Really innovative project, especially the idea of batching orders to save gas.
One question though, as users don't need to log in - how will you onboard users who don't know how to use a private key?
This will also be my first signature campaign. Just invested in YOLOdice today too! (Leo)
BitcoinTalk username: dadj YOLOdice user id: 66284 Forum rank:Full member Current post count: 175
Invest in Bitcoin, a Trezor (or 2) and sign up with Poloniex if you haven't already.
Monero (XMR) is a decent coin to invest in because it has the best privacy and potential to replace Bitcoin as an anonymous store of value.
You can also experiment with your 2nd Trezor by flashing the firmware to store your moneroj on.
Hello all, I was just wondering how and if it was possible to short Ethereum on Kraken even if I am not planning to do that  . Thank you in advance for your help. Yes, but it's much easier to short on Poloniex. It took me hours to figure out Kraken's margin trading interface and it would probably take me another hour to read up on how to do it if I had to again. ahah it took me hours also to get use to Kraken even if I didn't really understand their margin trading interface for the moment.... Since I do not want to trade on several platform, this is why I was wondering on how to do it on kraken, any help would be much appreciated!!! Have a read through the help pages: basically close the position out by buying an equal amount of Ether with leverage > 1.
Hello all, I was just wondering how and if it was possible to short Ethereum on Kraken even if I am not planning to do that  . Thank you in advance for your help. Yes, but it's much easier to short on Poloniex. It took me hours to figure out Kraken's margin trading interface and it would probably take me another hour to read up on how to do it if I had to again.
Here's the death blow. You can skim around those posts for more details. Which is exactly what I wrote it must do, and exactly what I wrote when I surmised that your white paper was implying the highly jammable design of 10-of-10.
But as I pointed out in the correct math (which is clear you still haven't grasped), even 6-of-10 can be jammed 62% of the time (and multiply spent the other 38% of the time) given a 50% attack on the masternodes (i.e. the 50% attack on masternodes can attack 100% of the InstantX transactions).
Attack 50% of the masternodes, huh? Pray tell, how is anybody going to accomplish that feat? nothing could be easier, from the start more than 50% of masternodes were in the hands of a master entity If that 50% of masternodes is controlled by a master entity, he will make sure nobody else can attack the network. So it is quite safe. You have completely missed the point of decentralised money.
So if Evan or the decentralized budget, issued a bounty for third parties to break InstantX, would you break it or would you say "oh, but we don't have the X million dollars required to buy the necessary amount of masternodes that are necessary for our attack to work"?
Don't Evan and Otoh own enough of the network for this type of attack? Don't authorities (if they noticed this little sham) have the means to induce Evan and Otoh to spy on or break dash? See how the discussion moved from code and maths to "the police will come for your coins" The police coming for coins is the least of worries. The government will be content knowing who's behind every transaction.
... All of which are horrible features, especially the illegal Masternodes, the broken math of the InstantX, ...
Can you please expand on the broken math of InstantX? It's hard to find any documentation on how it works.
The source code for instantx is part of There is no separate module for it.
with the one innovation of a currently closed source instantX feature?
Sorry, you just disqualified yourself from any further discussion due to massive willful ignorance. "Closed source" Epic LOL. *ignored* Open source aye? There are 6 mentions of InstantX in the whitepaper: many times does the word 'instantx' appear in this extensive overview? 0 results If you hadn't been so quick to ignore me, I would have liked to have known where exactly I can find the source code?
Dash is not instant when used anonymously (you must wait hours/days for premixing) and you rely on many 3rd parties; Masternodes/VPS companies.
You said it yourself: PREmixing. Even with non-finished mixing you have a partial anonymized balance which can be spent instantly. DarkSend is becoming default in Evolution rendering mixing obsolete anyway. What do you mean "DarkSend is becoming default in Evolution rendering mixing obsolete"? Is DarkSend not mixing? Is Dash cancelling the privacy aspect of their coin? Or are you suggesting DarkSend will work instantly and by default whenever Evolution is released? Now I see you're saying: Mandatory anonymity at the expense of efficiency & usability was a terrible idea.
So Dash is actually just a clone of Bitcoin with unmixed coins and tainted coins with the one innovation of a currently closed source instantX feature? If so, great - ppl in Dash should stop marketing it as having better fungibility, untraceability and privacy! Bitcoin/Bitclones also rely on many 3rd parties. They're called miners. And they are nothing other than nodes collaborating in self-interest. Exactly like the MasterNode network.
