I've just launched VideoTrove, a new site that allows you to earn bitcoins in three ways: - Vote on a video of your choice every 24 hours for a reward, similar to how most faucets work
- Found a cool video you want to share? Share it on on VideoTrove (YouTube, Vimeo, Vidme currently supported). Every week three of the most liked videos will win a reward.
- Invite people using your referral link; after registering, you'll earn a 10% bonus every time the user you referred gets a reward for voting.
You can withdraw your earnings either directly (minimum withdrawal amount) or using FaucetBOX (no minimum withdrawal amount). The site is fairly new, so feel free to voice any issues or suggestions you may have. 
I've faced this same problem with BitBin, and I've already blocked quite a few sites that have bombarded me with worthless traffic, either by using traffic exchanges or creating sites with tons of hidden iFrames that load BitBin pages to rack up hits. Here's the list I'm currently using for BitBin, which runs on nginx. Some of them don't have the top-level domain (eg. .com), as I've noticed especially blogspot sites may end with .fi, .com, etc. depending on your location. default 0; "" 1; "~traffic-exchange" 1; "" 1; "" 1; "" 1; "" 1; "~estrenoszz.blogspot" 1; "~musik4kh.blogspot" 1; "" 1; "" 1; "" 1; "" 1; "~kronox123.over-blog" 1; "~glenpoetra.blogspot" 1; "~guipsautosurf" 1; "" 1; "" 1; "~krunox123.over-blog" 1; "~forimpressions.over-blog" 1; "" 1; "" 1; "" 1; "" 1; "" 1; "~moneybitcoinautopilot.weebly" 1; "~ngepetkungepetdapatduit.blogspot" 1; "~hitleap204.weebly" 1; "" 1; "" 1; "" 1; "" 1; "" 1; "" 1; "" 1; "" 1; "~autosurfenligne" 1; "" 1; "" 1; "" 1; "" 1; "" 1; "" 1; "" 1; "~bloggerbitcoins.blogspot" 1; As to how you can use it, just save it somewhere (eg. /etc/nginx/ Then, in your nginx configuration file (nginx.conf or your site-specific file in conf.d), add the following block: map $http_referer $bad_referer { include /etc/nginx/; } and then in your server block, add the following: if ($bad_referer) { return 444; } If everything went correctly, nginx should now automatically drop any request that came from those URLs, as long as the site's URL appears in the Referer field. As for how you can find out where these illegitimate visits are coming from, you could use either Google Analytics or go through your web server's logs manually.
My site was suspended from this service. I do know that there are people abusing the service using autosurf exchanges and other similar methods, and I've already blocked offending sites from sending traffic to my site, though it's an on-going problem. I know some ad networks filter out low-quality traffic automatically, but I can increase my efforts on blocking low-quality traffic as well.
Is it possible to get my account reinstated somehow?
The service still seems really slow, especially when trying to log in or access the dashboard which may lead to the server timing out before I receive a response. Have you looked into separating the ad server and the actual advertiser/publisher sites? That would help with the actual site loading very poorly, which I imagine is the most annoying issue at the moment. Visitors won't probably mind if an ad spot takes a while to load, but as a publisher I find it very irritating the page times out multiple times before I can look at the stats.
| will be up and running tonight or tomorrow morning.
This is what will happen:
All bids and statistics will be deleted. Some accounts, advertisements, websites, and adspaces will need to be registered again. All balances will be 0.
During the first 2 weeks the site will have 0% fees.
At the end of those 2 weeks: - 7 BTC will be evenly distributed among all deposits made during that time; - 3 BTC will be evenly distributed among all publishers earnings during that time; - Fees will go back to normal;
This is the closest I got to a fair solution, please leave your feedback.
Small change, thanks to Land of Bitcoin for pointing out a potential abuse.During the first 2 weeks the site will have 0% normal fees. At the end of those 2 weeks: - 7 BTC will be evenly distributed among all deposits made spent during that time (unspent funds won't be accounted for the bonus); - 3 BTC will be evenly distributed among all publishers earnings during that time; - Fees will go back to normal down to 0% for 2 weeks; You forgot the part about implementing daily incremental backups, but otherwise, sounds like a best case scenario and a good plan. I would have the site, or at least the transaction data backed up more than once per day. Missing even a few transactions in the case of another database corruption would still cause plenty of headache, and I really doubt the amount of transactions his site processes on a daily basis would take more than a minute or two to back up, provided it's done correctly.
A couple of comments.. more to come..
- when you create an adspace and you type in the webpage where its going you need to type in "/webpage.html" not "webpage.html". It should add the "/" in automatically.. - please don't use iframes to show the code :-( - alternative ad options so if you have no one bidding on your website (a reason for no iframes) - Statistics - Data column(s) for axis #0 cannot be of type string (I presume when someone has no data and you look at their stats) - no gif's please or people will make horrible animated gifs (or do you check them if they are?) - no forgot password.. I presume you are storing passwords in one way encrypted format only..
