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21  Other / Politics & Society / Russian fligh controllers saved 2 passanger liners over the Sea of Japan on: May 22, 2016, 03:59:13 PM
Russian ATC controllers had to divert the course of 2 European passenger liners over the Sea of Japan. The reason for this was an unidentified flying object travelling at 11.000 meters with its transponder turned off and not responding to the controllers' calls.

The liners that were diverted to avoid collision were first KLM flight and then a Swiss flight. The pilot of the Swiss flight also reported about a visual contact with this unidentified object, which turned out to be a heavy 4-engine liner. It is suspected that it was a reconnaissance plane (my guess is: an American one).
22  Other / Politics & Society / Memorial Concert from Palmyra (On Air now) on: May 05, 2016, 03:23:13 PM
"With a Prayer for Palmyra. Music is reviving the ancient walls." is a memorial concert from the ancient almost destroyed by ISIS terrorists ancient city, which has been liberated and secured by the Russian forces.

Russian state television flew in all the equipment needed for the organisation and translation of the concert, which is taking place at this moment.

Below is a snippet from the newscast about preparations for the concert:

A lot of work is needed to reconstruct the ancient Palmyra, but it will be reconstructed, with the current estimates being 7 years of meticulous work.

Currently On Air Live at RT:
23  Other / Politics & Society / Putin’s biggest failure on: April 23, 2016, 03:45:29 PM
This is a refreshingly objective article with criticism (and not shit-fronting) of Putin:

Whatever happens in the future, Putin has already secured his place in history as one of the greatest Russian leaders ever. Not only did he succeed in literally resurrecting Russia as a country, but in a little over a decade he brought her back as a world power capable of successfully challenging the AngloZionist Empire. The Russian people have clearly recognized this feat and, according to numerous polls, they are giving him an amazing 90% support rate. And yet, there is one crucial problem which Putin has failed to tackle: the real reason behind the apparent inability of the Kremlin to meaningfully reform the Russian economy.

As I have described it in the past many times, when Putin came to power in 1999-2000 he inherited a system completely designed and controlled by the USA. During the Eltsin years, Russian ministers had much less power than western ‘advisers’ who turned Russia into a US colony. In fact, during the 1990s, Russia was at least as controlled by the USA as Europe and the Ukraine are today. And the results were truly catastrophic: Russia was plundered from her natural wealth, billions of dollars were stolen and hidden in western offshore accounts, the Russian industry was destroyed, a unprecedented wave of violence, corruption and poverty drowned the entire country in misery and the Russian Federation almost broke up into many small statelets. It was, by any measure, an absolute nightmare, a horror comparable to a major war. Russia was about to explode and something had to be done.

Two remaining centers of power, the oligarchs and the ex-KGB, were forced to seek a solution to this crisis and they came up with the idea of sharing power: the former would be represented by Dmitrii Medvedev and the latter by Vladimir Putin. Both sides believed that they would keep the other side in check and that this combination of big money and big muscle would yield a sufficient degree of stability

I call the group behind Medvedev the “Atlantic Integrationists” and the people behind Putin the “Eurasian Sovereignists”. The former wants Russia to be accepted by the West as an equal partner and fully integration Russia into the AngloZionist Empire, while the latter want to fully “sovereignize” Russia and then create a multi-polar international system with the help of China and the other BRICS countries.

What the Atlantic Integrationists did not expect is that Putin would slowly but surely begin to squeeze them out of power: first he cracked down on the most notorious oligarchs such as Berezovskii and Khodorkovskii, then he began cracking down on the local oligarchs, gubernatorial mafias, ethnic mobsters, corrupt industry officials, etc. Putin restored the “vertical [axis]of power” and crushed the Wahabi insurgents in Chechnia. Putin even carefully set up the circumstances needed to get rid of some of the worst ministers such as Serdiukov and Kudrin. But what Putin has so far failed to do is to

    Reform the Russian political system
    Replace the 5th columnists in and around the Kremlin
    Reform the Russian economy

The current Russian Constitution and system of government is a pure product of the US ‘advisors’ which, after the bloody crackdown against the opposition in 1993, allowed Boris Eltsin to run the country until 1999. It is paradoxical that the West now speaks of a despotic presidency about Putin when all he did is inherit a western-designed political system. The problem for Putin today is that it makes no sense to replace some of the worst people in power as long as the system remains unchanged. But the main obstacle to a reform of the political system is the resistance of the pro-Western 5th columnists in and around the Kremlin. They also the ones who are still forcing a set of “Washington consensus” kind of policies upon Russia even though it is obvious that the consequences for Russia are extremely bad, even disastrous. There is no doubt that Putin understands that, but he has been unable, at least so far, to break out of this dynamic

So who are these 5th columnists?

24  Other / Politics & Society / US taxpayer money well-spent... on: April 22, 2016, 04:55:13 PM
One failed drop is already too much.  Roll Eyes
25  Other / Politics & Society / The expected outcome of the yellow revolution in Brazil on: April 22, 2016, 03:13:14 PM
The article below does a good visual comparison of the initial stages of the destruction of Ukraine an Brazil:

Destabilizing Brazil: Impeachment of Dilma Rousseff – Scary Parallels with Ukraine


One might say that what is happening in Brazil are just democratic protests against government corruption. The thing is that many on Kiev Maidan also naively thought it was just a democratic protest against government corruption. But the foreign interests interfered in order to turn these protests into a force that would destroy the country. Before anyone knew what hit them, the protests turned into a bloody mess and a full-blown civil war, coupled with brutal fascist regime – something that many of us thought was impossible in Ukraine.

