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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Will NEO become strong? on: September 30, 2018, 10:41:06 PM
NEO is my major holing and I'm just trying to acquire more BTC at the moment. I think NEO has the potential to drastically take over a large portion of the market. ETH I don't believe will see the same gains NEO will but also the whole market is one big question mark right now.
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: How to Choose a Good ICO on: September 30, 2018, 05:02:55 PM
My rules are the following:

Team... Who is working on the team... What do their online social profiles tell about how long they have been at this...

The coin itself's usage... This might seem obvious but a coin needs two major components the community and the product/vendors

The whitepaper, i would not invest in underdeveloped whitepaper

News and articles

The platform it is built on

Proof of work vs Proof of stake
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Advice to all bounty hunters. on: September 30, 2018, 04:24:16 AM
Most bounty hunters see it as their means of income. While some hold for a while, the recent market crashes has meant that bounty hunters have to wait for a long time, say 6 months and above, for the value of their tokens to be worth the ico price. This is one fact that discourages them from holding their tokens.
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Suggest me the best ICO to invest. on: September 30, 2018, 04:21:16 AM
Eloncity uses blockchain to record transactions in the community and establish an auditable record for tracking the sources of electricity generation in the community. A crypto utility token (Eloncity Token, ECT) facilitates local energy exchange and incentivizes investment in battery energy storage systems (BESS) for storing harvested renewable energy on the customer's property. The Eloncity Foundation will collaborate with financial partners, government agencies, and other key stakeholders to establish revolving loans, which will help initiate the Eloncity project in communities lacking necessary funds.
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Hold or sell ? on: September 29, 2018, 07:37:48 PM
Look into Warren Buffett's advice on trading. He buys when everyone else is selling. The trick is to overcome the psychological gap that causes people to sell low and buy high.
6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Discussion (Altcoins) / Re: How to pick best signature campaign on: September 28, 2018, 10:24:20 PM
 You need to learn about the concept of the given and the concept of the future will be developed by the team. And you have to look at the website and the allocation of their token and token sales and investors are actually real or not.
7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Which exchanges are better? DEX or CEX? on: September 28, 2018, 10:18:00 PM
Perhaps the fix for the many challenges people face when trading cryptocurrencies isn’t decentralized exchanges (DEXs). Although there are some die-hard believers out there, the fact of the matter is, DEXs aren’t yet sufficiently developed in a way to encourage mass adoption (e.g. mining is too slow, there are liquidity challenges, trading is manual, single orders can be expensive, front-running is a problem, etc…)
8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: wallet for Ethereum on: September 28, 2018, 06:19:04 PM
Ledger Nano S is one of the best options. You can create an ethereum wallet in Ledger Nano and ensure that it is safely password protected for taking out to exchange whenever you want.
9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Are you picky with ICOs? on: September 27, 2018, 08:14:12 PM
My opinion, if you want to make money investing in ICOs it is essential to be picky. It is all about your research! Some ICOs are huge chances whereas some ICOs are scams a big fails. So only if you keep your eyes open you have the chance to select the right ICO and earn money.
10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: What is your trading plan? on: September 27, 2018, 08:12:54 PM
People have their own way of trading. Some start buying cheap and sell at high prices. Some are waiting for new coins to make it easier to trade. For me personally of course usually prefer the situation when the price is cheap and wait when the price is high. Maybe it's easy but waiting is that difficult.
11  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: How important is a community behind a crypto project? on: September 27, 2018, 02:08:12 PM
Influence of community behind a project has a lasting effect on the success or failure of that crypto project, in a community where coin are sold by community below ico price is a good example of how important is community behind crypto project.
12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: 99% OF ALL AIRDROPS ARE SCAMS!!!!! on: September 26, 2018, 02:57:15 PM
If airdrop is a scam, there are still thousands of participants who wanted to join since it was all for free. Besides, your 99% view on airdrop was over reacted. There are lots of airdrops out there got listed in coinmarketcap and still profitable. There are also real airdrop from real project to get more supporters.
13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Reasons why ICOs fail on: September 23, 2018, 11:41:24 PM
As I think there are many reasons for the failure of ICO, but I think the reason for most of the ICO's failure is because their projects are completely unrelated to the blockchain. Many projects actually do not meet the conditions required by the ICO. They just wrote an impossible realized white paper and then immediately start ICOs.
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: I lost half of my crypto amount! what to do? on: September 23, 2018, 11:39:26 PM
The best way to recover is wait patiently because will be any chance of market back to normal and to grow. While waiting for that learn more about new strategy and learn from the mistake, make better strategy to recover the loss and to gain profit.
15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Do you trust ICO Rating sites? on: September 23, 2018, 11:38:20 PM
I do not. I have seen some of these ICOs with 5 star ratings fail or become really shitty projects at the end of the day or ICOs with 1 or 2 star ratings that do well at the end of the day. I do not know how they do some of the ratings, but it just doesn't work for me. I rather carry out my own analysis on an ICO.
16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Do bounty hunters become ICO investors? on: September 23, 2018, 04:02:19 PM
, I would honestly think that most of them would likely not going to invest in ICOs. Only a handful would do if the project is promising. The only reason for the bounty hunters nowadays is that they just want to "partially" support the project until they will cash them out on the exchange.
17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Help me choose an ICO please! on: September 23, 2018, 04:00:42 PM
You should do your own research mate as you will get more confused as different user may suggest you different ico..and many will suggest you the one they are its best to do your own whitepapers,see roadmaps and decide yourself.
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Coins kept in exchange, are they safe? on: September 22, 2018, 09:57:14 PM
Keeping your coin in the exchange is safe but I think it is better and will be safer if you keep the funds in the appropriate wallet other than in and exchange because while they are in this wallet, you are in total control as long as your personal information are kept safe.
19  Other / Archival / Re: How to earn altcoin every days? on: September 22, 2018, 09:56:24 PM
Methods I prefer are joining bounty and trading. First is participating in many bounties, you will get you token at the end of the campaign. Second is trading, you can trade you coin and buy another one. I just did 2 things to earn altcoins.
20  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Is it risky to buy not top 100 crypto currencies? on: September 22, 2018, 04:27:51 PM
The risks here are not more than buying coins from the top hundred. Last fall, I took a chance and bought a Lindacoin coin that was not even part of the first hundred. In January, I sold it at a price 20 times higher. Which coin from the top ten can boast such a profit for the same time?
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