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1  Local / Italiano (Italian) / Re: Il mio nuovo primo negozio online - per bitcoin on: September 07, 2011, 08:35:25 PM
Intendevo anche scrivere la parola "Bitcoin" sulle pagine del suo sito Grin

Verissimo, grazie dei consigli! Vedrò di applicarli!
2  Local / Italiano (Italian) / Il mio nuovo primo negozio online - per bitcoin on: September 07, 2011, 07:17:07 AM
Ciao a tutti... Per aiutare l'economia bitcoin ho deciso di creare un web shop che accetta questa valuta. Vendo bigiotteria fatta a mano.. Nulla di speciale.. Lo trovate sotto

Sono cosciente che il sito non é perfetto, peró per qualcuno che non ha mai fatto niente di simile é un successo!

Se avete voglia di aprirne uno anche voi (cosa che incoraggio visto che il successo dei bitcoins dipende dal numero di negozi che li accettano) e avete domande su come fare, chiedete pure. Non é per niente complicato...

3  Economy / Services / Re: I want to give my girlfriend a custom ring: Ring maker needed! on: September 06, 2011, 07:22:43 PM
For smaller gifts you can send your girlfriend some jewellery from
Every piece is unique and quite cheap.... (sorry for the obvious spam but I am quite proud I was able to build a bitcoin store :-) )
4  Local / Deutsch (German) / Handgefertigter Schmuck aus der Schweiz - In Bitcoins on: September 06, 2011, 07:19:49 PM
Hallo an alle,

ich will dieses Forum nicht zuspammen aber ich bin stolz! Ich habe meinen ersten online store gebaut... und somit auch gleich bitcoin-kompatibel gemacht. So kann ich der Gemeinschaft etwas nützliches und einzigartiges anbieten und zu deren Wachstum beitragen!
5  Local / Deutsch (German) / 20 bitcoins für ein ZenCart payment Modul on: August 27, 2011, 04:55:47 PM

Ich Suche jemanden der für 20 bitcoins ein opensource Bezahlungsmodul baut welches bitcoins via die bit-Pay API akzeptiert!

Ich hoffe jemand kann mir helfen. Mein online-Shop ist bereit und muss lediglich Bezahlungen in bitcoins akzeptieren können... Via (die haben mir nämlich geschrieben und sponsern die Bezahlung)

Bei Interesse einfach melden!!!
6  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: 20 BTC for ZenCart - Bit-pay payment module on: August 27, 2011, 08:05:35 AM
I won't bump this thread anymore but want to let you know that no one has been found yet. Let me know if you are interested.
7  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Looking for PHP programmer - Bounty involved on: August 25, 2011, 02:26:33 PM
I may be able to hook you up, How much were you offering?

It's USD 200, paid in BTC. I sent you a PM. Thanks for the interest!
8  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Looking for PHP programmer - Bounty involved on: August 25, 2011, 04:35:34 AM
Thanks for the link, however I am aware of that. It does connect to bit-pay. It also requires a running instance of bitcoind which is not what I am currently looking for.
9  Bitcoin / Project Development / 20 BTC for ZenCart - Bit-pay payment module on: August 24, 2011, 01:09:04 PM
I am looking for someone who can connect my zen cart based website to bit-pay using their API (

If you have some experience in building a payment module please contact me! As I said there is a bounty involved. You can use my website as a prototype and the idea is to have the module open and available for everyone else

10  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: Zen Cart bitcoin payment module HELP on: August 24, 2011, 05:59:35 AM
Glad you got it up and running.

I'd hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I am thinking about taking down Coin Daemon this week due to lack of funds to pay for it and the intense amount of disk space required to host the blocks.  I can give you some pointers on hosting your own bitcoind if you would like.

A shame! Wouldn't it be possible to have only one blockchain shared between all instances of bitcoind?
11  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: We Need a Real Bitcoin Online Store, not "retailers" who just price gouge 15-20% on: August 17, 2011, 05:37:20 PM
In order to overcome this, we need good producers to make goods and offer them in btc. This can be a little hairy for them, though because they would probably buy their inputs in their local currency, and then it's hard to know what kinds of things people people in the btc economy would want to buy.

My wife sells coupons on ebay, but I'm not really sure there are enough couponers who also use btc, so we haven't even bothered to offer them.

That's what I am building. My GF crafts jewellery and I plan to sell them online... If that works I'll try to convince friends to sell their works too.

The issue is for non-techies to set up the store front-end and btc compatible carts. And in the end it's the non-techies who are more likely to sell hand-made or interesting things
12  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin based web shop - on godaddy? on: August 17, 2011, 04:40:32 PM
You may want to try

It does not require installing anything on your server.

Accepting Bitcoins is as simple as handling HTTP request (the payment notification).

What's important, Bitcoins go directly to your wallet, which you can keep safely offline. This is in contrast to other solutions like MyBitcoin, BitWillet or BitPay.

BitcoinNotify never receives, stores, or sends any coins - and it is still able to notify you about payments to your Bitcoin addresses.

SMS, e-mail and Jabber notifications are also supported.