I have warned about the heavy consequences of what is happening in Brazil for the future of the country, especially in view of the upcoming 2016 Rio Olympics. The Olympics are likely to be seriously compromised when the country is destabilized.

The destabilization is THE goal. Brazil has gotten too ambitious, too proud of its recent successes and too independent for the liking of the US. The drunkenness from past success played a bad joke: Brazilian government got careless both nationally and internationally.

Destabilization of Brazil is payback to Dilma for rebelling against US domination and for her attempt to form an international coalition against NSA wiretapping. Having learned she had been a victim of NSA wiretapping, Rousseff also attempted to rally international support for the creation of the internet, independent of the US. She and Lula are now paying for all that.

26  Other / Politics & Society / Reject Ukraine EU Association! Plea to Netherlands Before Dutch Referendum on: April 05, 2016, 03:18:46 PM
Reject Ukraine EU Association! Handicapped Ukrainian’s Plea to Netherlands Before Dutch Referendum

Я украинец / I am a Ukranian
Patriottistische gehandicapte oekraïner, adresseert Nederlanders!

On April 6 the Netherlands will vote in a referendum whether to approve Ukraine’s association with EU, or not. This explosive video from Alexey Zhuravko (RUS: Алексей Журавко) is a plea and call for the Dutch people to reject this association.

Zuravko is a Ukrainian patriot. He is a severely handicapped person, who, despite his disability, has been accused by the Kiev junta of treason and terrorism, and forced to flee the country. Before 2014 coup, Zhuravko was a Ukraine Rada deputy. He is originally from Kherson Oblast, on the border with Crimea. He knows first hand the plight of simple Ukrainians, who continue keeping in touch with him, telling him all their problems. His own Kherson Oblast is in a catastrophic state, being occupied by violent ukro-nazi battalions, Turkish and Crimean Tatar Mejlis militants, as well as ISIS militants.

Video (ENG with RUS and Dutch subs):

The closing sentence is hard to hear. Just to make sure you don’t miss it, here it is:

‘I am a Ukrainian. For the sake of Ukraine, for the sake of European values and ideals, for the sake of the people of Ukraine, I ask you to reject Ukraine’s EU association agreement.’
27  Other / Politics & Society / Meanwhile in Brazil... a colour revolution. on: March 16, 2016, 12:19:47 PM
A lot of good info from sources in Brazil:

Brazil Color Revolution: Corruption, Dilma, Lula, Zika and 2016 Olympics. Lada Ray Report and Predictions

Looks like a "yellow" one:

28  Other / Politics & Society / Bush Family Links to Nazi Germany on: March 08, 2016, 12:32:02 PM
Bush Family Links to Nazi Germany: “A Famous American Family” Made its Fortune from the Nazis

“A  famous American family” made its fortune from the Nazis, according to John Loftus’ documented historical analysis.    

The Bush family links to Nazi Germany’s war economy were first brought to light at the Nuremberg trials in the testimony of Nazi Germany’s steel magnate Fritz Thyssen. Thyssen was a partner of George W. Bush’s grandfather Prescott Bush:

    From 1945 until 1949 in Nuremberg, one of the lengthiest and, it now appears, most futile interrogations of a Nazi war crimes suspect began in the American Zone of Occupied Germany.

Multibillionaire steel magnate Fritz Thyssen-the man whose steel combine was the cold heart of the Nazi war machine-talked and talked and talked to a joint US-UK interrogation team.

… What the Allied investigators never understood was that they were not asking Thyssen the right question. Thyssen did not need any foreign bank accounts because his family secretly owned an entire chain of banks.

He did not have to transfer his Nazi assets at the end of World War II, all he had to do was transfer the ownership documents – stocks, bonds, deeds and trusts–from his bank in Berlin through his bank in Holland to his American friends in New York City: Prescott Bush and Herbert Walker [father in law of Prescott Bush]. Thyssen’s partners in crime were the father and [grandfather] of a future President of the United States [George Herbert Walker Bush]. (John Loftus, How the Bush family made its fortune from the Nazis: The Dutch Connection, Global Research, February 2002, edit by GR)

The American public is not aware of the links of the Bush family to Nazi Germany because the historical record has been carefully withheld by the mainstream media.

In September 2004, however, The Guardian revealed that:

    George Bush’s grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany.

    The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism.

    His business dealings, which continued until his company’s assets were seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act, has led more than 60 years later to a civil action for damages being brought in Germany against the Bush family by two former slave labourers at Auschwitz and to a hum of pre-election controversy.

    The evidence has also prompted one former US Nazi war crimes prosecutor to argue that the late senator’s action should have been grounds for prosecution for giving aid and comfort to the enemy. ( Ben Aris and Duncan Campbell, How the Bush’s Grandfather Helped Hitlers Rise to Power,   Guardian, September 25, 2004)

29  Other / Politics & Society / Only In America: An Indiscreet Selfie Can Put A Kid In Prison on: March 07, 2016, 11:51:13 PM
Wait! What?

Only In America: An Indiscreet Selfie Can Put A Kid In Prison

Did you know that if you are an American under 18 years old and you use your cell phone to send a nude “selfie” of yourself to a friend, you can be convicted of manufacturing and distributing “child pornography” and sent to prison? In case you are too old to be in the loop, a “selfie” is a photo that one makes of oneself.


I first thought that was a joke, when I read the title...
30  Other / Politics & Society / Americans bomb Doctors Without Borders hospital again - this time in Syria on: February 16, 2016, 11:18:47 AM
Last time US Air Force bombed a Doctors Without Borders hospital, it happened in Afghanistan and went on for 30 minutes.

