Agreed a sale then sent me a payment address 20 minutes ago saying pay 2.5 BTC today, after you agreed the sale. I hope there was a legitimate misunderstanding with you there.
Scammers create fake accounts that are similar to the seller. They then watch the sales and send a fake "You won the sale, send payment here" to all the other bidders.
It was the same person who asked me to make payment today to a bitcoin address untill I mentioned it on this thread. After I mentioned it on this thread I was told the bar was sold. this was 12 hours after the sale was agreed. As I said I hope it was a genuine missunderstanding
I canīt find any trace of messages between you and me besides the one we exchanged about the bar some time ago.
As a precaution iīve changed my password.
Again, the bar is sold and shipped, anyone contacts you or any other forum member saying something else is trying to scam you.