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1  Economy / Services / ✅[REGISTRATION BOUNTY]✅ Sign up and receive $1 in BTC ⭐️⭐️ on: December 11, 2018, 10:26:45 AM


Campaign runs until the limit is reached
$1in BTC allocated per participant
The Bitcoin will be sent here: to be filled

Any bounty questions should be asked in the Bounty Group on Telegram.
Bounty Campaign managed by Smart Management Services

General Rules and Terms of the Bounty Program

  • Every participant must sign up via the proper form. Submission of reports without proper registration will not be recorded.
  • We reserve the right to adjust the reward amount or any other detail of the Bounty Program. These changes will be announced on the top of the page and on the Telegram Bounty Group.
  • Applications with wrong / missing information (i.e. wrong BTC address, missing profile URL, wrong proof of authentication etc) will be disqualified and you will not be noticed of it. Make sure you read the rules and instructions carefully.
  • Changes to the BTC address provided in any application form are not usually allowed. You need to message us on Telegram. Make sure you own the private key of the address and keep your wallet safe!
  • We reserve the right to remove you from any campaign for any reason. We are not obligated to explain the reasons of our decision. Any participant removal from the Bounty Program is done for the sake of the Bounty's welfare. If you are removed, your stakes will not be deleted.
  • We may not accept you in a campaign, despite complying with the posted requirements. We will not explain you the reasons of your rejection.
  • The rewards will be allocated within 14 days from the end of the bounty. There is no KYC.
  • By applying for any campaign, you accept all the rules and terms above, but also all the specific rules of each campaign.
  • Limited number of participants, only the best will be chosen. 'Participating is not a right, it is a privilege.'

How to get the required "#Proof of Authentication Post Link":

How to Register:
#Proof of Authentication
Your BTC address:
Your Twitter Account Link:
Your @Telegram username:
  • Fill the Registration Form below.

Reward: $1 in BTC, calculated at the moment of the distribution

Max. number of participants: 500.
Currently accepting registrations!

Terms and Rules:
  • You must use valid information, you need to confirm the creation of the account by confirming it via email.
  • You can only join with 1 account. All multiple registrations will be rejected and the users will not receive rewards.
  • An invalid registration will not be paid, its reward will be allocated to another valid registration on a 'first-come, first-served' basis.
  • The payment will be made at the end of the week (or sooner if the limit is reached). The BTC is calculated at the moment of the distribution.

2  Economy / Services / [BTC PAID]🚀[REDDIT]🔥[TWITTER]🔥 Worbli - Financial Services Network🔥[1 WEEK] on: November 20, 2018, 03:52:04 PM

    The campaign only lasts for ONE WEEK

    ◼️  TELEGRAM  ◼️  MEDIUM  ◼️  LINKEDIN  ◼️  FACEBOOK  ◼️  

    From 20th of November until 27th of November
    0.1 BTC allocated for the Bounty Campaign
    The Bitcoin can be seen here:

    (they will be moved to a segwit address when the distribution starts, we will announce the address here once that happens)

    Any bounty questions should be asked in the Bounty Group on Telegram.
    Bounty Campaign managed by Smart Management Services

    Bounty Allocation
    • Twitter - 50%
    • Reddit - 50%

    General Rules and Terms of the Bounty Program

    • Every participant must sign up via the proper form. Submission of reports without proper registration will not be recorded.
    • I reserve the right to adjust the reward amount or any other detail of the Bounty Program. These changes will be announced on the top of the page and on the Telegram Bounty Group.
    • Applications with wrong / missing information (i.e. wrong BTC address, missing profile URL, wrong proof of authentication etc) will be disqualified and you will not be noticed of it. Make sure you read the rules and instructions carefully.
    • Changes to the BTC address provided in any application form are not usually allowed. You need to message me via PM or on Telegram. Make sure you own the private key of the address and keep your wallet safe!
    • I reserve the right to remove you from any campaign for any reason. I am not obligated to explain the reasons of my decision. Any participant removal from the Bounty Program is done for the sake of the Bounty's welfare. If you are removed, your stakes will not be deleted.
    • We may not accept you in a campaign, despite complying with the posted requirements. We will not explain you the reasons of your rejection.
    • The rewards will be allocated within 21 days from the end of the bounty. There is no KYC.
    • By applying for any campaign, you accept all the rules and terms above, but also all the specific rules of each campaign.
    • Limited number of participants, only the best will be chosen. 'Participating is not a right, it is a privilege.'

