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1  Economy / Speculation / Anyone watching/streaming Money2020 presentations? on: November 03, 2014, 12:58:01 AM
Lots of speculation to be made based off of the talks I would think...
2  Economy / Speculation / Aggregate bidsum? on: March 27, 2014, 05:41:52 PM
A lot of us are look at the bidsum on Bitstamp and getting worried... but maybe we are just seeing the effects of an increased number of exchanges diffusing the bid orders.

Does anybody know of an easy way to monitor the aggregate bidsum across a dozen or so of the top exchanges?
3  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / This is happening today on Harvard campus on: March 19, 2014, 05:45:15 PM
Big payments conference... they have a whole debate focused on Bitcoin!

4  Economy / Speculation / Seems like fear and despair are at a high point... on: February 25, 2014, 05:55:35 AM
If now isn't the best time to buy I don't know when.
5  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Argh. Have been using offline computer to sign transactions... Firefox remembers on: November 26, 2013, 06:35:10 PM
Just a warning to those who have downloaded web utilities and have been running them on an offline computer. I was hoping that nothing ever gets stored on the computer, so that once I turn it off, there's no risk if the computer was stolen. Firefox was "storing sessions" or something like this.

Ugh. I should have known better. Haven't lost anything, but it sucks to know that your security wasn't nearly as good as you thought it was.
I really like all of the web-based utilities people have written in the Bitcoin community and would like to keep using them on an offline computer... if anyone has bullet-proof suggestions as to how to prevent the computer from storing anything (i.e., only keep things in RAM), please share! (maybe there is a stripped down browser I should use...?)

I know that using Armory would solve this and that many other offline transaction signing solutions exist.

X-posted from reddit.
6  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / How to use BIP38 to encrypt a pre-determined private key? on: November 26, 2013, 01:37:53 AM
Sorry if this has been discussed previously, I couldn't find it.

I downloaded Mike Caldwell's Bitcoin utility... but I can't figure out how to input a private key and then encrypt it according the BIP38 protocol. Does anyone here know how to do this?

7  Economy / Speculation / An often neglected indicator, the number of's "my wallet" users on: November 20, 2013, 01:37:03 AM
I think pure transaction numbers and volume are a little hard to interpret given the myriad of uses for Bitcoin, but the "my wallet" service that provides can reasonably be assumed to be just personal use.

The number of new users (and the # of their transactions) is skyrocketing:

Seems bullish (but of course, everything seems bullish right now).
8  Economy / Service Discussion / 7+ confirmations on deposit to Bitstamp... not showing in my account? on: November 18, 2013, 09:25:50 AM
I'm not freaking out yet, just wondering if this happens often to other people or not.

Also, I can't find in the UI the place where it tells you how many confirmations a deposit has received.

Any help?

9  Economy / Speculation / Only 1500 bitcoins for sale on BTCChina! on: November 18, 2013, 02:55:52 AM
10  Economy / Speculation / Fellow speculators, do you ever feel numbed to price increases? on: November 17, 2013, 02:51:15 AM
Bitcoin is a "roller coaster" partly because it grips your emotions and attention so strongly as it goes up and down. However, I've noticed that after it went over $400, I don't really feel that much anymore. This is probably deeply personal and depends at what price point you bought in at. I'm just wondering if anyone else experienced the same feeling.
11  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / [ANN] A Bitcoin comic strip! (and book...) Let us know what you think! on: November 16, 2013, 03:02:42 PM
I'll just post to reddit link here:

(sorry if this was supposed to be posted elsewhere!)

But here is a direct link the comic strip:
12  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / I know this has been brought up before, but confirmation times are getting weird on: November 15, 2013, 03:20:06 AM
Something changed recently and I don't know what, but it has me slightly worried. The average confirmation times have shot up quite drastically.

This was brought up a few days ago... but it wasn't clear at that point whether it was a statistical anomaly or something real. Now it seems more likely to be real.

Anybody know what's going on?
13  Economy / Speculation / I get the feeling that "dark" bids/asks are getting more common on: November 12, 2013, 09:09:14 PM
It's hard to tell what's going on with Bitstamp's price, when looking at the order book, but it would make sense if there were large invisible bid/ask walls. Does anybody else get a sense that dark bids/asks are getting more common?

14  Economy / Speculation / Am I the only one that finds this brief period of stability surprising? on: November 01, 2013, 04:57:24 PM
There is no way that the market could have anticipated all of the latest news that has gone viral.
15  Economy / Trading Discussion / Does the Internet Credit Union (IAFCU) let you deposit USD from Bitstamp? on: October 22, 2013, 03:44:59 PM
Does anyone know? Or CampBX?
16  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Whitelist for US banks friendly to deposits from Bitcoin currency exchanges? on: October 22, 2013, 01:49:15 PM
Sorry, I don't know where to post this. It has been kind of frustrating looking for this information.

If anyone can suggest specific US banks that have not given them trouble for deposits from CampBX, Bitstamp, or some other major bitcoin exchange (in the last few months), please share!
(or point me to an existing white list)
17  Economy / Trading Discussion / $50k+ wire to us bank... what are the best options? on: October 18, 2013, 08:10:39 PM
Any good experiences I can follow? What pitfalls should I avoid (ie don't use mtgox)
18  Economy / Speculation / Wow, only 30,000 bitcoins left on MtGox (in the USD orderbook) on: October 15, 2013, 11:59:12 PM
Has it ever been that low?

[edit: originally wrote 20,000... because I am an idiot]
19  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Isn't the output of SHA256 *slightly* too big to use for a private key? on: October 09, 2013, 07:02:01 PM
If the order of the elliptic curve in Bitcoin is some number slightly less than 2^256, then why is it OK to use the SHA256 hash of some input as a private key? My (steadily growing) understanding of ECDSA is that the private key must be some integer between 1 and the order of the curve, which is :


Sorry if this has been asked 1000 times already...
20  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Introducing a new altcoin called "Bitcoin" with faster, 90 second confirmations on: August 30, 2013, 05:11:21 AM

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