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1  Other / Meta / Do you find Symbol Usage in Titles annoying? on: May 16, 2015, 03:24:04 PM
What do you think about using symbols in titles?

It's quite rampant in the Gambling section.  Do you think these should be allowed?  I really jumbles up the page.

Anyways not sure if anyone is going to care because bitcointalk has quite a lax attitude towards advertisers.

What are your thoughts on symbols in titles?
2  Economy / Trading Discussion / Bitfinex OHLC 5 min data on: May 11, 2015, 09:57:38 PM

I'm looking for Bitfinex OHLC 5 min data.

Actually all I care about is just the close data or just open data for 5 minutes Bitfinex.

Anyone know how I can get that?
3  Economy / Service Discussion / Bitfinex OHLC 5 min data on: May 11, 2015, 09:51:48 PM

I'm looking for Bitfinex OHLC 5 min data.

Actually all I care about is just the close data or just open data for 5 minutes Bitfinex.

Anyone know how I can get that?
4  Economy / Service Announcements / [ANN] Seedstuff - NA, EU, UK Seedboxes - More Available Disk Space on: April 27, 2015, 05:42:34 PM (non-ref)

April 14 Changes:

Over the last few weeks we have been working on improvements which we feel will greatly strengthen our product offerings. Some of these improvements include:

  • More available disk space:
    • French and North American Dirt plan increase to 250GB
    • French and North American Hobo plan increase to 500GB
    • French and North American Turbo plan increase to 1TB
    • French and North American Xtreme plan increase to 2TB
  • Updated rutorrent interface (Now 3.7)
  • New operating system with speed and cpu enhancements
  • BTSync functionality

What is a Seedbox?

A seedbox is a personal server where you can download torrents on a super fast connection, store them, then when you're ready download them to your personal computer at maximum speeds. Also known as torrent hosting, you can download and seed using our affordable seed boxes as long as the content is legal! Download the files via FTP, to or from your own computer. Save your personal bandwidth and let our torrent hosting do the work! All servers are running on 100mbit lines, and our offshore seed box packages include access to your own exclusive running copy of pre-setup ruTorrent, dedicated hard drive space for your torrents, and an FTP account to manage and transfer your files.

Seedstuff has been around since 2010.  They started accepting Bitcoin a year back when paypal blocked their account (they wanted customer information).  Personally I've been using there services for almost a year now.  They've also been able to answer my support questions quickly.  I've used them not only because they accept Bitcoin but also because they offer Unmetered Bandwidth.  Also they recently updated their plans.

Seedstuff currently hosts seedboxes in North America (Canada), UK, and France.  It'd be best to use a seedbox that is closest to where you live for quicker downloading speeds.

Seedstuff offers 5 different tiers of Shared hosting plans (share a pipe with a certain amount of users) and they also offer 5 tiers of dedicated Seedboxes.

Seedstuff Shared plans offer Instant Setup so you can start using them right away.  They also free data transfers in case you already have a seedbox somewhere else.  Seedstuff is also committed to being never oversold.  They clearly show how many units are available.

Seedstuff offers true Unmetered Bandwidth.  They don't have any caps or limits, they won't throttle your speed after you reach a certain limit.  They have the network capabilities and infrastructure to handle the traffic that they offered.

Some features include:

  • FTP(S) or HTTPS access for downloading
  • Unlimited Active Torrents
  • Dedicated IP address
  • Transdroid Support (Android devices)
  • Barmagnet support (iOS)
  • Create Torrents
  • RSS Feeds
  • Rar/Unrar Torrents
  • Powerful Webui (ruTorrent)


If you want to just check out this site there's a promotion for 20% off your first month. (Shared plans only)

Use the coupon code BTCPROMO for 20% off your first month

And if you're thinking of using the service for longer than a month you can get 10% off monthly shared plans, recurring for life.

Use the coupon code BTC-10 for 10% off each month.

Shared Plans (Plans recently upgraded):

Plan Name:DirtHoboTurboUltimateXtreme
HDD Storage:250 GB500 GB1 TB900 GB2 TB
Network Speed:500 Mbit500 Mbit500 Mbit200 Mbit1 Gbit
Max Users per Server:3216844
Ram:1 GB1 GB2 GB4 GB8 GB

Dedicated Servers/Seedboxes (Includes Root Access)

Plan Name:SS-1SS-2SS-3SS-4
HDD Storage:500 GB1 TB1 TB1 TB
CPU:Celeron / Atom / NanoCeleron / Atom / NanoCore i3Core i5
Ram:2 GB4 GB8 GB16 GB
Network Speed:100 Mbit100 Mbit100 Mbit100 Mbit

Consider using my ref link
5  Economy / Services / Seedstuff - Unmetered Seedboxes (NA,EU,UK) starting at $10 (20% off first month) on: April 27, 2015, 05:38:20 PM (non-ref)

Seedstuff has been around since 2010.  They started accepting Bitcoin a year back when paypal blocked their account (they wanted customer information).  Personally I've been using there services for almost a year now.  They've also been able to answer my support questions quickly.  I've used them not only because they accept Bitcoin but also because they offer Unmetered Bandwidth.  Also they recently updated their plans.

