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1  Economy / Computer hardware / Re: World biggest bitcoin /SHA256 miner 7.7T@3400W on: August 12, 2015, 03:32:32 PM
That automatic wire cutter stripper crimper machine is just too badass I want it. Looks like it takes a bit of setup to get it running. Thanks for the link!

I prefer the 2880w power supply mainly because it is modular with the breakout board, and that allows me to select the awg of wire to use for the pci-e cabling, the length, and reuse it in case of a dead supply.  It is extremely efficient compared to almost every other power supply, does not get very hot, and has 3 fans to cool so if one dies it wont. Add in the fact they are available in the states in bulk shipped for less than the cost of the breakout board.

I think just one of these 2880w power supplies could power one s5+, even at standard clock. Right now my farm is powering 5 S5 per 2880w power supply and my metered pdus are reporting about 3300w being consumed. I may order one up just to test.

This is what a 6 2880w / 30 S5 readout looks like on one of my pdus:
2  Economy / Computer hardware / Re: World biggest bitcoin /SHA256 miner 7.7T@3400W on: August 12, 2015, 01:16:01 AM
This is one goofy contraption.  why the obsession with PCI connectors?  Is that really the best solution for industrial scale mining?  

I prefer it greatly over a proprietary power supply. High end efficient used +12V server power supplies will beat new every time, not only in price but performance as well.

Buy yourself an automatic wire cutter/stripper machine, some 5000ft spools of 16awg primary wire, reels of crimping pins and bags of end connectors. And you will never have to buy a PCI-E cable again, and you can make them just the length you need.

not sure that would be very good for my 2 MW facility.  that is a shit ton of work!  

I priced it out and with my 1 MW facility it would have added at least 100K USD to the overall build out cost. I'm willing to do a lot of work to get that. Most of that would be in the overpriced power supplies that are bundled with the miner making the overall cost per ghs that much more. Saves money ongoing because I can guarantee you my server power supplies are more efficient than say the ones in a S4. 1-2% savings of 1 MW let alone 2 MW will add up quick.

The key is the automatic wire cutter stripper machine:

I liked the screw terminals of the S1 but the plug and plug of pcie on both ends using the breakout boards allows for easier swapping of equipment. Which, when mining on an industrial level that is pretty much an ongoing task.

Older pic showing clean pcie install:


Also don't forget the modularity it has in that it allows us an upgrade path to new hardware without having to buy the power supplies all over again.
3  Economy / Computer hardware / Re: World biggest bitcoin /SHA256 miner 7.7T@3400W on: August 11, 2015, 08:30:40 PM
This is one goofy contraption.  why the obsession with PCI connectors?  Is that really the best solution for industrial scale mining? 

I prefer it greatly over a proprietary power supply. High end efficient used +12V server power supplies will beat new every time, not only in price but performance as well.

Buy yourself an automatic wire cutter/stripper machine, some 5000ft spools of 16awg primary wire, reels of crimping pins and bags of end connectors. And you will never have to buy a PCI-E cable again, and you can make them just the length you need.
4  Bitcoin / Mining speculation / Re: Entering the bitcoin mining game need advice! on: August 07, 2015, 03:54:56 PM
It is easy to find out yourself by some simple math. Those numbers change all the time so you can ask the question and the correct answer may only be valid for a very short time.

You can assume a S3 burns what, 600watts? so .6KWH for every hour it runs.

.6 X 24hours a day X 30.5 days = 439.2KWH X .10 = $43.92 per month in power costs

Now go here:

Put in 450GHS and you will see it reports .129btc per month or 35.69 in usd at exchange rate of 275. Keep in mind these numbers reported are generally 10% over what is usually achieved after you factor downtime, orphans, and other unforeseen factors.

So you can see at .10kwh you will be paying around $10 a month to run your s3, given the price of bitcoin and difficulty stays flat (which it wont)

5  Economy / Computer hardware / Re: Bladecenter H 2880W Breakout Boards. First batch closed, now selling from stock on: August 05, 2015, 08:04:13 AM
Well I'll be a monkeys uncle. I must have gotten lucky then your prototypes must have been before that first batch. Good info to know if I ever have this issue.
6  Economy / Computer hardware / Re: Bladecenter H 2880W Breakout Boards. First batch closed, now selling from stock on: August 05, 2015, 07:36:48 AM
I have had about a 96% success rate in these used power supplies. I have yet to have one of these breakout boards go dead. Even the prototypes I received back in December are still ticking strong and have many hours on them now. The breakout board has nothing to do with the fans at all, that is all done inside the power supply.

So if you see one light with the power switch flipped to off, then when you switch it on you see two green lights, and still have no fan - it is most definitely the power supply.

