1. The Bounty campaign will be managed by BP CRYPT0 Hub .
2. 2M $Food (~$6000$) are to be divided according to the stakes accumulated amongst selected participants.
3. The bounty program was launched on March 1, 2023 and will run until March 14, 2023.
🔖Note: The total reward pool's USD value is estimated, and it is calculated based on the project's token sale prices.
Disclaimer: By agreeing to participate in this bounty, you acknowledge that the wallet address and the email address you submitted are final and can't be changed.
BP CRYPT0 Hub may perform additional reviews, including but not limited to requesting other documentation for analysis of your joined
campaigns if needed.
BP CRYPT0 Hub is under no obligation to send your bounty reward and may, at its discretion, cancel your participation from each ongoing
bounty if the participant does not follow the rules mentioned on this bounty thread.

1. All participants must join Metafarmer official Telegram Group, Channel and Twitter Page.
2. All participants must join BP CRYPT0 Hub Telegram Group Channel and Twitter Page
3. Talking about the bounty program in the project chat group will lead to immediate disqualification from the campaign and
an instant ban from the company chat group. Please ask your bounty-related questions in the BP CRYPT0 Hub.
4. KYC is not required for the bounty campaign. However, the project's team has the right to require KYC for suspicious cases.
5. Please note that any offensive or inappropriate behavior will lead to immediate disqualification from the campaign.
6. Using multiple accounts, cheating and spamming are not allowed. You will be disqualified from the bounty program
immediately and all your accounts will be banned permanently. Brand new accounts are not allowed to join.
7. All participants must send the Proof of Authentication post to join the bounty program.
13. All participants have to submit their weekly reports (for social campaigns) on this bounty thread. Stakes will be calculated
on a weekly basis. For each week, you are required to make new reports. Edited reports and POA will not be counted.

Twitter 35%
Telegram 25%
Article 20%
Video 20%
Note: Due to the bounty duration and pool, we have limited the number of participants for this bounty.
Twitter: First 400 approved participants.
Telegram: First 400 approved participants.
Article: Top 100 articles will be selected.
Video: Top 60 videos articles will be selected.
--> Please submit your weekly report on this bounty thread <--
Week 1 (01 Mar - 07 Mar)
Week 2 (08 Mar - 14 Mar)

Rules: Rewards: maximum 400 participants 5 Valid Tweets, Retweets (quote tweet) and likes per week = 5 Stakes/week
10 Valid Tweets, Retweets (quote tweet) and likes per week = 10 Stakes/week
15 Valid Tweets, Retweets (quote tweet) and likes per week = 15 Stakes/week
20 Valid Tweets, Retweets(quote tweet) and likes per week = 20 Stakes/week
★ All participants must follow the Official Twitter account of TheMetaFarmer .
★ Twitter accounts must have a minimum of 50 followers and be original (90% in twitter audit for the last 1 month).
★ Tweets should be original with hashtags and also Quote retweets must have the minimum five hashtags and links:
#P2E #PlayToEarn #Crypto #NFTs #NFT #Metaverse #Gaming #Web3 #ZeroHunger #Gamers_Against_Hunger
https://t.me/MetafarmerChatNote: All tasks should be done with a minimum of 5 days, using 1-4 days to complete tasks will result to no stakes for the week.
Fill the registration form:
Rewards: maximum 400 participantsPosts in Official group: 10 Stakes/week ( 10 posts per week)
Posts in other group: 10 Stakes/week ( 10 posts per week)
Minimum Post: 5/week
Rules:★ All participants must join the Official Telegram group of Project .
★ No need to wear avatar of project.
★Minimum 5 times in official and 5 times in other groups per week
★ Posting in dead groups with hashtags aren't allowed, check spreedsheet for preferable groups to engage in discussion on.
★. No spamming, copy pasting or posting irrespective positive words instead engage in conversation, ask questions and provide answers etc
Note: All tasks should be done with a minimum of 5 days, using 1-4 days to complete tasks will result to no stakes for the week.
Fill the registration form:
Rewards: High quality: 3 stakes
Good quality: 2 stakes
Average quality: 1 stake
Rules: 1. Each participant can write 1 article only.
2. Articles should be quality and unique with a minimum of 500 words.
(Participants who copy the project's website, whitepaper or ANN thread, will not receive rewards).
Views and comments at least 10 likes/comments/upvotes or 100 claps would be taken note of.
3. High engagements but poor quality articles will not be rewarded. Stakes will be awarded
based on quality and the number of engagements with other criteria.
4. Quality articles with less or no engagements will be rewarded accordingly.
5. Participants' forum accounts should be at least 3 months old prior to participating in the article campaign.
6. Articles should be published on blogs recommended by us: Steemit, Medium and LinkedIn and must be publicly accessible.
7. Content must focus on a relevant topic: Project features, Staking / Liquidity rewards, Presale,
Latest project's token updates, Blockchain, etc.
8. Only quality and original content will be accepted. Removal/deletion will result in disqualification.
9. Published Articles must include at least 2 images of the project, link to the Proof of Authentication, the project's website,
Medium page, Twitter page, Telegram group, YouTube channel or any other social media.
10. Please provide enough details of the writer at the end of the article to ensure authenticity. This will be verified!
11. By joining this program, participants accept that the project's team can use all these articles as marketing materials.
Fill the registration form:
Rewards: High quality: 3 stakes
Good quality: 2 stakes
Average quality: 1 stake
Rules: 1. Each participant can send 1 video only.
2. Participants must have at least 500+ youtube subscribers. Videos need to be a minimum of 3 minutes in length.
3. Participants' forum account should be at least 3 months old prior to participating in the video campaign.
4. Video contents must focus on a relevant topic: project features, latest project's token updates, blockchain, etc.
5. Only original video content will be accepted. Copy from the project website, YouTube channels or from others' work will be rejected.
6. Face cam video will be highly recommended and considered. Video created with mobile devices and bot voices will not be rewarded.
There will be slim considerations for good quality animation video with bot voices.
7. High engagements but poor quality video will not be rewarded. Stakes will be awarded based on the number of engagements and quality.
8. Videos should never be removed. Removal/deletion will result in disqualification.
9. All videos need to have a link to the Proof of Authentication, project's website,
Medium page, Twitter page, Telegram group, YouTube channel or any other social media.
10. Please provide enough details of the producer (bounty hunter) at the end of the video to ensure authenticity. This will be verified!
11. By joining this program, all participants accept that the project's team can use all these videos as marketing materials.
Fill the registration form:
Note: I am not a part of the team, I was hired as a bounty manager to manage their bounty. Please join on your own risk, and if you want to invest please do your own research. I did my research too but I can be wrong.