Seedstuff currently hosts seedboxes in North America (Canada), UK, and France.  It'd be best to use a seedbox that is closest to where you live for quicker downloading speeds.

Seedstuff offers 5 different tiers of Shared hosting plans (share a pipe with a certain amount of users) and they also offer 5 tiers of dedicated Seedboxes.

Seedstuff Shared plans offer Instant Setup so you can start using them right away.  They also free data transfers in case you already have a seedbox somewhere else.  Seedstuff is also committed to being never oversold.  They clearly show how many units are available.

Seedstuff offers true Unmetered Bandwidth.  They don't have any caps or limits, they won't throttle your speed after you reach a certain limit.  They have the network capabilities and infrastructure to handle the traffic that they offered.

Some features include:

  • FTP(S) or HTTPS access for downloading
  • Unlimited Active Torrents
  • Dedicated IP address
  • Transdroid Support (Android devices)
  • Barmagnet support (iOS)
  • Create Torrents
  • RSS Feeds
  • Rar/Unrar Torrents
  • Powerful Webui (ruTorrent)


If you want to just check out this site there's a promotion for 20% off your first month. (Shared plans only)

Use the coupon code BTCPROMO for 20% off your first month

And if you're thinking of using the service for longer than a month you can get 10% off monthly shared plans, recurring for life.

Use the coupon code BTC-10 for 10% off each month.

What is a Seedbox?

A seedbox is a personal server where you can download torrents on a super fast connection, store them, then when you're ready download them to your personal computer at maximum speeds. Also known as torrent hosting, you can download and seed using our affordable seed boxes as long as the content is legal! Download the files via FTP, to or from your own computer. Save your personal bandwidth and let our torrent hosting do the work! All servers are running on 100mbit lines, and our offshore seed box packages include access to your own exclusive running copy of pre-setup ruTorrent, dedicated hard drive space for your torrents, and an FTP account to manage and transfer your files.

Shared Plans (Plans recently upgraded):

Plan Name:DirtHoboTurboUltimateXtreme
HDD Storage:250 GB500 GB1 TB900 GB2 TB
Network Speed:500 Mbit500 Mbit500 Mbit200 Mbit1 Gbit
Max Users per Server:3216844
Ram:1 GB1 GB2 GB4 GB8 GB

Dedicated Servers/Seedboxes (Includes Root Access)

Plan Name:SS-1SS-2SS-3SS-4
HDD Storage:500 GB1 TB1 TB1 TB
CPU:Celeron / Atom / NanoCeleron / Atom / NanoCore i3Core i5
Ram:2 GB4 GB8 GB16 GB
Network Speed:100 Mbit100 Mbit100 Mbit100 Mbit

April 14 Changes:

Over the last few weeks we have been working on improvements which we feel will greatly strengthen our product offerings. Some of these improvements include:

  • More available disk space:
    • French and North American Dirt plan increase to 250GB
    • French and North American Hobo plan increase to 500GB
    • French and North American Turbo plan increase to 1TB
    • French and North American Xtreme plan increase to 2TB
  • Updated rutorrent interface (Now 3.7)
  • New operating system with speed and cpu enhancements
  • BTSync functionality

Consider using my ref link
6  Economy / Speculation / Bitcoin Auction Results Thread! on: March 05, 2015, 08:46:26 PM

Billionaire venture capitalist Tim Draper said he would be a bidder. "Probably the best deal anyone will get," said Draper on Thursday in an email to Reuters.
SecondMarket, owned and founded by Barry Silbert, won the bidding for 48,000 bitcoins auctioned in December. Silbert told Reuters that SecondMarket would participate in Thursday's auction, but his firm has not created a syndicate for the sale.
Pantera Capital, an investment fund founded by Dan Morehead, a former senior executive at hedge fund Tiger Management, said in its newsletter it is also participating and has formed a syndicate for the auction.

Some 14 participants submitted 34 bids

Draper said he didn't participate in the bidding.

SecondMarket Inc. said it wasn’t among the winners of the U.S. government’s third bitcoin auction

According to Kardashev Capital, whose bid of $221.51 per bitcoin was approximately 17 percent under the market value of the coins as of the close of bidding on Thursday, it did not win any lots.

“While we’re disappointed to learn that we weren’t a winning bidder, I’m glad to hear that the bitcoins sold closer to or even above market price,” said Kardashev Capital partner Greg Gum.