This time, American repeated their feat and bombed a hospital of the same organisation in Syria - on the 15th of February in province Idlib! And if that was not enough, they projected their crime on Russia, dumping the hoax into the puppet MSM.

23 people died as the result of the American airstrike, 8 more are wounded.

Syrian ambassador in Moscow came with criticism of the American airstrikes on the hospital (it is worth remembering that the American forces are present illegally in Syria - only Russian and Iranian forces have the official request for assistance as per international law)

Meanwhile, Russia is sending radio-electronic and optical reconnaissance plane TU-215R to Syria. Looks like Russia needs to keep a closer eye on the interventionist forces.
31  Other / Politics & Society / ISIS Theatens to Blow Up Syria’s Strategic Dam on: January 26, 2016, 02:46:31 PM
Are We About to Witness Another US Failure in the Middle East? ISIS Theatens to Blow Up Syria’s Strategic Dam

Part of ISIS – Daesh has holed up at Tabqa, Syria’s strategically most important dam, where they use high value hostages to shield themselves from bombings. The dam, if breached, will flood and devastate large parts of eastern Syria, creating massive humanitarian disaster for this long-suffering country.

Remember my prediction in ESR5: SYRIA GAME CHANGER? US would do everything to avoid colliding with Russia in Syria. This prediction is now playing out.

Russia primarily covers Syria’s long Mediterranean coast, up to the Turkish border. It is along the coast where the capital Damascus, Assad government, most of the population and Russian base are located. Slowly but surely, the territory controlled by Assad is expanding, thanks to Russian air support and efforts of Syrian army.

Important Syria update for the readers of Earth Shift Reports!

The newest stats from Russian analysts are:

Assad army numbers: 200-250 thousand troops, including various local self-defence and international volunteer units.

All armed opposition, including ISIS, Al Nusra, Al Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood, etc., numbers 150,000. This number also includes what US insists is ‘moderate armed opposition.’ However, by all accounts, real bandits and militants change coloring depending on who pays more at any given moment, or to save their lives: today they are Al Nusra, and tomorrow – ‘moderate opposition.’ In reality, political opposition in Syria doesn’t have serious military muscle, while the majority of those who have aren’t moderate.


The latest announcement from the US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter: US is sending one of its divisions with substantial Iraq experience. It appears the division he’s referring to had previously sustained heavy losses in Iraq. Is that what Carter means by experience?

So, the ‘Nobel Peace Prize Laureate’ Barack Obama is sending American troops to yet another country, but only after Russian Airforce and Syrian army did most of the work.

The irony isn’t lost on anyone. The whole thing reminds me – a painful similarity noted by many analysts – of 1944, when USA hastily opened the second front, but only after it became clear that Russians could easily roll through all of Europe, claiming single-handed WWII victory.

32  Other / Politics & Society / Thread for name-calling of politicians on: January 18, 2016, 12:08:48 PM
Hillary Clinton, who is soon to be appointed Empress (or Empress) of the American Empire, commented her attitude towards Putin and went kindergarten on him, resorting to name-calling - in her view he's a "hooligan".

Well, I know for a fact that Putin will not stoop down to her level and start calling her names, but there is nothing that says that we can't have some fun. And, besides, giving "middle-names" seems to be an American tradition anyway.

All politicians is a fair game, and then only thing I'd ask, is to give a very short justification for your choice.

Seeing as Hillary started it, let's start with her:

Hillary "Butcher" Clinton - for her (and her husband's) work in performing the genocide of the Serbian population of Yugoslavia.

Victoria "Cookie" Nuland (nee Nudelman) - for her promotion of "democratic" cookies on Maidan, which lead to the destruction of Ukraine. She is also vying for another middle-name - "Bully" - for her actions in Odessa, when she was an exchange student there in 1982 (

Joe "Wormtongue" Biden - for the dual standards and spreading of poison in international relations.
33  Other / Politics & Society / Nikolai Starikov on Dollar and Who/Why Collapsed the Ruble on: January 11, 2016, 07:14:44 PM
Nikolai Starikov on Dollar and Who/Why Collapsed the Ruble (ENG subs)

This video article reaches even further than to Russian economy. It pokes at the core of the problem - the privately-owned central banks, a plague to which Russia is subjected as well.

There is one reader comment that I want to quote in full:

Fanie | January 8, 2016 at 2:43 pm

Dear Lada,

I like that he explains to the people what is happening there. That is supposed to be how everything in a country works. Openness and transparency.

People have been taught to think a specific way. One of these perceptions are that you need money.

To trade previously, you had to offer something of a certain value in exchange for something of the same value. But what if your item is worth more than the item you want, hence fair exchange is not possible. To overcome this the grain (rice grains) was called into use. So many rice grains represented a certain value. Then metals were used, gold, silver and other.

Then the controllers decided they wanted it all for themselves, they want all the gold and silver and any precious metal, because the value is sustainable over a long time. First they replaced the real gold coins with fake gold coins, and kept the real gold for themselves. Then the biggest scam ever were put into practice. Paper represented value. Let me phrase that differently. Worthless paper replaced gold and other valuable metals. The valuable metals they keep, but they give you worthless paper and tells you it has value. In reality that piece of paper is worth just what the paper is worth, nothing more.

But you think it has worth, because that is what you have been taught. Now by manipulating the represented worth of the currency, they can make you richer or poorer. All you need to do is google an exchange rate. The source of this fraud is the English, and surprise surprise, their currency is worth the most ! A little island with no natural resources, who can only call themselves “great britain” by thieving, stealing and corrupting and abuse others as slaves. Including Russia. In fact, the whole world has been lured into using this scam through the English banks.

