers not to have those types of ads. This option is a basic implementation that will be extended later (with stronger enforcement instead of notifying).

More payment processors
Currently we use the services of MyBitcoin for transferring bitcoins to an account. This option ads more (MtGox?) payment processor options.

Email notifications about bids
Have the advertiser receive an email notification when his/her bid or account funds run low.
13  Economy / Marketplace / SSL cetrificate signing service on: January 16, 2011, 12:34:40 PM
I've been looking for an SSL certificate signing authority that accepts Bitcoin.

On the trade site I saw that Exoware seems to offer them, but they only list prices in English pounds. Has anyone more details on this? Or know some other SSL cert authority that accepts Bitcoin?
14  Economy / Marketplace / Buy CO2 with Bitcoins on: December 16, 2010, 01:07:42 PM
Yes, carbon dioxide. The stuff that you breath out and is said to be one of the causes of global warming.
I haven't set up a website yet, but will if people are interested in this.

Of course you won't be buying CO2 gas (or dry ice), but CO2 emission rights (through a Dutch NPO). Strong polluting industries get/buy these rights from governments to do CO2 emissions, if they pollute more they have to buy more rights, if they pollute less, they are allowed to sell them. This drives the price of one emission right. Within a time span a limited amount of rights are released to the market, thus regulating the amount of emission.

That's all nice, but individuals are normally not involved by this whole market. There are however a few companies/NPOs that buy these rights for individuals and let them expire (1 certificate guarantees that 1 tonne of CO2 is prevented from being released into the atmosphere). These expired rights can't be traded any more (The Dutch Emission Authority that regulates this market releases expiration certificates. The NPO sends it to the buyer of the expired rights).

So, why would you buy these rights:
1) By reducing your energy usage you can reduce your CO2 emissions, but there is a limit. With this system you can take out the remaining amount.
2) Due to the market, prices might go up a bit. Giving strong polluters incentives to invest in less polluting technologies.
3) Direct result of less CO2 in the air.

Costs are 20,60 euros (around 80btc) per right plus 10 euros (around 40 btc) transaction costs (independent of the amount of rights bought).
I will of course accept any amount and just add everything up.

The idea is to setup a site where people can buy the rights. I'll transfer them to euros when we have enough to buy a few rights (transaction costs are quite high for one single right). The expiration certificates will be published on that site.

Are people interested in this idea? Feedback, suggestion, questions are welcome.
15  Bitcoin / Project Development / Humble Indie Bundle #2 on: December 10, 2010, 07:17:16 PM
It looks like that there is a new Humble Indie Bundle in the making.

The first bundle contained a few games (worth together $80), but people
were allowed to decide how much they would pay. In the end it was a
huge success. Would be nice if they would accept bitcoin in the next run
as payment method. See for more details.
16  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Segfault on hardened Linux systems on: December 03, 2010, 09:12:31 PM
Cross posting into its own topic, maybe more people have more knowledge about these type of things,
but might have missed it in the gentoo ebuild topic.

Building bitcoind on hardened linux seems to cause a segfault when setting the amount of cores to
use for generating bitcoins. Starting with -gen=0 doesn't trigger the segfault.

Ok, I've changed one of my systems to a hardened system and was able to reproduce the bug
on version 0.3.17. Here is the backtrace. No idea what is going wrong.

gdb bitcoind
GNU gdb 6.8
Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.  Type "show copying"
and "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "i686-pc-linux-gnu"...
(gdb) run
Starting program: /usr/bin/bitcoind
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
bitcoin server starting
[New Thread 0xb6aa46d0 (LWP 6475)]
[New Thread 0xb6477b70 (LWP 6478)]
[New Thread 0xb5c76b70 (LWP 6479)]
[New Thread 0xb5475b70 (LWP 6480)]
[New Thread 0xb4c74b70 (LWP 6481)]
[New Thread 0xb4473b70 (LWP 6482)]
[New Thread 0xb3c57b70 (LWP 6483)]
[New Thread 0xb3456b70 (LWP 6484)]
[New Thread 0xb2c39b70 (LWP 6485)]

