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1  Other / Meta / Could the merit system demotivate lurkers? on: September 06, 2021, 06:44:07 PM
The merit system is excellent as it is in my opinion. It prevents spammers and scammers from creating accounts and flooding the server with unwanted messages.

As it is though could there be a possibility that it could demotivate a long time lurker and take away from the creative process?

If someone has been lurking for a long time and has suddenly got a lightbulb moment where they have an excellent crypto related idea but they would have trouble sharing it because they can't easily do so, because of the high barriers to entry.

I was always under the impression the Bitcoin philosophy meant the barriers to entry are supposed to be extremely low to empower and give financial freedom to anybody who seeks independence.

Could there be a way to reward lurkers and other people who contribute to the cause while still differentiating them from spammers?

Before I signed up to the forum in 2013 I was lurking for quite a long while. I was writing a dissertation at the time for my business management degree at university. I signed up to this forum because I was interested in asking a question about academic writing.

I did write the dissertation about bitcoin. The title of the dissertation was "Bitcoin - The Wild West of finance or the future of Money". The dissertation and the defence for which I held a presentation with prepared powerpoint slides went rather well. The university professors advised me strongly to not write about Bitcoin because at the time it wasn't well known and was only used by geeks or dark web markets. Against the advice of the professors I still went ahead with the dissertation.

I was desperate to ask my question about the dissertation here in the forum and I remember having to post in a special section for newly registered users first. All other forum sections were locked for newly registered users.

Doing something off-line like writing a dissertation or anything else to help the cause will obviously not get you any merit points. In this case you could be a legitimate person who has been religiously following the development and who has contributed to the cause in other ways. In this case you are useful but there is no way to determine if you are legit or not in the eyes of bitcointalk.

Sometimes I think back to the times when I would walk into Pizza Hut on buffet Wednesdays without a single dime or a way to pay for the food. I would take my laptop with me and start searching for work. I would have enough time to eat, receive work from clients all over the world, receive bitcoin nearly instantly and load up my Xapo Visa card with bitcoin and still have more than enough time to pay for the bill. There was nothing else around at the time that was comparable to bitcoin. Being able to receive transactions nearly instantaneously from any location in the world without barriers to entry is the very reason why I believe in bitcoin.

We all have fond memories of bitcoin transactions, I am sure.

Important aspects of bitcoin in my opinion include awareness, philosophy and understanding. A lot of people just like to speculate or invest into crypto without understanding it whatsoever. Maybe there can be some fun interactive quizzes or games that test how well someone understands the technology, philosophy and the economics of bitcoin? Would it be a possibility to earn some merit when playing these games?

Thank you for reading
2  Economy / Services / 💵 Earn up to $150 from each sale | Affiliate Program | Cruise Vacations 💵🛳️ on: July 25, 2021, 09:56:39 PM
Are you looking for an Affiliate Program that pays well?
Would you like to give your family, loved ones and friends five star luxury vacations?
Would you like to make good money while working from home?

Look no further!

This referral program could be right for you!

What does the customer get?

We sell cruise memberships that are just $100 a month. The membership fee can be paid in USD (credit/debit card/wire transfer), BTC, ETH, LTC or BTCash.

The customer gets $2400 in Cruise Credits every year that can be used to purchase luxurious cruise vacations from most major cruise liners. Some of the companies that can be purchased from are: MSC, Royal Carribean, Disney, Princess, Carnival, Celebrity Cruises, Norwegian, Cunard, Oceania and many more.

How can we afford to give the customer such excellent deals?

We have over 800,000 paying members and we are therefore able to secure excellent bulk discounts.

What is the difference between a member and a partner?

A member is someone who pays $100 a month and gets Cruise Dollars in return. A member can't refer anybody and can't make any sales.

A partner is someone who makes sales, refers others, earns money and gets free cruise vacations.

What do I get as a partner?

For every sale that you make you will receive a one time payment of up to $150 within 24 hours.

Additionally you will receive a bonus of $15 a month for every person you refer. You will keep getting this payment as long as the customer remains a member. (At least 30 sales have to be made to get monthly recurring payments.)

Is this worth the time and effort?

You only have to make the initial sale once but you will keep getting the $15 payments every month without any further sales!

For example: If you sell 1000 memberships you will get approximately $150,000 as one time payments and in addition you will receive $15,000 every single month without making any further sales.

How will I receive my money?

There is a choice between different payment methods. You can get the money through an international wire transfer, payoneer or you can order a mastercard which you can use to withdraw your money.

But wait, there is more!

Additionally you will be given free Cruise Vacations after making just five sales! That's right! You only have to make five sales and you will be given free cruise vacations for the rest of your life! As long as you maintain at least five memberships you will get free cruise dollars for your free vacations!

You can go on free cruise vacations and take your family, friends and loved ones with you!

You will be a fully qualified sales partner and you will receive at least $2400 in Cruise Dollars every year for Cruise Vacations. The Cruise Dollars accumulate so you don't have to use them all at once.

You will be given additional Cruise Dollars based on your sales performance.

What about sales material?

As a partner you will get access to our sales dashboard. Here you will be able to make your own referral link. You will get access to media, logos, banners, flyers, documents and training material.
You will get insights so you can observe how many people clicked on your link, how many signed up and how many became a paying member or partner.
You will get your own company email address where you can import your leads and sell through email marketing. You will get access to our Facebook marketing tools.

Should I wait before joining the affiliate program?

That is up to you. If you seriously consider making money from this I recommend to get familiar with the product and to get familiar with sales techniques.