Even worse, is that the money is created out of nothing. If you loan money, they type in their computer how much and the money is created. Like God, they created something out of nothing. Over and above that (because simple fraud is not enough), they have to charge you interest. If you loan R100 and there is 10% interest, where must the 10% come from ? To accommodate all this, there has to be more money printed, but this additional money is against the current value of the country. Hence the currency value is reduced (devaluated), and the same currency can now buy less.

Hence a country’s currency is continuously devaluated through the banks. The only thing opposing this devaluating is when new developments are continuously created at a rate which compares to the devaluating rate. If there are no new developments crated, then the currency loses value.

This currency created from thin air gets sent to the controlling bank as an asset for them, which they hold you for, and the amount becomes the debt of the people. So if this fraud plays itself out, and the country becomes so deep in debt that they cannot repay, then the bank can lay claim on your assets. Land. The life right of the people of that country, because without land, the soil, you have no where to live. To hide that it is life right, your land, your soil they scam out of you, they call it “property”. If you buy a house and the bank “finances” it, then the “property, the land, belongs to the bank. If you cannot pay they take the land. They get land in your country under the corrupt scam of “financing”.

When enough debt is created, the country work for the banks, because that is where all the currency goes. This is called slavery. An English colony has been created which is exploited to the maximum. The people can never get rid of the bank system, unless the government finally realize it is a scam and throws it out.

When a country’s currency collapses, all the banks lose is paper. But they still have all the valuable assets they stole. Land, industries, and most of all, they possess the people, they even control the government.

If you have everything you need, how much money do you need ? In the Boer Republics every one was independent. They were dirt poor in terms of money, but they were free and had everything they needed. Nobody possessed them and no one held a sword over their heads. This independence took a world war which lasted three years and nearly bankrupted the British, pooling from their colonies to gain power over the Boers. The Boers finally agreed to a treaty called the Zandrivier peace treaty where under the Boers would get their Republics back. This never happened, because the English wanted open and unhindered access to the king solomon’s mines (google it), the world’s gold pot, and for that the English were prepared to commit every crime there is to get.

As I said before, the power of a country lies in it’s people, not the government, not the president. If your people are independent and self sustaining, what is there that country can be controlled by ? Absolutely nothing. My place is 70% off the grid. I use a little electricity (if needed), I harvest rain water and started growing my own vegetables. When the power rates goes up, or there are power cuts, it affects me very little. Food prices and water supply is regulated, it does not affect me seriously, I even maintain the pool level from the harvested rain water. If terrorists blows up the power supply, or the water supply… I can survive, and even help others. If everyone is motivated to become independent, then that country becomes bullet proof. Nobody can harm it by controlling it.

Get rid of those banks. Their promises does not hold up, it is corrupt and slavery is illegal.
Create your own independent bank which acts as a service to the people, with zero interest rates to loans. You will be amazed how quickly the currency will restore and improve the life standard of the country when there is not a continuous leak of currency out of the country. It has been done before and it works.

For those wondering if there is a nation called the Boers, here is a reference in Russia for you –
For children a trip to Muir and Merrilees was a real treat, for the most fascinating toys awaited them. Each one had a little label attached to it with its name: Wooden horses covered in wool; clockwork bear made from fur: does somersaults. At that time a very popular toy was a metal clockwork Boer on horseback, and when in 1899 the Boer War broke out between Great Britain and the Boers, Russian sympathies were with the Boers.

During the War, Russia supplied medical aid to the Boers. Thank you.
34  Economy / Exchanges / Coinbase - account auto-creation on: January 05, 2016, 11:15:32 PM
Just received an email, which seems to be from, according to the header.

Hi New User

Welcome to Coinbase! We've auto-generated an account for you based on your email.

[Set A Password On Your Account]

We're looking forward to helping you make some bitcoin payments. Talk to you soon!

Get the latest Coinbase App for your phone.

But... where did they get my e-mail from? Do they do harvesting?

Header snip:

Received: from ( [])
        by with ESMTPS id d193si69414611qka.54.2016.
        (version=TLS1 cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA bits=128/128);
        Tue, 05 Jan 2016 14:15:52 -0800 (PST)
Received-SPF: pass ( domain of designates as permitted sender) client-ip=;
       spf=pass ( domain of designates as permitted sender);
       dmarc=pass (p=QUARANTINE dis=NONE)
35  Other / Politics & Society / Earth Shift Report 7: The Battle for Eurasia! TURKISH CONUNDRUM on: December 17, 2015, 06:18:20 PM
Earth Shift Report 7: The Battle for Eurasia! TURKISH CONUNDRUM

A heads-up about a very detailed for-donation report from Lada Ray for those, wishing to know what is going on in and around Syria, and what Qatar and Turkey are doing.

Read in this report:

Maps of the Ottoman Empire at its peak, Present day Turkey, decline of Ottoman Empire by country and year.

Is Erdogan trying to resurrect Ottoman Empire?
Has he lost his mind or is confrontation with Russia a well-thought out strategy?
Is Ahmet Davutoglu Erdogan’s Gray Cardinal, or is he the real puppet master?
Can Turkey Block Black Sea straits?
Who is wagging whom: US Erdogan or Erdogan US?
What will Russia do?

The region is boiling over and may blow up at any moment. Everything that is happening in this region, however unconnected it may appear, is invisibly orchestrated from one and the same center. In this report we’ll connect all the dots and form the full picture!​

Who controls whom? What does the body language tell us? Can you tell by these images? Photo album of Erdogan with Davutoglu, Obama, Putin and Assad. They tell quite a story! With Lada’s body, eye and hand language interpretations.

