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1  Economy / Scam Accusations / BEWARE OF USER "wmz1987" <- SCAMMER on: December 07, 2015, 07:52:34 PM
I was scammed by the user "wmz1987" and I do not want him to scam anyone else who might be dealing with him. Please take this as a warning if you are planning on/have been dealing with him.

Here is a link to my scam accusation thread with proof:
2  Economy / Scam Accusations / User "wmz1987" IS a scammer! Beware! **Proof in thread** on: December 07, 2015, 06:22:45 PM
I was unfortunately scammed by the user "wmz1987" for $20 worth of bitcoin.

I made a deal to buy $20 worth of bitcoin from "wmz1987" with me sending the money first via PayPal:



Which I did and then waited for the promised, at the time, BTC0.0556, to which he did not send. I messaged him multiple times, his status saying "online", and asked him if he scammed me. To which he responded:



He never sent the bitcoin and ceased communication for the day. I messaged him several times to no avail. Not wanting to jump to conclusions I decided to just wait for a response. Eventually he did respond:



I never received a response to that message. Nor any others I sent within the next five days. I finally decided that I was scammed. Not before asking to to please at least respond and work things out as to not be labeled a scammer.



I have not received any payment from him or messages since.

I realize that it isn't the best choice to deal over PP but I was okay with sending the payment first as he didn't have a negative trust level. I don't want to reverse the transaction either as I still have hope he will eventually pay me the bitcoin owed.

In short do not trust "wmz1987" as he is a SCAMMER

If you are reading this wmz1987 please contact me and I will delete this thread and the negative trust I was forced to give your account.

The email he uses for PP:

Here is his facebook: if you get a skype message with this facebook user attached DO NOT TRADE.


He scammed another user it seems. Link is to the thread where the potential scam happened. Facebook link provided by user in that thread who also may have been scammed.
3  Economy / Games and rounds / **XBOX Live Gold Raffle!** on: December 04, 2015, 03:51:14 AM
Win an XBOX Live gold 48 hr code & make bitcoin!

What you have to do in order to be eligible for the raffle:

There is a site called where you deposit any amount of BTC, however small (deposit 1 satoshi they don't care!), but right now they are currently matching however much BTC you deposit; and you get a daily 0.02%% return on your deposited BTC! I have been using it and have been getting 0.02% daily. You can withdraw the BTC you deposit at any time. Of course they have a referral system that allows me some kind of bonus, so if you sign up under me you might win the raffle!

Here are my current stats as proof they are legit:

Sign up for with my referral link:

You must post in this thread, once you have signed up, with your halleybtc username. This is so I have a way to be sure who to message with the prize!

When you sign up your username will show on my account on the site. The winner will be picked using a randomizer from the list of those who sign up! The raffle ends when there are at least 20 people signed up and have deposited some BTC.

I will choose the winner though a raffle useing

I am in no way affiliated with the site besides being a member.

Good luck!  Smiley
4  Economy / Currency exchange / [WTB] BTC for PP on: December 02, 2015, 07:19:53 PM
I want to buy $40 of BTC with my PP. I only send payment as a non-reverisable "gift". The more trusted the better!

PM me with offers  Smiley
5  Economy / Currency exchange / Looking to buy BTC for GreenDot or possibly another kind of payment on: December 02, 2015, 07:56:12 AM
I am looking to buy some BTC. Please PM me.
Thank you,
6  Economy / Web Wallets / is down? on: November 29, 2015, 04:08:17 PM
Anyone have information on why is down?
7  Economy / Auctions / 2012 5BTC Casascius **Physical Coin Auction** on: November 29, 2015, 03:48:11 PM
Backside of 5BTC Casascius

Frontside of 5BTC Casascius

You are bidding on a single 2012 5BTC Casascius Physical Coin with NO BTC VALUE.

The Coin has been well preserved in a study plastic case and has very minor wear.


The bidding starts at 0.01BTC

Auction will end Tuesday at 1PM EST.
Winner should not send any funds until I contact them at end of auction for address information.
8  Economy / Collectibles / Redeemed Casascius Coins **UPDATE** on: November 29, 2015, 01:05:42 AM
I have some redeemed Casascius coins and was wondering what they are worth to collectors. They are each in cases and in good shape.

I have:

(2) 2012 1BTC Casascius
(1) 2013 1BTC Casascius
(2) 2012 5BTC Casascius

Any input would be great. Thank you!

If you were interested in these coins i've started an auction here for one of them:

I am still looking for advice on the coins.

Thank you!
9  Economy / Currency exchange / Need to buy BTC *GreenDot* on: November 26, 2015, 05:33:45 AM
Looking to buy a small amt of BTC using GreenDot.
10  Economy / Currency exchange / 2(two) 2012 casascius physical bitcoins. Fully loaded. on: November 18, 2013, 02:47:19 AM
I have two physical casascius bitcoins, fully loaded, that I am thinking of selling.