Why no forgot passwords? I would think that its an essential feature and it should be in place soon. Also make sure that its in an one-way hash, preferable sha256. Bcrypt is the best choice since unlike most hashing algorithms, it's designed to be slow enough to make brute-forcing ineffective.
Also, there doesn't appear to be an option to create an ad unit with the size of 125x125, which is what I've used with BitBin. Or is it ok if I resize the ad iframe manually?
Looking good. If there is something I have to nitpick about, it's the placement of Sign In and Register buttons on the login page which was a bit confusing the first time I skimmed through that part.
Any news? Well, i guess this is the end of ... any simillar network around?  You could try Operation fabulous and a-ads. Operation Fabulous hasn't been updated for years, their way of listing publisher sites is terrible and they have a high minimum withdrawal amount (0.05 BTC) which discourages smaller sites from using it. BitAds is also better in my opinion because the ad views are shared proportionally as opposed to Operation Fabulous where only the ad of the highest bidder is displayed. Hopefully the admin either comes back or someone else creates a site with a similar feature set.
I requested a withdrawal on January 16th and I haven't received the bitcoins yet. I also sent a message about this but I haven't received a response to that yet either. It was bad enough that I haven't been able to withdraw from BitAds for weeks, but to see similar behavior from CoinURL does make me a bit concerned.  Hopefully it's just a small delay, although I find it odd my earnings are getting processed as normal.
What a shame. The site had a lot of promise and it was better than Operation Fabulous, even in its beta phase.  I just hope the admin responds soon enough.
Well I guess BitVegas' lies came back to haunt him in the end.
Yes, because 20 minutes of silence means you automatically won the argument. Go you!  Besides, I have no idea how the supposed "malware" makes him a scammer, especially since it was a short-lived issue that was only picked up by a few antivirus programs.
Hello everyone, I am Mitchell, owner of BitCoinInformation and also an admin on BitVegas. No one ever had a problem with us and when there was a problem it was always resolved. I just got an hilarious e-mail from ""Roger Epting" <>" which states the following: E-mail message Let me tell you, Guy Kilgour is not the real name of the owner of BitVegas and the e-mail address makes it even more funnier. You are not trying to get anything back anymore icecube, you are trying to rip us off. My reply to that e-mail was something that made me smile: Hello Roger, First of all, what the fuck is this? The owner of Bitcoin-ads, BitAds and BitVegas has always payed me and I never ever had any problems with him or his services. If this is about xcube7's ridiculous claim that we stole his Bitcoins, please contact the owner directly. He can provide all the proof needed to show you that this claim isn't based on any facts. Also, lol on your e-mail address. Kind Regards, The Owner of BitCoin Information I received the same message except that the sender was identified as bitcoininvestigation instead of bitcoininvestigation  And for that matter, no, I haven't had any problems with either BitVegas or BitAds. BitAds has worked far better than Operation Fabulous for me.
Site got really slow after that huge series site showed up.
My host was having some internet issues, which should be resolved now. Although some of the SQL calls do seem to be getting a little slow so I will work modifying these to speed them up. Here's some performance tips I've found useful when running BitBin. You should also look into implementing Memcache if you haven't done so already. I tried it out and it increased my site performance considerably when some SQL calls can be skipped entirely. could also try fine-tuning your MySQL/MariaDB settings if you're using either one of them using this script. It should be noted they are only guidelines, but should be useful in figuring out which settings need to be adjusted. there's Xcache for PHP which acts as an opcode cache. I also switched to nginx recently, which uses far less RAM and handles multiple parallel users far better than Apache.
Currently taking this site for a spin with BitBin. Operation Fabulous has pretty much ceased on improving their site, so I hope this service will provide much needed competition among the pay-per-day advertising sites. 
maybe you can use them for pooled vanitygen
The chip on the stick can't do anything else beside mine bitcoins.
I stopped using CoinURL a month or so ago, since I was getting paid 0.00000600-0.00001200 BTC per click, which was really terrible compared to other advertising services.
Has the CPC gotten any better to reconsider using CoinURL?
My ad spot's health has dwindled down to zero, even though I'm getting impressions and the ad is displayed on every page in BitBin :
I'm interested in this provided I won't have to buy an Avalon chip myself, it is affordable enough and if you ship worldwide. 
Nice job with the site, the layout alone beats most of the Bitcoin sites out there. I was actually wondering when someone would create a PTC site that accepted Bitcoin.
There seems to be a small bug with the "earned xx BTC" message you get after viewing the advertisement. It reported I got 0.00002 BTC when I got 0.000015 BTC.