Full list of topics discussed in this report:

The Great Earth Shift, tectonic change and human society
New Turkish provocation – Russian destroyer fires warning shots against Turkish boat
The money trail: Who organized the flood of refugees to Europe?
ISIL oil = Turkey’s bounty
About the ‘free’ market hoax and how oil prices are formed
Qatar: Terrorist State Extraordinaire of the Middle East
Al Jazeera Network – at the service of ISIL and Turkey
Who ordered the Russian passenger plane catastrophe over Sinai, Egypt
The invisible link between Qatar and Turkey
How Russia spoiled Turkey, Qatar and USA’s game
It’s 1944 all over again. What are US/Germany/UK/France doing in Syria
What is Turkey’s army doing in Iraq?
World’s largest ethnos without a state: the wild card of the Kurds
​ERDOGAN’s Turkey
Who gave order to shoot down Russian Su-24 jet?
Is Erdogan mad or is this a part of a well-though-out plan?
Devolution of Erdogan and Turkey
Bulgaria in the dark: from Ottoman Empire to NATO and EU
Russia – Turkey relations
Ahmet Davutoglu – Erdogan’s Gray Cardinal or the Hitler of Turkey?
Neo-Ottoman Pan-Turkism and Resurrection of the Ottoman Khalifate
How Turkey infiltrated post-Soviet space
The real reason Russia agreed to enter WWI
How Russia was swindled of Constantinople and Bosphorus and Dardanelles Straits
Erdogan and Turkey – stepping on Saakashvili and Georgia’s rake?
The volatile issue of the Black Sea Straits – Can Turkey close Bosphorus and Dardanelles?
Will Russia press for the transfer of the Black Sea Straits?
The 1992 Black Sea Straits incident
Deja Vu: Who benefits from the destruction of Turkish – Russian relations?

P.S. 12/15/15: What does Kerry want in Moscow? Lavrov and Putin: Turkey, ISIL, Syria, Iraq, NATO rift, ground troops negotiations on likely talks agenda

Stay tuned for next ESR: BLACK SEA GAMBIT – it’ll take over where TURKISH CONUNDRUM left off! A preliminary list of explosive events surrounding Black Sea inside this report!
36  Other / Politics & Society / German Media on Putin hit-piece overdrive on: December 16, 2015, 05:55:35 PM
The Soros-controlled Bild and some other German publications launched an avalanche of hit-pieces on Putin this week, calling him a "war criminal" and accusing him of killing children, destroying hospitals on the ISIS-controlled territories, destroying a bread factory, from which good ISIS fed hundreds of thousands of Syrians, bombing border crossings to Turkey, over which exclusively humanitarian convoys are crossing, etc, etc...

German TV has also launched a series of negative opinion-forming documentaries on Putin.

And they also wonder why, despite all these efforts, Putin remains popular in Russia... What can I say, at least in Russia black PR works poorly or gives the opposite results. As Obi Wan Kenobi said to Darth Vader, "You can't win, Dart. If you strike me down, I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine." That's the way of the Russians peoples' mindset in a nutshell. Smiley

Meanwhile, New York Post has gone mental and necromantic in Putinomania and sees him on 100-year-old photos:

It feels like someone is desperate to do some opinion-shaping ahead of the Q&A press conference with Putin, which is to be held tomorrow...
37  Other / Politics & Society / Documentaries: "Murder of Yugoslavia" and "Democracy of Mass Destruction" on: December 16, 2015, 01:47:03 PM
Two Documentaries: "Murder of Yugoslavia" and "Democracy of Mass Destruction"

Full text below:

Russian television aired this week two documentaries, which I can almost guarantee will never be shown on the History Channel in the West. Not because they are difficult to translate from Russian, but because they don't tow the official American party line and will be considered dissidence by the Western media censorship.

Alas, I do not have time to translate them, but I will present translations of the blurbs/summaries on the TV channel's pages.

The first one is...

How Yugoslavia was Murdered. The Shadow of Dayton

On November 21, 1995 world news agencies reported breaking news from the United States. At a military base in Dayton, the presidents of Serbia, Croatia and the leader of the Bosnian Muslims signed an agreement on cessation of the civil war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In accordance with it, this part of the former Yugoslavia is now divided into the Muslim-Croat Federation and Republika Srpska (Serbian Republic). An international force under NATO command is deployed there to control the borders and to support the truce - only about 60,000 people, half of whom are Americans. The Serbs, who at that time controlled almost 75% of the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina went to the serious concessions and agreed to keep only 49% of the territory. This was done for the sake of ending the civil war, which by that time virtually destroyed the former Yugoslavia.

In Dayton, President Clinton told reporters about the "key role" of Slobodan Milosevic in ending the civil war and call the Serbian president "guarantor of peace in the Balkans." Just a few years after these statements, Serbia will be subjected to crushing air strikes by the US and NATO, will lose Kosovo, while the "guarantor of peace" Slobodan Milosevic, will die under mysterious circumstances in a prison of the Hague Tribunal.

Former Minister of Information of the Republic of Srpska, Miroslav Tohol, believes that the Dayton Accords were merely an intermediary for the strategic plans of the US and its allies to advance NATO eastward.

The civil war in Bosnia and Herzegovina was the most destructive military confrontation in Europe since World War II. Initially, the conflict was triggered by the unilateral decision of the Bosnian and Croatian deputies of the local parliament to secede from Yugoslavia. In doing so, they completely ignored the opinion of the Bosnian Serbs, who made up more then 31% of the population of this Yugoslav republic.