    How to get the required "#Proof of Authentication Post Link":

    • for 2,000+ followers: 8 stakes per retweet
    • for 5,000+ followers: 16 stakes per retweet

    Max. number of participants: 60
    Currently accepting applications!

    Terms and Rules:
    • maximum 2 retweets per day.

    How to Apply:
    • First of all, read the General Terms and Rules and the Rules of this campaign.
    • Follow our Official Twitter Account:
    • Make a "#Proof of Authentication" post. It must look like this:
    #Proof of Authentication
    Campaign: Twitter
    Your Twitter Account Link:
    Your @telegram username:
    You may use the post in order to apply for multiple campaigns. All you have to do is add the extra information there.

    You have to submit a report at the end of the bounty here on bitcointalk. The bounty finishes on Tuesday at 23:59 forum time. It must looks like this:
    Bitcointalk Profile Link:
    Telegram Username:
    Twitter Username:
    List of Retweets:
    Row in Spreadsheet:

    • Low Impact: 5 stakes
    • Medium Impact: 15 stakes
    • High Impact: 50 stakes

    Max. number of participants: 60
    Currently accepting applications!

    Terms and Rules:
    • Your account should be at least 30 days old and have at least 15 comment karma.
    • Stakes will be given based on the impact of all your posts/comments.
    • You must make 5 posts/comments that should be informative.
    • You can use content from these 2 articles:
    • You must make a post/comment in a crypto related subreddit (only in the ones listed below). Posts must be informative, spam posts will be rejected.
    • For a post/comment to be counted, it needs to be posted in one of the following subreddits: /r/eos, /r/altcoin, /r/icocrypto, /r/cryptocurrency, /r/Cryptotehnology, /r/CryptoMarkets, /r/Crypto_General.
    • Posts and Comments with negative karma will not be accepted. Any kind of spam will not be rewarded either.
    • You have to submit a report at the end of the bounty here on bitcointalk.
    • You need to submit your report by Tuesday at 23:59 forum time.
    • I reserve the right to not consider your Reddit account eligible for this campaign, even if you meet the prerequisites.
    • You may only delete your posts/comments 2 weeks after the campaign is concluded.

    How to Apply:
    • First of all, read the General Terms and Rules and the Rules of this campaign.
    • Make a "#Proof of Authentication" post. It must look like this:
    #Proof of Authentication
    Campaign: Reddit
    Your Reddit Account Link:
    Your @Telegram username:
    You may use the post in order to apply for multiple campaigns. All you have to do is add the extra information there.

    You have to submit a final report at the end of the bounty here on bitcointalk. The bounty ends on Tuesday at 23:59 forum time. It must looks like this:
    Bitcointalk Profile Link:
    Telegram Username:
    Reddit Account Link:
    List of Posts/Comments:
    Row in Spreadsheet:

    ◼️  WEBSITE  ◼️  WHITEPAPER  ◼️  ANN THREAD  ◼️  TWITTER  ◼️  
    ◼️  TELEGRAM  ◼️  MEDIUM  ◼️  LINKEDIN  ◼️  FACEBOOK  ◼️  

    3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / [DELETED] on: November 09, 2018, 07:01:07 AM
    4  Economy / Reputation / DT GIVING NEG TRUST WITHOUT ANY REFERENCE on: September 27, 2018, 03:46:02 PM
    Rmcdermott927 sent me a neg trust without any basis. I also din't Offered him to pay for trust to be removed still he gave me a negative trust for it.

    This is the messages I sent him first and I don't think I am accusing anything in it. I also said that I will go first for this deal so there is no fraud related to it.

    Would you like to get some ETH for your BTC?
    ETH price is low for now and it will be a profitable deal for you too.

    I can send 0.23 ETH for 0.007 BTC.
    If you agree please send me your ETH address.

    This is my BTC address where I would like to receive the BTC: 15j1usMJegj9sdWyUeZf4ijQtWb5UBwPa4

    Thank you

    Second message I sent

    This is not a hacked account. I just wanted to trade for BTC as I found you trusted messaged you and also found your history trading with BTC. I also said that I will send first so there is no spam involved in it it is a smooth trade. Please remove my negative trust I am a reputed bounty manager.

