Hope this works, and did rt and like the tweet. but it will be more effective through a blog post in a reputed blog. My suggestion.
Yes I agree on that, I seriously doubt that Elon Musk is sitting at his home and scrolling that Twitter feed. So we need some more significant levers to reach him.
Basic rule of the market price in cryptocurrency is the role of the man, and this obviously means that bitcoin is having more demand right now then alternative cryptocurrencies are having.
I have a small coin which is from stainless steel that I have bought in Chinese market it is a simple collectible that it looks like bitcoin physical representing so I am always joking about "do you accept those"?
I have worked to get $2000 worth of money and I am planning of investing in bitcoin but my uncle is pressuring me to save the money at bank. I have done everything to convince him but he is not comprehending to my point. Please what do i tell him again to convince him?
I would say that you can show him an example of a successful bitcoin investing from among other people, and maybe this will convince him that bitcoin is worth it to invest in it.
The main reason of growing of currencies that are called alternative cryptocurrencies is the success of their project, but more than that, the reason is the demand, that are created with the people who are willing to buy those tokens.
I hope that very soon president of United States Donald Trump would go on the public and he would say that I have bought for myself 10 bitcoins investing and I recommend all of you to do the same.
This thing is very relative because band in my country is not even thinking about cryptocurrency and they do not recognise it as something important that you need to pay attention to,
I know that bitcoin is widely used in dark Web in order to buy drugs and narcotics, to hire the killers, but also I know the dollar is widely used by bands to do the same, so what is the difference?
I think that cryptocurrency is secure the same value that you are secured, because you are the weakest part in all security system. You can show your private keys and nobody else could not.
The best time of this is when you are catching the peak of the pump, but this is too hard to accomplish so as far as I know you can grab the coffee cream from the top  near the top, at least.
It may break $6400 support in few days but whether it will go below $6000 or not is the real question so your predictions is not very useful for me because if it go below $6000 things will change.
So the truth is that we touched $5,800 point and then we bounced up to $7,400. It is quite strange and amazing but it is what it is on the market right now and the most pleasant thing is that we are still hanging on this level not falling down.
Simply because banks and governments (themselves) are not familiar with blockchain technology!
I agree with you because in real time banks and government have nothing in common with cryptocurrency. In all the old cars the future of Bitcoin.
The reasons are so many, that I have already decided to be like a water flowing, when I see up trend I am trying to flow with it along, and when I see The Fall of Price and trying to be flexible enough to react properly.
So far, bitcoin cannot be called a currency, because it is not recognized by the governments of many countries. Yes, now there is an active discussion about the regulation it like a currency, but no one knows how long it will take to create one law for all.
Thank you for the description how to save our bitcoins. Is this personal to everyone how to save your Bitcoin. You must be able to accept all this items in the list.
Usually I'm trying to make something with my bitcoins, but also I am afraid to do that in the big terms because bitcoin costs a little bit more than $100, so it is always a great risk to turn your bitcoin into something else.
Good to have the topic like that I am really loving it, I'm grateful that you are really careful about the fake news and the fud around, because it is really hard to consider those last days by yourself.
It is an interesting example, but you need always to be confident in your exchange cryptocurrency, if you will exchange into the cryptocurrency which will fail and the price will decrease, instead of having more of Bitcoin you will have less of it.
MY feeling, it's having a future splendid. On the off chance that you purchase the ETH now I believe it's will give you 2 x in multi year. It is the steady coin and immense stages.
It is really good. I started investing in Ethereum only a few months ago. But we'll in real time I fell small profits from it. I think that Ethereum is big potential for the future and you can and much more research if you invest into Bitcoin.
The bitcoin functions as a currency, since it can be used as a payment for goods or services that you have purchased from merchants who take bitcoins. Bitcoin is gaining popularity now and for a short time, it will be widespread, and maybe in the near future.