In fact, it was hinted to the Bosnian Serbs that from now on they will have the role of a powerless minority in the new nationalist state of Bosnians and Croats. In response, Serbian communities began formation of their own government structures. European countries have tried to stop the development of the conflict by proposing a peace plan for the division of Bosnia and Herzegovina into territories, in which the governance is transferred to the ethnic majority. In the spring of 1992, the plan was approved and even signed by representatives of the three communities, but the unexpected intervention of the United States has destroyed all hopes for peace.

The civil war in Bosnia and Herzegovina lasted for almost four years. As the result, one of the most beautiful and prosperous regions of Europe was completely destroyed and covered with blood.

According to the official data, the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina took the lives of 100,000 people, according to unofficial - twice as much. Of the four and a half million inhabitants of the republic, almost three million have become refugees. The spilled rivers of blood have forever divided the lives of the two communities - Serb and Muslim-Croat.

The bloody confrontation in Bosnia and Herzegovina was accompanied by all the horrors of the civil and religious wars - ethnic cleansing, secret concentration camps, brutal torture and mass rape. All the while, all the parties to the conflict once belonged to a single Slavic people, with a common language and culture. Separation into Catholics, Orthodox and Muslims was the result of five centuries of Ottoman rule, foreign invasions and the expansion of the Vatican City.

Strange blindness and one-sidedness in the coverage of the conflict, according to Serbian analysts, was the result of an unprecedented information war that the Western countries have declared on the then Serbian leadership, because of their attempts to preserve a united Yugoslavia.

At the same time, the Western journalists were completely silent about the facts of participation in the war of thousands of Islamic terrorists from other countries on the side of the Bosnian units.

In addition to the information war, Western countries also declared an economic war on the Serbs. Tough sanctions were imposed on Serbia for support of the compatriots and assistance to refugees. The most defenceless categories of the population became their main victims - the elderly and children, but the international community for some reason didn't care about their fate.

As a result, for the attempts to resist the destruction of Yugoslavia, the Serbs virtually ended up in the full economic, political and military blockade. The sanctions were not lifted, even when, in 1994, Milosevic had closed the border between Greater Serbia and the Republika Srpska in Bosnia, to demonstrate to the West the desire for peace. On the contrary, the pressure on Belgrade only intensified, and NATO aircraft started bombing the Bosnian Serbs.

Despite the economic blockade and information pressure , the Bosnian Serbs have managed to defend the Republic and to turn the tide of the war imposed on them. By 1995 they controlled nearly 75% of the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. But, on Aug. 28, 1995 at the Sarajevo Markale market, a series of unexpected and mysterious explosions occurred. 37 civilians were killed, 90 people were injured. Just two or three minutes after crews of major Western broadcasters were working at the scene, saying that it was a mortar attack. By a strange coincidence, the explosions occurred on the eve of the meeting of the representatives of the US Secretary of State with the leader of the Bosnian Muslims Izetbegovic. The US and its allies immediately laid the responsibility for the tragedy on the Serbs, and already by August 30th NATO countries launched a military operation, codenamed "Deliberate Force".

Division of Republika Srpska were subjected to powerful air strikes, which affected the civilian population.

Only after the war, independent experts and criminologists from European countries suggested that the explosion at the Markale is very similar to a carefully planned provocation. Its goal was to create a plausible pretext for open intervention of the United States and its NATO allies in the civil war in the Balkans.

Similar techniques were used against Belgrade in 1999. Then, under the pretext of protecting the Albanian population in Kosovo, NATO aircraft for 11 straight weeks destroyed the infrastructure of Serbia, not sparing even schools and hospitals. As a result of this aggression, 2,500 Serbs were killed and 12,500 were wounded. For the first time since the Second World War, the US and its European allies, by using brute force, tore away Kosovo from Serbia, and changed the borders of an independent state.

The forces fuelling the Balkan conflict were clearly unfamiliar with the history of this region. According to the Serbs, they were forced to take up the arms not only encouraged the new aggressive reality, but also historical memory. Foreign political strategists clearly did not take into account that people, who could defend their right to live while under a multi-century long bloody occupation and genocide, will fight to the end.

Author and Director: Aleksej Denisov.

Highlighting is mine, and those fragments clearly demonstrate the technologies of destruction and fragmentation of states, which were used before Yugoslavia on Russia in 1917 and an in 1992, and now again against Russia through the American invasion and destruction of Ukraine and an open economical warfare against Russia for helping hundreds of thousands ethnic Russian refugees from Malorossia and Novorossia (formerly known as Ukraine between 1917 and 2014). Note how the Markale market provocation bear the same signature as the unidentified snipers on Maidan, shooting at both the protesters and the police.

An at that time Russia was under soft US occupation, so it could do nothing...

The second one is...

Democracy of Mass Destruction

EDIT: English translation at:

A Serbian girl, Christine Milutinovic, is afflicted with acute leukaemia. Christine is of the same age as the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia. And at the other end of the world, veteran of the US Armed Forces, Doug Rocca, also suffers from numerous diseases. Doug fought in Iraq and Afghanistan. American Rocco and Serb Milutinovic are victims of depleted uranium shells.

From the nuclear bombing of Japan in World War II and until today the United States participated in almost all of the military conflicts in different parts of the world: Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, Latin America, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria ... Calling itself "a global peacemaker and bulwark of democracy", the United States has long been trying to become the "world's policeman", all in pursuit of its own interests, and using the latest and constantly developing weapons of mass destruction.

The terrible genetic mutations in the offsprings of Vietnamese guerrillas and of American soldiers who fought in Vietnam in the '70s are equally terrible. "Agent Orange" has become a "time bomb" for several generations of Vietnamese and Americans.