    The reply I got from Rmcdermott927

    I can also sign a message with that address. I have used it previously for participating in campaigns.

    The address has 0 transactions.  What are you even talking about.  You are making me believe you less the more you type.  What would signing a message do?

    My reply to him was

    I don't usually use BTC as I am a bounty manager as mostly get paid in tokens or ETH. I need them now to buy an offline wallet from a website where only BTC is accepted. This is my new Blockchain address. If you want to judge me just send me your ETH address I can instantly send you the amount of ETH I mentioned to gain your trust back.

    I don't think I have accused something or tried to scam in any way.
    5  Economy / Currency exchange / Want to exchange ETH for BTC [ Only Trusted Members] on: September 27, 2018, 02:45:41 PM
    Would you like to get some ETH for your BTC?
    ETH price is low for now and it will be a profitable deal for you too.

    I can send 0.23 ETH for 0.007 BTC.
    I will go first.
    I will only deal with trusted members.
    If you agree please send me your ETH address.

    Thank you
    6  Economy / Scam Accusations / SELLING INDIAN ID. SHOULD BE BANNED !! on: September 08, 2018, 06:02:53 AM
    I have encountered a person selling INDIAN IDS
    Should be banned as soon as possible!

    Profile link of the seller:;u=1973058

    Post link:
    7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / ⭐️🚀[BOUNTY]🚀⭐️eSports Ecosystem - the cryptocurrency for eSports [$200,000]🔥 on: August 30, 2018, 10:00:48 AM

    Your voices have been heard again. You may have heard we're extending the Bounty Campaign to March 31st, 2019 but what you haven't heard is that we are also adding 75% more ESE!
    This means that there is now a total of 88,550,000 ESE up for grabs!


    ◼️  WEBSITE  ◼️  WHITEPAPER  ◼️  ANN THREAD  ◼️  TWITTER  ◼️  
    ◼️  TELEGRAM  ◼️  REDDIT  ◼️  DISCORD  ◼️  YOUTUBE  ◼️  TWITCH  ◼️  

    From 30th of August 2018 until 31st March 2019
    88,550,000 ESE allocated for the Bounty Campaign
    Total Supply of Tokens: 10,000,000,000 ESE
    Softcap Reached
    Hardcap: $22,147,000
    Token Rate (without bonus): 1 ESE = $0.0039

    Any bounty questions should be asked in the Bounty Group on Telegram.
    Bounty Campaign managed by Smart Management Services

    Bounty Allocation
    • Signature - 30%
    • Media (Articles and Videos) - 30%
    • Twitter - 15%
    • Translation - 10%
    • Telegram - 10%
    • Newsletter - 5%

    General Rules and Terms of the Bounty Program

    • You need a wallet that is compatible with ACT. Download the Kcash Wallet from here: or the Achain Wallet:
    • Every participant must sign up via the proper form. Submission of reports without proper registration will not be recorded.
    • I reserve the right to adjust the reward amount or any other detail of the Bounty Program. These changes will be announced on the top of the page and on the Telegram Bounty Group.
    • Applications with wrong / missing information (i.e. wrong ACT address, missing profile URL, wrong proof of authentication etc) will be disqualified and you will not be noticed of it. Make sure you read the rules and instructions carefully.
    • Changes to the ACT address provided in any application form are not usually allowed. You need to message me via PM or on Telegram. Make sure you own the private key of the address and keep your wallet safe!
    • I reserve the right to remove you from any campaign for any reason. I am not obligated to explain the reasons of my decision. Any participant removal from the Bounty Program is done for the sake of the Bounty's welfare. If you are removed, your stakes will not be deleted.
    • We may not accept you in a campaign, despite complying with the posted requirements. We will not explain you the reasons of your rejection.
    • The rewards will be distributed within 21 days from the end of the ICO. There is no KYC for bounty participants.
    • By applying for any campaign, you accept all the rules and terms above, but also all the specific rules of each campaign.
    • Limited number of participants, only the best will be chosen. 'Participating is not a right, it is a privilege.'


    CURRENTLY WEEK 11 (8th November -> 14th November)

    How to get the required "#Proof of Authentication Post Link":

    Rewards per Week:
    • Jr. Member = 10 stakes (currently accepting, we might not accept in the future)
    • Member = 20 stakes
    • Full Member = 35 stakes
    • Sr. Member = 55 stakes
    • Hero = 75 stakes
    • Legendary = 80 stakes
    • AVATAR = +20 stakes per week (does not apply for Members and Jr. Members)

    Max. number of participants: 100
    Currently accepting applications!