PM me if you are interested. Pictures can be provided, just ask for them.
11  Economy / Goods / 2(two) 2012 casascius physical bitcoins. Fully loaded. on: November 18, 2013, 02:46:44 AM
I have two physical casascius bitcoins, fully loaded, that I am thinking of selling.

PM me if you are interested. Pictures can be provided of course once I know you are a solid buyer, I don't want to jeopardize them at all. Also the btc addresses will be provided, and I have sold one last year so I might be able to dig up some references for you.

Thank you for your interest!
12  Economy / Reputation / Battmann's Reputation Thread on: June 05, 2013, 06:41:15 PM
Can't believe I haven't made one of these yet.

Battmann's rep thread go!
13  Economy / Goods / Casascius Physical Bitcoin 2013 Loaded with 1 BTC *PAYPAL ACCEPTED* on: April 24, 2013, 06:39:06 PM
Selling a Casascius Physical Bitcoin - Series 2, 2013 - on eBay currently:

I will also accept payment in BTC for this item: Just post in the thread that you would want to pay by BTC and we might be able to work out a deal.

Enjoy and happy bidding!

*pictures can be found on the eBay link above. The picture of the item is of the item you will receive!

It has been bought by a private collector for a good amount if anyone is interested I might sell my more rare casascious coins, pm me
14  Other / Beginners & Help / Having a hard time finding a place to buy bitcoins? Look no futhur... on: April 07, 2013, 11:14:59 AM
I have noticed around the newbie board that a lot of people want to buy their first bitcoin, but don't know how to go about doing just that in an easy way. So I have launched a quick website to help those in need of a small amount of bitcoin to get them started. If you are looking to buy BTC10 then go someplace else. I will accept almost all payment methods, but they will vary from person to person. Most importantly I have reputation on this forum, and with other members of the site. I don't want to dig through and list them all now, as it is quite early in my country, but this is more of an announcement of the site than anything else. (I will gather some references if need be)

Alrighty, to get to the point the site is called and is available only to newbies who need to get their very first bitcoins. Weather to keep/spend/trade; whatever you want to do to stimulate the BTC economy, and get involved in this currency revolution easily. Again, if you are looking to buy large amounts of bitcoin do not bother emailing me because I will not deal with you.

I hope that many of you newbies can benefit from this service, as well as the bitcoin community as a whole.


15  Bitcoin / Project Development / Ad space for new Bitcoin Sites to get a head start! *Cheap* *Must be Legit* on: April 06, 2013, 06:57:11 AM
I am now selling space on for you new and exciting Bitcoin business!

Just PM me and with your site and I will let you know how much your ad space will be. There are multiple areas of the site such as the front page; the second area with most of the other listings; and lower tier spaces for your sites link and description to reside.

I get over 300+ average page visits that have now begun to spike into the thousands, and if you want some increased traffic then this is the place to put your sites link!

Like I said just PM me and I will negotiate with you over a small fee for a LIFETIME space on my site!

I am a reasonable, and friendly person, so don't hesitate to message me with your site and I will look it over to make sure it is not a scam or otherwise,

Here is a picture to prove the recent traffic increase I have been experiencing:

P.S. No blog.spam_bulllshit
16  Economy / Services / Ad space for new Bitcoin Sites to get a head start! *Cheap* on: April 06, 2013, 05:16:49 AM
I am now selling space on for you new and exciting Bitcoin business!

Just PM me and with your site and I will let you know how much your ad space will be. There are multiple areas of the site such as the front page; the second area with most of the other listings; and lower tier spaces for your sites link and description to reside.

I get over 300+ average page visits that have now begun to spike into the thousands, and if you want some increased traffic then this is the place to put your sites link!

Like I said just PM me and I will negotiate with you over a small fee for a LIFETIME space on my site!

I am a reasonable, and friendly person, so don't hesitate to message me with your site and I will look it over to make sure it is not a scam or otherwise,

Here is a picture to prove the recent traffic increase I have been experiencing:

17  Bitcoin / Hardware / Just purchased a ModMiner QUAD... on: April 06, 2013, 12:08:37 AM
I just bought a ModMiner QUAD from and was wondering what flavor of linux will be best suited for running this miner?

Any help is appreciated!
18  Bitcoin / Mining support / Just purchased a ModMiner QUAD... on: April 06, 2013, 12:08:20 AM
I just bought a ModMiner QUAD from and was wondering what flavor of linux will be best suited for running this miner?

Any help is appreciated!
19  Bitcoin / Mining support / Just purchased a ModMiner QUAD... on: April 06, 2013, 12:06:58 AM
I just bought a ModMiner QUAD from and was wondering what flavor of linux will be best suited for running this miner?

Any help is appreciated!
20  Bitcoin / Mining support / Just purchased a ModMiner QUAD... on: April 06, 2013, 12:06:46 AM
I just bought a ModMiner QUAD from and was wondering what flavor of linux will be best suited for running this miner?

Any help is appreciated!
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