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aha.... that is sommething i can work with. Thanx for that answer
So because i build up the speed so i do not pay to much at miners i am a part time miner.... oke..
Than i am a part time miner for the last .. months or so i think... hmm.
Never mind, i learned my lesson by suprise.. not building up and not putting in much because i lose it en therefor really must stop now.
I am not talking about long blocks or sommething and so i think you do not get what i mean.. again.. never mind..
Bloody @$##,
I took me weeks to build up what i earn and steady add more speed and in about 4 days of no speed(lost more than came in so not able to rent) not getting anything.
Every few days that i rented more and the payout catched up i rented little higher speed, i thought it still counted for if the speed went down that it as slowly went down. Just proven wrong i find out with this last block. Why did you do that doc??
Well, one last time till the little bitcoin cents are gone and than because of this need to stop. Just a little one for a why not..
On Betarig i do not see the place to put the backup pool.
3 miners from the same provider there and eur and usa are doing good, test gave the problem. first the 4 hour offline and then the 6 hour offline.
Do not give up Doc, goodluck with all you do.
i have gotten 15 hours renting because of i think 10 hours offline, i do not dare to put it on the test adres again.
Glad you like the numbers, the test had the less rejected untill close to the offline. It was higher when i found it offline, so no it did good but the offline parts and because i rent... euhm..
goodluck again Doc.
With less i mean: Eu1: 6500 us2:6000 test:5000 Like that.
Hey Doc,
Looking on your site to check and see again 1 miner had become offline.... the test one. Over about i think 52-54 hours:8,192 reject and 16,233,984 accepted with in that time about 4 hour offline.
the eu1 miner:reject 7,680, accept 19,771,392 the us2 miner: reject 7,168 accept 18,721,280
The test one is now i maybey 10-30 minutes offline/out and add the about 4 hours that it was offline/out and not putting it back on the test but now on eur1 witch does best for me. The miners are in germany and all from the same owner.
So to me the tester is not so nice.
good luck Doc..
Checking the rented miners to find out that about 5-6 hours ago or the miner quit or the test link.
Til yesterday evening eu1 with most accepted and most rejected 2e us with both less and 3e test less of both of them.
Now trying from my end to get that rented miner online again, most of the times im lucky doing that.
Since i rent miners and you now ask about that test adress, 3th miner i put that adress in. I don't know if that will help because of the renting part, but i put it in and can and will tell what i see.
I had it good as you said for a let say almost steady line and and overhere (dutch time) at about 9:00 it jumped to a spike line as if i put it back on us server. I was not at home at that time, but if you say you did nothing as well... then i wonder what it was. I didn't get it back as calm as it had become before 9:00. The difficultys i had set after you told me and adjusted to the eu server, then there was that jump that i think 5 miners or so did at about 9:00 clock.. Maybey i or we will find out some day . Thanx for the info.
Wat has changed this morning??
I did wat you said Doc and did that last night, now i see that this morning when i was allready at work that from allmost the calm and steady line i ended up last night all miners that i rented got pointy or spikes like they did before of what you told me. What changed, its not sommething i did because i was not near my computer.
greetings ..
Thanks for your reaction on me doc, correcting the settings now and as you say i do the easy perk if needed.
With a rockminer 35gh/s as only miner(s1 is not working anymore) now i am renting all the other miners as my workers. I am renting them at betarings if that is helpfull info. i am renting 450 to 1000gh miners and trying out diff settings and the us and eu adreses.
The noticed that with double the diff setting (450gh/s-1024diff) that the miners are doing way better and in us2 adres. If i do eur1 and/or normal diff setting i get normal till low hash speeds.
a 450gh/s becomes 500 to almost 600 and almost steady. 700gh/s with the spikes to 1000gh/s is what 1 miner is doing and so is the story for the 850 and. ofcourse not every miner, but then i try double diff with eu1 adres if that is what the miner needs.
this is the second or third day checking and trying, waiting till it has done a few hours so i can see it on the chart map and what i says in workers and correct it again if i don't like it.
It does not matter if the miner it self is in europa or america, the us adres mostly is best in minimum of i think 50gh/s differents.
Checking now the one of the 2 850 and seeing that it does 1500gh easy and touching 2th. In the graphics i can see where it was in let say not the right settings yet.
I did not expect this to be possible because... well, its only the difficulty and the adres i can change and with these results.
I don't know what that says about the us and eu servers, but us works so much better.
Doc, if you need my login for betarigs so you can see for your self te results there then say it.
I rent it there because electric cost here is high and miners a not cheap, renting is really cheap so ... doing that. I'm not yet on the level of payout that i am suppose to earn, but allready a block pays back a miner most of the time now..
I hope doc this helps you greatly of what you need to know.
Not totally happy because one of the 850gh miners is not yet op to the speed it did before and i had to rerent it because the rent time ended. So need to fine tune it wright now. It's doing 850gh now.
, hope your right. Weird that they did not say it them selves?
still no wallet for leasing, not fun.
How long normally till it is fixed again??
greatings and luck..
Aaaaand, since yesterday late at night my wallet online is down again . I do know now that it is gonna be okay, but not able to lease/rent more of what i am leasing/renting now. Goodluck fixing it and thanx of al what you do. Got to go now
Back home and yessssss, leasing a rig now again and a block was found in the mean time.. going good...
, so its really not just me that the btc wallet is gone. I had a little on it and sending more, but gone is the wallet. Then i take that its worked on that soon its oke??
i know, my s1 eats about 60 euro a month but mines about 26 euro.
The upgrade set cost 399 euro and makes it 453 gh/s what mines about 55 euro.
Just wanted to see the difficulty because i thought i read Dr. say it stopt. Now i see that yesterday i got back a step to 39 from 40 . Edit: now i see it went up so many days back and in a couple of days in little steps back than i tiny step lower in the 39 step that it was.. Stil hoping it go's back eve more:D. What i don't understand and is going around in my mind a couple of days, when if am wright mr cox or so shut down when bitcoin was 1000 dollar or even 1000 euro, after that it only dropt and well.. what it does now. Why the ..... is it not going up as it did then and what was different back then? If suddenly it was rocketing and one site does bad, common.. 1 site and than that happens. And now it is like this, why does it go like this?? It was stable then going up and now totaly not stable, what is making it not stable and not going up. Now hoping the difficulty go's more down.