The incentives are amazing right now and they probably won't stay this good once the company has reached enough members. If you are looking to make good money and enjoy free cruise vacations you should join sooner rather than later.

Shut up already! How do I sign up?

Woooah, take it easy there.
I would suggest that you should take a look at my sales pitch in service announcements first to get familiar with the product. You will find a link there that will take you to our website. On the website you are able to sign up as a sales partner. To become a partner there is a one time fee of $295. You are able to refund this fee within two weeks should you change your mind. Please take a look at our video to learn about the membership club.

Here is the link to my sales pitch where you will also find the company website:

3  Economy / Service Announcements / Cruise Ship holidays at fantastic prices (Bitcoin, crypto or USD) on: June 27, 2021, 05:40:08 PM
Have you ever dreamt of seeing the world but felt like you never had quite enough time to visit many different countries at once? 
Do you feel like you are tied down by the hassle of airport travel and the recent wave of delays related to covid?
Are you looking to go on unforgettable Cruises?
Are you looking for memorable and luxurious holiday experiences at fantastic prices?
Would you like to make new friends or perhaps give your friends and loved ones an amazing time?

Look no further!

I might have something that is right for you!

By setting aside just 100usd (or crypto equivelant) a month you will be given access to the world's best cruise ships all over the world. The membership covers most of the major cruise ship companies and all their routes.

You will see the whole world, while avoiding busy airports, by travelling to a new country or city every single day on the seven seas. You will get to experience the most amazing cultures, culinary delights, outdoor activities and amazing experiences for all your senses.

Loyalty Club
You can either buy a cruise ship vacation with your own money or use the loyalty rewards that are gifted every single month. Of course you can also use the rewards to get a discounted trip.

For every $100 you spend you get $200 in Cruise Dollars
That's right! For every 100 dollars or BTC/Litecoin/Ether equivalent you spend in membership fees you get given $200 in Cruise Dollars!
Cruise Dollars can only be used for booking cruise vacations, are non transferrable and can only be used if you are a paying member or partner.
The Cruise Dollars accumulate and roll over every month!
If you can't wait to get onto your Cruise and don't want to save money every month you can also pay the difference out of pocket!

Most things on a cruise are free. Enjoy amazing Broadway quality shows and musicals. Enjoy free food at restaurants at any time and eat as much as you would like. Alcoholic beverages are one of the few things that aren't free.

A cruise holiday is a perfect family vacation. Enjoy all the fun things with your whole family. Water slides and the first ever rollercoaster on a cruise ship comes to mind! If your kids have ever had enough of you they can go to the supervised kids only zones, and many don't want to leave these once they enter.

Are you looking to enjoy some gambling in the casino or would you like to workout and relax by the pool afterwards? Maybe you like to enjoy outdoor activities like rock climbing, zip lining or go skydiving in a 23 foot high wind tunnel. All of this is possible - and much more. A five star hotel doesn't offer this kind of extensive service.

All of this and more is provided to you.

Cruise for Less!
Cruise for Free!
Get paid to Cruise!

Ask me how!

Sign up today:
4  Other / Meta / Rules on bumping in the marketplace? on: August 21, 2020, 08:07:08 AM
Are there any rules to bumping posts in the marketplace?
Is bumping allowed every so often?

Is there a link to the rules?
5  Economy / Services / Business and Financial Consultancy in Germany and the EU on: August 20, 2020, 09:49:37 AM
Are you tired of your government always prying into your finances?
Are you tired of paying over the top taxes?
Or are you just looking to expand your business abroad and pay lower taxes at the same time?

LOOK NO FURTHER! You are at the right place, at the right time!

As a qualified business consultant with a business degree I am able to provide you with a full-fledged business and financial service in Europe.

But wait,,, there is more!
The service will be concierge tailored towards your needs!
I will travel, meet and arrange anything you may need!

Not convinced yet?

As I natively speak English, German and Russian I could be a lot of use to you with some of the following services that I offer!
(And all of this fully legally!!!)

Services include:

Full Fledged company planning
Company formation in Germany or any other EU country
Registration of your business address and company bank accounts
Incorporating your business in a low-tax jurisdiction or tax haven
Advice on incentives for foreigners
Advice on Low Transparency jurisdiction
Advice on Bearer Shares
A local or EU Nominee Director can be announced who will sign off on invoices/balance sheets/accounting

What are you waiting for?!

PM me for your first consultation and I will be looking forward to doing business with you!

Don't wait! Places are limited on a first-come, first-served basis.


6  Economy / Digital goods / Selling ONE Amazon Prime Voucher ($99) on: April 15, 2017, 12:33:17 PM
Hey All,

I am selling a single $99 Amazon Gift of Prime.
If you already have Prime, $99 will be added to your Amazon balance instead.

If you do not yet have Prime you will be credited with 1 Year of Amazon Prime!

EDIT: I am selling the voucher @ 80% in BTC.

Here is my trade history on reddit:
7  Other / Beginners & Help / Bitcoin dissertation on: February 28, 2013, 04:21:03 PM
Hey all,

I am studying International Business Management (BSc) and would like to write about Bitcoins for my disseration.
There is a 6000 word limit.

What would a good topic be that looks at bitcoins and how it fits into todays finance world?
(It is very important that the topic looks into the bigger picture of bitcoins)

I am rushing this as i have 2 weeks left, but at least this is something that interests me.

any help or suggestions are welcome! Do you guys think this is a good idea for a business dissertation?
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