1. Signup at
https://www.callcentric.com/login2. Fill all the fields with your information and click continue
3. Now verify your email and enter your own address or Get a free USA address from
http://fakenamegenerator.com4. Click on “Go to My CallCentric” now under your username there will be CallCentric # in this format 1777*******
5. Open
http://phone.ipkall.com/ and fill in your information:
Choose your account type : SIP
Choose Area Code for your IPKall Number : (253)
SIP username : Now put your CallCentric # here which is 1777*******
Host name or IP address : callcentric.com
Use the same email and password as used on
https://www.callcentric.com/6. Now check your email address you will receive an email from
info@ipkall.com in which your detail will be given. At the end of the first line there will be your local US phone number but you need to register this number
7. Download Express Talk from
http://www.nch.com.au/talk/8. When you are installing Express Talk, select the default option for all screens. At “SIP Setup” option, select “Yes, I already have a SIP account” and enter all your detail as you fill in Step "5" and log in
9. After your successful login your US local phone number will be registered automatically. Which you can see on CallCentric.com home page under "Balance" tab saying "Your phone is registered"
Step 2
Get US Google Voice Number
Live outside of the USA and need a Google number for verification purposes or to receive calls text messages or for voice mails from family or want to free call to your relatives in the USA or Canada, get a free Google voice number.
1. Go to
http://google.com/voice in new tab or browser sign in with an existing account or you can sign up for a new Google account
2. Click on Get a Voice number then on "I want a new number" and pick any number of your choice by entering Area, zip code, city, word or phrase number after choosing your number, Create a new pin and click continue
3. Put your IPKall phone Number without dashes at "Add a forwarding phone" and click continue Now Google will verify your number you will be provided a two digit code for verification now press "Call me now" button
4. Now you will receive a phone call on IPKall number, receive and press your two digit code. Now you have done, now you can free call on US or Canada to your relatives.