Well, I had a few of mine do what you said, made the proper solder connections on the breakout board and everything is just fine now.  Meaning it was not the power supply.  Be careful of making flat statements.

I'm not saying this to discredit the breakout boards at all.  I absolutely love them!!!  I just thought the record should be set straight.

If you have had this problem you should elaborate exactly what you had to solder to fix your breakout boards for the previous poster that is having this issue, instead of just telling me I'm wrong. Nothing is really accessible anyway. I'm curious exactly what traces you are correcting. J4bberwock can easily confirm if a defect in his board could ever precipitate this issue. Out of the 68 boards I have been running for over 6 months now I have had no issue with any of them in any case. I just paid for 50 more.
7  Economy / Computer hardware / Re: Bladecenter H 2880W Breakout Boards. First batch closed, now selling from stock on: August 05, 2015, 01:21:48 AM
I have had about a 96% success rate in these used power supplies. I have yet to have one of these breakout boards go dead. Even the prototypes I received back in December are still ticking strong and have many hours on them now. The breakout board has nothing to do with the fans at all, that is all done inside the power supply.

So if you see one light with the power switch flipped to off, then when you switch it on you see two green lights, and still have no fan - it is most definitely the power supply.
8  Other / Meta / Re: Self Moderation should not be allowed in the hardware subforum on: August 04, 2015, 11:36:12 PM
I'm thinking for someone new here, the most vulnerable, won't appreciate or know the difference one way or the other. These people prey on the naive and self moderation in the hardware subforum serves as a great conduit to market their con.
9  Economy / Computer hardware / Re: Bladecenter H 2880W Breakout Boards. First batch closed, now selling from stock on: August 04, 2015, 11:13:58 PM
So I bought a couple of break out boards a few months ago and it seem they are not working now? The fans on the psu wont spin , I thought the psus were bad ( 2880 IBM ones )
But I got two brand  new psus off eBay and its the same deal, first two green lights go on
Psu starts to get super hot BC fans wont activate

I've tried sp20s ants 🐜. Any ideas?

The PSU's can go bad but they are pretty stout. I had an on/off switch break off when I dropped one from 10 feet. I bent and jammed a paperclip in the remaining switch to short the pins to turn it back on again.

One of those green lights tells you the AC power is on, the other will tell you when DC power is there, and that will only happen if the power supply is good and the switch on the back of the board is flipped on.

There are two orange lights for a voltage error and a fan error, I have never seen any of these lights activate yet.  If both AC/DC power lights are on but fans are not spinning I would say the fans are dead somehow. There is a part number for just the fan replacement but the power supplies are already so inexpensive its probably the same cost just to get another power supply.

10  Other / Meta / Re: Self Moderation should not be allowed in the hardware subforum on: August 04, 2015, 09:04:01 PM
So you think we should get rid of self moderated threads. So we should just do what you think "just cuz"? Care to, I dunno give reasons why this is a good idea, or should we just take your word for it and change something that has already been debated extensively because you don't like it?

I'm only stating my opinion, and again, I am asking for this only for the hardware subforum. And again it would not have to be elimated, but maybe applied for when the need arises. You can keep your marketplace forum as you want. The hardware subforum should be held to a higher standard. I already stated a very valid reason: just look at the self moderated scam thread ongoing there.

Yes you can post in scam accusations but the ones that need that kind of help are the ones most likely not to know that subforum is even there.

I can see a point that the person is asking to be stolen from for being that stupid, but I will never agree that the scammer deserves the proceeds. Unchanged we will see them use this method yet again.
11  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: ETHICAL PROBLEM WITH BITMAIN on: August 04, 2015, 04:39:56 PM
I can say with large lots of units, it takes more than a few days to weed out the bad ones. If they are just plain dead that *is* pretty easy to troubleshoot, isolate, and prepare for warranty repair. But most of my faulty units have been intermittent out of box, quickly deteriorating from that state to only one hashing board will be online. It takes alot of monitoring to find these in a large lot. In addition I reseated the faulty hashing boards to try to wake them up again, and was successful half of the time. But this step requires monitoring all over again to check the results of your work. It takes a good 24 hours or more of hashing to get a good reliable reading.

Basically all I am saying here, is it took me a whole month to weed out the bad hardware for warranty repair.
12  Other / Meta / Re: Self Moderation should not be allowed in the hardware subforum on: August 04, 2015, 04:03:25 PM
I think it depends on what the content of the thread is. A company should be able to clean up its own threads when required (ie Spondoolies deleting some racist stuff) and its not as if someone can't start a mirrored non moderated thread alongside it. Editorialised threads with an agenda however, shouldn't.

