- Brand new account
- Large Amazon code
- Teamviewer
- Offsite transaction
- Big discount
10/10 would not buy big discount is not a bad thing it only might be strange that someone gives free money what could mean of hacking gift cards
How much are you looking to spend? I got my own acc, 5k+ link karma (triple frontpage) and more then 1k post karma
whats the point of having those karma points and how much you would want for it?
So you basically sell the account you are posting from arent you? If yes thats not a good idea
I must point ot that it will be hard for you to sell anything with this account as it has negative trust on it
If someone sells you google acc wont you have access to all information that that account is connected?
Not secure accounts cost 1 dollar while normal 30? Thats just bs why then all people dont buy those almost free accs?
What contests? You received it free or something? If yes you could sell it cheaper
I second this. Can anyone explain the hate?
Probably a lot of people lost money with Litecoin which is result you get a lot of hate towards it. Tons bought at 40 dollar a coin thinking we could go 400, then the crash happened. It's the same as gold guys that hate on silver. litecoin to 400? even if bitcoin now goes to 400 it would be insane not talking about litecoin
domain name is kinda weird when i read it at first i thought about some other things 
I have play in autobet more of 400 game, but the pics don't change
For the model to strip you need to win 51-49 every 100 bets, i guess FAP ABORTED shouldnt it be only for playing? it shows for me now 101 bets left when i started
Congrats for getting 4 billion bets. Thanks all! Will have a giveaway posted within next couple of days
Another giveaway? That will be the 4th one within 30 days.  that sounds great for upcoming giveaway within 30 days, that is real reason why primedice is #1 dice site. #1 dice site for giveaways? i dont think that should depend on giveaways, maybe more about safety and taking care of players
Is a ponzi, why don't post in ponzi section?
Its not a ponzi dude, they have a team of profesionals better invest all your bitcoins while you can are you serious or just trolling? if serious then you should know that all sites posted in this thread are ponzies
a lot of people seems to be into this ponzi? whats so good about it?
its really suspicious as you have only 2 activity
thats too much as you can get those games much cheaper on sales
you are selling the same account that you used to post here publicly it will hard for you to get the buyer as people know this account is being sold, risk of negative trust
dont people know if the account was sold as it shows that the password was changed?
Well, I'm gonna take a chance. I just deposited 1.02 million doge.   Hello admin, can u explain about given green colour for deposit? It means he gets his investment X6 in 100 hours because he invested a big amount well such rules will shorten this ponzi lifetime who could come up with an idea to pay big investments even more?
is the contest of 0.1 btc still working?
Is this site just an another one like nine9.ninja?? Is the structure same, except just the waiting time? yeah a lot of aspects are the same its most probably the same scam
The page not loading with me , what is The Proplem
didnt you see other people complaints that its not working?