    Terms and Rules:
    • You must be at least a Jr. Member in order to participate in our signature campaign.
    • If you wish to join this campaign, first wear the signature depending on your rank and then fill out the form.
    • You are required to make at least 15 constructive and on-topic posts per week. Users who do not provide a minimum of 15 posts per week for any 2 weeks will be removed from the campaign and they will not be given any rewards. Remember, first mistake = warning, 2nd mistake = removal.
    • No posts in Bounties, Off Topic, Archival, Politics, Marketplace / Marketplace (Altcoins), Beginners and Help and Scam Accusations / Reputation (and all their child boards if applicable). A maximum of 5 posts will be counted on Local Boards. All posts must be serious and most contribute to the discussion. Posts must have more than 70 characters and participants need to be able to coherently express their thoughts in English (otherwise, they will be removed from the campaign; exception for posts in Local Boards). Burstposting, low quality / insubstantial / repetitive / plagiarism / spam posts and trolling / inadequate attitudes will not be tolerated.
    • You have to spread your posts throughout the week and not make all in a couple of days. Participating in more than one signature campaign is not tolerated, as it encourages spam and irrelevant posts.
    • The week finishes on Wednesday at 23:59 forum time. All posts after will be counted for the following week.
    • Wear the Signature and the Avatar until the end of the bounty (31st of Oct or until the hardcap is reached).
    • If you decide to leave for another campaign, please let me know so I can check whether you deserve your stakes for that week (only if you posted 15 constructive posts). If you don't do that, you should not be surprised if you don't receive the stakes for that specific week.
    • Participants with Red Trust (for any reason) will not be allowed to participate. If they receive one during the campaign, they will not be allocated stakes starting the week of receiving the negative, no matter the posts they make (no stakes for that specific week either).
    • Multi-Accounting and cheating will be severely punished. You will be added to my personal blacklist which will prevent you from participating in any of my future bounty campaigns. Furthermore, this list may be forwarded to a DT member who will give you negative trust.
    • I may warn you, despite complying with the terms above. This means that you need to improve the quality of your posts, or else I will be forced to remove you.
    How to Apply:
    #Proof of Authentication
    Campaign: Signature
    Your Bitcointalk Profile Link:
    Your @Telegram username:
    • Fill the Application Form below with all the required information. You must wear your signature (additionally, the avatar) before applying! You must make the #authentication post before sending the application!

    You have to submit a separate report for each week here on bitcointalk. The week finishes on Wednesday at 23:59 forum time. It must looks like this:
    #Signature WEEK __
    Bitcointalk Profile Link:
    Telegram Username:
    Row in Spreadsheet:

    Signature Codes

    Jr Member
    ▰✔ ✔▰ eSPORTS  - ECOSYSTEM "Empowering Gamers!"  ♞❉ ❉♞
    [center]▰✔ ✔▰ eSPORTS  - ECOSYSTEM "Empowering Gamers!"  ♞❉ ❉♞[/center]

    [center][td][url=][color=#373EE3]◎Telegram[/color][/url] [url=][color=#373EE3]◎Twitter[/color][/url]  [color=#053D18]     ☛☛☛☛☛[/color] [url=][size=12pt] [color=#053D18]  eSPORTS [/color][/size][/url] [color=#053D18]  ☚☚☚☚☚[/color]    [url=][color=#053D18]Whitepaper◆[/color][/url] [url=][color=#053D18]Website◆[/color][/url][/td]
      [url=][color=#373EE3][b]☆[/b]Ann Thread[/color][/url]  [b][color=#3866D1]█▀[/color][/b] [color=#373EE3]ECOSYSTEM "Empowering Gamers!"[/color] [b][color=#3866D1]▄█[/color][/b]  [url=][color=#373EE3]Youtube[b]☆[/b][/color][/url]

    Full Member
    [center][td][b][url=][color=#373EE3]❉Telegram[/color][/url] [url=][color=#373EE3]❉Twitter[/color][/url][/b]  [color=#373EE3]  ☛☛☛☛☛[/color] [url=][size=12pt][b][color=#053D18]  eSPORTS [/color][/b][/size][/url] [color=#373EE3]  ☚☚☚☚☚[/color]    [url=][color=#053D18][b]Whitepaper♚[/b][/color][/url] [url=][color=#053D18][b]Website♚[/b][/color][/url][/td]
     [url=][color=#053D18][b]♞Ann Thread[/b][/color][/url]  [b][color=#053D18]█▀[/color][/b] [b][color=#053D18]ECOSYSTEM[/color] [color=#053D18]"Empowering Gamers!"[/color][/b] [b][color=#053D18]▄█[/color][/b]  [url=][color=#053D18][b]Youtube♞[/b][/color][/url]

    Senior Member

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    ECOSYSTEM "Empowering Gamers!"

