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1  Economy / Service Announcements / [ANN] DefiDive – A fast crypto price, news and asset management terminal on: August 30, 2022, 07:26:41 AM
Filter the noise
Every morning you wake up, check the prices and wonder what has happened overnight in the market Huh. While making your morning coffee, you load up CoinDesk, CoinTelegraph, Crypto Youtube, Crypto Twitter, BitcoinTalk and Discord to find out what the sentiment is. Before you know it, you have multiple browser tabs open in multiple different windows and things are a mess. (sound familiar?)

Lead by the frustration of existing services, a group of friends got together to work on the challenge of making a cleaner, faster crypto information portal. The goal? Present information to visitors in a clear and transparent manner that would be easy to access, fast and intuitive. Our goal is to become the homepage of every crypto investor.

We launched beta a few months ago and are now ready to show off the features we're proud of.

Our landing page
Price information is what a majority of users want, and that is exactly what they will get when visiting our homepage. Compare us to other services you currently use and let us know how we are doing.

News page
Categorized news. In one click, filter all of the Bitcoin related news across CoinDesk, CoinTelegraph, Twitter and YouTube. Simple, clean and quick. We categorize across the top 50 coins and search terms. This feature is in Beta and is great for saving time while staying on top of the latest developments in the space.

We believe decentralized finance is a movement that is here to stay. We show the largest defi platforms helping you perform due diligence on where to access the most trusted sites. Yes that does include where to stake your WBTC!

Services like Coinmarketcap are not designed for the best user experience. They are often designed to increase browsing time to show more adverts. At DefiDive, our design focus is to enable visitors get the information they want and need as quickly as possible.

The team & who we are
I’m Seal, a long time supporter and member of BitcoinTalk since early 2012. We launched our first Bitcoin startup in 2013, one of the industry’s earliest trading platforms. During our 4 year life, we brokered US $250 million in Bitcoin trades (accounting for 2% of all bitcoins in existence at the time) for over 30,000 users. In 2018, in part due to the profits we made from our crypto investments and the uncertain regulatory landscape we decided to close the trading platform making way for decentralized finance and Ethereum based apps to succeed.

Our co-founders come from backgrounds in FAANG and Investment Banking. Watch this space and follow our socials for more.

DefiDive is seed funded by its founders and has the goal of becoming the homepage of every cypto investor.

Here's a snippet of my post history and involvement in the community:
Bitcointalk’s longest running signature scheme (back in the day)

Automated trading systems I programmed and ran during 2012

DefiDive Socials

Help and contribute to DefiDive
We've found the Bitcointalk community one of the most supportive communities in the space. We would love to know what features you would like to see on DefiDive and how we can improve our service. Visit our site and follow our socials for more. By working to improve crypto infrastructure, the space will expand accelerating adoption.

2  Bitcoin / Press / [2016-04-21] Private vs Public Blockchains: Is there room for both to prevail? on: April 21, 2016, 03:35:36 PM

Private versus Public Blockchains: Is there room for both to prevail?

The buzzword blockchain has reached new heights in finance history. Not since the invention of double-entry accounting in the thirteenth century has a method of keeping up with things promised our world so much improvement.

There are very few people left to deny that the general idea of a blockchain; i.e. sharing a ledger between multiple parties in a decentralized manner to keep everyone honest, is revolutionary and will be useful in our global society soon. Many of the highest financial authorities on Earth have paid it lip service in the last year, from IMF Director Madame Lagarde to the UK’s Chief Scientific Adviser, Sir Mark Walport and Federal Reserve Chairman Janet Yellen. Even people once staunchly against anything to do with bitcoin like JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon have recounted and stated for the record that there is something to learn from blockchain technology now.

However, the greatest advancements in blockchain technology are all based on the advantages derived from the public, ‘open’ type of blockchain, while most people in the professional finance world are looking for advancements in the private, ‘permissioned’ type of blockchain.
3  Bitcoin / Press / [2016-04-20] Bitcoin holds a steady price – Magnr Spring 2016 Update on: April 20, 2016, 05:03:49 PM
Bitcoin’s steady price has fuelled a steady growth of blockchain based industries in 2016. Many speculate that low price volatility represents a calm before the storm while others think that it is time for consolidation.

