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1  Economy / Digital goods / Re: Selling Pokemon GO Accounts with 2600CP Dragonites! on: July 28, 2016, 09:08:56 PM
I would like a vouch copy to write a review about and use! Ill even donate some to a charity of your choice

Since you have the highest trust, you have won a free account. Congrats killyou72!

PTC transfer works like this:

You'll need to PM us with your rough location (within 10 miles or so) and an email that you control and can click a "verify" link sent from the Pokemon Trainers Club.

We'll then set your email as the default on the PTC site (you'll need to verify asap) then we'll create a path from the account's current location to your location, to be made to look like a flight. Once the account arrives we'll PM you with the PTC username and password.

This method may seem overwrought, but has the least amount of risk for tripping a soft lock and nothing that stands out as a signature for longer term filter banning by Niantic.
2  Economy / Digital goods / Re: Selling Pokemon GO Accounts with 2600CP Dragonites! on: July 27, 2016, 05:19:10 AM

Thanks for the heads up!
3  Economy / Digital goods / Re: <<< POKEMON GO >>> TRADING COMING on: July 27, 2016, 05:18:06 AM
FYI, we're giving away 1 vouch copy of a PTC Pokemon GO Account below.
4  Economy / Digital goods / Selling Pokemon GO Accounts with 2600CP Dragonites! on: July 27, 2016, 03:44:45 AM
Long time Bitcoiner, first time seller here. (or it's been so long that I forget Smiley)

We're selling several Level 28+ Pokemon GO accounts, each with at least 1 Dragonite and 5+ additional 2000+CP Pokemon!

Own the nearest Pokemon GO Gym, your Neighborhood or your entire city's Gyms all the time!

0.25 BTC each for accounts with one 2600CP Dragonite, and add 0.05BTC for each additional 2600CP Dragonite (5 or more Dragonites may cause a delay of 2 days each)

We've taken great care in raising our Pokemon GO accounts by leveling them in Central Park, NY, a very well known (and popular) Pokemon GO destination. We acclimate each account to your city before handing it off and guarantee (with account replacement of equal or greater value) that it will not being detected by Niantic under normal operating conditions.

Also, if you know what you want and would like to commission a custom build by one of our Pokemasters, PM us and we'll be happy to give you a quote. Make sure to include a desired account name and description of which maxed out Pokemon should be included.

This is just something a few of us are doing in our spare time (mainly because we're all huge pokemon nerds), so 50% of profits will be donated to charity.

PM or Reply with any questions. Happy Bitcoining!

EDIT: I forgot to mention, we'll be giving out one free "vouch account" to a lucky bitcointalk member who replies to this thread and agrees to write a review about our service. (nothing long, just "yep, it's legit" is fine, but more is better)

5  Economy / Goods / Re: Skyhook Bitcoin ATM for Sale only $1040 with shipping included to USA on: May 25, 2014, 06:22:54 AM
It's AUD, not GBP...

The GBP is too wide for the current model, but a wider bill acceptor lip is expected out in July.
6  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Best Bitcoin Android apps and widgets on: December 12, 2013, 08:57:07 PM

the fact that you missed this is quite sad.

best app ever.

I think so, this is hands down the best app for iphone and soon to be the best for android (once some additional features are added). Time to update the list.
7  Economy / Web Wallets / Re: - Bitcoin Block explorer & Currency Statistics on: November 28, 2013, 05:36:08 PM
$0.01 has a much better chance of being confirmed than 0.00000000 - This is what's happening now. Occassionally on the iphone blockchain 'app', with the default setting for transaction fees of "normal" will not include a transaction fee. Everyone understands this, I hope.
8  Economy / Web Wallets / Re: - Bitcoin Block explorer & Currency Statistics on: November 28, 2013, 03:55:06 PM
How can this link still be your customer support section?

I'm fed up guys... Fix your transaction fee.

This is the last time you'll bugger a transaction for me. I'm not recommending your service again until you get it fixed. Sending without a transaction fee when the wallet profile is set to normal is not ok. You're the best option for new users on iPhones, so this needs to be a priority.

Peg the default transaction fee to $0.01 and everyone will be much happier. At the very least add an option to send the equivalent of $0.01 for every transaction.

I haven't read this thread, so I don't know how much of a steady whine this is...

