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Hi, I am thinking of flashing BIOS to use less power when mining but unsure if this is a good idea. I use pc for gaming sometimes will this cause issues? Tried googling for video on how to do it but no luck So far I have downloaded GPU-Z. I see I have Samsung memory which is good? Card is Sapphire Nitro 6800 XT SE  Currently running 1503 core, 2130 mem, 980mv but it says 881mv, 172w, 54-55c Get 64mh/s average speed, pool speed can vary from 55-67mh/s thou Normally mine at least 18hrs a day on this pc and powers very expensive here so if I can get 45w less power use might be worth it. From reading through RED BIOS EDITOR guide I would have to restart my pc each time I want to swap is this correct? There is no way to flash a modified bios for all the 6000 series. The best way is use more power tool to lower the voltage by software.
for mining no, but is the price is just 5% more, well, buy the 6800xt if you can
sorry for asking here, any difference between 6800 and 6800xt for mining?
Not sure, maybe 1-1.5 Mhass, but never saw more.
63.5 mh/s is rock solid with TRM 0.8.1 under Windows using max possible mem oc and fast timings preset in Radeon Settings. 97 watt by sensor now. I was able to achieve 89 watt by lowering soc voltage and gpu voltage further but it leads to sudden BSODs (( See my current stable config in detailed screenshot: (it is XFX merc 319 RX 6800) Can you tell me all the things you do? MPT config modified AMD cooling speeds, core speed, mem speed And if the 6800 is used for the desktop graphics
never mind, I went back to 2128, 2150 is randomly stable, and all the time I wasted testing, doesnt worth the 0.4 mhash extra or 0.6 Anyway, Im using team red miner, but I have some troubles posted in team red miner discord, but no one answered it. In hiveon pool my 5600 xt usually do 2900 shares at 43.1 Mhash or less or more displayed, but 2900 shares. But my 6800 get 3800-4000 shares at 62.2 So if: 2900 shares = 43 Mhash 4000 Shares = 59.3 Mhash And 4000 its the best I saw, right now its 3900 For some reason Im loosing shares at 62.1-62.3 Mhash (with --eth_config=A776 when I have to use my pc), 62.4-62.7 when Im not using the pc and --eth_config=A800. result can be better when Im not using my pc with the 6800, but still far from what it should be EDIT: After hours of farming, like 12 hours or more, not closing Team red miner, the shares get increased. Edit 2: after many days, and because I play sometimes, today I had to do a clean install of the drivers, even at 1235 core and 2124 memory it didnt want to work, and always crash. After driver re install with a complete clean, is working fine again at 1236, 650v, 2128 mem Edit 3: this is the best I can do I guess:
Okay, Im testing now 2150mhz the memory To set it its not easy, you have o change many times to the other standar options, then set all again, or the driver will be missed just changing the memory from tour current mhz, to the higher mhz 63.05 Mhash Team Red Miner, for sure is much more in phoenix miner, but not true at all, I mean phoenix miner lies.
My new 6800:
1235 core 650 vcore 2128 Mem + Fast timing No "SAM" activated from bios (the 2 options are disabled)
62.45 Mhash Team Red Miner (lie less compared with phoenix miner)
AMD 21.3.1 - 10 March 2021
SAM activated now, doesnt make any difference I guess, but for gaming (sometimes I play) it does
how exactly did you lower vcore to 662mV?
Team red miner: Navi21 (6800/6800XT/6900XT) =========================== TRM v0.8.1 added basic support for Big Navi cards (Navi21). This section will be expanded as we do more work for this gpu generation. For now, the suggested tuning process is quite simple: 1) Big Navis should run in A-mode (it's chosen by default). While the B-mode is available, the value of the 128MB cache is degraded with a larger memory footprint. 2) Windows is preferred over linux for now since you can choose the "fast timings" under win which adds 1.0-1.5 MH/s. Testing was made on Adrenalin 20.12.1. The AMD recommended driver (20.11.3) had bugs for handling clocks on our 6800. 3) To be able to lower voltage properly, you need to modify the powerplay table with e.g. MorePowerTool. Install GPU-Z and MorePowerTool. Save the bios using GPU-Z. Open MorePowerTool, select your Big Navi gpu in the dropdown list. If necessary, load the bios to get a baseline configuration. Lower the "Power and Voltage" -> "Minimum Voltage GFX (mV)" limit to the voltage you with to run. Lower than 625mV is rarely stable, although we've been able to run at 612mV. NOTE FOR 6800 USERS: 6800 users might also want to increase the SOC TDC limit in the same tab. It was 30A for our test 6800 which caused throttling. Increase it to 32 or 33A. Before doing so, you should verify in HWiNFO64 that you're really being throttled though by checking the "GPU SOC TDC Limit" row. If it hits 100%, you need to increase the power limit. 3) Clocks suggestions as starting point for further tuning (Windows with "Fast Timing" selected, Linux can choose similar but will se lower hashrates): 6800: 1235 MHz core, 2124 MHz mem, 625 mV, SOC TDC +10% -> 62.6-62.7 MH/s. 6900XT: 1200 MHz code, 2138 MHz mem, 650 mV, 63.2 MH/s Happy mining! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Videos of the undervolt can be found in youtube