Traders see price stability as a curse but history teaches us that a stable currency is vital for growth.

Regional Interest
Where the west sees Bitcoin as a speculative digital asset, the east sees opportunity. Digital currencies are seen in a different light in different geopolitical regions. The main reason behind this is because the application and use case changes based on where you are.

In established western economies such as the US and UK, Bitcoin is seen as a tool for experimentation and speculation. It is used as an on ramp to understand the space and a core piece of infrastructure from which to build and test blockchain based innovations from. Emerging African and Asian economies view Bitcoin as a powerful tool for cross border payments. A way to pay workers, and a way to remit money without the tax on poverty that traditional payment mechanisms (such as Western Union) impose.
4  Other / Beginners & Help / The Basics of Forking on: February 17, 2016, 10:47:30 AM
Can someone Explain Like I'm 5, how the basics of this 'upcoming' fork will occur (if it does). I'm simply after an explanation of the mechanics.

Right now I assume the following, can someone confirm if its true:

  • As Classic adoption continues, more and more blocks will be mined with the classic 'flag' on the blockchain
  • After 70 (Huh) blocks in a row have been mined, this will be taken as a vote of confidence (a consensus win???)
  • A countdown will happen (Huh)
  • The rest of the miners and nodes will have to upgrade otherwise their mined blocks will automatically be rejected by the rest of the nodes

Forgive me for being vague. There are gaps in my understanding that need to be filled!

Please leave personal opinion of classic vs core out of this, this post is not designed to be a debate.

5  Bitcoin / Press / [2016-02-10] UK Bitcoin Regulation, The Bank of England and Magnr's Bitcoin Bank on: February 10, 2016, 06:11:56 PM
Ian DeMartino: There has been a lot of talk about the UK possibly making a central bank cryptocurrency, do you think something like that could be successful?

Colin Kwan: It is something that has been talked about rather openly. I am the CEO of Magnr and the director of UK Digital Currency Association, and part of our mission at the UKDCA is to talk to the treasury, the Bank of England and the policy makers. We explain to them what digital currencies actually mean to the UK and how the UK can even benefit from these types of currencies....

Ian DeMartino: The IMF recently recommended international cooperation when it comes to Cryptocurrencies? Do you think Bitcoin would benefit from a some international regulations or a best practices policy or anything like that?

Colin Kwan: There is definitely a need for an international standard. Being a part of the UK DCA, we are looking to help establish what we call the IBC, the International Blockchain Committee. We want to have international bodies as representatives and create a standard across all blockchain systems....
6  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / 8 Bitcoin Life Hacks on: February 10, 2016, 02:08:13 PM
We put this together as a quick newbie guide to the space. Some of these are sites we are always recommending to our clients and friends. Here are 8 of our favourite Bitcoin life-hacks!

What are yours? I may compile a follow up if there is enough interest and suggestions.
7  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Global Bitcoin Computing Power on: February 08, 2016, 04:09:27 PM
Back in 2013, this Forbes contributor mentioned that by crude calculations, Bitcoin's hash rate equated to 256 times faster then the top 500 supercomputers combined:

Has anyone done a more recent analysis of this?
8  Economy / Services / Twitter users - Get paid to tweet! on: January 13, 2016, 05:27:14 PM
Hi Bitcointalk. I'm back and after some help on Twitter. This will be our third campaign here. In our time, we have paid out over US$8k to forum members.

I'll be paying up to $0.20 per bitcointalk member who helps with a follow, like and retweet.

This campaign is now over. Thank you to all of our participants!!!

Thanks for looking!
9  Economy / Services / Developers - I need a Javascript bug fixed - $10 bounty on: January 07, 2016, 08:33:51 PM
Hi Bitcointalk,

I know a bunch of you on here are very talented developers. I have a small bug that needs fixing for those that are familiar with Javascript. This should be fairly straightforward if you know front-end web dev.