Yes, exactly; with the small difference that the third party MasterNodes will not be involved in the mixing process nor (I guess) collecting fees for services not rendered. That leaves them with instantX transaction fees (3 cents each) and After the upcoming Dash Evolution release, this fee will be omitted for most transactions
So MasterNodes will likely compete with Miners to sell dash with the only incentive to hold being speculation on adoption. Right now Dash has either privacy or faster transactions, but not both.
Proven wrong by the above. So you've proven my fact wrong by ignoring it and saying it's going to work different soon?
Dash is like a windup rubberband driven toy. Cute but not useful for anything serious.
Me: "Hello Mr. Merchant. Would you like to use a payment system that is Instant, Secure, Doesn't rely on a third party charging you 3-5% in fees, and leaves all of the funds in YOUR control?" Merchant: "No, those things sound terrible" Somehow, I don't think that would be their answer. You'd be surprised how common that answer is among merchants. Most merchants don't want to change their payment systems because they know the digital currency market is small. They have a working system that they're used to, taxes to account for (their system in most cases will be set up already) - why would they take on the risks of downtime, computer security & volatility? Merchant adoption of Bitcoin is happening so slowly, not saying it's impossible for the same to happen with alt coins but it'll be a tough sell, especially in Dash's case because its main touted advantages over Bitcoin are more privacy & faster transactions. Right now Dash has either privacy or faster transactions, but not both. When merchants discover these kinds of dishonest marketing tactics it will be very difficult to restore Dash's reputation.
Dash is not instant when used anonymously (you must wait hours/days for premixing) and you rely on many 3rd parties; Masternodes/VPS companies. The objective of Dash's design is to raise the level of fungibility of the coin supply as a whole without recourse to obfuscation - or put another way, without loss of blockchain transparency. If this is indeed the objective, Dash is not succeeding without obfuscation. Darksend is all about obfuscation and people who never use it by default destroy its fungibility. As such, the coin supply is being mixed on an ongoing basis - pre-emptively and post emptively. When you acquire any portion of the supply, it will have been mixed by pevious holders and the ones previous to them and previous to them. When you spend it, that portion of the supply will be mixed by subsequent holders. This ongoing, iterative process has an aggregate effect on the money supply over time which is to mitigate the significance of any distinction between one address and another, however, on top of all that, a holder can still target the specific portion of the supply that they control and re-anonymise that in background if they so wish.
The net result is a public blockchain, fully transparent currency who's level of fungibility/anonymity is way superior to bitcoin's and which can confirm almost instantly. That is the design objective and the basis on which it should be judged. Except there is not full transparency, nor full anonymity. Sure, at the point of spending, the receiver is able to know the sending address in the transaction and the payer is able to see the receiving address. But that is a good thing and consistent with Dash's design objectives which are to retain commercial compatability with bitcoin. From a monetary perspective, it's also not a bad thing because the transaction itself is the one place where you DO want to see everything since anonymity is then in conflict with other priorities such as accountability, confidence etc. This has been true for all historical base monetary media, for example no-one's going to pay you for your gold while it's under your floorboards. The person receiving will be able to tell if the sender used Darksend or not. The gold under the floorboards analogy doesn't make sense in the context of crypto-currency.
OK, give up? I'll tell you what I see.
An Instant, Secure, Retail transaction.
No 0-conf, no double spend risk, no need for trust, no 3rd party.
Do you still see nonsense?
Dash is not instant when used anonymously (you must wait hours/days for premixing) and you rely on many 3rd parties; Masternodes/VPS companies.
It is instant & anonymous* in transacting a premixed balance.
* Provided there is an anonymous IP solution as well which I would prefer if it was offered out-of-the-box.
Premixing a balance takes a ridiculous amount of hours/days/weeks depending on how much you're mixing. Dash is marketed as 'instant & anonymous', not 'instant & anonymous if you premix'. This is why it's a dishonest solution for users seeking privacy.
Premixing and sending mixed coins are two different phases for DASH.
Sending premixed coins is instant.
Mixing your balance can be done whenever you want. Speed will pickup with time, as more people use mixing and there is greater "availability" to mix with. At that point, when a lot of people are mixing, bloat and fees will be the issue. I think we already had a glimpse of the future when premixing with multiple rounds was implemented and the network got congested from all the people who were waiting to mix their coins for the first time. IIRC the fees were bumped a bit, or it was suggested that txs would go through faster with a fee - something like that.
Dash's claim is that its anonymous and instant today. This is very misleading if it is actually only anonymous & slow, or only instant & not anonymous.