Why is this happening? How do victims of American "democracy of mass destruction" live and fight for their rights today?

Author: Pavel Selin
Director: Denis Argutinskij

In this regard, I'd like to introduce a new term, to distinguish the perversion, imposed on the world by the United States from true Democracy - the rule of the people, as practices in Ancient Greece and in Russia - in Norvgorod Republic which existed between 1136 and 1478.

The new term, which I want to propose id: DEMOCRATISM - as destructive as most of the other "-ism"s.

Here is a (almost) complete list of the countries, where USA instilled (and I mean "instilled" and not "installed"!) or attempted to instil democratism:

1949 Greece
1952 Cuba
1953 Iran
1953 British Guyana
1954 Guatemala
1955 South Vietnam
1957 Haiti
1958 Laos
1960 South Korea
1960 Laos
1960 Ecuador.
1963 Dominican Republic
1963 South Vietnam
1963 Honduras
1963 Guatemala
1963 Ecuador.
1964 Brazil
1964 Bolivia
1965 Zaire.
1966 Ghana
1967 Greece
1970 Cambodia
1970 Bolivia
1972 El Salvador
1973 Chile
1979 South Korea (Pro-USA government wanted)
1980 Liberia
1982 Chad
1983 Grenada
1987 Fiji
1989 Panama
1991 Yugoslavia
1993 Russian Federation
1999 again Yugoslavia (Serbia & MN)
2001 Afghanistan
2002 Venezuela
2003 Iraq
2004 Haiti
2009 Honduras
2011 Libya
2011 Tunisia
2012-2015 Syria
2013 Egypt
2014 Ukraine

(List compiled by: Bryant Coleman @ Bitcointalk)
38  Other / Politics & Society / Putin State of Nation Address 2015 (Full speech) on: December 09, 2015, 01:08:11 PM
I doubt this event was given any attention by the Western MSM, but it's an important watch/read for those, wishing to know what is moving Russia now.

English transcript:

It begins thus:

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Citizens of Russia, members of the Federation Council, State Duma deputies,

I would like to begin my Address with words of gratitude to the Russian servicemen who are fighting international terrorism.

Today here in the St George’s Hall, a historic hall of Russian military glory, we have combat pilots and representatives of the Armed Forces who are taking part in the anti-terrorist operation in Syria.

Gelena Peshkova and Irina Pozynich, who lost their husbands in the war against terror, have joined us too. My deepest respect to you and the parents of our heroes.

I would like us all to honour the memory of the soldiers who gave their lives while doing their duty, and the memory of all Russian citizens who fell at the hands of terrorists.

(Moment of silence)


Russia has long been at the forefront of the fight against terrorism. This is a fight for freedom, truth and justice, for the lives of people and the future of the entire civilisation.

We know what aggression of international terrorism is. Russia faced it back in the mid-1990s, when our country, our civilian population suffered from cruel attacks. We will never forget the hostage crises in Budennovsk, Beslan and Moscow, the merciless explosions in residential buildings, the Nevsky Express train derailment, the blasts in the Moscow metro and Domodedovo Airport.

These tragedies took thousands of lives. We still grieve for them and will always grieve, along with the victims’ loved ones.

It took us nearly a decade to finally break the backbone of those militants. We almost succeeded in expelling terrorists from Russia, but are still fighting the remaining terrorist underground. This evil is still out there. Two years ago, two attacks were committed in Volgograd. A civilian Russian plane was recently blown up over Sinai.
39  Other / Politics & Society / ​US, Canada & Ukraine vote AGAINST Russia's anti-Nazism resolution at UN on: November 26, 2015, 07:55:25 PM
In light of the US/NATO/Turkish aggression against Russia, the following may seem insignificant. It's not.

Wait, what?? ​US, Canada & Ukraine vote AGAINST Russia's anti-Nazism resolution at UN

UN General Assembly's Third Committee passed a Russia-proposed resolution condemning attempts to glorify Nazism ideology and denial of German Nazi war crimes. The US, Canada and Ukraine were the only countries to vote against it.

The resolution was passed on Friday by the committee, which is tasked with tackling social and humanitarian issues and human rights abuses, by 115 votes against three, with 55 nations abstaining, Tass news agency reported.

The document voiced concern over the rise of racism-driven crimes around the world and the influence that parties with extremist agendas are gaining.

It called for a universal adoption of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. Many nations including the US, the UK, China and India, signed the convention but did not recognize a mechanism resolving individual complaints it establishes, which makes the convention unenforceable in their jurisdictions.

The resolution also decried attempts to whitewash Nazi collaborators by depicting them as fighters of nationalist resistance movements and honoring them as such.

It condemned any form of denial of Nazi war crimes, including the Jewish Holocaust.

Russia, which submitted the draft resolution, said it regretted that it could not be adopted unanimously.

"The fact that the US, Canada and Ukraine voted against, while delegations from EU member states abstained in the vote on this draft resolution, which was supported by an overwhelming majority of the UN member states, is extremely regrettable," the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

"Ukraine's position is particularly dispiriting and alarming. One can hardly understand how a country, the people of which suffered their full share of the horrors of Nazism and contributed significantly to our common victory against it, can vote against a resolution condemning its glorification," the ministry said.

40  Other / Politics & Society / Putin: Turkey, who is aiding terrorists, has stabbed us in the back on: November 26, 2015, 06:08:55 PM
Explosive Consequences of Turkey Downing Russian Su-24 Jet in Syria – Complete Analysis and Predictions!