Here's how to replicate the bug.


Offer over.

Thanks for looking everyone!
10  Economy / Services / 100,000 satoshis per website review on: January 04, 2016, 05:34:30 PM
Hi all,

I'm back! In 2013 - 2014, I paid out a grand total of $7,814.99 to forum members in the oldest and longest paid signature scheme on the forum (at the time):

I now need your help again. I'm offering 100,000 satoshis for an HONEST website review, one per forum member please. If you are interested, please post in this topic and I'll PM you some details. This should take just a couple of minutes of your time and will be on a first come first served basis.

*edit* Offer closed due to popularity. Check back for more soon!

Thanks for looking!
11  Bitcoin / Project Development / Looking for API Testers on: October 21, 2015, 03:33:09 PM
Hi Bitcointalk,

I'm Joe from Magnr, a bitcoin trading and savings platform.

Over the last few weeks we've been working on completing our trading API and are in the final stages of testing. If you are interested in becoming an early beta tester (which will give you early access to our production API) then let us know here or by dropping us a line on our support desk

A little more about our trading platform, over the last three years we've brokered over US $80 million in trades. Formally known as, the platform offers 2, 5 and 10x leverage on Bitstamp, Bitfinex and ItBit.

Our USP (unique selling point) which sets us apart is our model which helps minimise counterparty risk between exchanges. We do this by segregating our client's deposits from our trading funds. When we were integrated in MtGox, this enabled us to honour every satoshi owed to our clients when they went bankrupt.

12  Other / Off-topic / Happy Back To The Future Day Bitcointalk on: October 21, 2015, 02:26:59 PM
Thought I'd share this Smiley. Have a good day!
13  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Coinbase Trading Volume on: February 12, 2015, 12:15:05 PM
Hey BitcoinTalk,

To get a comparison of market size, I've always used BitcoinCharts to compare how well the exchanges are doing as well as the wider market. Being new to the game, coin base is not yet listed.

Does anyone have a daily breakdown of how much trading volume they do in comparison to the other exchanges? To me it roughly looks like they're currently #3 behind Bitfinex and Bitstamp and quickly rising. Would be good to get some solid figures to back this up though.
14  Other / Off-topic / Any HackerNews [HN] visitors on the forum? on: November 21, 2014, 03:32:59 PM
Hello Bitcointalk,

I wanted to ask the community if there are any Hacker News visitors on the forum.


For those who don't know what Hacker News is, "Hacker News is a social news website that caters to programmers and entrepreneurs, delivering content related to computer science and entrepreneurship." (shamelessly copied from wikipedia) It was created by Paul Graham, one of the founders of Y Combinator, one of the most successful startup incubators in the valley.

I'd like to ask the community here that if you frequent hacker news, to upvote anything that mentions Cryptocurrencies or Bitcoin.

Why? Ultimately we all have the aligned interest in helping the adoption of cryptocurrencies and anything we can do to increase its visibility amongst the tech devs, entrepreneurs and VC investors is going to help!
15  Bitcoin / Press / [2014-10-20] CD: Bitcoin Derivatives Platform Partners With itBit on: October 20, 2014, 02:13:09 PM
Bitcoin Derivatives Platform Partners With Asian Exchange itBit

London-based bitcoin derivatives platform has partnered with global exchange itBit to integrate its BTC-USD trading currency pair with the bitcoin exchange’s existing offerings.
16  Economy / Services / is looking for marketing talent on: October 07, 2014, 03:32:31 PM
Hi all,

I work for a bitcoin trading platform and we are in the process of expanding our reach. If you have a talent for marketing and think you could help then drop me a PM. I would be particularly interested to hear from you if you are based out of London and can come to our office or are interested in joining our rapidly expanding team.
17  Economy / Service Announcements / - Introducing our Revenue Sharing Referrals Scheme on: October 07, 2014, 02:36:59 PM
Hi Bitcointalk,

Over the past few months we've had a very welcomed response from the community. At the conferences we've been to, our customers talk about recommending our trading platform to their friends. We're both encouraged and motivated by this as not only does it help us grow as a company but it helps from a marketing perspective.