I am sure that is a brilliant solution but the "simplicity" of handling an HTTP request is above me. I would not know where and how to start implementing this in ZenCart... While I am sure most people are able to do that I am looking for something not requiring to code (e.g. Existing payment modules which can be plugged in).

I know, maybe I am expecting too much but the simple fact that bit-pay is well integrated in existing eCommerce solutions is what I was looking for. Thanks for the suggestion though, I guess many will follow the advice
13  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin based web shop - on godaddy? on: August 17, 2011, 02:18:58 PM
Have a look at  We have a basic shopping cart feature that doesn't require any programming or hosting of bitcoin.  We also have a payment API that makes it easy to integrate with shopping carts (and ZenCart is one of the ones on our list to do).

That seems like a good solution. I applied for an account and already got accepted. I will work on the shop and as soon as there is ZenCart integration I will make it available to the masses!
14  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin based web shop - on godaddy? on: August 17, 2011, 06:34:46 AM
I don't know much about ecommerce CMS but i've seen this for WordPress that it's easy to install and use.

Thanks!! Would you say wordpress + eCommerce shopping cart is a viable solution to a fully dedicated eCommerce solution such as ZenCart?

If yes then this is a great solution! Isn't the whole wordpress part unnecessary bloat? Just wondering..
15  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Bitcoin based web shop - on godaddy? on: August 17, 2011, 06:17:35 AM
Hi all,

I have a quick question: I want to grow the bitcoin economy by selling some goods in a webshop. Unfortunately:

1) I'm a noob
2) Confirming I am a noob: I have a hosting account on godaddy

I want to start the store from scratch.. What are my best moves? Godaddy has one-click-install for: ZenCart, osCommerce, PinnacleCart and shopsite.

Assume I cannot run bitcoind at home (which is why I chose a hosting provider in the first place). I'm not worried about using eWallets if necessary, I would regularly empty it and never keep too mutch on it.

Should I start from another hosting provider or is there ANY way I can run a bitcoin based eCommerce site with the current setup?

Any ideas are greatly appreciated!! I am aware there are many merchant solutions but I don't have the energy to install / subscribe / try them all.. I hope someone in a similar situation can simply give a working setup (not necessarily the best one)
16  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: Are there any publicly available bitcoind servers? on: August 16, 2011, 06:19:49 PM
How about something like this?

About finished with beta testing.  Let me know if interested.

Same question as in other thread:  who are you, and why should we trust you with storing money?

I guess it depends on how you use it. If it an be configured to pipe your coins into an offline or remote wallet, why not. Also if you plan to use it for smaller amounts you can afford to loose. If on the other hand you want to put your life savings on there.... That's another question

I would love to use that service, unfortunately it appears to be down for some days now!
17  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Suggestions for an online store cart that takes bitcoins on: August 16, 2011, 06:01:09 PM
I just successfully set up ZenCart and built a nice store to grow the bitcoin economy. However the bitcoin payment module requires a running instance of bitcoind.

Now.. ZenCart is really awesome and allows noobs to easily create a really complex store (which is what I want). However.. Where can I get bitcoind running, do I need to pay ANOTHER hosting company as mine won't rund bitcoind? CoinDaemon seemed the solution but it appears to be down...

How do you guys do it? I want this store set up for bitcoins so badly... And starting from scratch is not really an option (especially if then I run into similar troubles)
18  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Zurich Meetup - Saturday, 13th Aug 2011 - At the pub! on: August 09, 2011, 04:19:06 PM
Hmm, I won't be able to make it... not in town... Locarno Film Festival :-)

thanks for organizing this though... I should be generally available if it is on a weeken
19  Local / Deutsch (German) / Wenn ich was verkaufen will on: August 09, 2011, 04:16:53 PM
Hallo an alle,

endlich ist es soweit... anstatt immer nur mit bitcoins zu kaufen will ich auch endlich was verkaufen. Es gibt nun drei grosse Optionen:

1) : Ich schaffe es nicht ein "verkaufsaccount" zu eröffnen, vielleicht mache ich auch was falsch
2) Hier im forum unter "Biete"
3) Selber eine Webseite aufzuziehen und mit irgendwelchen Merchant Tools zu arbeiten... keine Ahnung wie das geht

Gibt es eine andere Möglichkeit die mit wenig Aufwand verbunden ist? Ich will eigentlich nichts zu professionelles aufziehen... hat jemand Erfahrungen, Tipps oder Ideen? Ich will der Bitcoin community helfen und ein paar Optionen Mehr für Bitcoins anbieten

20  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Freedom and Responsibility - or: why you FAILED if you lost money in MBC crash on: August 03, 2011, 06:06:46 AM
I fully agree with the Op, I honestly don't understand how someone can trust an online service. Sony got hacked yet many people beleived a site like MBC would be safe even though it held real money. For all we know Google might get hacked by a few smart people in a few years. Things like those are bound to happen sooner or later.

Asssume for a second they have the equivalent of USD 500k in BTC. Now do a small calculation on whether it would make sense to hire a full time employee hacking the website for a full year. Is it worth it? Now think about salaries in some poor countries...

I am ok with someone storing his life-savings in an online wallet but I am not ok with the complaints that pop up when all the money is suddenly gone.

Some things are just bound to happen...
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