    █ ███████████████████████ █
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      ██████████ [/td][td][url=][size=3pt][tt][color=#053D18]

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    ██▄         ███
    ███▄       ▄███
    ██▀▀      ▄████
    ▀█████████████▀[/td][td]    [/td][td][left][size=9pt][b][url=][color=#053D18]☆ Reddit[/color][/url][/size]
    [b][size=9pt][url=][color=#053D18]☆ Discord[/color][/url][/size]
    [b][size=9pt][url=][color=#053D18]☆ Ann Thread[/color][/url][/size][/left][/td][td][size=30pt]|[/size][/td][td]    [/td][td][center][url=][size=20pt][b][color=#053D18][u]    eSPORTS    [/u][/color][/b][/size][/url]
    [size=9pt]ECOSYSTEM "Empowering Gamers!"[/size][/center][/td][td][size=30pt]|[/size][/td][td]    [/td][td][left][url=][size=9pt][color=#053D18][b]☆ Youtube[/b][/color][/size][/url]
    [url=][size=9pt][color=#053D18][b]☆ Website[/b][/color][/size][/url]
    [url=][size=9pt][color=#053D18][b]☆ Twitch[/b][/color][/size][/url] [/left][/td][td]    [/td][td][center]

    █ ███████████████████████ █
    █ █████     █ ▀██████████ █
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    █ █████  ██ █     ▀██████ █[/color]
    [color=#053D18]█ █[color=#053D18]████  ▀▀ █▄▄▄▄▄▄▄████[/color]█ █
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    █ ███████████████████████ █

    Hero Member / Legendary

     ████▀▀    ██
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    ECOSYSTEM "Empowering Gamers!"

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    █ █████  ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄  █████ █
    █ █████  ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄  █████ █
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      ██████████ [/td][td][url=][size=3pt][tt][color=#053D18]

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    ▀█████████████▀[/td][td]    [/td][td][left][size=9pt][b][url=][color=#053D18]☆ Reddit[/color][/url][/size]
    [b][size=9pt][url=][color=#053D18]☆ Discord[/color][/url][/size]
    [b][size=9pt][url=][color=#053D18]☆ Ann Thread[/color][/url][/size][/left][/td][td][size=30pt]|[/size][/td][td]    [/td][td][center][url=][size=20pt][b][color=white][u][glow=#053D18,2,300]    eSPORTS    [/glow][/u][/color][/b][/size][/url]
    [size=9pt][color=#053D18][b]ECOSYSTEM "Empowering Gamers!"[/b][/color][/size][/center][/td][td][size=30pt]|[/size][/td][td]    [/td][td][left][url=][size=9pt][color=#053D18][b]☆ Youtube[/b][/color][/size][/url]
    [url=][size=9pt][color=#053D18][b]☆ Website[/b][/color][/size][/url]
    [url=][size=9pt][color=#053D18][b]☆ Twitch[/b][/color][/size][/url] [/left][/td][td]    [/td][td][center]

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    The publication / video will receive stakes depending on its quality.
    50 for normal quality, 120 for good quality and 350 for high quality. Low quality = 0 stakes.