Hi guys! I need help with this I have a 5600 xt sapphire, I was using the last drivers of amd, 2021 version (not sure which), and phoenix miner 5.5c and: After I flashed the bios of the youtber: Red Panda Mining, the video is called "BIOS MOD for the RX 5600 XT For Ethereum Mining" I follow the things I have to change in the bios, video: ULTIMATE 5600xt Ethereum Mining Guide, by: Son of a tech So, the bios worked, I started phoenix miner and instead of use 78-79W, now with this new Bios Im using 120 W (reported both by Radeon Software and Phoenix miner), and I undervolted to 690 with More Power tool, rebot and,Randeon software shows 690-690-690, and still at 120W power usage reported by radeon software and phoenix miner. I just flashed the previous Bios for my sapphire 5600 xt, and undervolted to 680, Radeo SW reports 679-679-679 in options, and while Im farming it show in the single display 681mv. So now the Power consumption reported by both programs again, is 73W. Not sure what I did wrong, but for 3.9 more Mhash, at the cost of like 30W more, dont worth for me. EDIT: okay, Im trying it again: 43.8 Mhash, at the cost of 120W and temp 44°-45°, but the temp is the same like when I was using the stock Bios (just modified with More Power Tool, results was like 40.3 Mhash at 77-78W and temp 45°). This is a visual bug? I will try to add screenshots. EDIT 2: screenshots   Now Im using the drivers: 20.12.1
There is something wrong i think... Im using w7 64 bits, ati drivers 14.9, ati hd5850  sgminer: ] , "kernel" : "x13modold", "kernel-path" : "/usr/local/bin", "vector" : "1", "intensity" : "15", "worksize" : "128", "lookup-gap" : "2", "gpu-threads" : "1", "gpu-engine" : "725", "gpu-memclock" : "1000", "gpu-powertune" : "0", "gpu-vddc" : "0.000", "gpu-dyninterval" : "10", "auto-fan" : true, "auto-gpu" : true, "gpu-fan" : "50-100", "temp-cutoff" : "95", "temp-overheat" : "90", "temp-target" : "68", "temp-hysteresis" : "3", "api-listen" : true, "api-mcast-port" : "4028", "api-network" : true, "api-port" : "4028", "failover-switch-delay" : "30", "log" : "5", "no-pool-disable" : true, "no-submit-stale" : true, "tcp-keepalive" : "30", "worktime" : true, "shares" : "0", "queue" : "3", "expiry" : "60", "scan-time" : "60", "show-coindiff" : true, "gpu-platform" : "0", "device" : "0" } 5850? I'm mildly surprised it mines at all. Nvm... i think, i changed the pool and seems to work fine now.
There is something wrong i think... Im using w7 64 bits, ati drivers 14.9, ati hd5850  sgminer: ] , "kernel" : "x13modold", "kernel-path" : "/usr/local/bin", "vector" : "1", "intensity" : "15", "worksize" : "128", "lookup-gap" : "2", "gpu-threads" : "1", "gpu-engine" : "725", "gpu-memclock" : "1000", "gpu-powertune" : "0", "gpu-vddc" : "0.000", "gpu-dyninterval" : "10", "auto-fan" : true, "auto-gpu" : true, "gpu-fan" : "50-100", "temp-cutoff" : "95", "temp-overheat" : "90", "temp-target" : "68", "temp-hysteresis" : "3", "api-listen" : true, "api-mcast-port" : "4028", "api-network" : true, "api-port" : "4028", "failover-switch-delay" : "30", "log" : "5", "no-pool-disable" : true, "no-submit-stale" : true, "tcp-keepalive" : "30", "worktime" : true, "shares" : "0", "queue" : "3", "expiry" : "60", "scan-time" : "60", "show-coindiff" : true, "gpu-platform" : "0", "device" : "0" }
180 Mhash and 3.8% rejected, but the pool just take 140mhash avg from me:  It's normal. Approximately, hashrate = your shares/time. So, hashrate may be more or less. And hashrate on site does not affect the payment. All your shares will be paid. I know, the first days i start to mine maxcoin, it was better.
180 Mhash and 3.8% rejected, but the pool just take 140mhash avg from me: 
18323 2013-06-01 15:28:47 0:19:51 3080262 97 0.00076830 239084 25.19121000 100 confirmaciones pendientes 18322 2013-06-01 15:08:56 1:50:42 17158976 588 0.00062108 239080 25.18504000 96 confirmaciones pendientes 18321 2013-06-01 13:18:14 1:35:10 14691906 509 0.00000118 239063 25.20347868 79 confirmaciones pendientes 18320 2013-06-01 11:43:04 0:09:52 1544066 45 0.00067210 239053 25.00150000 69 confirmaciones pendientes
I dont know if my ISP is getting better, or Slush got better Latency/Ping!
I want to run cgminer for my ati 5850 and ati drivers 12.8 (i didnt installed any sdk), i try with this bat:
When I installed Catalyst 12.1 for use with my 5000 series cards I had to do a custom install and deselect SDK 2.6 and then manually install SDK 2.5. So if you didn't deselect the OpenCL SDK then the version that came with catalyst got installed and the post 2.6 versions are terrible for 5000 series GPU. Sam I jsut try them with 12.8 and 2.5 sdk, didnt work  Later i try with other ati driver and 2.5 sdk
New dificulty! 8,974,296.01 Im using just one ati 5850, 371-372 Mhash, somethimes at 380-382 Mhash. These are the nw rewards  Here: 370 Mhash, i should get : Coins per 24h at these conditions 0.0207 BTC Later i post the results.
I want to run cgminer for my ati 5850 and ati drivers 12.8 (i didnt installed any sdk), i try with this bat: start /D "C:\cgminer" cgminer.exe -o -u XXXXXX.worker1 -p XXXXXXX -d 0 -I 9 -k diablo -v 2 -w 256 But it stop working, the alst time after 2 hours. Phoenix 1.75 with Dia Kernel works for days. Why i didnt installed any sdk? Last time i try 2.5 sdks, i try to run cgminer with phatk, and cgminer said im running sdk 2.6 +, and phatk will not perform good. Then i try more times doing clean installs, but it kepp saying that Im running w7, using my oboard for my desktop (nvidia onboard graphics) and a second screen for ati, where runs phoenix its fine, but i want to run cgminer.
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