MAP: Russian Su-24 crash scheme by Russian defense ministry:

Russian Defense Ministry demonstrates map of the Su-24M flight which ended in downing by Turkish F-16 jet. Russian MoD insists the jet didn’t violate Turkish airspace, while Ankara says the plane crossed into its territory for 17 seconds, leaked document indicates.

During the moment of Turkey shooting down the Russian Su-24, it flew at the 6km altitude, one kilometer away from Turkish border on the Syrian side. The plane was shot down by AMERICAN missiles from American-made F-16 employed by TURKISH army, in retaliation for Russia successfully bombing Syrian terrorists, whom they call ‘Turkmen,’ and who are financed, trained and openly supported by Turkey.

In the area in which the plane was shot down there is no peaceful population. It is the territory fully controlled by various armed thugs, fed by Turkey to create havoc on Syrian territory.

It has been known that Turkey actively recruits terrorists in the former Soviet republics of Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, as well as in the Russian Chechnya and Dagestan, through a wide network of mosques and extremist Islamist schools they openly organize and finance. The exception are Chechnya and Dagestan on the Russian side, where recruitment is done more subtly.

As was seen on many videos, the plane crashed very quickly. Both pilots ejected. It was also visible on videos how Turkey-supported terrorists were shelling the pilots as they tried to land.

The info about the pilots is conflicting. There was a speculation that they may have been taken hostage. However, the latest sad news I’ve heard is that either one or both pilots are unfortunately dead. One of them may still be alive, being a hostage in the hands of the militants.


Below I will talk about USA and its unseemly role in the downing of the Russian Su-24 jet in Syria. You know I usually don’t talk about Obama, but this is one exception. Obama’s despicable role in this matter deserves a special mention.


It has to be mentioned that Kurds play a very significant and convoluted role in Turkey. On one hand, they have legitimate grievances and it is their right to want independence and being re-united with other Kurds from three other Middle Eastern countries. To remind, Kurds were artificially divided between four countries, with borders drawn by the British Empire during colonial era. Same happened to Armenians, who also became divided between several countries by the British Empire. Read all about it in SYRIA GAME CHANGER.

On another hand, it is known that in many situations Kurds are financed and controlled by the US. Exploiting their natural grievances, desire for equal rights and re-unification, USA systematically uses Kurds as a very clandestine and non-obvious weapon for US geopolitical gains in the Middle East. Therefore, Kurdish protests and riots in Turkey, manipulated since 2014 to get Erdogan back into the US/NATO fold, were helped from across the ocean.

In view of the Russian jet’s downing and the killing of the two Russia pilots, I can predict that Erdogan will be in a more precarious situation than ever.

Big changes in Russia’s attitude towards Turkey are coming.

Russian Duma has been discussing since the Egypt crash certain security measures regarding Turkey. It has been proposed to stop air traffic to Turkey, in addition to Egypt. It was also proposed to revoke visa-free regime. This proposal didn’t pass the Duma, as most rejected such restrictions at the time. It’s almost inevitable that it will be passed now.

Egypt tourism indistry is already dead after Russians withdrew all tourism. Russian tourists constituted 70%, in some case up to 90%, of Egypt’s tourism revenues. Turkey’s tourism industry is about to suffer the same fate. For both of these countries tourism is extremeley important.

Meanwhile, Russian resorts in Sochi and Crimea are getting a boost. In this regard, note the ‘co-incidence’ of Ukraine’s terrorist act, as discussed in: Urgent! Ukraine Blows Up Power Lines, Leaving Crimea and 2.5 Million People Without Electricity. This terrorist act left the peninsula without power, sabotaging the growing Crimean tourism. Russia is also developing winter tourism in Siberia and the Far East.


As I said, Russia tried at all cost to keep Turkey stable, overlooking some of Erdogan’s actions. Destabilization of Turkey is beneficial only to the US – this is why by default Russia had to do the opposite.

Now the situation may change. But I will predict preliminarily that Putin will still act very carefully, so not to destabilize the region further. The political outlook for Turkey will change gradually; when Putin is ready to act – no one will see it coming.

This is still the situation when Russia will have to chose between bad and very bad so not to destabilize the region even more.


And now let’s see what Obama has said immediately after the shooting down by Turkey of the Russian Su-24 jet: ‘Turkey has the right to defend itself.’ Meanwhile the US command in Iraq says they can confirm that for 5 minutes Turkish army was warning the Russian jet to withdraw from the area, and only then they fired.

Let me get it straight: Turkish army was warning Russian jet to withdraw from the area across the border, in SYRIA, where Turkey has no right to be present or give commands, and where Russian pilots are present at the direct request and invitation of the Syrian government.

It is clear that this is an openly cynical and blatant collusion between USA and Turkey. I would not be surprised if it turns out that the ones pushing the trigger that killed Russian pilots and downed Su-24 were actually Americans, under the guise of the Turkish army. Let’s recall that USA and NATO have a lot of military bases in Turkey and this territory has always been their prised stronghold against Russia.


I quoted only some highlights of the report. The full article is well-worth reading to understand what is going on, and where this is leading the world.

Also, this hypocrisy from the Land of the Terrorism:

US-back states have rights to self defence, not others- State Dept.

Downing of Russian Su-24 looks like a planned provocation - Lavrov

The downing of a Russian warplane in Syria by Turkey appears to be a pre-planned provocation, the Russian Foreign Minister said. Ankara failed to communicate with Russia over the incident, he added.

“We have serious doubts that this act was unintentional. It looks very much like a preplanned provocation,” Lavrov said, citing Turkey’s failure to maintain proper communication with Russia, the abundance of footage of the incident and other evidence.

Lavrov added that many Russian partners called the incident “an obvious ambush.”
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