Because of this we developed a referrals system so that anybody recommending their friends or family would be rewarded generously for doing so. This is our way of saying thanks.

To find out more, check below:

From our user dashboard:

20% of all revenues generated by traders referred will be paid directly back to the referrer.

The Team
18  Economy / Services / Affiliate Scheme on: September 08, 2014, 03:43:44 PM
Hi Bitcointalk, back in 2013 I ran one of the forums longest running paid signature schemes which ended up paying out $8,000.(check it out here). We're back with a new affiliate scheme.

For those of you who would like to help promote bitcoin trading at

For each user you refer to that places a trade, we'll reward you with $5

To take part please leave a comment confirming your attendance along with your bitcoin address.

Referral URLs will be as follows, please add your username following the format below:

So my url for example would be,

We will be able to track sign-ups and trades through these custom URL's so make sure you use them correctly... i.e., don't put someone elses name on it if you want to be paid! If a user clicks on that link and registers a couple of days later, it'll still remember you as the referrer (through a cookie), this remains valid for 2 weeks. Its time for you as a community to get creative. I'm hoping to be able to pay out as generously as before for those who help promote our site. I'll be posting weekly stats so check back.

  • Users with a minimum of 50 posts.
  • Please don't troll our link out.
  • Payouts will be made on a weekly basis in Bitcoin.
  • Members with a negative trust are not allowed to take part.
  • I reserve the right to withhold payments from users who are seen to exploit the scheme.

For those of you who advertised with us before and would like to use your signature to promote the affiliate scheme, feel free to use one of our pre-made signatures. Don't forget to put your username in the url field.

Signatures (choose one below) - Leveraged Bitcoin Trading. Simply use Bitcoin to take advantage of a rising or falling Bitcoin price.

[url=] - Leveraged Bitcoin Trading.[/url] Simply use Bitcoin to take advantage of a rising or falling Bitcoin price. - For an easy way to trade Bitcoin, using Bitcoin.

[url=][/url] - For an easy way to trade Bitcoin, using Bitcoin. - Leveraged Bitcoin Trading. Profit from a falling Bitcoin price.

[url=] - Leveraged Bitcoin Trading.[/url] Profit from a rising or falling Bitcoin price.

19  Economy / Gambling / - Bet on the price of Bitcoin, with Bitcoin on: June 22, 2014, 02:38:04 AM
Hello Bitcointalk /Gambling! is a Bitcoin trading platform. It allows traders to place both Long (Buy) and Short (Sell) positions using Leverage. This can be done simply and with a single Bitcoin deposit unlike most other trading platforms. Thats right, its all Bitcoin only.

If you live in the EU, this product most closely resembles a "Spread Betting" platform.

Features include:
  • Leverage Ratios 10:1, 5:1, 2:1
  • Adjustable trade size
  • Regular and trailing stops
  • Sell limits
  • No subscription fees, Free deposits and withdrawals
  • 24/7 trading
  • Orders placed to market at BitStamp

Sign up at

20  Economy / Service Discussion / Leveraged Trading at - What improvements would you like to see on: June 21, 2014, 09:04:54 AM
Hi all,

It has been just over a year since I originally launched with the help of a number of Bitcointalk forum users. Since then the market has been on a rollercoaster with a number of large volatile spikes right up to highs of over $1200 and a subsequent demise of MtGox. We've rode the waves and have come out the other side a stronger company, helping our traders maximise profits where possible.

Without this community and their input telling us what they wanted, the site would not be able to provide the service it has been. Thanks to those of you who helped, Juniors, Heros, Admins and Donators.

Speculators of Bitcointalk: What would you like to see improved and what other services would you like your trading platforms to provide?

Please keep comments and discussion constructive.
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