I can agree with that, but we are far enough along the timeline of bitcoin, that a company specifically in the business of producing mining hardware should ask a mod to 'promote' the thread to that level. Or better yet, mods should have the ability to remove the self moderation for obvious scam attempts. We are past the time when bitcoin hardware manufacturers are starting in garages with similar resources. We prepare the ground as too fertile for scammers. Case in point which has me posting this:'s obvious scam they are pulling in the hardware forum. Yes anyone with a little bit of research will see these guys are full of it, but we shouldn't allow them a platform they can use to sucker newbies and censor their whistleblowers.

This subject has been debated to death. If you think some one is scamming, make a post about it in the scam accusation area, or leave them a trust rating. Self moderated threads are unfortunately needed here because trading here is like trying to do business on 4chan, and the mods rarely give a shit about people trolling marketplace ops.

I can see other subforums the ability to self moderate would come in handy. I think the hardware subforum itself should be held to a higher standard. I think it is moderated quite well with mods there, for good reason, it needs it.
13  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: Cloudthink Basic Check on: August 03, 2015, 08:08:18 PM
Just posting here what got deleted out of the self moderated topic.

A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic. There are no rules of self-moderation, so this deletion cannot be appealed. Do not continue posting in this topic if the topic-starter has requested that you leave.

You can create a new topic if you are unsatisfied with this one. If the topic-starter is scamming, post about it in Scam Accusations.

Quote from: pekatete on Today at 06:25:32 PM
Could you please ask your gullible potential reviewers to stop spamming the hardware subforum with review threads that are clearly NEVER going to happen? I mean, even though they still hold hope of getting a FREE 8Th/s rig, could they hold fire until they receive one before spamming?

I can not call this a scam, 'cause its a mere request for reviewers for a last-gen rig "released" on the cusp of new-gen hardware hitting the market, but the gullibility of some supposedly reputable people on the forum is eye-opening to say the least.

Amen brotha! Disappointing to say the least but it shows the community is hungry for new hardware. They only need appear legitimate for a short time to make their scam effort pay off.

Let me wager a guess here that these 'selected members' have been requested by the OP to do just this. They should be embarassed for helping enable this ruse.
14  Other / Meta / Self Moderation should not be allowed in the hardware subforum on: August 03, 2015, 07:20:11 PM
Well its all in the subject. Apologies if this has been discussed before, and feel free to trash it and point me to a bigger thread and I'll bump it in affirmation.

It should be obvious why this is not such a good thing for this particular subforum.
15  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: CloudThink.IO NEW 8TH/s Imperator Bitcoin Miner - Apply for a FREE test unit on: August 03, 2015, 06:07:24 PM
Can you provide pictures of your S5's or SP31's mining? Apologies to any UK miners out there but the UK seems to be the haven for these kinds of scams. You told me in my PM it was not possible to pick these miners up in person.

It is only possible to pickup Imperator Miners from or UK Headquarters but only for testing purposes.

Anyone here reputable in the UK wanna take that offer up? I'll offer .5BTC to a verifiable independent bct user to go and visit and verify ala BFL style.

But really, without any pictures showing the mass of hardware they would inevitably have and should be more than happy to brag about.. I'm sorry to even post to drag this scam out.
16  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: CloudThink.IO NEW 8TH/s Imperator Bitcoin Miner - Apply for a FREE test unit on: August 03, 2015, 05:59:01 PM
Can you provide pictures of your S5's or SP31's mining? Apologies to any UK miners out there but the UK seems to be the haven for these kinds of scams. You told me in my PM it was not possible to pick these miners up in person, and you told me you had 64 of them, not 30.
17  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: CloudThink NEW 8TH/s Imperator Bitcoin Miner - Apply for a FREE test unit on: August 03, 2015, 05:44:02 PM
Warning people. They will not let you pick up supposed hardware in person, which is the biggest red flag for me possible. Has it been revealed where they are located yet?
18  Bitcoin / Mining / Re: Pics of Large Miner Hosting Center Under Construction on: May 25, 2015, 05:41:14 PM
You've been waiting three days to post that I'll bet.  Cheesy  Feel better? Regardless what you think of the outcome I will continue to post my exploits with industrial server computer equipment brought back from the dead and repurposed for something productive yet again. I am building, creating a space that can be used for many things not just miners. Having access to 1MW of power at half the already cheap commodity rate is nothing to laugh about no matter what the current plan is to utilize the energy. If you can't think of how to make cheap energy work for you then your a real idiot. The assumptions upon further removed assumptions and one track minds is so sad you can't see the forest through the trees. You will never make a buck with that attitude unless its somebody handing it to you for wages earned. Have fun with that.
19  Bitcoin / Mining / Re: Pics of Large Miner Hosting Center Under Construction on: May 21, 2015, 05:28:42 PM
At least I don't have to worry about competing with you.