    Terms and Rules (ARTICLES):
    • You need to have more than 100 followers on your account / blog. If there are no followers on that platform, your post must receive at least 75 views.
    • The websites where you post must be relevant to cryptocurrencies, ICOs etc. In other words, the people who read what you post must be interested in cryptocurrencies. If I consider a website isn't suitable, I will not offer any stakes for that post. The publication must be public, no private submissions are allowed.
    • You can repost to one more website, for which you will receive extra 50% stakes. You need at least 100 followers there too (or at least 75 views if there are no followers on that platform). A participant may create multiple unique articles, as long as new information is found in each one of them.
    • The publication must be published in English, but other languages may also be accepted. This depends on how many followers a participant has, his past experience etc. It is up to me to decide whether or not you are allowed to publish in a language other than English. Therefore, you must contact me first (via Telegram or via PM).
    • The publication must be original and directly related to eSports Ecosystem. Its content must not be plagiarized. You may not copy-paste the ANN thread and/or the website.
    • The information within the publication must be correct and up-to-date at the moment of posting. Any mistakes will not be tolerated.
    • The publication needs to have more than 400 words and must included a link to the ANN thread, a link to the Whitepaper and one to the website. You also need one link to your bitcointalk account.
    • Generating fake views via various programs will lead to your immediate removal from the bounty and your name will appear on my blacklist. Also, anyone who steals / copies content from other users or from the content provided by the team will also end up on my blacklist. Your publication must be original and its views must be genuine.
    • The publication must not have a negative view about the project. Honest opinions can be accepted, but you must not focus on the negative aspects of the project. If I consider you have taken a negative approach, you will not be rewarded stakes.

    Terms and Rules (VIDEOS):
    • You need to have a minimum of 150 subscribers and the video needs at least 100 views.
    • The channels where you post must be relevant to cryptocurrencies, ICOs etc. In other words, the people who watch your videos must be interested in cryptocurrencies. If I consider a channel isn't suitable, I will not offer any stakes for that video.
    • The video must be published in English, but other languages might also be allowed. This depends on how many subscribers a youtuber has, his past experience etc. It is up to me to decide whether or not you are allowed to post a video in a language other than English. Therefore, you must contact me first.
    • You may post several videos again, but no sooner than 30 days from your previous one. It must be different from the first one and must include updates and news. If the video barely contains any new information, you will not be provided any stakes.
    • The video must be original and directly related to eSports Ecosystem. Its content must not be plagiarized.
    • The information within the video must be correct and up-to-date at the moment of posting. Any mistakes will not be tolerated.
    • The video must be longer than 1:30 minutes, excluding the intro and the outro. The video must not have a negative view about the project. Honest opinions can be accepted, but you must not focus on the negative aspects of the project. If I consider you have taken a negative approach, you will not be rewarded stakes.
    • Your video's description must include a link to the ANN thread, a link to the Whitepaper and a link to the website. You also need one link to your bitcointalk account.
    • Generating fake subscribers or views via various programs or services will lead to your immediate removal from the bounty and your name will appear on my blacklist. Also, anyone who steals / copies content from other users or from the content provided by the team will also end up on my blacklist. Your publication must be original and its views must be genuine.

    How to Submit your Content:
    • First of all, read the General Terms and Rules and the Rules of this campaign.
    • Make a "#Proof of Authentication" post. It must look like this:
    #Proof of Authentication
    Campaign: Media
    Publication / Video Link:
    Your @telegram username:
      You may use the post in order to apply for multiple campaigns. All you have to do is add the extra information there.


      • ANN = 50 stakes
      • BOUNTY thread = 50 stakes
      • Website = 100 stakes
      • Whitepaper = 300 stakes
      • Moderation = from 25 - 50 stakes (for both the ANN and the Bounty thread) (calculated at the end of the campaign)
        • ANN update = 20 stakes/update
        • Bounty update = 20 stakes/update
        • Website update = 40 stakes/update
        • WP update = 120 stakes/update
      BOUNTY: This thread.

      Terms and Rules:
      • Translation of the ANN, BOUNTY and WP is only needed for the following languages: Arabic, Indonesian, Chinese, Russian, German, French, Hindi, Italian, Turkish, Filipino, Vietnamese.
      • Translation of the Website is only needed for the following languages: Chinese, Russian, German, French, Italian.
      • Moderation = at least 1 post per week, posts need to be informative, meaning news, updates and announcements are eligible posts, along with responses to people's questions or thoughts. You must respond to questions within 24h, so you have to check the thread daily. Failure to properly keep the thread alive will firstly lead to 0 stakes for moderation and may lead to the reducing / removal of you ANN-bounty rewards; your ANN and BOUNTY stakes could be reduced by 75%. ANN and BOUNTY must be moderated by the translator. You may not increase the moderation by posting meaningless / false / spam posts.
      • Using Google Translate or any other automated translation engine will lead to being disqualified, unpaid and reported, thus receiving negative trust from one of the DT members.
      • Applying for multiple languages will require me to perform an extensive background check of your profile. Do not even bother applying if you are not proficient in all the languages you applied for.
      • Translating all the content by the same translator is heavily encouraged. I might reject some people from choosing only parts of the content to be translated by them.
      • Translators need to wait for my confirmation via PM or on Telegram. Any translation without my confirmation will be ignored and unpaid.
      • ANN and BOUNTY: 5 days from the moment of receiving my confirmation
      • WHITEPAPER: 5 days after finishing the ANN and BOUNTY
      • WEBSITE: 5 days after finishing the Whitepaper

