First of all let me say i hope i'm wrong

I see all the crazy theories what is causing the price to drop lately.
Unless i missed something it is really simple: 1 guy or 1 company is dumping huge amounts of coins every sunday, the last 3 sundays. I believe about 20k coins each time.
The price drop is simply because of that.
Now the theories why i think he has more coins and will dump at least 1 more time:
Why 20k coins? This tells me he has tons of them and thinks 20k is the max amount he can get away with without completely crashing the market. This implies that he has many more coins.
He is getting out and does it by dumping as much as he can every week.
So why every week and why on sundays? The amount he has would simply be too much to sell at once. It would crash the market and he would get very little for a big part of his coins.
Why on sunday? Early sunday morning European time to be exact. Because that is the time where he causes as little panic as possible. There are hardly any people trading or behind their computers during that period.
And why does he want to avoid panic selling? You guessed it: he wants the price to remain as high as possible because he has many more coins to sell. He again wants to get the most out of his coins in a week from now.
The fact that he again sold on sunday morning, yesterday, means he is still not done. If this was his last dump he could say screw it all, i'm gonna sell now (any random day/time) and i don't care where the price goes after that. I'm out anyway. But he didn't. So with selling again on sunday morning he was keeping in mind he has more to sell next week. And maybe 4 more weeks after that, who knows.