I think you need to worry more about your own vision not what "competition" you think you are in.

This ends badly. All it takes is a $100 Bitcoin for the next 12 months to wipe out a major portion of the mining sector top to bottom big or small.

Those guys with "old" units either dump them for waste and retool or sell them on the Chinese market... or like Bitmain to those who might still mine at home lol.

I can pay the bills at less than half that amount at the current difficulty. And your right it will wipe out a huge chunk of mining. Even alot of those chinese farms. The one quoted above is the first one I've heard of under .05kwh in China and Bitmain would have to mine at a loss or have a huge fire sale. Point is my power rate will ensure I am one of the last standing in that case. Nothing risked, nothing gained. I never said anything about going in debt to do this.

Your assumptions regarding my miners are way off target.  Sad

Like I said I wasn't born yesterday and I've been mining for many years now. I also got ripped off from BFL pretty good those bastards. But only once. Hashra got me too. I am familiar how scam ridden this sector is. That's why I am very careful to say what I say and ensure I only say it when I can prove it. I designed and engineered this whole 1MW layout myself. Scouting, procuring, permitting, site layout, coordinating with the county. It was not easy getting the county to sign on. Amazingly enough I am still under budget, except I am overdue Undecided I've also been invited to many large scale mining operations and had to sign a NDA to visit some of them. You don't have to believe me the proof is in the puddin' and I'm full steam ahead. Life is also happier when you are optimistic or at least see there is half a glass of water in there rather than half empty.
20  Bitcoin / Mining / Re: Pics of Large Miner Hosting Center Under Construction on: May 21, 2015, 05:11:41 PM
Evaporative cooling in the mountains? ....

that .03cents electricity is nice Cheesy

That isn't the only such set of buildings out in the hinterland powered by 'unregulated' coal or hydro.

When I was out in Hong Kong last year met a few people and one in particular that was simply sourcing and brokering locations just like this for people looking at the cheapest set up in the world for farms. Mainly fabricators / wallet providers or exchanges like those pictured have been setting up for over 2 years now in situations just like that. If it isn't big enough you ain't making shit your economies of scale need to be sufficient to compete against these farms in China. Whoever your NDA is with I am sure they have more NDAs with people moving the same product to Sichuan. Good luck but when you start seeing claims like yours you know something ain't right. Sounds all too familiar.

These sites are sprouting up all over where unregulated power can be sourced. One little quonset in good old oregon/washington etc ain't going to be able to compete no matter what claims are made things since Sichuan are probably cheaper by factors compared to anything in the good old USA especially with regard to miner production and shipment. But I guess that Guy at Spondoolies is wrong or has changed his mind since last year.

A month later, what is happening with cryptocurrency mining in China? August 2014

"The trend is clear if you remove BitFury 2
last DCs (June and August 2014):
At current BTC price and their machine cost, they’re almost
loosing money at Georgia and Iceland" - Guy

For comparison, I reached out to Bob and asked him his
thoughts on what Corem was stating.  According to Bob, in terms
of Chinese manufacturers switching to self-mining:

They’ve already been doing that for the
past two months. But not mining themselves,
they’re all into coop mode now. The manufacturers
issue the machines. The site operators invest
on the sites. They split the income between them.

Your NDA which has a version of the Chinese style shared plan with company X (Avalon likely) that provides miners is nearly a year and a half behind the Chinese and you don't have cheaper hardware or space or electricity which means you won't have profit. See BitFury Georgia DC as the example that be comparable to anywhere in the US as you would both have to have units (chips or miners) shipped from overseas / overland from China. Bitfury was not breaking even in 2014... how are you going to break even in late 2015 or 2016 with sharp downward pressure still on bitcoin price? You won't. Cost of bitcoin production anywhere with anyone, even for the most efficient and cheap hardware fabricators, is greater than the current value of the Bitcoin being mined. Just one more sustained price dip and a few more Asicminer like disappearances will happen. You are going to lose whatever you invested most likely unless you are selling cloud mining to someone then you are still going to lose your shirt no one is going to buy your cloud mining.

That's an awful lot of assumptions there. So many it made me chuckle. I have S1's that can profit here but not for long. But it would be silly as hell to run anything that inefficient or plan for it. I wasn't born yesterday. Those huge guys stuck with the old stuff only helps me. I appreciate your concern. At least I don't have to worry about competing with you.
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