      How to Apply:
      • First of all, read the General Terms and Rules and the Rules of this campaign.
      • Join the Telegram group: This is the Bounty Group:
      • Fill the Application Form below with all the required information. You must provide a good portofolio of previous translations.
      • After you finish translating, contact me again and send me the finished work.

      Rewards per Week:
      • for 250+ followers: 2 stakes per retweet
      • for 750+ followers: 4 stakes per retweet
      • for 1,500+ followers: 8 stakes per retweet
      • for 5,000+ followers: 16 stakes per retweet

      Max. number of participants: 600
      Currently accepting applications!

      Terms and Rules:
      • Only twitter accounts with more than 250 real followers are allowed.
      • You must like and retweet a maximum of 5 times a week from our Official Twitter (, a maximum of 2 per day. You need to retweet at least twice a week! Do not retweet the same thing twice - it will not be counted.
      • Do not retweet and like tweets that are more than two weeks old (14 days). They will not be counted.
      • Do not retweet and like tweets that are answers to other users.
      • The number of your followers will be fixed when you apply and doesn't change during the campaign.
      • Multi-accounts, bots and fake accounts are not allowed. You will be instantly removed and banned from any future bounties. You will need a Twitter Audit of at least 90%.
      • You have to submit a separate report for each week here on bitcointalk.
      • You need to submit your report by Wednesday at 23:59 forum time.
      • I reserve the right to not consider your Twitter account eligible for this campaign, even if you meet the prerequisites.
      • You may only delete your retweets 2 weeks after the campaign is concluded.

      How to Apply:
      • First of all, read the General Terms and Rules and the Rules of this campaign.
      • Follow our Official Twitter Account:
      • Make a "#Proof of Authentication" post. It must look like this:
      #Proof of Authentication
      Campaign: Twitter
      Your Twitter Account Link:
      Your @telegram username:
      You may use the post in order to apply for multiple campaigns. All you have to do is add the extra information there.

      You have to submit a separate report for each week here on bitcointalk. The week finishes on Wednesday at 23:59 forum time. It must looks like this:
      #Twitter WEEK __
      Bitcointalk Profile Link:
      Telegram Username:
      Twitter Username:
      List of Retweets:
      Row in Spreadsheet:

      Reward: 10 stakes

      Max. number of participants: 5,000.
      Currently accepting registrations!

      Terms and Rules:
      • Participants need to remain in the group at least until the end of the ICO.
      • Participants must have constructive discussions directly related to eSports Ecosystem or eSports in general. Discussions about other ICOs, any advertising / promoting, hate speech and spamming will not be tolerated, the moderators of the group will take the necessary actions and you will not be eligible to receive your rewards.

      How to Register:

      Reward: 10 stakes

      Max. number of participants: 3,000.
      Currently accepting registrations!

      Terms and Rules:
      • Participants need to remain subscribed to the mailing service until the end of the bounty.

      How to Register:

      ◼️  WEBSITE  ◼️  WHITEPAPER  ◼️  ANN THREAD  ◼️  TWITTER  ◼️  
       ◼️  TELEGRAM  ◼️  REDDIT  ◼️  DISCORD  ◼️  YOUTUBE  ◼️  TWITCH  ◼️  

      8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / ⭐[ANN] [ICO]⭐eSports Ecosystem - the standard cryptocurrency for all of eSports⭐ on: August 29, 2018, 06:05:12 AM

      ◼️  WEBSITE  ◼️  WHITEPAPER  ◼️  BOUNTY  ◼️  TWITTER  ◼️  
       ◼️  TELEGRAM  ◼️  REDDIT  ◼️  DISCORD  ◼️  YOUTUBE  ◼️  TWITCH  ◼️  

      9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / [SERVICE] SMART MANAGEMENT SERVICES- Bounty manager, Ann/Bounty launcher on: July 13, 2018, 03:20:29 PM

      10  Economy / Services / [SERVICE ANN]:SMART MANAGEMENT SERVICE- BOUNTY MANAGEMENT AND CREATION on: July 08, 2018, 12:57:51 PM


      11  Economy / Services / Hire a writer! on: August 05, 2017, 04:53:05 AM
      Cheap and Reliable
      Get work work done fast
      All kind of articles writing, data typing, etc jobs done here!