[US Marshals press] The three winning bidders in the US Marshals Bitcoin auction won quantities totaling 27,000 , 20,000 and 3,000 bitcoins. The Bitcoin transfers to the winners have been completed

itBit is reporting it successfully secured 3,000 BTC


Nice graph of the three winners.

It seems like the 27k was to a syndicate that was split up into 2k, 14k, 5k, 6k.

It seems that the syndicate was Cumberland Mining.
7  Economy / Speculation / 10/21 EMA 1hr/2hr crossovers on: December 07, 2013, 12:06:17 AM
So, anyone notice the 10/21 EMA crossovers on 1 hour and 2 hour time scales?

It seems like lots of people are using bots to trade on these crossovers.  Another trader used to recommend it but now its totally overused.  On crossovers volume just shoots up and with all the people doing market orders the price falls or rises a lot.  And this is not really good for stability.  While EMA strategy is valid and good too many people are using the same strategy.

It's causing $100-200 drops which is really significant.  Also, 100 dollar rises for an hour.

So who's implementing EMA trading strategies?  What do you think the effect of these bots are having on the stability?  Is it bad?
8  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / A Bitcoin Difficulty Derivatives Market? on: August 30, 2013, 03:09:03 AM
Wow so I was just looking at bitcoin farseer and I thought that was a great idea.  Too bad it just pays the people who gets the closest bet not exactly a derivative.

But wouldn't it be cool if you had a derivatives market based off of Bitcoin hash difficulty?

Just like farmers using the derivatives to guarantee a price on there wheat.

Miners can use it as an insurance on ROI.  And traders and can also use it for speculation.  And actually the market will be a lot more structured compared to the bitcoin price outlook.

So has someone implemented this already?

Now it also occured to me that hardware manufacturers might have inside information, but with the increase in manufacturers that shouldn't be a problem.  And its similar to a billionaire buying options to exploit the market before placing a gigantic bid order.  It should be fine because I feel the derivatives market of bitcoin hashrate would be a lot smaller that the hashing market.  So, you would make a lot more profit on mining.

But, if Derivatives were used as insurance the premiums would probably quite high.  Well we would never really know how the market would play out until its implemented someday.

What do you think?
9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Altcoin Boom on: June 09, 2013, 08:54:01 PM
Wow, I was gone for a bit and now all of a sudden all these alt coins have popped up.  Like wtf.  No wonder FTC, LTC, and PPC are all at lows.  And the alt currency forum seems so busy right now.  So many threads updated today and every single post seems to be announcing a new coin.
10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / [CHN/LTC] [OFFLINE] [ESCROW] Offering Escrow Service on: May 03, 2013, 02:54:05 AM
Hi, I really hate having all these noobs getting scammed.  It's really bad for the community.

Obviously this service won't be free (practically free).

Both parties will have to pay a fee:
LTC - 0.1 LTC

As you can see the fee is flat.

Actually there is also a variable flat fee.  You'll receive a random number of extra satoshi's you have to send.  This is for security.  (As I'm only using one address).

My addresses will be public.
LTC: Ld8jix7ZXgwF4mZijzJ8ATWUvBNb1XWeaV
CHN: CWg1sojayNP9LQooBYnnARubanWWkZFU2L
11  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / CHN in 5 years on: May 03, 2013, 01:37:44 AM
So, if 5 years the block subsidy will half ... to 44 CHN  Tongue

That's a very unlucky number in China.  Tongue

Actually is 4 still unlucky in mandarin?  My chinese sucks.
12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / [DONE] - Steam Key - The Binding of Isaac + Wrath of the Lamb DLC on: April 20, 2013, 04:48:27 PM
As the title says 1 The Binding of Isaac + Wrath of the Lamb DLC Steam Key is being auctioned for feathercoins.

Minimum bid is only 10 FC!

Minimum bid: 10 FC
Minimum increment: 2 FC
Minimum increment@50FC: 5 FC
Drawing Closes: Monday April 22, 2013 3:00 GMT

Quote from: Steam
When Isaac’s mother starts hearing the voice of God demanding a sacrifice be made to prove her faith, Isaac escapes into the basement facing droves of deranged enemies, lost brothers and sisters, his fears, and eventually his mother.

The Binding of Isaac is a randomly generated action RPG shooter with heavy Rogue-like elements. Following Isaac on his journey players will find bizarre treasures that change Isaac’s form giving him super human abilities and enabling him to fight off droves of mysterious creatures, discover secrets and fight his way to safety.

Quote from: Metacritic
Isaac is a roguelike shooter based on the dungeon structure of Zelda (nes). At its core it controls like Smash TV / Robotron in a randomly generated semi RPG world filled with powerups items and special abilities.