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 0xb2c39b70 (LWP 6485)]
Detect128BitSSE2 () at main.cpp:2956
2956 main.cpp: No such file or directory.
in main.cpp
(gdb) bt full
#0  Detect128BitSSE2 () at main.cpp:2956
fUseSSE2 = <value optimized out>
fPrinted = false
nFamily = 15
nModel = 2
#1  0xb768fdfc in BitcoinMiner () at main.cpp:3313
reservekey = {nIndex = 0, vchPubKey = {<std::_Vector_base<unsigned char, std::allocator<unsigned char> >> = {
      _M_impl = {<std::allocator<unsigned char>> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<unsigned char>> = {<No data fields>}, <No data fields>}, _M_start = 0x0,
        _M_finish = 0x0, _M_end_of_storage = 0x0}}, <No data fields>}}
nExtraNonce = <value optimized out>
nPrevTime = <value optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void BitcoinMiner()"
#2  0xb7690e32 in ThreadBitcoinMiner (parg=0x0) at main.cpp:2884
No locals.
#3  0xb6acd96e in start_thread () from /lib/
No symbol table info available.
#4  0xb6baeb5e in clone () from /lib/
No symbol table info available.

The misbehaving line is:
if (!fPrinted)

in the following code:

    // AMD reports a lower model number in 64-bit mode
    if (fAMD && sizeof(void*) > 4 && nFamily * 10000 + nModel >= 160000)
        fUseSSE2 = true;

    static bool fPrinted;
    if (!fPrinted)
        fPrinted = true;
        printf("CPUID %08x family %d, model %d, stepping %d, fUseSSE2=%d\n", nBrand, nFamily, nModel, cpu.nStepping, fUseSSE2);
    return fUseSSE2;

fPrinted is false according to the backtrace, I don't know why this is causing the segfault?
17  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / The Tahoe-LAFS Bitcoin Grid - topic on: October 16, 2010, 07:20:29 AM
Having setup a Tahoe-LAFS node. Zooko (one of the developers on this forum) gave the following tip:

I have an idea! Get together with some
other BitCoin users and set up a shared Tahoe-LAFS grid among you.
Please let me know how it goes. Eventually, as you may be aware, we
want to integrate micropayments directly into the Tahoe-LAFS protocol
so that anyone who pays a BitCoin would automatically get access to
your storage...

So, with this topic I'm starting to setup and coordinate a Tahoe-LAFS grid among the bitcoin users. It's goal:

- Setup a grid that everybody can join and use (e.g. for backing up your wallet.dat and other files).
- Encourage the Tahoe-LAFS developers to put some more effort in a bitcoin integration for Tahoe-LAFS and help with ideas of how it should be implemented.
- Use the grid as a test bed for the bitcoin integration.

What do we need:
- Storage nodes, the more the better. Can be desktop systems.
- Introducer node(s), to connect the storage nodes. I think we need a few systems that are permanent on for this.
- (Optional) Helper node, to have things uploaded more quickly for users with limited bandwidth. Also a system that is permanent on and has a large bandwidth.

What we need to discuss before we start:
- The storage encoding for the network.

Documentation for starters and how to set things up:
18  Local / Nederlands (Dutch) / Nederlands! (algemeen) on: August 18, 2010, 09:07:16 AM
Lekker Nederlands praten hier!

Voorburg hier, nog anderen uit Nederland?
19  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / PyBitcoind-desklet (current version: 1) on: August 18, 2010, 09:01:44 AM
Something I've been hacking up past few days:

Values are updated around every second. Background is coder art Wink.
Need to do a few more things on it before I release the code.
Made with PyGTK, gconf-python, gobject and jsonrpc.
20  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Transaction fees on: August 09, 2010, 07:06:14 PM
Minting bitcoins is becoming more and more difficult, so calculating transactions might become more profitable. My question is how this works. Do you still need to have "Generate Coins" active, or is it better to have it off and give priority to calculating transactions (with the hope that one has some extra coins in there)?

What is the best strategy?
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