      Key Skills
      • Fast typist
      • Fluent English speaker
      • Knowledge about technology including cryptocurrency

      Note - Big Articles including books/novels/etc will require some extra time to be completed

      Price for each Article depends on its length!

      12  Economy / Service Discussion / Cloud mining or genesis mining. on: August 03, 2017, 01:18:50 PM
      Can anyone suggest a trustable cloud mining or genesis mining site to invest in? Im looking to test this service known Cloud mining & Genesis mining
      Anyone tested such site?
      Any kind of suggestions are welcomed.
      13  Economy / Speculation / Reason for bitcoin market crash. on: July 18, 2017, 06:12:26 AM
      I have been reading some blogs about deepweb. Many people here might be knowing the fact behind deepweb.
      One pf the most known deepweb site- AlphaBay, also known as "the new Silk Road," has been shut down since Tuesday night. The site also came in the news at the beginning of this year when a hacker successfully hacked the AlphaBay site and stole over 200,000 private unencrypted messages from several users.
      Nearly 1,479.03904709 Bitcoin (roughly $3.8 Million) were in use in the site.  as the site got closed, all the bitcoins were stolen by the site owner ( according to news).
      Is it the reason behind bitcoin market fall as the price started falling when the site was closed??
      14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Which is the Best GPU for mining ETH,LTC? on: July 12, 2017, 08:35:14 AM
      Hello everyone.
      I want to invest some of my money for purchasing some really good hardwares. I searched a lot for some really good ASIC miners but didnt found any available. Can anyone help with the GPU name and also please provide the hashrate so that i can calculate the profit. Even if anyone have any ASIC miner like L3+, etc post here. I will purchase some good ASIC miners. Just i need is a good hashrate to mine ETH or LTC or any other profitable coin.
      15  Local / Mining (India) / Buying ASIC miners. on: July 10, 2017, 06:40:01 AM
      Hello Miners.
      I want to purchase ASIC miners like L3+, S9, etc.
      I want to purchase immediately. Sellers from Pune, Mumbai welcomed.
      I will come to your location and purchase with cash. No delievery problems.
      16  Economy / Auctions / Member account for sell on: June 29, 2017, 03:55:38 PM
      Want to sell this account due to some personal financial problems.
      Price estimate-
      You can check the account. UID is 952148
      Ni negative feedbacks.
      Already joined in Waves campaign, you can join in another later.
      Bid start- 0.01
      Comments invited.
      17  Economy / Exchanges / First bitcoin exchange site in 2010 on: June 18, 2017, 06:06:32 AM
      Hello mates.
      I want to know all the oldest exchange sites of bitcoun as i had a huge amount of bitcoin in 2010 and forgot the site. Can anyone help me out just to find the site. Also can i get the amount back if the site is closed?
      I had about 1000+ bitcoin in that account, that time the price for bitcoin was nothing. I just purchased some bitcoins there and forgot about it. But i now remember about it, i just want to know the site. Can anyone help?
      18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Altcoin mining strategy on: June 05, 2017, 05:03:55 AM
      This is a risky strategy but can give huge profit. You can start mining the altcoins which are newly launched. When bitcoin was launched only 5-6 people mined it and the difficulty was quite low, within few minutes they might have mined hundreds of coins. Now they might be milliniors. Such newly launched altcoins can also hike up within some months, so i think mining newly launched altcoins can be a good strategy. Risk is equal. Try at your own risk.
      19  Economy / Service Discussion / Help regarding campaign. on: April 21, 2017, 06:10:43 PM
      I have applied for many of the campaigns but am not yet choosen. Can i know what is the real process to get choosen in a campaign?
      My rank is Jr. Member
      Post count- 56(+1)
      20  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / DOGE wallet on: April 18, 2017, 04:05:14 PM
      DOGE wallet is under maintenance. When will the wallet be online?
      My coins are stucked there.
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