Get it fixed before black friday and I'll donate 0.1 btc to the charity of your choice.
9  Other / CPU/GPU Bitcoin mining hardware / Re: [Need Advice] Which would be best to buy? Hasfast or Cointerra on: November 05, 2013, 03:45:43 PM
Ive emailed cointerra not to long ago to ask about the type/size of PSU's they were using for their 2th/s unit. 

Needless to say, they couldn't give me a solid answer just "we estimate we will be using dual 1100s", but wasnt certain.

I had also asked if the PSU's were server/redundant or standard ATX, if they met 80 gold or above standards.  In the end I got a screen shot of a 1100w psu that could have been grabbed from just about anywhere with none of that information needed.

I am not at all questioning these guy's abilities in what they can do, they are all obviously qualified ENGINEERS. The one thing I do see different with these gents is, none of them have run the entire ship.  Just departments of, which is fine. Though could very well lead to a late arrival. due to the desire of perfection/standard engineers flaw.  Normally that is a great thing, sadly its a slightly different nature with btc.

I hope they deliver, I really do. I like their ideas/ team. 

Sorry for the delay in answer. We have indeed chosen our power supply (PSU) supplier and we are equipping our TerraMiner series with power supplies from Power One ( Our decision was based on the need for exceptionally reliable power sources for durability and reliability.

The CoinTerra Team

Are you guys really going to delivery early January?  I really do want test out your system but the difficulty rate is rising too quickly.  It's hard to tell if any miner will even get ROI let alone a profit.  I started using cloud mining which has been fun so far.

Progress continues toward meeting our target ship date. We have completed a mock-tapeout. Final tapeout is imminent and will be announced shortly. Regarding power supplies we build our TerraMiner series to be the most powerful unit on the market, using the very minimum of power and Power One is an essential part in this equation.

How many weeks are there in a 'shortly'?
10  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: CoinTerra announces its first ASIC - Hash-Rate greater than 500 GH/s on: October 21, 2013, 04:54:32 PM
hey cointerra, your website is broken.
11  Economy / Computer hardware / Re: [WTS] USB Block Erupter! Lowest price value! on: August 09, 2013, 05:37:35 PM
I'll take one of each color for posterity. Original packaging included?
12  Economy / Computer hardware / Re: [WTS] 60GH/s Miner from BFL (In Hand) on: August 02, 2013, 05:21:12 PM
ok, it will ship for 110BTC today obo, 5 available.
13  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Portland bitcoin users? on: July 31, 2013, 04:34:54 PM
r r r r r r resurrection!

See you there!
14  Economy / Computer hardware / Re: [WTS] 60GH/s Miner from BFL (In Hand) on: July 20, 2013, 10:39:11 PM
thanks for the bid. its happily mining away and won't be shipping for 105 today.
15  Economy / Computer hardware / Re: [WTS] 60GH/s Miner from BFL (Contest Winner, Shipping in first batch) on: July 19, 2013, 09:40:35 PM
O, right, this thread. So the contest winner is a 60GH/s monster that's been going for a few days. That's "in hand" people. I'll now entertain offers starting at 105 btc.
16  Economy / Services / Re: Gigamining / Teramining on: June 24, 2013, 04:19:29 PM
BFL looks to be bottlenecked @ 3500 chips per week right now (14TH/s). Given this limitation, when do you expect to have all 10.5TH/s up and running? If they're shipping FIFO it could be this week, right?
17  Economy / Auctions / Re: [Auction] iPad w/ accessories on: June 20, 2013, 06:50:02 PM
18  Economy / Computer hardware / Re: [WTS] 500Gh/s BFL ASIC unit on: June 20, 2013, 02:23:16 PM
Here are a few reasons.

1. power efficiency long term
2. risk of delay
3. resale value the day avalon clones come online should be at least 45k


19  Economy / Services / Re: Gigamining / Teramining on: June 19, 2013, 12:37:45 AM
are they xlinked or connected through a usb hub? Also, controlled by Nexus7 or PC?

EDIT: Oh and of course, how many watts are you burning through? did the lights dim and the walls creak when you powered it up? Cheesy
20  Economy / Auctions / Re: 24 hour auction for 85/Ghs Avalon (4 module+PSU) on: June 18, 2013, 08:05:11 PM
100 BTC... I'll just take it off your tab.
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