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21  Economy / Currency exchange / Selling BTC for CAD via Post | Buying CAD with BTC via Post on: July 23, 2012, 08:22:30 PM
Looking to buy small amounts of CAD currency with BTC now and then. Not talking a truckload. A few notes at a time.

Anyone interested?

PS. I am not looking for wire transfers or PayPal. I am looking for physically mailing the notes through the post.
22  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Collecting BTC equivalent to collecting Real Coins of Historic Value? on: July 23, 2012, 02:46:11 AM
Thoughts? If so how would one catalog a particular coin, or is it even possible to do so since a new coin or collection of satoshis are generated upon spent.
23  Bitcoin / Legal / Looking for a BTC CPA on: July 23, 2012, 01:51:34 AM
I am going to be working on a lot of projects that will pay me in BTC. At what point is BTC income considered taxable? While it is still in the BTC form? If I trade for USD but don't withdraw from exchange? After I withdraw from exchange and now the USD is in my bank account? Does the $600 1099 still hold true for BTC and if so when does the exchange rate take place? Year end? At payment of BTC? At withdraw?

My head is swimming Sad
24  Other / Off-topic / What USB Flash drive do you all use? on: July 22, 2012, 08:29:34 PM
I currently have been using an 8 dollar SanDisk Cruzer Glide that I bought from Walmart and for some reason when I stick it in under normal operations all programs i have open are unresponcive. When I take it out things are back to normal.

When I have all my applications closed and use the drive, no problems. This is screwed up! My bitcoin wallet is on this drive along with Electrum.

Another funny thing is that Electrum doesn't connect to servers anymore but with the Linux version it does so I have to reboot into linux to make transactions.

yes I know I should do everything in linux. I probably should because 95 percent of my work I do in Virtual Box.

Just wonder what you all use for a USB drive that doesn't get corriupted.

I have been looking around and found this one

Little pricey for my tastes and it looks kinda bulky. I ware my USB drive on a lanyard along with my Yubikey.

Before you ask, yes I have backups of everything but that is not the point. I need a USB drive that WORKS RIGHT EVERY TIME.

25  Bitcoin / Electrum / Looking for better USB drive wallet solution other than Electrum on: July 21, 2012, 10:35:04 PM
I am looking for a USB drive wallet solution that doesn't rely on the download of the entire chain and I am able to insert usb drive, make payments, pull it out and go on my way quickly.

Electrum was a cool solution but lately their servers have not been up when I needed them to be.

Also I do NOT want a web wallet!
26  Economy / Currency exchange / Interested in exchanging BTC for CAD in USA on: July 21, 2012, 08:54:43 PM
How do I go about doing this? I see that I can do it on MtGox but how do I end up getting the real CAD currency in hand or in a bank? I live in the USA and pretty far away from Canada.

I did stumble across this site but the payment methods are just outragriously too high.

I also looked for Royal Bank of Canada locations in the USA and the closest one is over 400 miles from me Sad
27  Economy / Trading Discussion / USA Citizen looking to exchange BTC for CAD on: July 21, 2012, 08:50:20 PM
Exchanging BTC for USD and vice versa is pretty common now. How does one go about exchanging for OTHER currencies that are not their home currency?
28  Bitcoin / Legal / 1099 on Bitcoin income for contract work? on: July 20, 2012, 01:09:46 PM
The subject is asking the question. If I do work for bitcoin when do I have to classify it as income?
29  Economy / Trading Discussion / It's a Devil's Horns Market! on: July 19, 2012, 08:28:24 PM
30  Other / Off-topic / Happy Birthday to ME! on: July 18, 2012, 10:28:04 PM
Today is my birthday!

31  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / [SOLVED] Error Decrypting Wallet using API on: July 13, 2012, 05:29:53 AM
I am giving the API a shot and trying to get my balance using the following url

and chrome downloads a file called "balance"

in this file are the words

{"error":"Error Decrypting Wallet"}

What's the deal? My GUID and my PASSWORD are correct. Using My Wallet service works fine, it is the API that I am having issues with.

32  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / MtGox and Private Key Imports on: July 11, 2012, 09:58:11 PM
I have a few public addresses that I am watching using bitping. I had imported the private keys into MtGox and my account balance went up. I then spent all my balance and now I am down to zero.

I had forgotten that I was watching these addresses and now i just received a few emails from bitping notifying me of a deposit. My interest peaked so I went to the address on to see that here has been sent and recived activity. The current balance for the address is 0.0004 BTC and when I go to and look at my balance it is still at zero.

WTF? When I import the private keys don't they get added to my wallet on mtgox? Why is mtgox reusing my private keys!?

33  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Yubikey alternative? on: July 11, 2012, 09:50:36 PM
Is there an open source auth token project out there?
34  Economy / Economics / How to buy Chinese Yuan with Bitcoin in America? on: July 11, 2012, 09:16:32 PM
The subject says it all.
35  Economy / Economics / Silver and Gold for Bitcoin Spot Price High on: July 11, 2012, 09:03:33 PM
I have been looking to buy a few pieces of silver but when I go and check out the silver and gold sellers that take bitcoin, the USD conversion is WAY over the current price of silver AND the spot price is inflated.

Note to sellers. If you want to accept bitcoin please don't treat us like idiots and tag a premium on silver and gold prices. If anything your spot prices should be lower than the USD sites.

Just a thought.
36  Bitcoin / Project Development / MintChip on: July 10, 2012, 01:29:51 AM
If anyone that signed up and received their MintChip developer kit because of the hype and is really not working on the challenge please send it to me!

37  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / What is taint? on: July 09, 2012, 03:11:41 PM
I have been reading about stolen coins and taint and now I am worried that the btc i have in my possession could someday be worthless based on the amount or lack their of taint.

For instance according to transactions show the following information

Taint (%)
Top IPs

One of my addresses currently have taint percentages as high as 64 percent and as low as 0 percent.

I see in Branch colors such as yellow, blue, magenta, etc...

i see count as high as 35 and as low as 1.

Top IPs is blank.

What does all this mean?

Are my bitcoins safe? Are they MY BITCOINS?
38  Other / Off-topic / Let's see how many views we can get on this subject! on: July 09, 2012, 06:05:28 AM
Subject says it all!  Tongue
39  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / How Do I Encrypt a Paper Wallet from on: July 09, 2012, 06:01:14 AM
The subject says it all. I want to be able to print an encrypted wallet using or similar service to store in multiple places.

Little help. Thanks!
40  Economy / Economics / Safe deposit box insurance for bitcoin contents? on: July 08, 2012, 11:48:13 PM
I just recently got a safe deposit box and I have an encrypted backup of my wallet inside.

Now here is the thing. If I have a savings or checking account with the bank, those funds are covered by FDIC.

Safe deposit boxes are not covered by FDIC. I need to get separate insurance for the contents.

Bitcoin is not like gold or silver. The amount and the value of the bitcoin in the box will change often.

When applying for insurance how would I go about doing this? What would I classify bitcoin as? Would they be like a collectible such as baseball cards?

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