Some info:
84/100 8.2
13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / [1060 pot last week] Weekly FeatherCoin Lottery! Min Bet: 20 FC! on: April 19, 2013, 08:48:35 PM
Please bet in multiples of 20 FC (you can send 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, ... FC); extra will be regarded as tip
Betting ends on Thursday May 2, 2013 23:40:00 GMT
Drawing on Friday May 3,  2013 00:00:00 GMT

April 26 Winner


Feathercoin seems to be off to a great start so I'm going to be hosting a lottery.  I hope everyone has lots of fun!  Grin  This thread will be dedicated to the FC Weekly Lottery.  Rounds will be 7 days long.

When you send FC, a transaction hash is created.  This is your ticket number.  If you have bought more tickets that the second ticket will be your transaction hash a number at the end (starting with 1).
Ticket 1 = txid;
Ticket 2 = SHA256(txid1);
Ticket 3 = SHA256(txid2);

Bets sent after the drawing time will be sent back with a 5% fee.

The winner will be determined using a mixer hash.  The mixer hash is determined through a combination of 3 events.  It is very difficult to determine what these hashes will be before the drawing.
1. Block Hash of first FC block after 0:00 GMT.
2. Block Hash of first LTC block after 0:00 GMT.
3. Block Hash of first FC block after 0:30 GMT.
mixerhash = SHA256("1"+"2"+"3");
Note: no plus signs or quotations

To determine a winner all FC transaction hash ("ticket hash") will be hashed with the mixerhash added to the end.  All mixed hashes will be compared with each other.  The hash that is the lowest will be the winner.  
mixedHash = SHA256 ("ticket"+"mixerhash");

After this is done a .csv file will be posted and the winner will be announced.  You will then have 24 hours if you think that it is a fake winner or that your ticket had a lower value.  Then 98% of the pool will be donated to this winner.

I will take a 2% rake to run this lottery.

Note: I will always add 100 FC to the Pot to buy 4 tickets. (Usually this would buy 5 tickets)
Note2: The rules are very similar to
Note3: The house is now only allowed to buy 1 ticket at a cost of 30 FC.
14  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Motley Fool - This Is the Real Danger of the Irrational Exuberance Surroundi ... on: April 14, 2013, 02:43:01 AM

I can't believe they state how the Winklevoss twins invested 11 million dollars into bitcoin.  That is so wrong.

They probably invested less than 1 million dollars.
15  Economy / Speculation / So much for "shaking out the weak hand" on: April 11, 2013, 08:32:51 PM
This is hilarious.  After all this hard work and effort people put into shaking out the weak users of bitcoins.

All those bull who bought at $150 -175 got stuck in a bull trap.

And when mtgox opens, the people with the money will mostly be the bears.  And the bears will get more bitcoins.  So, in the future we'll have more bears holding onto coins.  Grin
16  Economy / Currency exchange / Canadians; [WTB] 100 BTC-E USD with $105 Interac EMT (CAD) on: April 08, 2013, 09:19:30 PM
I wish to buy a $100 BTC-E USD code.  I will be paying using Interac Email transfer.

I will be giving 105% and you also don't need to any fees except for the BTC-E withdrawal fee.
*It's slightly less than 105% because of the exchange rate.

I am offering 105% because with $100 there is no point in wiring money. ($25 fee vs $1 EMT fee)

My trust has not been fully established but you can see the transactions I have made in my reputation/trust thread.
17  Economy / Reputation / My Reputation/trust thread on: April 08, 2013, 09:07:07 PM

This will be my reputation/trust thread.

19/03/2013 - Trusted with 6 LTC;
22/03/2013 - Sent $76 PP to sublime5447;
07/04/2013 - Trusted with 0.0175 btc; Sent $20 PP to gibbyd-btc;
18/04/2013 - Trusted with 200 FC;
18/04/2013 - Trusted with 300 FC;
19/04/2013 - Trusted with 100 FC;
19/04/2013 - Trusted with 900 FC;
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / PPCoin Help on: April 03, 2013, 11:02:35 PM
So, I have some questions about ppcoin.

Why is the block generation 600?
Why is there 18 million coins generated?
So, I know there is 1% PoS inflation.  But, is coin base going to slow down anytime soon?  Any convergence?

Also, it says that PoS difficulty is 8.3.  What does that mean?
19  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / [WTB] 190 PPCoin for $20 Paypal on: April 02, 2013, 10:11:51 PM
Okay, I want to buy some PPCoin.  I have a verified paypal account.  You'll have to trust me on the chargebacks.

I wish to buy 245 PPCoins for $20 USD Paypal.  I'll pay the fee.

**UPDATE: Willing to buy 190 PPCoins for $20 Paypal.
20  Other / Off-topic / Awesome Accountant Made an Entire RPG Game Inside Microsoft Excel on: April 01, 2013, 01:04:37 PM
This is really cool.  It's an entire RPG Game that was made using excel.
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